
question What made you want to be a domainer?

Spaceship Spaceship


Domain InvestmentsTop Member
Tell us why you got interested in domains and what made you join the forum.
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Well, Ive been on and off domaining since maybe 14 years old... Im 32 now... Im not the most skilled and im definetly not the most driven... But I have managed to create a little niche that works for me...

Esentially -> back in the days when the internet was still in its infancy me and some buddys from online just always loved to experiment with various sites / scripts / hosting servers and those are the types of "hobbys" that never really leave you , because let be honest the highschool cheerleader is rarely getting into website creation , so obviously it's the path that I was destined for... Anyhow i remember Buying and selling a few sites, but then realized that I can also buy and sell the domain itself... I have a lot of different things going at once, so domaining is perfect for me...

You can pick it up and drop it as your time allows... You dont need to be there 24/7 checking names and such if you dont want to ... you can put a couple hours in here and there, and the fact that it's yearly subscription is perfect for the types of investments I like to make...

Anyhow my personal strategy is solely based on handreg quality names and offering then for cheap / flat rate ... The tradeoff here is I dont ever get the huge trades... But it's the niche i enjoy =)
I was running an online business (unsuccessfully, bit of a waste), and needed a domain for that business. Bought one through GoDaddy...maybe even NameCheap...can't remember. Played with the site builder...enjoyed the process of inventing a "thing". Wasn't thinking about domains from a buy / sell point of view back then, nor do I see it that way now...more keen on developing. Joined the forum to network, and to ultimately know things that I may not otherwise know
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I was running an online business (unsuccessfully, bit of a waste), and needed a domain for that business. Bought one through GoDaddy...maybe even NameCheap...can't remember. Played with the site builder...enjoyed the process of inventing a "thing". Wasn't thinking about domains from a buy / sell point of view back then, nor do I see it that way now...more keen on developing. Joined the forum to network, and to ultimately know things that I may not otherwise know
Developing is the way my man!!!

I just started at a an official capacity about a year ago or so and it is the bomb...
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I joined domaining so I can have a solid retirement plan. I believe domaining done successfully over a long period of time is a cheap form of investment with great returns. Building that passively while doing other things can fetch you a fortune in the long run.
Easy peasy stress free money making hobby
The thing that got me interested in domains, is the value it brings to business, convenience of work and a potential side income.
I was running an online business (unsuccessfully, bit of a waste), and needed a domain for that business. Bought one through GoDaddy...maybe even NameCheap...can't remember. Played with the site builder...enjoyed the process of inventing a "thing". Wasn't thinking about domains from a buy / sell point of view back then, nor do I see it that way now...more keen on developing. Joined the forum to network, and to ultimately know things that I may not otherwise know

Pretty much the same reason for me. I started more down the affiliate marketing path before I started focusing more on domain name acquisitions as investments. I did well for awhile, but I let it get off the rails and stretched myself too thin with purchases, too many niches, etc.

Then, I had a couple of offers for domain names that I used to build new affiliate websites on top of for a couple of $xxx sales. It had my curiosity with a domain I owned(two-word adult brandable that would make some people blush.) Didn't make a dime with it, but I ended up with a profit from that when I randomly received an offer for way more than I paid for it.

The one that made me look at domaining seriously was for a site that listed embassy info from around the world to monitize with Adsense. Didn't make more than a $1-2 with it for the whole year, even with spikes of traffic. Took me by surprise when someone else came to me with a decent offer and I broke even from the purchase. I wondered to myself, "Why in the hell would they want this? Sure, it's got great SEO value, but the visitors weren't helping line up my pockets!" I probably should have asked for more, but I didn't know any better. I just told myself to sell it and recoup my losses, but it pretty much lead me to want to learn more about the aftermarket.

Now? I very rarely focus on building websites and focus more on reselling domain names cause the affiliate marketing world can get kind of wonky. Programs get shut down, slash commissions, bad actors that don't pay out or a million other reasons. Add in the fact that with Google algo changes, it just became a tiring game when it was mostly me doing all the heavy lifting from writing articles, building backlinks, creating sites from either scratch or with Wordpress, and everything else in between. It was miserable. I wish I would have started domaining from the beginning, but I am glad for the path I took cause it lead me here.
Being able to work out of a laptop, so I can travel the world
1. Money
2. Remote work
3. Access to every business & commerce industry in existence.
4. Having skin in the game in many industries outside prior knowledge and experience
5. Being my own boss
1. Money
2. Remote work
3. Access to every business & commerce industry in existence.
4. Having skin in the game in many industries outside prior knowledge and experience
5. Being my own boss

That's a good list. I agree with all of those.

I have always been entrepreneurial and enjoy things outside the normal path.

In general, it is also a field that is great if you like learning new things.

First step: Well, let's search a way to make easy money!
Second step: How to make money?
Third step: How to survive?
Forth step: How to make more money?
Fifth step: I am still exploring.

Unfortunately, for me domains is a side job, a gig. If one day it becomes my main job, I would be happy, because I like investing to domains and trading. It's hard to reach this, but never say never. I like remote business too as others say. It fits to my profile.
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I like words. and two word terms.
I guess 99.9% of those who became domainers, because it's an 'easy job' and you make 'easy money' miserably failed.

I became a domainer because I have been working in Marketing for many years, I'm good with words and I like remote work.
When I was out of work about 12 years ago I searched "how to make money on line" and the top result was a story about a kid (literally) who was making 100s of dollars a week through domain parking. From there I bought a couple of names and went on to never make a cent from parking. The rest is history.
Well it started out when mates were getting involved in it. We only started with a few to begin with. Next thing you know 25 years have passed i am and still doing it and only just used a moment ago to build a make shift home as needed a landing. I am in a program that assists with these issues. And can improve my landing so that has some self worth. I just want to help others as run programs to assist in issues such as these.
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It is an investment as long as you are patient enough as it is long term.
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