
news Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.
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It's also obvious to me that Big Pharma is profiting wildly in the fallout. I am not against science, quite the contrary. How can one debate the obvious? We've abandoned reason for profit, and allowed others to dictate how we must live. What kind of freedom is that? Natural medicine and those that promote it are viewed as quacks. Shall I base my life on line graphs or statistics or what? This is my conflict. Of course, most people don't have the luxury to escape from it all, so they hand over their power to the so-called experts without question IMO. I do hope they find a panacea, but in the meantime I am content to wait it out.
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Current Covid19 death numbers as of 8:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post ( If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 1,073,650
United States: 218,685
Brazil: 149,692
South Africa: 17,547
United Kingdom: 42,679
Canada: 9,585
Mexico: 83,507
Russia: 22,454
India: 107,450
Bolivia: 8,262
Japan : 1,616
Indonesia: 11,765
Italy: 36,111
Spain: 32,929
Belgium: 10,151
France: 32,583
Netherlands: 6,544
Chile: 13,220
Philippines: 6,238

Significant new infections reported in the countries below in the last 24 hours.

Russia: 12,846
Ukraine: 5,728
Belgium: 5,385
How can society go on like this? I agree it is a spiritual battle for energy.

I agree...all things can be boiled down to energy and whether or not we choose the right path. This pandemic (along with hurricanes, riots, flat tires, cancer, theft, etc. etc. etc.) all tests us as beings and how we react, how we help, how we share, etc. with our fellow humans and non-humans is the key. Yes, I even believe animals of all types should be treated with compassion and shown respect. As I have said before, I am a Christian but the care of, and love of, another goes beyond religion or lack is essential to ensure we as humans make it forward in time and awareness. To my mind, all things can be broken down to good and evil...right or wrong. This pandemic is showing us more than most of us (myself included) can recognize. We (humans) will make it through this pandemic, just like the others prior, but the damage beyond the immediate and painful loss of loved ones may run deeper than we know. (apologies to all for rambling...I got wound up!)
Netherlands: 6,504 :(

I paid attention to your earlier post (and this one of course) and now I realize that the chart I pull the data from updates at random at the time I update the chart, the infection 'clock' may be reset for a particular part of the planet. I thought this might be happening so I had it grab info from different times and some of the numbers are wildly off and low. From this point on I think I will stop adding those 'top 3' unless and until I can ensure it is more accurate. My apologies to you and those in the Netherlands.
I paid attention to your earlier post (and this one of course) and now I realize that the chart I pull the data from updates at random at the time I update the chart, the infection 'clock' may be reset for a particular part of the planet. I thought this might be happening so I had it grab info from different times and some of the numbers are wildly off and low. From this point on I think I will stop adding those 'top 3' unless and until I can ensure it is more accurate. My apologies to you and those in the Netherlands.
Your data source is quite accurate. shows a very accurate and updated data about the pandemic numbers.
I also check that site when looking for covid-19 stats and numbers.
Your data source is quite accurate. shows a very accurate and updated data about the pandemic numbers.
I also check that site when looking for covid-19 stats and numbers.

Yes, I think it is more accurate and up to date than any other I have seen.

But I have a couple screen grabs from late night from a couple days ago (I am EST) and the daily new case numbers can be quite different, and sometimes much higher, than when I do the 8 am EST grab. I will take a look at it tonight live and see what it shows...if you have the chance to do the same at some point, I would appreciate knowing what you find and/or conclusions you might have. (I will look later for another source of daily cases as well and see if those numbers 'jive'.
Yes, I think it is more accurate and up to date than any other I have seen.

But I have a couple screen grabs from late night from a couple days ago (I am EST) and the daily new case numbers can be quite different, and sometimes much higher, than when I do the 8 am EST grab. I will take a look at it tonight live and see what it shows...if you have the chance to do the same at some point, I would appreciate knowing what you find and/or conclusions you might have. (I will look later for another source of daily cases as well and see if those numbers 'jive'.
They take the data from the best data sources from every country. Different countries report data at different day times. But they are quite serious and update the data as soon as they get it.

From their site:

How we work

We collect and process data around the clock, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Multiple updates per minute are performed on average by our team of analysts and researchers who validate the data from an ever-growing list of over 5,000 sources under the constant solicitation of users who alert us as soon as an official announcement is made anywhere around the world.

Sources and Methods

Our sources include Official Websites of Ministries of Health or other Government Institutions and Government authorities' social media accounts. Because national aggregates often lag behind the regional and local health departments' data, part of our work consists in monitoring thousands of daily reports released by local authorities. Our multilingual team also monitors press briefings' live streams throughout the day. Occasionally, we can use a selection of leading and trusted news wires with a proven history of accuracy in communicating the data reported by Governments in live press conferences before it is published on the Official Websites.
I paid attention to your earlier post (and this one of course) and now I realize that the chart I pull the data from updates at random at the time I update the chart, the infection 'clock' may be reset for a particular part of the planet. I thought this might be happening so I had it grab info from different times and some of the numbers are wildly off and low. From this point on I think I will stop adding those 'top 3' unless and until I can ensure it is more accurate. My apologies to you and those in the Netherlands.

No need for an apology. I appreciate the effort of keeping us all updated with these numbers. It wasn't to criticize you, just some additional info.

The new daily infections were published like 10 minutes before I posted them here so no way for you to have those numbers already.
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Even with highly suspect :peeking: data collection to puff numbers higher.....

This figure is still substantially less than annual flu-related deaths in the Netherlands....

No it's not. It has to do with how they calculate the number of influenza related death. That's and estimate they calculate by using the exess mortality number.

With covid they use the actual confirmed number of deaths where the main cause of death is known to be covid. That's without even adding the mortality number where covid 'merely' contributed to the death of a patient.

Given these numbers you can imagine that without any restrictions, lockdowns etc it would have been disastrous.

Anyway, we can debate about this all day long but I don't think this thread was created to discuss the rights and wrongs of safety measures, lockdowns etc. It was created to inform us all about numbers reported globally. Let's just stick to that and leave everything else for another thread, another time.
No it's not. It has to do with how they calculate the number of influenza related death. That's and estimate they calculate by using the exess mortality number.

With covid they use the actual confirmed number of deaths where the main cause of death is known to be covid. That's without even adding the mortality number where covid 'merely' contributed to the death of a patient.

Given these numbers you can imagine that without any restrictions, lockdowns etc it would have been disastrous.

Anyway, we can debate about this all day long but I don't think this thread was created to discuss the rights and wrongs of safety measures, lockdowns etc. It was created to inform us all about numbers reported globally. Let's just stick to that and leave everything else for another thread, another time.

Deaths are being relabeled. I feel you are attuned enough to the frequency of rationalization to know this?
i.e. Grandma with cancer, diabetes and parkinsons who died @ 92 because she tested positive for covid is labeled a covid death. Thousands of doctors are reporting this and it's even directly in the language from public health officials that covid deaths only mean there is a label not cause of.....

Senator Scott Jensen MD shares some of this truth with the world here . . .

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Scientists say coronavirus can persist for 4-week on banknotes

The new coronavirus may remain infectious for weeks on banknotes, glass and other common surfaces, according to research by Australia’s top biosecurity laboratory that highlights risks from paper currency, touchscreen devices and grab handles and rails.
Current Covid19 death numbers as of 1:00 PM EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post ( If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 1,079,279
United States: 219,378
Brazil: 150,338
South Africa: 17,673
United Kingdom: 42,825
Canada: 9,612
Mexico: 83,642
Russia: 22,597
India: 108,523
Bolivia: 8,292
Japan : 1,627
Indonesia: 11,844
Italy: 36,166
Spain: 32,929
Belgium: 10,175
France: 32,637
Netherlands: 6,584
Chile: 13,318
Philippines: 6,321
Almost 4,000,000 deaths caused by smoking . . .
Almost 2,000,000 deaths caused by alcohol . . .

And over 33,000,000 deaths caused by willfully killing babies...
The Eugenicsts and the Gates family surely are quite proud of this one!
(Gates Sr = Founding member of Planned Parenthood)

I would be nice if we had both an agree & disagree option, I agree on the first point and disagree on the second (brings down my vibe hearing about dead babies - a little too far fetched) IMO, sensationizing often leads to problems in accepting other more rational, palatable suggestions. Gates realizes that one of the major problems in the developing world is food & water shortage, and having more mouths to feed only exacerbates this. In developed nations, education has actually lowered the birth rate to a sustainable number ie. Japan. Therefore I ask, is Covid a virus of humans, or has human overpopulation become a virus on Earth?

Deaths are being relabeled. I feel you are attuned enough to the frequency of rationalization to know this?
i.e. Grandma with cancer, diabetes and parkinsons who died @ 92 because she tested positive for covid is labeled a covid death. Thousands of doctors are reporting this and it's even directly in the language from public health officials that covid deaths only mean there is a label not cause of.....
Senator Scott Jensen MD shares some of this truth with the world here . . .

This scenario is on the other end of the spectrum. With development of medicine (ie. vaccines) life expectancy has risen, mostly in the developed world ie. Japan (again), which leads to greater demand for resources beyond the tipping point of sustainability (although Japan seems to have found an equilibrium). Those old enough may have seen the movie, Soylent Green, as well as other sci-fi releases which deal with age capping. In traditional societies, it is the natural order - when it is time, weak and/or old that are no longer productive to the tribe - die. However, people today can be very productive well into their 90's, and who of us truly has the right to play God?

Yet, with Earth overpopulation looming on the horizon and the potential inability to sustain numbers (based on present consumption), is this plague merely a correction? The answer to this, perhaps, is not very politically correct.
Gates realizes that one of the major problems in the developing world is food & water shortage, and having more mouths to feed only exacerbates this.

Overpopulation is a farce.
This Psy-Op is utilized to program the masses into accepting Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. This also yields false credibility to the Georgia Guidestones that erroneously asserts the world must have only around half of a billion people in order to peacefully exist.

Gates is one of the kingpins of the New World Order cabal.

40% - 50% of the food in the world gets wasted.

We have a distribution problem - not a supply problem.

I applaud your mind and its tenacity to break free from the matrix of delusion, scarcity and finite beliefs. Your heart knows the truth while it appears your brain is still rationalizing belief structures built on false predicates.

I see you are an the cusp of breaking free of the parasitic satanic mind control matrix that thrives on ignorance and fear and ultimately shrinks our ability to maintain homeostatic function.

Your statement reads to me like you agree with the Eugenicist propaganda and I understand it's not fun to admit to yourself that tens of millions of babies are murdered every year - nor do you want to hear the fact that aborted fetal tissue is indeed inside many vaccines.

Infinite Love Wins

Finite Mind Control Propaganda Loses.

Wholeness and Optimism.
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nor do you want to hear the fact that aborted fetal tissue is indeed inside many vaccines.

Correct indeed. As is the case with the cocktail of antibodies used on Trump. They used cells from an aborted (Dutch) embryo.
@Compassion Thanks for the 'un-reality' check, duly noted, but as has been pointed out earlier - this is not a debate thread.

I was stretching (at least trying to keep within parameters of a reasonable norm and on topic)...there are times, though we may not always agree, we still have to play by the rules.
@Compassion Thanks for the 'un-reality' check, duly noted, but as has been pointed out earlier - this is not a debate thread.

I was stretching (at least trying to keep within parameters of a reasonable norm and on topic)...there are times, though we may not always agree, we still have to play by the rules.

I feel my posts are branched to the root topics of "Coronavirus updates and news"

What we are all experiencing is the beginning of the attempt to rapidly restructure the world. This has been planned for many decades.

How else would a small group of people be able to to restructure the world quickly? ....but to divide the masses mentally, lock them in their houses, get them afraid of each other and get them to willfully wear masks over their mouths!

This is a satanic ritual being played on the world in an attempt to close out an age and usher in a new one.

Genius if you ask me - The people responsible for what we are all enduring are geniuses - evil geniuses.

If I see people touting Gates as a humanitarian savior who actually cares about us, I must do my best to calmly direct us to the fact that Gates is the opposite of a humanitarian savior.
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We need deconstructionists, it add spice to life, but just don't add too much hot sauce, ok @Compassion (y)
Bacteriophages Used for Accelerated Therapeutic Antibody Production Against Covid Virus

Despite the fact that bacteriophages' potential to fight bacterial infections has only recently been rediscovered, they were successfully used as tools at the molecular level, leading to Nobel Prize awards.

There are two main ways that bacteriophages could be used to decrease the mortality rate of the Covid-19 pandemic. They can be used to decrease the population of bacteria in a patient's respiratory system and/or bacteriophage display techniques can be used to efficiently manufacture synthetic antibodies against SARS-CoV-2.
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Favipiravir at high doses has potent antiviral activity in SARS-CoV-2−infected hamsters, whereas hydroxychloroquine lacks activity

Our data on hydroxychloroquine (together with previous reports in macaques and ferrets) thus provide no scientific basis for the use of this drug in COVID-19 patients. In contrast, the results with favipiravir demonstrate that an antiviral drug at nontoxic doses exhibits a marked protective effect against SARS-CoV-2 in a small animal model. Clinical studies are required to assess whether a similar antiviral effect is achievable in humans without toxic effects.
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It would be expected that some studies would not be able to get positive results for a drug
that helped Covid-19 Patients. The studies could be using insufficient
doses, or treating patients at a stage of the disease where it was not useful, or as in this case,
treating hamsters. However, for some time hydroxychloroquine was the preferred treatment
that doctors used for Covid-patients. And as this list of Covid-19 studies shows, most studies
showed good results for Covid-19 patients.
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