
events Let the (Dueler) games begin!

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Tech, NamePros
At NamePros, we've noticed quite a bit of controversy in the industry lately. Everyone always seems to be fighting about small, green pieces of paper, or other inconsequential matters like who should be the next president. We wondered: is there a solution to the chaos? Could we be the ones to bring peace to the world?

Nah, that wouldn't be any fun. Let's encourage people to fight instead! Today, we introduced the NamePros Duel Arena: a place for domainers to fight to the death. Originally, we wanted to hold the event in-person, but some sort of virus put a damper on those plans, so we settled for virtual fights. According to Legal, holding in-person gladiator battles during a pandemic is a liability, as one of the survivors might get sick.

Has someone on NamePros been grinding your gears? Decimating your pride? Insulting your ego? Click the "Challenge!" link below one of their posts to begin your fight to the death! (TODO before publishing: add a disclaimer about no actual death being involved. Please do not encourage participants to die; loss of members is bad for ad revenue.)

We don't yet know for how long the duel arena will stick around. It might be a few days; it might be a few generations. Get your battles in while you can. Or you could just settle for a frank exchange of views on Twitter--because that always works out well for everyone involved.

There will be cake prizes. We don't know how many prizes there will be. We don't know when the prizes will be given out. All we know is that NamePros staff aren't eligible--trust me, I asked. Please proceed to the Aperture Science Enrichment Center NamePros Duel Arena to smite your enemies and possibly win prizes. Maybe.

Update: Archives of the fun
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Innovation outside the box.
Innovation outside the box.

Three whole days of innovation. I may have procrastinated.

If you find bugs, they're not really bugs; they're undocumented features.
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I thought I couldn’t challenge @Alfa Mod Team I’m sending a request!!!!!!!
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Love it! Best April Fools!
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lmao "my life is complete" via chat, @Samer
I can randomly attack people with Coronavirus.

Who would have thought?
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May the odds be ever in our favor !

T̶h̶e̶ ̶W̶o̶r̶l̶d̶ ̶O̶n̶ ̶T̶i̶m̶e̶ The Time on World !! (y)

Hope is a good thing.. maybe the best of things.. and no good thing ever dies.. (only, It lives.. mostly miserably..:xf.grin:)
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1-0 ez. Lzzzzz

(A little GTA tryhard speak)

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Pro Tip:

You can sort of study other players’ strategies from their stats pages.

It might surprise you what choices the members at the top of the leaderboard are making most often.
Interesting. It appears that if you challenge someone and don't conclude the game, you are slowly penalised for not moving.
Interesting. It appears that if you challenge someone and don't conclude the game, you are slowly penalised for not moving.
Otherwise, you could just stop playing in a duel anytime you thought you’d lose. :sneaky:
What is this 1999..
It actually still is 1999, Paul managed to pull off that Y2K thing and the only way out is beating Craig over the head with a tardigrade.
Wow, Havent seen this type of forum modification ever, I have seen similar games, but not to forum post depth. Awsome
Many of the tools in the game have links.

Like for example the link for 'Electric Bill':

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Hereby I inform all challengers (and the world) that I feel honored for every challenge I have received for a duel so far and that, although I appreciate these challenges (and the fight feature itself), I will not accept any of them for now because the only challenge I take in regards to domaining consists of negotiating the sale of a specific domain name with those who dare.

So whoever wants to really duel me knows now how.

May the tops be ever in y/our favor.
Hereby I inform all challengers (and the world) that I feel honored for every challenge I have received for a duel so far and that, although I appreciate these challenges (and the fight feature itself), I will not accept any of them for now because the only challenge I take in regards to domaining consists of negotiating the sale of a specific domain name with those who dare.

So whoever wants to really duel me knows now how.

May the tops be ever in y/our favor.

A boring, but understandable choice.
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