
question $500 Offer... Should I take it?

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
I have Geo Sperm Bank ( domain name with an offer of $500 straight out after outbound.

What do you think it would be worth based on this niche?
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Sure, I once sold a similar domain name for $999 and so, I know why I didn't accept the $500 and I also didn't want what happened to the author in the link I shared above to happen to me by accepting first offer.
Well, there is no best way if doing it. They both have pros and cons. A little counter offer can spoil a deal you know?
Well, there is no best way if doing it. They both have pros and cons. A little counter offer can spoil a deal you know?

It depends... just know when not to cross the line. I would know when to take an offer and when to counter.
I just want to let everybody know that I was able to get him to $700 and also received an inquiry from another company just yesterday for same name.

Great.. Good Luck man
I just want to let everybody know that I was able to get him to $700 and also received an inquiry from another company just yesterday for same name.

Congrats bro! Did you include price in first email or a simple would you be interested thing?
Congrats bro! Did you include price in first email or a simple would you be interested thing?
I asked for an offer if they were interested...

one guy replied with $500 straight out and he delayed my reply to that offer for 4 days and I didn't budge either. Another company replied me while i was waiting for the $500 guy and now we have a bidding war at hand. currently at $800.

Patience... Patience
My counter is not firm... besides, i ended it with an open ended question.

I think spermbanks need things to be firm, I'm sure they prefer things to end with a deposit instead of an open ended question :ROFL:... sorry that was too tempting :xf.grin:
I think spermbanks need things to be firm, I'm sure they prefer things to end with a deposit instead of an open ended question :ROFL:... sorry that was too tempting :xf.grin:
lmaoo... oh well, we are using Sedo to proceed.
While on a vacation in Greece or Turkey, merchants would stand in front of their stores, and offer you their merchandise - leather clothes, souvenirs... etc. and while they will name a price, you MUST haggle with them because if you accept the first price they may consider you have a bad taste for that merchandise and WILL NOT TRADE with you. For them, it is the thrill of making a deal, where you have to ask for a lower price and then they may give a medium offer or even agree to your very low offer.

Btw, I'm glad you closed a profitable deal.
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