
news Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.

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Wonders if everything will be shut down in a couple months time?

Public events, amusement parks, universities, galleries, restaurants, hotels...the list is endless.

My GUESS, having followed this since January......

We'll reach that point in the US very soon, likely starting somewhere as soon as this week. Not everywhere at once, but various cities and/or states will go into some form of a "lockdown" (though with a much gentler name), as their specific case loads demand. Once one or two go this route, it'll be a bit easier for other localities to do the same. Some areas may be proactive, and some will be (in a sense) "too late" (as in, hospitals already overrun). Right now, no one wants to go first, for obvious reasons (the backlash will be fierce). NYC is testing the waters now with their 1-mile "containment zone", and I expect they'll expand that in a few days (could certainly be wrong!)


My suspicion is that the only way to actually stop this in a timely manner would be FULL-SCALE LOCKDOWNS that prevent people from being in public without protective gear (and even then, interactions must be very limited).

- Problem #1: we don't have the gear for this. We don't even have nearly enough gear for medical workers.
- Problem #2: many, many [armed] citizens won't go for it, even if we did have the gear to distribute.

- Potential solution: forced lockdowns, with severe consequences for noncompliance. Everyone must stay home for 2-3 weeks, except for medical workers, military, and law enforcement. Food/water/prescriptions to be delivered by the National Guard, military, and/or some other quickly-hired workforce (to be housed in, say, local college dorms, event centers, etc). Still, see #2 above; half the country thinks this is a hoax, or at minimum, way overblown (news flash: it's not).


If we try a PARTIAL "LOCKDOWN" (aka, travel restricted between cities, but people are still allowed to "go about their lives" locally, as in Italy), I expect people will simply pass the virus around to each other for months on end -- which still overloads our hospitals (which is basically the main problem to begin with). If we had enough face masks and other protective gear to go around (we don't), this might work, assuming strong compliance is attained.


If we simply loosely RESTRICT various activities, such as school, big events, etc, the virus will just keep spreading (unless eventually we get lucky with the "warm weather" theory) and hospitals will still be overrun (and even faster than under the Partial Lockdown above).


If we basically DO NOTHING (as is the current situation), hospitals will quickly be overrun -- with disastrous consequences. Many, many deaths.


So, unfortunately, at the end of the day, I think something like the "potential solution" above may be the "only way". Will something like that actually be implemented? I'm skeptical, considering who's in charge, particularly with it being an election year. But as more countries make similar moves, it could make it somewhat more likely here.


Obviously, I hope I'm wrong, and y'all can make fun of me when this all blows over.

Anyone have any better solutions?
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My guess, having been following this since January......

We'll reach that point in the US very soon, likely starting somewhere as soon as this week. Not everywhere at once, but various cities and/or states will go into some form of a "lockdown" (though with a much gentler name), as their specific case loads demand. Once one or two go this route, it'll be far easier for other localities to do the same. Some areas may be proactive, and some will be too late. Right now, no one wants to go first, for obvious reasons (the backlash will be fierce). NYC is testing the waters now with their 1-mile "containment zone", and I expect they'll expand that in a few days.


My suspicion is that the only way to actually stop this in a timely manner would be FULL-SCALE LOCKDOWNS that prevent people from being in public without protective gear (and even then, interactions must be very limited).

- Problem #1: we don't have the gear for this. We don't even have nearly enough gear for medical workers.
- Problem #2: many, many citizens won't go for it, even if we did have the gear to distribute.

- Potential solution: forced lockdowns, with severe consequences for noncompliance. Everyone must stay home for 2-3 weeks, except for medical workers, military, and law enforcement. Food/water/prescriptions to be delivered by the National Guard, military, and/or some other quickly-hired workforce (to be housed in, say, local college dorms, event centers, etc). Still, see #2 above; half the country thinks this is a hoax, or at minimum, way overblown (news flash: it's not).


If we try a PARTIAL "LOCKDOWN" (aka, travel restricted between cities, but people are still allowed to "go about their lives" locally, as in Italy), I expect people will simply pass the virus around to each other for months on end -- which still overloads our hospitals (which is basically the main problem to begin with). If we had enough face masks and other protective gear to go around (we don't), this might work, assuming strong compliance is attained.


If we simply loosely RESTRICT various activities, such as school, big events, etc, the virus will just keep spreading (unless eventually we get lucky with the "warm weather" theory) and hospitals will still be overrun (and even faster than under the Partial Lockdown above).


If we basically DO NOTHING (as is the current situation), hospitals will quickly be overrun -- with disastrous consequences.


So, unfortunately, at the end of the day, I think something like the "potential solution" above may be the "only way". Will something like that actually be implemented? I'm skeptical, considering who's in charge.


Obviously, I hope I'm wrong. Anyone have any better solutions?

I agree, It is unfortunate that we will most likely have to be quarantined, most likely by government order because too many people wont comply if it is voluntary, Once a national emergency is declared by the president, i would expect the government order of quarantine to be explained on TV then put into force.
Once a national emergency is declared by the president, i would expect the government order of quarantine to be explained on TV then put into force.

Easier to just text everyone with that Presidential Alert system..... then make a few TV appearances here and there talking about the great progress [hopefully actually] being made. "Stay strong! This will be over soon!"

While they're at it, might as well shut down the internet and tv networks....... well, except Fox of course..... maybe Netflix is we're lucky.

(FYI this post is made in jest...... though nothing would surprise me at this point. Maybe I shouldn't be giving them ideas :xf.wink:)
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Easier to just text everyone with that Presidential Alert system.

That could happen, but shit like that freaks me out, hopefully we will be able to go into a peaceful quarantine with out to much drama and bull shit if we end up having to quarantine which it is looking like we will at this time.

I hope it is just a two week quarantine, 3 weeks max, but we have to do what is best to get rid of this virus.
Btw added a disclaimer to my previous post, was said mostly in jest, though again these are strange times so ya never know.

At the end of the day, there's TRULY no reason for ANYONE to freak out, panic, etc, no matter where you are. I'm just sharing my thoughts going through potential solutions. A 2-3 week quarantine would NOT have to be a bad experience, if it were to come down to that. Personally, I would welcome it, since I see it as a viable solution. It would "appear" that China has got this under control with mass quarantine, and now Italy is trying their own version of it.

For anyone particularly concerned, you can very, very likely just ride this out quite comfortably & peacefully at home (if you're able to with work). If you're worried, or in the more "vulnerable" population, simply get the necessities (hopefully including a pack of TP, lol) and if feasible with your work situation, stay at home as much as possible over the next couple weeks. Tune out of the media & even this thread, if you find yourself worrying too much (worry helps nothing and truly makes things worse). Be productive around the house, pick up a new hobby, read some good books, whatever! Civilization has faced FAR more significant challenges than this.
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Btw added a disclaimer to my previous post, was said mostly in jest, though again these are strange times so ya never know.

At the end of the day, there's TRULY no reason for ANYONE to freak out, panic, etc. I'm just sharing my thoughts going through potential solutions. A 2-3 week quarantine would NOT have to be a bad experience, if it were to come down to that. Personally, I would welcome it, since I see it as a viable solution. It would "appear" that China has got this under control with mass quarantine.

For anyone particularly concerned, you can very likely just ride this out quite comfortably & peacefully at home. If you're worried, or in the more "vulnerable" population, just get the necessities (hopefully including TP, lol) and if feasible with your work situation, stay at home as much as possible over the next couple weeks. Tune out of the media & even this thread. Be productive around the house, pick up a new hobby, read some good books, whatever!

Yep, TP is going to be vital lol, I bought 7 bottles of 750ml liquor as well, whiskey and tequila , whisky to sleep well, tequila in case i get sicK + TP

you are right, panic and freaking is not necessary, there is no place like home, just chill and do internet , watch tv, go in the garage and find shit to do, stuff like that until it all passes.
Yep, TP is going to be vital lol, I bought 7 bottles of 750ml liquor as well, whiskey and tequila , whisky to sleep well, tequila in case i get sicK + TP

you are right, panic and freaking is not necessary, there is no place like home, just chill and do internet , watch tv, go in the garage and find sh*t to do, stuff like that until it all passes.

Sounds to me like you'd be all set!! I think the one thing I'm missing now is some extra liquor. Good call! (y)
Sounds to me like you'd be all set!! I think the one thing I'm missing now is some extra liquor. Good call! (y)

we have 18 days of food and water ready to go, + the liquor and TP, we are about as set as we can possibly be i guess, we are prepared for a power outage which is so unlikely to happen, but we got these wind up flash lights at IKEA, wind em up and they last about 1.5 hours per good wind up which only takes about 10 mins to do. they were only 9.99 a piece so we bought 10 of them. plenty of candles , 30 of the small boxes of matches, i think we are good.
In Australia

The most prominent breach reported so far was the case of a man in Tasmania who went to work at a hotel in Hobart the day after he was told to isolate.

It prompted Tasmanian Health Minister Sarah Courtney to declare the Government was considering stronger compliance measures to reduce the risk of people spreading the virus.

Under section 42 of Tasmania's public health act, the maximum fine is $8,400.

That is much less than in other states.

In New South Wales, the state Health Department confirmed breaching an order to isolate carried a maximum penalty of $11,000.

Unlike Tasmania however, the penalty in New South Wales could also involve six months' imprisonment.

In South Australia, the maximum penalty for failing to comply is $25,000.

In Western Australia, those ignoring a public health order face imprisonment of 12 months or a fine of $50,000.

A Queensland Health spokesperson told the ABC all notices issued so far requested affected persons to "voluntarily" isolate themselves but a "handful" of people had had to be reminded of the responsibilities they had agreed to.

"While everyone so far has been cooperative, we are taking this seriously," they said.

^ I think stiff fines (plus perhaps other measures such as forced quarantine) will be quite important in this fight!

we have 18 days of food and water ready to go, + the liquor and TP, we are about as set as we can possibly be i guess, we are prepared for a power outage which is so unlikely to happen, but we got these wind up flash lights at IKEA, wind em up and they last about 1.5 hours per good wind up which only takes about 10 mins to do. they were only 9.99 a piece so we bought 10 of them. plenty of candles , 30 of the small boxes of matches, i think we are good.

For sure brother! The only people with legitimate cause for concern imho really might be those who do ZERO preparation.

Now all we can really do in the meantime is eat well, stay hydrated, stay positive, maybe take some multivitamins if aren't already, and last but not least, make sure we get enough sleep! And on that note, I'm off to bed!
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^ I think stiff fines (plus perhaps other measures such as forced quarantine) will be quite important in this fight!

For sure brother! The only people with legitimate cause for concern imho really might be those who do ZERO preparation.

Now all we can really do in the meantime is eat well, stay hydrated, stay positive, maybe take some multivitamins if aren't already, and last but not least, make sure we get enough sleep! And on that note, I'm off to bed!

Sleep well and take care, talk soon

We have enough food and water to share with our neighbors if need be, we have gotten with our neighbors on each side of us, they are prepared, we all are prepared to help each other if needed, there is an elderly lady who lives alone across the street, we will take care of her and make sure she is taken care of.

I have just a very small amount of anxiety, that due to never have been in such a situation, i think we all are in the boat with that. i don't have any fear though.
[QUOTE="cbd, post: 7671110, member: 1023047"]New Rochelle is “a particular problem,” Cuomo said, adding that “the numbers have been going up, the numbers continue to go up, the numbers are going up unabated.”[/QUOTE]

Glad they’re trying to confine that. Too close to here for comfort. Started with one guy who spread it around,

NY is actually being very proactive.

The first fatality in nj was from my county, but the news hasn’t mentioned much that he already had multiple other health problems, including emphysema and diabetes. If your lungs are compromised to begin with and this attacks them, you’re screwed..

Will be interesting to see how this plays out. The Gov is getting a lot of backlash particularly with regard to Athletics (NCAA March Madness starting soon, NHL & NBA in full swing, MLS & MLB starting, etc).

People can be so stupid. What part of “global public health crisis” do they not understand? This is going to blow up in the next couple of weeks.

Got an email from my health insurance that they’re going to waive copays for testing and going to “cover treatment according to your plan.”

Big of them. You still have to meet your deductible, you still get ripped off if any provider along the way is out of network. You think everyone with a 2-3k deductible is going to jump at the opportunity to pay for testing?

Health and insurance and lack of it in this country sucks.

We should be doing drive through testing for free.
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My suspicion is that the only way to actually stop this in a timely manner would be FULL-SCALE LOCKDOWNS that prevent people from being in public without protective gear (and even then, interactions must be very limited).

Agreed that we need strict quarantines. Though not sure how practical the protective gear part is.

Millions of introverts have waited their entire lives for this.

But seriously, the virus will die out if it has no new hosts to infect. The more we limit interaction the slower it will spread, leaving hospitals better prepared to deal with the influx of cases. “Flatten the curve.”

In parts of Italy they are so overwhelmed that they are forced to make life or death decisions who gets treated, like in a war. We need to learn from Italy’s mistakes or we could face a national catastrophe.
Lots of good and thoughtful input above by cbd, cvorey, enlytend and x and that is helpful as our minds try to work through this.However, after scanning through many emails and texts this am from people I know on the 'front lines' of covid with all the dire information, the part below made me laugh out loud:

Millions of introverts have waited their entire lives for this.

I've got a buddy that lives outside of Atlanta proper, but close enough for a 8 lane highway to go within a mile of his house...you would not know it as no sound or smell reaches his place. He is the oldest true gamer I know...several hard drives and 3 monitors with a chair that looks like it came off the old star ship Enterprise. With the exception of the time that work demands, hes is gaming...sometimes three going on at one time. He is highly intelligent and has prepared for this well, and we have never spoken about this aspect, but there is no doubt he could be quarantined in that room all alone for 3 weeks and happily not miss a beat!
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Total confirmed/announced deaths 4,368 Total confirmed/announced deaths in US 23

Something this morning compelled me, for the first time, to start looking at the global and local death rate(s) in detail. Hopefully active posters and those watching this thread from outside the US (or have family in another country) will add the statistic that is important to them. Listing every country would take too much space and may not be relative to anyone posting/reading on namepros. If I cant update the number daily in the morning (EST) hopefully someone else will compile the info and make a post. It will be a happy day for us all once we see the trend going downward. The format below is one I will start using to allow as much space as possible:

Total: US: Australia: (etc)

Just a couple tidbits/news that are relevant to my area that came in from email/texts in the last several hours while my body (and mind) was resting:

1) In a designated area at back of an International airport in my area, several 'tents' have gone up.

2) Another truck filled with pallets dropped of gear at the storage area of my community. This time I was told point blank it is for use if/when a quarantine is ordered (lights, cones, signs, etc).

3) Many area 'rest' homes have fully restricted all visitors with the exception of a resident in hospice status...in the event family wishes to visit, the person will be taken to an isolated room and after the visit, the room will be fully sanitized. The visitors must wear protective gear entering and leaving the facility.

4) Two urgent care centers I passed this morning had filled parking lots and one had a triage nurse in a disposable suit, mask, face shield and gloves 'checking' people in outside the entrance door.

The top two are likely the result of a statewide emergency being announced recently in my state (funds, labor, etc) and not due to a sudden change in area cases. I've gotten more info, but can't confirm anything so I will wait until/unless I can before I post.

The article below is decent with a condensed timeline of the spread with map/graph etc. There is a clickable list of states so you can check info re cases in your area.

Coronavirus map: Tracking the spread in the US and around the world

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Total confirmed/announced deaths 4,368 Total confirmed/announced deaths in US 23

Coronavirus map: Tracking the spread in the US and around the world


Even in that ABC article it emphasizes:

"Despite the growing number of lab-confirmed cases in the U.S., the figures pale in comparison, for instance, to the seasonal flu, which kills an estimated 12,000 to 61,000 people per year and affects between 9 million and 45 million people in the country alone, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)."

Long discussions about this going on at the campus of the best Chinese/Eastern Med school in California, I may tidy it all up and put it on website and share it here....

Essentially Chinese medicine is working very well in China and they have this far more under control than the media may lead us to believe.

If your immune system is strong and you have the right medicine/herbs you'll be fine, as we know the people that are vulnerable are those who already are immunocompromised and the elderly.

Good to stock up, quarantine likely coming for many....

In fact the local UC school here just went virtual for their finals in Winter quarter and upcoming classes through April....
World Health Organization says it's seeing "alarming levels of inaction"

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said during a press briefing today that the agency is "deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction” when he said the novel coronavirus outbreak is a pandemic.

He added: “We cannot say this loudly enough, or clearly enough, or often enough: All countries can still change the course of this pandemic."
White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations

The meetings at HHS were held in a secure area called a “Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Facility,” or SCIF, according to the administration officials.

SCIFs are usually reserved for intelligence and military operations. Ordinary cell phones and computers can’t be brought into the chambers. HHS has SCIFs because theoretically it would play a major role in biowarfare or chemical attacks.

A high-level former official who helped address public health outbreaks in the George W. Bush administration said “it’s not normal to classify discussions about a response to a public health crisis.”
Good for Colorado. Some states seem to be stepping up and handling this well even if the federal government is not.

More on the pandemic declaration:
WHO declares virus crisis a pandemic, urges world to fight

. “We are deeply concerned by the alarming levels of spread and severity and by the alarming levels of inaction.”

The numbers by country in that article are very disconcerting, given the relative population of the US.

Having those meetings classified is also very concerning, given that some experts on this sort of situation didn’t have clearance and were unable to attend. Bad enough our pandemic response team and a lot of the CDC was cut two years ago creating a shortage of much needed manpower and expertise in the current situation. Lack of transparency and a CYA government attitude is the last thing we need!
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