
question What's the value of

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Mug RuithTop Member
What are the key INDICATORS of value in non-acronym abbreviation LLLL .com names? (randomly selected I see wildly differing prices some starting only $ 99 on Namepros auctions and on up to five digits sales I'm a newbie so please withstand the urge to scold basic questions. I'm interested in adding some LLLL .com names to my portfolio but needs to be careful because even $ 99 is a lot of money to me right now. Cheers.
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There are a lot of people who hold … I still have the original 212 that I hand registered between 2007 and 2008 .. I have bought over 100 in aftermarket as well that I have sold off ..

the trend of the Chinese premium was quite remarkable … many many people here made a lot of money during the LLLL trend .

right now … there is a lot of selling continuing and keeping pricing low .. once the mass selling stops … they will go up substantially in value . IMO
Obviously I won't post the whole lot.

if, you want to make any progress or have success,
then you prolly should keep some :poop: to yourself.

@Reddstagg I understand what you are saying but I don't think the "bangwagon has left the station" all sold YESTERDAY reported at prices ranging from $ 156 to $ 1526. Total spend $ 8576 average spend $ 476.

I know the numbers...I see them repeated many times. However, who were they sold to? Were they actual bricks and mortar stores or indeed online stores or were they sold to speculators with more money than sense. A product or commodity has a a very narrow window of opportunity. If you owned (insert famous name here) coin .com the time is now and will continue to be relevant for the foreseeable future. Pick any of your examples listed above...when will be the right time to sell them? This year or next? Five years. Will you just HODL?



Don't be a Betamax. Be a VHS. Both systems basically got the job done. We may still use one for nostalgia. The other will probably never be remembered...ever again.

Now, if you had neither but could only afford a Betamax then that is what you got. Once you had bought one, I bet you couldn't even give it away.

IWQP - for example...good luck finding a company called Indoor Wholesale Quorn Packer. Yeah....its a 4L what. All the good ones are long gone and many are already in use. Can't think of any off the top of my head...why is that he wondered aloud.

Don't get to the yard sale too late and just buy the Betamax 'cos it was available.

This past week I hand regged a name for $6 and whilst it may not be the greatest domain name ever, I immediately could think of many different uses...vegetarian, veggie, vegan, online recipes, sandwich shop, blog etc etc.

It may never sell, but that is not so important as it cost me just $6.

Just don't try to jump on the band wagon once it has left the

Sure, what would I know...I'm just a Noobie too.


hahaha, betamax, i remember those. lol. :) and you couldnt play vhs tapes in them either.
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talk about trains leaving the station, this
must have been put together on mars. Sold for $350,000 on 5/12/2021.
no x, w, y, z, v, j, q and p (i think) and all consonants eg, are a chinese premium.
i have a question, what does a quad letter premium go for? ty. (eg,
Curious to see if others have a similar or the opposite experience than me.

To start - personally like 4L coms (have 70ish) & think the really good ones (far above the "value" of mine) are simply the best: memorable, interesting, brandable names.

Yes 3 Ls are considered top & have amazing levels of value - but $ aside, they are just not as "brandable" ad 4ls. 3 Ls are almost always an abbreviation, 4ls can be a real word or something fun to wordsmith.


From an investment point of view - 5 & 6 L - quality brandables - may get you better ROI than 4ls?

At least that is my experience, for example: On the same platforms (BB, SH, BP) I have 4ls + a mix of many other lengths - but over all 5 & 6L coms sell many, many, many times more often & in shorter hold times than 4ls or anything 7+ letters.

But, TBH, my 4Ls are not much over low end premium to garbage - so not necessarily a fair compare to what you or other may own. make sense?

Not in America.
In America, i place that letter premium.

Dont care “Chinese” Kool-Aid premium rules.
Oh idk “Chinese premium” barely value...
This is the WEST. Which reminds me...
doesnt mean “Western premium” much better, but i read somewhere “Western premium” are more likely to be acronyms for West company — and vice versa for Chinese (idk about Sorry)
The current 👑 wow, automatic,
“Universal pronounceable” cvcv go for most lol

Old, but timeless DomainSherpa link

No need to lump things together. Y can be premium if

a) it plays the role of a vowel and/or diphthong. E.g. Lyft, Tayk
b) it is followed or preceded by nice vowel/diphthong and the word is nicely pronounceable. E.g. Jaiy, Yenk etc.

It becomes undesirable surrounded by other undesirable letters, especially if it isn't even a Chinese premium (letter V or vowels present). E.g. xqvy.
@Bob Hawkes You beat me to it! (y) OUTSTANDING investigative journalism. Do you have a Patreon account?
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@AEProgram Really good advice "If 99 is a lot for you avoid 4l's, a person is better off saving up for one good 4l than have a lot of meaningless 4l's" I will follow that path. You probably saved me several hundred dollars this weekend. Cheers.
@Bob Hawkes Do you have any Namepros thread for this question? I tried the internal search box for one of your detailed studies but didn't know what to search. Cheers.
@BrandPlease Thank you doesn't come even remotely close to how grateful I am for your last post mate.
@biggie "any 4 is investment grade, simply because new domainers will always want one. if you buy one today for $100 and add 5 years renewal for total of $150, i guarantee that 5 years from now, you could sell for a profit to the next newbie." You are right about that mate. I'm that new domainer year X fresh out the pet shop. Later this summer plan is to buy at least one LLLL .com. $ 250 is my ceiling. Then plan to sell for $ 500. Buy one $ 500 and sell $ 1000. This would be a successful end to 2021.
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While no one is expecting all 5 letter or 6 letter domains having some definitive values, for some reason people expect 4Ls to have those and also fit some kind of formula.

While there are some general rules of thumb, each domain is unique and specific.

Unless you really understand what makes a specific 4L valuable, it is advisable to stay away from buying it. You might collect 100 4Ls each at $200 average cost and might struggle to sell even one at $3000 in a year.

Each 4L name has to be rigorously analyzed on its own merit, just like you'd do for 5L, 6L etc.

I firmly believe that while there are no hand regs for 4Ls since 2007, lots of them are not even investment grade and a good brandable hand reg could have better chance of selling at a similar price.

For domain names you have a unwritten law:
SHORTER BETTER = BETTER CHANCE TO SELL but there is a clue behind that , f.e.: you cannot sell. THE 4L must be chatchy and a shortage of name or product. Same rule for 5L and +.
There a a lot of private collectors / investors at the market which waits to catch a fancy name and you have anonym buyer which buys in the name of big marketing agencys. Domain trading and earnings out of it, depends definetely of your creativity and to buy dropped domain names at in the right time.
Heavens to Betsy! Why on earth is letter "y" deigned non premium? yack, yaff, yage, yaje, yaks, yams, yang, yank, yapp, yaps, yard, yare, yarn, yaud, yaup, yawl, yawn, yawp, yaws, yeah, yean, year, yeas, yech, yeet, yegg, yeld, yelk, yell, yelp, yens, yeps, yerk, yeti, yett, yeuk, yews, yill, yins, yipe, yips, yird, yirr, ylem, yobs, yock, yodh, yods, yoga, yogh, yogi, yoke, yoks, yolk, yond, yoni, yore, your, yous, yowl, yows, ysec, yuan, yuca, yuch, yuck, yuks, yule, yups, yurt, ywis, ably, achy, aery, agly, ahoy, airy, alky, ally, army, arty, ashy, atry, away, awry, baby, bevy, body, bogy, bony, boxy, bray, buoy, bury, busy, cagy, caky, cany, cavy, chay, city, civy, clay, cloy, coky, coly, cony, copy, cosy, cozy, cray, defy, demy, deny, dewy, didy, dixy, doby, dogy, dopy, dory, doty, dowy, doxy, dozy, dray, duly, duty, easy, eddy, edgy, eely, eery, eggy, emmy, enby, envy, espy, expy, eyry, flay, fley, fogy, foxy, fozy, fray, fumy, fury, gaby, gamy, gapy, gley, goby, gory, gray, grey, hazy, hidy, holy, homy, icky, idly, iffy, illy, inky, inly, jivy, joey, joky, jury, lacy, lady, laky, lazy, levy, lily, limy, liny, logy, lory, luny, many, mazy, miry, moly, mony, mopy, muny, nary, navy, nosy, nowy, oary, obey, oily, okay, oldy, only, oory, oozy, opry, orby, orgy, orly, paty, piny, pipy, pity, pixy, play, ploy, pogy, poky, poly, pony, posy, pray, prey, puky, puny, quay, quey, racy, rely, rimy, ropy, rosy, ruby, scry, sexy, shay, sizy, slay, sley, spay, spry, stay, sway, they, tidy, tiny, toby, tody, toey, tony, tory, towy, tray, troy, typy, ugly, vary, very, viny, wady, wany, wary, wavy, waxy, whey, wily, winy, wiry, zany

Those are dictionary words/names and, thus, are a category in itself.

4Ls for the purposes of this discussion should be the ones that are not words (English, or top words from popular languages like German, French, Spanish, Mandarin, Turkish etc.).

While Y can be great in certain positions and combos, compared to other true premium letters, it limits the possibilities and options.
What are the key INDICATORS of value in non-acronym abbreviation LLLL .com names? (randomly selected

the example here, kkdh, pqwm, zxlp called CHIP....which we buy/sell at much higher price than $99....
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Further good info reading on llll “Premiums”

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Plan for 2021 while wetting my LLLL feet is buy one LLLL $ 250 sell $ 500. Buy one LLLL $ 500 sell $ 1000. Plan for 2022 is buy four LLLLs $ 250 each sell $ 500 each. Buy four LLLLs $ 500 each sell $ 1000 each. Investment $ 250 profit $ 4000. I'll need to do detailed research for all of that to actually happen.
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Maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree with this but started building a reference database of common letter combinations used by global business websites. Later on I'll add sales for each of the letter combinations. Obviously I won't post the whole lot. Anyone else doing this?

- - A I for Associates International (C.R.A.I. // // Charles River Associates International)

- - B C for - - Banking Corporation (H.S.B.C. // // Hongkong Shanghai Banking Corporation)

I A - - for International Association of - - (I.A.B.C. // // International Association of Business Communicators)

- - F C for - - Football Club (L.C.F.C. // // Leicester City Football Club)

Adding subsets to the reference database

- C F C for - City Football Club (L.C.F.C. // // Leicester City Football Club)
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If HTWO is a trademark now, I wouldn't park it on a parking site if it is yours.
If HTWO is a trademark now, I wouldn't park it on a parking site if it is yours.

Thank you for the advice. Hyundai has applied for the trademarks, but I have owned the domain for over a decade.
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