
poll Would you take the Covid Vaccine when it becomes available

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Are you willing to get vaccinated for Covid

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  • Yes but only if required by my employer

  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.


SaveThyWorld.com Let's not leave anyone behindTop Member
The only way to end this Pandemic is if the majority of the people around the World get vaccinated.

It's amazing that several vaccines have already been developed in record time and thus far they all show very good results as far as creating some level of immunity against Covid19 without causing any major side effects and supposedly even if those who have been vaccinated come down with the disease it won't be at the more severe levels that require hospitalization.

There are many companies that are working on the vaccine although the top contenders currently are Moderna, Pfizer, and AstraZeneca:


I personally would be first in line to get the vaccine as I am in the older category with some history of heart problems and although I believe that everyone should be free to make their own choices, but this will only be effective in stopping the Pandemic if the majority of the people (like over 80% or so) get vaccinated.

Please do your own research about the vaccines and indicate your choice in the poll (visible to all) and post any justification for your decision as to whether you are going to get the vaccine or not below.


Thread rules: everyone is invited to participate as long as things are kept on topic and are on the constructive, professional, and respectful side.

If you provide a link to anything make sure that it pertains to the subject of this thread and give a brief description as to what it is about, and if you are just expressing your own personal opinion make sure to put IMO an the end of your comment (In My Opinion).
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Just realized, keeping these 2 charts together (as on the CDC site) will help better see the stats:

Look at where most of the "new cases" are compared to the mortality - visual compares are usually helpful to me, so wanted to pass along.

Has all the information in this thread made it possible for you to make a more informed decision as to whether you want to get the Covid Vaccine or not.

I personally believe that I am better off getting the vaccine and am willing to accept the small chance of having an allergic reaction.

I still believe that getting the Covid Vaccines by the majority of the population around the World (at least 70%) is our only chance to create a Global herd immunity against the virus and thus being able to bring this Pandemic to an end.

What Is the World Doing to Distribute COVID-19 Vaccines?

" When most of a population has been vaccinated and is immune to a particular disease, even those who are not immune are considered protected because the likelihood of an outbreak is small. This is known as herd immunity. Chickenpox, measles, mumps, and polio are all examples of diseases for which the United States has achieved herd immunity due to vaccines. Scientists are divided about how much of a population must have COVID-19 antibodies to prevent new outbreaks, with estimates ranging from less than half to over 80 percent. "

Council on Foreign Relations:
When most of a population has been vaccinated and is immune to a particular disease, even those who are not immune are considered protected because the likelihood of an outbreak is small.

Personally, I will take it a bit later (assuming concern for myself only, would take sooner if needed to protect someone else - elderly parent, etc.)

But, would a 99% recovery rate (per. the CDC) indicate "herd immunity"? Do we have another other illnesses of any kind that has a 99% (untreated in most cases) recovery rate - that shuts the world & requires vaccination?

Not sure how much more protected anyone could be with a 99% chance of not dying?

I dont know, again not a Dr., but this just seems pretty out of the norm - based on what we can read about prior pandemics?
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But, would a 99% recovery rate (per. the CDC) indicate "herd immunity"? Do we have another other illnesses of any kind that has a 99% (untreated in most cases) recovery rate - that shuts the world & requires vaccination?

Not sure how much more protected anyone could be with a 99% chance of not dying?

The way that I understand this is that "Herd Immunity" is supposed to protect people from getting sick in the first place and is not related to the recovery rate.

Also keep in mind that there might be some nasty and life long side effects for those who recover specially if they are elderly or belong to one of the more vulnerable groups. Even with the 99 percent recovery rate that you mentioned it will still put one percent of the total human population at grave risk which still adds up to a very big number when you consider that there are close to eight billion people in the World. Also if the Pandemic is not brought to an end through vaccination or natural herd immunity that means that the fatalities are going to continue year after year and who knows it might even get a lot worse specially as the virus mutates and left alone it might eventually be able to expand it's reach to our pets and the wildlife which will make the situation much more serious.

It appears that there is consensus amongst most of the experts that this Pandemic can turn into a very serious problem if it gets out of control although there might be differences of opinion as to how best to deal with this situation, but almost everyone agrees that Covid is a whole different ballgame than all the other diseases that currently seem to have limited reach and are somewhat more manageable.

(just my personal opinion)
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are the big guys who take shots on TV really stupid enuf to not realize first thing skeptics wonder about when they see them is how easily they can just be injected with whatever...and no one will ever know... I mean what Linda dumbazz proof is this
And cfr is pure deepstate.

I don’t want this thread to go off topic, but I will make one last attempt to show my perspective of the situation at hand in the hopes that it can bring everyone together to create a united front in our fight against the virus.

I understand that right now there are many opposing forces in the World that are based on such different and extreme political, religious, racial, cultural, and economical ideologies and agendas that they seem to be putting everyone at each others throats all the time which makes it very difficult to come up with a united front against the virus and the many other existential threats that the World is facing such as Global Warming.

But right now the World is in a very sad and miserable state in so many different fronts and as I have been saying all along the only way out of this mess is for us all to find common grounds over the Universal principles and values that have been derived from Logic and Compassion in order for the Humanity as a whole to be able to ascend to a higher level of thinking and existence that can make it possible to end the so many things that have been ailing our World for so long not only for us, but also for all the other life forms and entities that we share our Universe with.

What I say might sound like wishful thinking and simplistic, but the truth of the matter is that all those who believe that they have a better understanding of the reality of the World have somehow managed to fail us for the simple fact that they have been fanatically clinging to the old ideologies, doctrines, and philosophies that are no longer adequate to answer the so many challenges that we are facing right now and as such they are going to make us miss this last chance that we have to save Humanity and our Home Planet.

It will be a shame for all those who claim to be intelligent, educated, smart, and enlightened people to allow the World to plunge further into chaos and disarray just because they couldn’t change their old ways of thinking and doing things.

We need to find new ways of thinking that are based on Logic and Compassion that can allow us to become a force for good by utilizing all our knowledge, abilities and the technological advances that are available to us (such as AI and Automation to name a few) in order to usher in a new era of understanding and tolerance in the history of Humanity that is going make this a better World for everyone by freeing us from the wrong mindsets and the bad characteristics that have been keeping us enslaved to the forces that have been controlling our minds and bodies for their own benefits for so long.

The alternative is for everyone to keep doing business as usual which means that all the hatred, animosities, and divisions are going to continue getting worse which ultimately are going end in the demise of Humanity and our Home Planet which unfortunately is not going to leave a good legacy for us as the Human Race.

Current poll results:

47 Yes / 48 No

I invite everyone here at NamePros to vote in order to make this poll scientifically more accurate.

Personally, I will take it a bit later (assuming concern for myself only, would take sooner if needed to protect someone else - elderly parent, etc.)

But, would a 99% recovery rate (per. the CDC) indicate "herd immunity"? Do we have another other illnesses of any kind that has a 99% (untreated in most cases) recovery rate - that shuts the world & requires vaccination?

Not sure how much more protected anyone could be with a 99% chance of not dying?

I dont know, again not a Dr., but this just seems pretty out of the norm - based on what we can read about prior pandemics?

"99% recovery rate" wouldn't include covid longhaulers, who are estimated by some to be 50-80% of those infected:

I'll take a covid shot if only to minimize that happening to me; or risk passing covid on to someone who could have that happen to them.

A latest long hauler example:
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are the big guys who take shots on TV really stupid enuf to not realize first thing skeptics wonder about when they see them is how easily they can just be injected with whatever...and no one will ever know... I mean what Linda dumbazz proof is this

Another new variant of COVID-19 is spreading rapidly in South Africa

" We have to almost take an approach similar to many of the South Asian and Asian and Oceania countries that tried to stop transmission and tried to stop transmission when it starts, reacting very strongly to a small number of cases. So what happened in South Africa, in the U.K., in the United States, or Brazil, is we have been leaving this virus circulating at relatively low or high level and trying to learn to live with the virus. But maybe the virus is beginning to outsmart us. "

It's rather a mutation of manipulation (than of a virus), seems they are now starting the next phase.
Vaccines often contain embryonic cells or matter obtained from such. In straightforward language, they contain the flesh of murdered children. This abomination makes a vaccination campaign a kind of satanic ritual, in this case a global one that will have the full force of the world's assorted powers and principalities behind it. This particular vaccine is the culmination of an astonishing sweep by the powers of evil in the annus horribilis 2020, tending to suggest that it is designed to please spiritual darkness, possibly in the form of widespread sterility or some other infirmity. Resistance to the vaccine narrative and to the doses meant for you and your family is therefore a moral imperative. The Father of Lies can only enter if you let him in. So tell him molon labe, and when he knocks on your door politely decline his offer, adding "There no King but Jesus."
Vaccines often contain embryonic cells or matter obtained from such. In straightforward language, they contain the flesh of murdered children. This abomination makes a vaccination campaign a kind of satanic ritual, in this case a global one that will have the full force of the world's assorted powers and principalities behind it. This particular vaccine is the culmination of an astonishing sweep by the powers of evil in the annus horribilis 2020, tending to suggest that it is designed to please spiritual darkness, possibly in the form of widespread sterility or some other infirmity. Resistance to the vaccine narrative and to the doses meant for you and your family is therefore a moral imperative. The Father of Lies can only enter if you let him in. So tell him molon labe, and when he knocks on your door politely decline his offer, adding "There no King but Jesus."

I understand your concerns, but what alternative ways do you offer to end this Pandemic specially now when there are still many people who don't want to abide by the guidelines when it comes to physical distancing ,wearing masks, not engaging in large gatherings indoors, and doing proper sanitizing and frequent hand washing which could have helped stop this Pandemic in the early months before it had gotten so bad due to the virus having gotten so widespread and having had the chance to develop so many more dangerous mutations.

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I tend to believe that the vaccine is safe. But, I plan to wait to see if
all of you believers in "science" die and turn into zombies before I allow
myself to get injected. Even real science makes mistakes...and what we
hear on the media is usually pretend science that is used to manipulate the
foolish masses. Remember that all the media doctors first told us not to wear
masks because they were worthless when they really just wanted the limited
available masks for themselves. Kary Mullis, who won the Noble Prize in
Chemistry, said the following:

"Politicians don't know anything about scientific things.
They just want to look like they do.
Somebody has to advise them.
Who are those advisors?
It's an important question because those people—who are
always having to come up with eminent disasters
that can be prevented by governmental projects—are
manipulating you.
They are parasites with degrees..."

You are being lied to by everybody all of the time.
Current poll results:

50 Yes / 50 No

I invite everyone here at NamePros to vote in order to make this poll scientifically more accurate.

New coronavirus variant: What is the spike protein and why are mutations on it important?

" In the world of parasites, many bacterial or fungal pathogens can survive on their own without a host cell to infect. But viruses can't. Instead, they have to get inside cells in order to replicate, where they use the cell's own biochemical machinery to build new virus particles and spread to other cells or individuals. "

I understand your concerns, but what alternative ways do you offer to end this Pandemic specially now when there are still many people who don't want to abide by the guidelines when it comes to physical distancing ,wearing masks, not engaging in large gatherings indoors, and doing proper sanitizing and frequent hand washing which could have helped stop this Pandemic in the early months before it had gotten so bad due to the virus having gotten so widespread and having had the chance to develop so many more dangerous mutations.


I think the point may well be more along lines of the vaccine not really ending virus anyway...just an endless stream of mutations and restrictions.. is where I think their game wants to go

I mean just listen to how careful they are not to say this shot will guarantee ending virus... they all just say ..oh maybe it will work...its our best chance..

so no.. to me the risk taking it is far greater to not taking it.. remember there was always peasants and kings in this world...ruling and ruled .. no one can or will save u but u... but it's easy to ruin the divine lock that u are for good...after that no matter what we do the key just wont work...
I think the point may well be more along lines of the vaccine not really ending virus anyway...just an endless stream of mutations and restrictions.. is where I think their game wants to go

I mean just listen to how careful they are not to say this shot will guarantee ending virus... they all just say ..oh maybe it will work...its our best chance..

so no.. to me the risk taking it is far greater to not taking it.. remember there was always peasants and kings in this world...ruling and ruled .. no one can or will save u but u... but it's easy to ruin the divine lock that u are for good...after that no matter what we do the key just wont work...

We have to accept that technology (in this case medical technology) and our knowhow have their limits so there are many things that are left to trial and error and that there is still much that we need to figure out about Covid.

But what do you suggest that has to be done at this point to prevent the spreading of the virus.

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From Pfizer:

" As a leader in the development of vaccines, Pfizer is proud to support independent efforts in areas of research, education and quality improvement with a primary goal of optimizing the prevention of COVID-19 . Given the urgency and complexity of efforts required to respond to the global pandemic, we are launching our COVID-19 vaccine grant program in phases. "

If you know someone who qualifies for this program you might want to let them know about it. IMO

Vaccinations have brought a great deal of quality to humanity. That's a good thing.
Current poll results:

52 Yes / 50 No

I invite everyone here at NamePros to vote in order to make this poll scientifically more accurate.

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