
question What podcast guests would you like to hear

Spaceship Spaceship
Hey guys, hope this is the right section.

I've published 130+ Domain Name Wire Podcasts so far, and I need help figuring out what future guests people would like to hear on the program.

If you have specific recommendations, please let me know.
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While I enjoy most of the podcasts (I've gone back and listened as far back as around 60 I think), the ones I truly appreciate the most is when you have any guest that really gets into the nitty-gritty details of pricing/selling domains.

More importantly, real-world non-liquid domains that makes up the majority of most average domainer's portfolios. As much as I love listening to Frank or Drew .. as they truly offer some fantastic advice .. but it's hard to learn from their level of domains as they aren't on the same planet as most of us here in the real world.

Thanks for all the shows to date! :)
Thanks for the feedback!

While I enjoy most of the podcasts (I've gone back and listened as far back as around 60 I think), the ones I truly appreciate the most is when you have any guest that really gets into the nitty-gritty details of pricing/selling domains.

More importantly, real-world non-liquid domains that makes up the majority of most average domainer's portfolios. As much as I love listening to Frank or Drew .. as they truly offer some fantastic advice .. but it's hard to learn from their level of domains as they aren't on the same planet as most of us here in the real world.

Thanks for all the shows to date! :)
Anyone who knows what they're talking about and doesn't need to serve their agenda.
Eric Lyon. I respect his candor and demeanor. (y)

IMO, there are too many solicitous, rapacious, commercialistic moneygrubbers being praised in this business. (n) There's an absence of balance.

Mr. Lyon is a breath of fresh air, and it'd be refreshing to start one of my mornings listening to him on your podcast. :coffee:
Warren Buffett,

If you can convince him somehow..

All jokes aside though, would love to hear from Katherine Buckley (More known as Kate Buckley).
She brings a new dimension to domaining imo..
Huge fan of the podcasts - thank you for making them.

Would love to hear more from:
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