
Buyer pays but doesn't get the domain

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
Buyer pays.
Doesn't make any effort to get the domain they "bought".
Wait wait wait, nothing happnes.
And marketplaces don't pay us, because buyer didn't get the domain.

Both Sedo and Afternic does this.

In such a case the marketplace should take the domain.
I'm ready to push it.
Sometimes domains can't be transferred to another registrar.
Then what will happen: cancel the transaction?

Very annoying.
Sedo and Afternic need a serious competitor.
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I don't understand this thread...
No any problems to push the domain into Sedo hands, they have accounts with all major registrars.
I'm ready to push it.
So send this message to your transfer manager on Sedo (open transaction and post your comment there).
Main problem with these two is that buyers don't pay, and we are not given useful stats, and we can't know if offers are real, but I mention another problem here. I think Sedo is slightly better in this sense, I mean handling the part after the payment is made. I was assuming once payment is made all the rest will go smoothly, but no , we may have to wait for 60 days, because domain is fresh , or marketplace doesn't want push.
Buyer or any other factors - don't matter at all.
If Sedo has account at your registrar - you can push it... They are always ready to get it.
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There must be a rule like this:
Your money will be sent within 7 days after the buyer makes the payment, if you do your best; even if the buyer dies, or ignores everything.
I feel having to wait for 60 days, and cancelling transactions are among possible scenarios.

Sedo doesn't take push if they don't want to.

As I understand, the same is the case with Afternic. Afternic says, we take push if the buyer accepts it. But do they ask the buyer: they dont answer this question (or they are just slow). Even if the buyer doesn't respond, they whould take the domain, and do authcode transfer later from their own account (which is not possible in the first 60 days, but they should take domain via push anyway). What is their plan: The buyer will get the domain at Godaddy, so they will renew it at Godaddy, so why accept push! This plan doesn't make sense at all. But all alternatives also don't make any sense either. Get the domain via push, and then do whatever, it is your problem. I do my part correctly and very fast, and you have the money. Why am I waiting. When I wait it is not to your advantage either, you don't work less or make more money because I wait more.

But if possible, and if the buyer is not ignorant, then domain transfer can be done from seller to buyer directly using authcode (and in this case, we have to wait for verification from buyer, that they got the domain).


And for this reason I consider transactions very risky.
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What TLD?
Verisign doesn't set "60 days" lock a few years already.
Only internal policy of your registrar can block the transfer-out.
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Sedo doesn't take push if they don't want to.
For 11+ years I never had any denial from Sedo, when push was technically possible.
This thread has nothing to do with reality, at least for Sedo.

Regarding GD/Afternic - I don't use them.
So I don't know.
They say, we don't have an account.. Then create one, as if it is a difficult thing..
But looks like, they will require authcode transfer to their own account elsewhere at the end.
No, if transfer - it goes directly to the buyer.
Except rare scenario when Sedo acts on behalf of the buyer.
What TLD?
Verisign doesn't set "60 days" lock a few years already.
Only internal policy of your registrar can block the transfer-out.

Interesting. Yes at Afternic 60 days was the problem when transferring a .com domain. Authcode transfer didn't work. And AN suspected that domain was locked, but this was not the case. Now considering push option (I consider it, but not sure if they also really do).
Porkbun (Sedo case), Epik (AN case).
Create your escrow account at
This US registrar is from category "MUST HAVE"... Many domainers use it, especially for nTLDs.
No, if transfer - it goes directly to the buyer.
Except rare scenario when Sedo acts on behalf of the buyer.

Strangely they prefer transfer first push later , to, push first transfer later, this time.
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