
news Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.
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Oregon issues stay-at-home order

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown is clamping down on nonessential activities in the state, issuing a new executive order that requires residents to stay home whenever possible.

Nonessential businesses must also close immediately, including gyms, malls, spas, clubs and salons.

“If businesses are not complying with this order, we will shut them down,” Brown said.
Todays Covid-19 Stats...
601 deaths... 2nd day in a row that deaths are dropping since Saturday (793) and Sunday (651)
Keep going Italy... (y) You're on the right track!

Spain had another massive jump today with 539 deaths, compared to yesterday (375) and can easily surpass Italy in daily deaths by tomorrow!

France also had a very big jump in deaths today

USA jumped from 112 yesterday to 140 deaths today, so, a relatively mild jump!
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Government advice on the #Wuhanvirus is all very well as far as it goes, but I’m a little concerned that we haven’t heard enough expert opinion from Hollywood cokeheads.

I heard Ozzy Osbourne was explaining how to make bat soup on a video. Anyone know where I can find it?
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Florida governor will issue order mandating self-isolation for travelers from New York and New Jersey

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said Monday he is issuing an executive order that calls for a mandatory 14-day self-isolation for travelers coming from airports in New York and New Jersey.

“Today there’s over 190 direct flights from the New York City area to the state of Florida, and I would reckon, given the outbreak there, that every single flight has somebody on it who’s positive for Covid-19,” DeSantis said at a news conference.

DeSantis said travelers will be met by local or state law enforcement, as well as personnel from the Florida Department of Health. Passengers will also be subject to temperature checks, DeSantis said. Passengers planning to stay with family in Florida would not be exempt from the order.

DeSantis said the order “will go out today."

Shout out the Governor of Florida who hasn't lost his damn mind. There will be no shut downs like other states. Yes, when NY and NJ took the measures they took, a lot of them came down to Florida. Janitors, school bus drivers etc. went back to work today, I guess to clean. Based on that and what Trump said today, I think we'll be opening things back up next month.
Cuomo is warning the business shut downs could last as long as 8 months and up to 80% of the population there could get the virus.

That was on yahoo , I am on my phone so can’t post the link
Cuomo is warning the business shut downs could last as long as 8 months and up to 80% of the population there could get the virus.

That was on yahoo , I am on my phone so can’t post the link

Oh boy, Florida is going to be flooded with even more New Yorkers than usual.
Oh boy, Florida is going to be flooded with even more New Yorkers than usual.

I agree , that is crazy as hell for him to project that and scare the living hell out of New Yorkers
Cuban government will lock down island over coronavirus concerns

Cuban officials on Monday announced they are limiting travel throughout the island and abroad for their citizens and closed all schools starting Tuesday for nearly a month to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

The Cuban government will “regulate” Cubans ability to leave the communist-run island, said Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz, “to protect their health, their family neighbors and work comrades.”

Marrero said Cubans would need to present a “humanitarian reason” for travel abroad and for Cubans traveling between different provinces on the island.

Last week, Cuban officials said tourism is banned on the island starting Tuesday and that all Cuban and foreign residents returning from abroad would have to undergo supervised quarantine for 14 days.

Despite that announcement, Marrero said, more than 32,000 foreign tourists remained on the island. Starting Tuesday, he announced, tourists would be banned from leaving their hotels as the government worked to return them to their home countries.

“No one can go into the street,” Marrero said of the tourists.
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It’s all going down, every country is shutting down now one after the other, most have instantly fully tanked their economy by doing so, but they are fully aware of that. Just a few more countries to go.

America needs to respond right now, time is not on our side anymore, we have to respond now before it is to late.

I thought any thing like this was 20 years away and was hoping I would be dead and gone so I wouldn’t have to witness it.
I thought any thing like this was 20 years away and was hoping I would be dead and gone so I wouldn’t have to witness it.

Me too. It will pass one day and we (people and country) will be stronger than ever...maybe even a little nicer to our family, friends and neighbors.

ADD: maybe even nicer to those that cut us off in traffic too!
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It’s all going down, every country is shutting down now one after the other, most have instantly fully tanked their economy by doing so, but they are fully aware of that. Just a few more countries to go.

America needs to respond right now, time is not on our side anymore, we have to respond now before it is to late.

I thought any thing like this was 20 years away and was hoping I would be dead and gone so I wouldn’t have to witness it.

Some places already getting better.

Coronavirus: Germany 'flattens the curve' as Italy deaths rise to more than 6,000

Some are getting back to life. See post about Australia earlier.

Florida not shutting down, some people getting back to work today.

I think April will be people getting back to life month. People are just not going to stay shut in.
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Some places already getting better.

Coronavirus: Germany 'flattens the curve' as Italy deaths rise to more than 6,000

Some are getting back to life. See post about Australia earlier.

Florida not shutting down, some people getting back to work today.

I think April will be people getting back to life month. People are just not going to stay shut in.

I don’t see Texas shutting down, just the big cities Dallas, Houston , Austin, but aside from the big cities I don’t think we will shut down, I am glad to see Florida staying on its feet right now, I think in 3 weeks we could be near the end of the virus in the US, I hope so any way
I don’t see Texas shutting down, just the big cities Dallas, Houston , Austin, but aside from the big cities I don’t think we will shut down, I am glad to see Florida staying on its feet right now, I think in 3 weeks we could be near the end of the virus in the US, I hope so any way

He's catching a lot of hate, read the comments to the video but he's holding strong.

"DeSantis has not called for a “shelter in place” order, unlike governors in California, New York and Illinois, who have ordered such restrictive measures. But later Monday, he did call for all travelers from New York to Florida to self-isolate for 14 days after arriving in the state."

He's catching a lot of hate, read the comments to the video but he's holding strong.

"DeSantis has not called for a “shelter in place” order, unlike governors in California, New York and Illinois, who have ordered such restrictive measures. But later Monday, he did call for all travelers from New York to Florida to self-isolate for 14 days after arriving in the state."

the comments are totally ridiculous, he is doing a fantastic job, he appears to have Florida well under control with as minimal as possible closures
CDC says coronavirus survived in Princess Cruise ship cabins for up to 17 days after passengers left

The coronavirus survived for up to 17 days aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship, living far longer on surfaces than previous research has shown, according to new data published Monday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Alaska limits public gatherings, requires all arriving travelers to self-quarantine

Alaska announced a series of new measures today to curb the spread of the coronavirus, including an order for people to maintain a six-foot “social distance” in public.

Businesses that can’t abide by that guideline are required to close by 5 p.m. Tuesday.

Nonessential public gatherings of more than 10 people are also banned until further notice.

The state is also requiring all travelers entering Alaska from another state or country to self-quarantine for 14 days upon arrival. The rule goes into effect Wednesday, and violators could be prosecuted.
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Here's a proposal fresh out of Texas:

Everyone just go back to work.... and let the elderly & vulnerable sacrifice themselves for Wall Street.

(This does nothing to address the resulting collapse of the medical system, but hey, it's an idea!) :ROFL:

Think America would go for it?

The Lieutenant Governor of Texas is literally telling everyone over 70 to suck it up and take one for the team, die if they have to. :wideyed:

Calling it now...... a "stimulus" plan that throws a few grand at the elderly....... then it's back to work everyone!

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We need an immediate five-week national lockdown to defeat coronavirus in America

I strongly disagree, we need to take it on state by state basis , city by city basis, the country jumping into quarantine for 5 weeks = Economic Depression , although the virus "might be gone" for good, the recovery of both the virus + depression = Catastrophe IMO
wow... i just barely talked here couple days asgo about one world currency.. the governemnt experiment with bitcoin... and here comes the news from 9 hours ago

wake up people.. this has all been planned for ages... virus=smokescreen... this has nothing to do with virus.. yes collateral damage for sure.. as always... but the virus is not the main problem or main event.

the interesting question is.. some serious people are predicting hyperinflation on basically all world fiat... which would be the only way to go to a new one world currency down the line.

now everyone wants us dollars.. so the value of us dollars going up.. people selling stocks and everything else to get dollrs.. which is why usd going up while everythign else going down (not correlated).. but the end game imo is still us dollar going to zero and replaced.. and hyperinflation... if your not related with inflations, currency collpases, recessions... printing money into infinity etc.. read up on it.. before its too late!
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people blindly accepting "new normal" like its nothing... zero questioning. truly, the best way to "Get" people has always been fear campaigns.

this whole virus design was just brilliant... remove a whole bunch of older people and sick people... keep the young and strong and productive ones... familiar with tech, new digital payments, new one world currency etc...

trudeau: "listening is your duty, and staying home is your way to serve".
there... thats basically the essence of it all... we're here to listen and serve.
same old story... peasants and kings.. masters and slaves...the more things change..

canada: they wanna pass bill whereby finance minister has unlimited power to do as he pleases with finances, taxes etc.. for couple years.. without need of parliament approval.
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wow... i just barely talked here couple days asgo about one world currency.. the governemnt experiment with bitcoin... wake up people.. this has all been planned for ages

There truly is so much more going on behind the scenes...I am fortunate to be surrounded by a strong community of people that are not ignorant. The move to remove cash goes back's a matter of record. This is what I expect will be one of the outcomes of this pandemic. Just one.
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