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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.

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@bmugford …. On the military ?? We will both have to just and see … the verdict will be soon no doubt as the US is headed into unprecedented territory with mandated inoculations and the circumstances with the covid vaccines … I think we will see the decision very soon
Nah, that is more like the command structure of a 3rd world military dictatorship.

You really need to read up a bit on how the military works.

My dad - RIP and his Brother - RIP … did two tour in Vietnam .. my nephew . 2 tours in Afghanistan and 1 tour in Iraq

I have loads of friends who served in Iraq and Afghanistan
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@bmugford …. On the military ?? We will both have to just and see … the verdict will be soon no doubt as the US is headed into unprecedented territory with mandated inoculations and the circumstances with the covid vaccines … I think we will see the decision very soon

But you are just stating things that are not true. It is not unprecedented territory.
Vaccines have been required in the military for decades.

You signed up voluntarily. You agreed to the terms.

They tell you what you need. You get the vaccines. End of story.

My dad - RIP and his Brother - RIP … did two tour in Vietnam .. my nephew . 2 tours in Afghanistan and 1 tour in Iraq

I have loads of friends who served in Iraq and Afghanistan

Yeah, and so do I...and all of them that I am aware of support vaccine requirements, just like every single one of them went through when they served.

I respect anyone who served. At the same time they also need to respect the military itself and their brothers. Refusing to be vaccinated and forcing someone else to take your place is not respect.

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Yeah, and so do I...and all of them that I am aware of support vaccine requirements, just like every single one of them went through when they served.

I respect anyone who served. At the same time they also need to respect the military itself and their brothers. Refusing to be vaccinated and forcing someone else to take your place is not respect.


it’s a wait and see situation … the decision is most likely coming very soon .. we can come back to this when it happens
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The US Supreme Court surprisingly supported the Texas Abortion Law ..

No they didn't. They specifically said they were not ruling on the merits of the case.

They didn't step in because there is no actual lawsuit to rule on.

The law is invalid because -

1.) It blatantly violates Roe v. Wade which is the current law of the US.
2.) It is a law with no legal authority. It cedes state governmental power to private parties, which has also been ruled Unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. Larkin v. Grendel's Den, Inc., 459 U.S. 116 (1982)

If a vigilante actually files a lawsuit they can address the legal merits of it.

The DOJ should step in. Unless Roe v. Wade is overturned, that is the current law of the land. The supremacy clause of the US Constitution supersedes state laws on it.

Article VI, Paragraph 2 of the U.S. Constitution is commonly referred to as the Supremacy Clause. It establishes that the federal constitution, and federal law generally, take precedence over state laws, and even state constitutions.

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No they didn't. They specifically said they were not ruling on the merits of the case.

They didn't step in because there is no actual lawsuit to rule on.

The law is invalid because -

1.) It blatantly violates Roe v. Wade which is the current law of the US.
2.) It is a law with no legal authority. It cedes state governmental power to private parties, which has also been ruled Unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. Larkin v. Grendel's Den, Inc., 459 U.S. 116 (1982)

If a vigilante actually files a lawsuit they can address the legal merits of it.

The DOJ should step in. Unless Roe v. Wade is overturned, that is the current law of the land. The supremacy clause of the US Constitution supersedes state laws on it.

Article VI, Paragraph 2 of the U.S. Constitution is commonly referred to as the Supremacy Clause. It establishes that the federal constitution, and federal law generally, take precedence over state laws, and even state constitutions.


Many states are breaking federal law .. federal law always supersedes state law .. the Fed could bust every state with Marijuana legalization .. Oregon has ALL drugs de criminalized .. cocaine heroine ..Meth … the Fed tries to stay out of States laws ..

In Texas case … Abortion is legal .. morning after pills are legal … you just have to handle within 6 weeks time .. Roe v Wade is alive and well in Texas .. there are no laws on the Federal level being broken
In Texas case … Abortion is legal .. morning after pills are legal … you just have to handle within 6 weeks time .. Roe v Wade is alive and well in Texas .. there are no laws on the Federal level being broken

Again, that is simply not true.

On the first part about weed I agree. There is selective enforcement of laws.
There is no point in having laws if they are not going to be enforced.

Weed needs to be de-criminalized at a federal level.

On a side note, I don't want to go too far off-topic. I will keep further posts to COVID related things.

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I will leave on this note … the un vaccinated are no bigger threat to you or threat to mutation than a vaccinated person .. we all can get all strains of covid .. we all can cause mutation equally .. until a vaccine is made that will refuse covid inception into the body .. vaccinated .. unvaccinated .. there is no difference in spread ratio … the possibility of further mutations
I will leave on this note … the un vaccinated are no bigger threat to you or threat to mutation than a vaccinated person .. we all can get all strains of covid .. we all can cause mutation equally .. until a vaccine is made that will refuse covid inception into the body .. vaccinated .. unvaccinated .. there is no difference in spread ratio … the possibility of further mutations

They are a threat to others who are unvaccinated though at a higher rate, some not by choice such as kids under 12 and the immunocompromised.

The vaccine does mitigate spread, but not fully. It is certainly more so than unvaccinated.

It also indirectly mitigates spread by having less severe symptoms. If you are not coughing as much or as violently, there is less stuff coming out of your mouth that can spread easily.

For instance -

Texas Schools Amass 50,000 Cases And 59 Deaths

Texas schools have amassed more than 50,000 confirmed coronavirus cases in students in just a couple of weeks. More than a dozen school districts have closed temporarily as a result of the disease, and Texas is a leader in child deaths from COVID-19 with 59 as of Sept. 3.

That is not some insignificant amount of people.

Then you have morons like Ron Desantis trying to fight masks in schools like it is the biggest oppression anyone in the history of the world has ever faced as COVID ravages the state.

Wearing a mask is a minor inconvenience.

Having schools open, with so many children who can't be vaccinated yet, and not taking the minor step of wearing masks is ridiculous.

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Imagine being this much of a lowlife scum...

Student whose grandma died of Covid-19 mocked at school board meeting while he advocated for masks

Parents who oppose mask mandates laughed at a Tennessee high-schooler while he spoke about his grandma who died of Covid-19 at a school board meeting.

"I'm worried about my family. If I get Covid, I'm going to bring it to my family. I talk to my grandparents a lot. They're higher risk than me, so I don't want to give them Covid. This time last year, my grandmother, who was a former teacher at the Rutherford County school system, died of Covid because someone wasn't wearing a mask," Grady Knox said at the Rutherford County school board meeting in Murfreesboro on Tuesday.

Knox was then interrupted as laughing could be heard from people surrounding him who were sitting with signs that read "Let our kids smile." An official had to call for quiet and remind them "we're here to act professional."

"This is an avoidable issue, and by not wearing masks in schools, it's irresponsible. We're killing people," Knox said in his remarks.
I notice none of you have ever posted the number of people who have died from the vaccines … have stroke like symptoms and are now bed ridden … have enlarged hearts … blood clots …

I guess none of that matters ?? Those statistics don’t meet you all’s criteria eh ??

If there are #s for it, then post them.

Ivermectin is used in humans to treat round worms and other conditions .. it’s not anything new … it has been around a long time ..

And even though it's been around a long time, more people are poisoning themselves with it.
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Roadmap to freedom unveiled for the fully vaccinated | NSW Government

“I cannot stress enough how important it is for people to get vaccinated – if you have not had both doses of the vaccine by the time we hit the 70 per cent milestone, you will not be able to take advantage of these freedoms,” Ms Berejiklian said.

If there are #s for it, then post them.

And even though it's been around a long time, more people are poisoning themselves with it.

there in lies the problem … there are no numbers that I can find to post … and why is that ?? It’s not complicated ..
… the un vaccinated are no bigger threat to you or threat to mutation than a vaccinated person .. we all can get all strains of covid .. we all can cause mutation equally .. .. vaccinated .. unvaccinated .. there is no difference in spread ratio … the possibility of further mutations

I will leave on this note … the un vaccinated are no bigger threat to you or threat to mutation than a vaccinated person .. we all can get all strains of covid .. we all can cause mutation equally .. until a vaccine is made that will refuse covid inception into the body .. vaccinated .. unvaccinated .. there is no difference in spread ratio … the possibility of further mutations

Let’s compare two populations, each of 10,000 people...

Population 1: 10,000 unvaccinated people. Because the “get sick” rate from Covid was 0.88% for unvaccinated people (original studies), then you’d expect 88 people to get infected out of this population. Let’s conservatively assume a reproductive number of 3, meaning each infected person gets 3 innocent bystanders sick. (This is probably higher than the original variant, but probably lower than Delta).

So, each of these 88 people infects 3 other people, meaning, after one “round”, you’ve got 352 infected people (the original 88 plus 264 new ones). Then 1,408. Then 5,632. Then…well, everyone. Within four “rounds” after the first infection, the entire population is infected.

Population 2: 10,000 vaccinated people. The “get sick” rate among vaccinated people in the original studies was 0.04%. After an initial exposure, you’d expect only 4 infections. Continuing to assume a reproductive number of 3, those 4 infections grow to 16, then 64, and so on. It takes one and a half times as many “rounds” after the first infection to get the entire population sick.

Though both vaccinated and unvaccinated can spread the virus, Population 1 has 10,000 completely susceptible people. Whereas in Population 2 has 10,000 people, who are to some degree, immune.

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there in lies the problem … there are no numbers that I can find to post … and why is that ?? It’s not complicated ..

I'll see if I can turn something up.
Roadmap to freedom unveiled for the fully vaccinated | NSW Government

“I cannot stress enough how important it is for people to get vaccinated – if you have not had both doses of the vaccine by the time we hit the 70 per cent milestone, you will not be able to take advantage of these freedoms,” Ms Berejiklian said.


Ms. Corey .. your government is currently under medical martial law … your powers that be are saying that the people who are not vaccinated when your country hits 70% mark .. will loose all their freedom … do you now feel that your country of Australia has in fact accepted the New World Order invitation and has conceded its previous government????
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Let’s compare two populations, each of 10,000 people...

Population 1: 10,000 unvaccinated people. Because the “get sick” rate from Covid was 0.88% for unvaccinated people (original studies), then you’d expect 88 people to get infected out of this population. Let’s conservatively assume a reproductive number of 3, meaning each infected person gets 3 innocent bystanders sick. (This is probably higher than the original variant, but probably lower than Delta).

So, each of these 88 people infects 3 other people, meaning, after one “round”, you’ve got 352 infected people (the original 88 plus 264 new ones). Then 1,408. Then 5,632. Then…well, everyone. Within four “rounds” after the first infection, the entire population is infected.

Population 2: 10,000 vaccinated people. The “get sick” rate among vaccinated people in the original studies was 0.04%. After an initial exposure, you’d expect only 4 infections. Continuing to assume a reproductive number of 3, those 4 infections grow to 16, then 64, and so on. It takes one and a half times as many “rounds” after the first infection to get the entire population sick.

Though both vaccinated and unvaccinated can spread the virus, Population 1 has 10,000 completely susceptible people. Whereas in Population 2 has 10,000 people, who are to some degree, immune.


do you have Proof … because we are past any .. “Lets Say” … every person that is vaccinated can get every variant of Covid at this time = That is a Fact
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Ms. Corey .. your government is currently under medical martial law … your powers that be are saying that the people who are not vaccinated when your country hits 70% mark .. will loose all their freedom … do you now feel that your country of Australia has in fact accepted the New World Order invitation and has conceded its previous government????



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that is your opinion .. where are facts ?? Not opinions .. reliable facts as well

Tell you what - you show your reliable facts 1st for your claims:

the un vaccinated are no bigger threat to you or threat to mutation than a vaccinated person .. we all can get all strains of covid .. we all can cause mutation equally .. until a vaccine is made that will refuse covid inception into the body .. vaccinated .. unvaccinated .. there is no difference in spread ratio … the possibility of further mutations
Tell you what - you show your reliable facts 1st for your claims:

I say the same to you … show me your reliable facts … we know that vaccinated are getting covid of all variants .. we know that if vaccinated are getting covid of all variants .. they are spreading covid of all variants and can cause covid mutation because of it … you have no argument of rebuttal that the vaccinated aren’t spreading and causing covid mutation just as much as the unvaccinated
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