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randypendleton.comTop Member
This thread was created to bring a local new story to light, which can be viewed below:

JACKSON, Ohio (AP) — An Ohio school district decided Tuesday night to keep a portrait of Jesus hanging in the school where it's been 65 years, denying a federal lawsuit's claim the portrait's display unconstitutionally promotes religion in a public school.

The Jackson City Schools board offered a constitutional justification of its own in voting 4-0 to keep the portrait up in its middle school, saying it must protect students' free speech rights. The vote drew cheers and applause from the dozens of people gathered in the elementary school gymnasium.

Read all of it here: http://news.yahoo.com/ohio-school-b...xzBHB0A3N0b3J5cGFnZQR0ZXN0A1Rlc3RfQUZD;_ylv=3

I posted his here @ NP to see what ppl had to say on the issue. As it turns out, this sparked many debates. I've considered closing this thread but after multiple suggestions, I decided to keep it open. Feel free to join in the topics but per forum rules, please refrain from obscene, threatening, rude, or insulting posts.
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Bingo. That's the point.

Christians act Holier-than-thou, as though they are the perfect specimen. Yet they're just as flawed as all other religions.

That's been my point this entire time.
BS. Your point has allways been to put down Christians. Every time you have something negative to say you only give examples of Christians. Never once have you given examples of the evil going on in the name of Allah. To try and compare Christianity with the so called Religion of Peace, is in my opinion, the height of stupidity and of total bias. It's like having permanent blinkers on your eyes.

Islam is the religion that believes they are the only ones that are right and everyone else are nothing more than unbeliever pigs and dogs.

If you don't like religion in general then you must show negative examples from all religions, not just one. And don't forget to give us negative examples of Atheists as well, since they aren't all a bunch of saints as you seem to imply.
Again that's the point. You are forgeting pretty much every post you've made in this thread about the nature of Christianity. I've been calling it out. No BS: that wasn't the point. The point is to show that Christians are as flawed as every other organized religion,even if you think differently.

I needn't post any examples of other religons. That has nothing to do with it.

BS. Your point has allways been to put down Christians. Every time you have something negative to say you only give examples of Christians. Never once have you given examples of the evil going on in the name of Allah. To try and compare Christianity with the so called Religion of Peace, is in my opinion, the height of stupidity and of total bias. It's like having permanent blinkers on your eyes.

Islam is the religion that believes they are the only ones that are right and everyone else are nothing more than unbeliever pigs and dogs.

If you don't like religion in general then you must show negative examples from all religions, not just one. And don't forget to give us negative examples of Atheists as well, since they aren't all a bunch of saints as you seem to imply.
Both religions think their beliefs are the true way of God. Both beliefs are based on the type of hope that is called faith, which is why they will always think religion is exclusive.

It's people who wreck religion.
Again that's the point. You are forgeting pretty much every post you've made in this thread about the nature of Christianity. I've been calling it out. No BS: that wasn't the point. The point is to show that Christians are as flawed as every other organized religion,even if you think differently.

OK, lets get get just ONE of the hundreds of examples that shows how Islam is so different (for the worse) to other religions:

Islam doesn't get along with Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus and even Atheists. Just turn on your TV, listen to the news and every day there's an example of their, killings, beheading, bombing and hatred towards all others. Actually they even hate each other... you know, the Sunni-Shia divide.

On the other hand, how many times do you hear of Christians and Jews and Buddhists and Hindus fighting and killing each other? And don't come give examples as Liberals and Obama love to do about what Christians did 500 or 600 years ago.

I needn't post any examples of other religons.
You never do... you allways pick on Christians... your pet hate

Even Bill Maher, a well known Liberal Atheist has the common sense to know the difference between Islam and Christianity, or for that matter all other religions
OK, lets get get just ONE of the hundreds of examples that shows how Islam is so different (for the worse) to other religions:

On the other hand, how many times do you hear of Christians and Jews and Buddhists and Hindus fighting and killing each other? And don't come give examples as Liberals and Obama love to do about what Christians did 500 or 600 years ago.

You never do... you allways pick on Christians... your pet hate

With all of the news media constantly broadcasting the atrocities being committed by thousands of extremist and/or hardcore Muslims, it's not necessary to give examples. While I can't see how any god would accept such ugliness as praise to him, somehow, they do. And you don't need to be religious to hate what some Muslims are doing. There should be no tolerance for such acts of murder and cruelty.

As far as Christians go, I don't think "hate" is the right description. . . it's more on the order of disgust. You are mostly right about Christians not killing members of other religions (with a couple of exceptions, most notably in Africa), but the problem is that thousands of Christians commit different types of cruel crimes in secret, most notably sexual crimes. The difference is that the Christians aren't committing their crimes in the name of God; they're just bad people using religion as a way to find victims. There should be no tolerance for these types of sadistic crimes either.
With all of the news media constantly broadcasting the atrocities being committed by thousands of extremist and/or hardcore Muslims, it's not necessary to give examples. While I can't see how any god would accept such ugliness as praise to him, somehow, they do. And you don't need to be religious to hate what some Muslims are doing. There should be no tolerance for such acts of murder and cruelty.

Naming "one, just one!" is too easy to do, thus I've ignored his request. Do you get CNN where you live, GILSAN?

As far as Christians go, I don't think "hate" is the right description. . . it's more on the order of disgust. You are mostly right about Christians not killing members of other religions (with a couple of exceptions, most notably in Africa), but the problem is that thousands of Christians commit different types of cruel crimes in secret, most notably sexual crimes. The difference is that the Christians aren't committing their crimes in the name of God; they're just bad people using religion as a way to find victims. There should be no tolerance for these types of sadistic crimes either.

There are good Christians. But we are all flawed people. Cops kill, thinking they have authority to do it at leisure.Priests molest, thinking their religious status negates faults. All groups of people have the power to be evil. Wearing a cross doesn't atone or nullify sin.
As far as Christians go, I don't think "hate" is the right description. . . it's more on the order of disgust. You are mostly right about Christians not killing members of other religions (with a couple of exceptions, most notably in Africa), but the problem is that thousands of Christians commit different types of cruel crimes in secret, most notably sexual crimes. The difference is that the Christians aren't committing their crimes in the name of God; they're just bad people using religion as a way to find victims. There should be no tolerance for these types of sadistic crimes either.
"Secret Sexual Sadistic Crimes" that only Christians are capable of. Hmmm. care to elaborate a bit more on that one?


Archangel said:
Naming "one, just one!" is too easy to do, thus I've ignored his request. Do you get CNN where you live, GILSAN?

I never asked to name anything, so in effect you are ignoring "nothing"
Yes I watch CNN everyday.
"Secret Sexual Sadistic Crimes" that only Christians are capable of. Hmmm. care to elaborate a bit more on that one?

The point is they do these things although their religion prohibits it. They're hypocrites. No one said 'only Christians' do this. You simply want to make an argument over something no one but you said. I suppose that means you'll always win,in your head. You fail to the rest of the world.
"Secret Sexual Sadistic Crimes" that only Christians are capable of. Hmmm. care to elaborate a bit more on that one?

I didn't say anything about sexual assaults and pedophilia being limited to acts that "only" Christians are capable of. I just wanted to show that in this current day there is a percentage of Christians, in this case priests, just like there is a percentage of Muslim extremists that commit atrocities, different kinds of atrocities, yes, but atrocities nevertheless. And that none of these horrendous acts should be tolerated.
As far as Christians go, I don't think "hate" is the right description. . . it's more on the order of disgust. You are mostly right about Christians not killing members of other religions (with a couple of exceptions, most notably in Africa), but the problem is that thousands of Christians commit different types of cruel crimes in secret, most notably sexual crimes. The difference is that the Christians aren't committing their crimes in the name of God; they're just bad people using religion as a way to find victims. There should be no tolerance for these types of sadistic crimes either.
Lets get this straight here. In this paragraph you claim that Christians are the ones committing Cruel Sexual Crimes. You don't say that other religions or other sections of the population do this. You only name Christians.

You mean to tell me that Muslims don't do this? Haven't you heard of the dozens of Muslim gangs of who have groomed and raped thousands of underage white British girls in the past 2-3 decades? This to give you just ONE example... There are hundreds more.

All of this was covered up by the left-liberal establishment of social workers, local government officers, child welfare charities, diversity coordinators, not to mention the local police forces and even imams, all thanks to the stupid policy of Liberal Political Correctness.
Rotherham Rape Scandal Destroys 'White Privilege" Myth

You see, the authorities didn't want to labelled as racists or the Muslims to feel offended.

And yet the Imams and the majority of the Muslim community in the UK were quite aware of what was happening, but they kept silent and did absolutely nothing.

Many of these Imams also have no problems in performing underage marriages... in the UK. This as we all know, (except the Liberals) is common practice in Arab countries. Actually they are merely following the example of Mohammad, so it's no big deal for them, or for our bleeding heart Liberals.

How about Hindus, Buddhists or Jews don't they commit sexual crimes? Or Atheists, or the Hollywood elite... are their hands clean?

What about the recent pedophile ring involving well over a thousands of protected public figures in the UK like famous movie + TV stars, famous journalists, especially from the BBC, Cops , Politicians (Leftist Labour Party members being the worst) and even a member of the Royal family, involved in all kinds of child abuse and covered up for decades with the help of BBC and other left leaning media.

This investigation by Scotland Yard has been shut down because a royal was involved

Hell, I could go on forever and I will go on forever as long as there are bleeding heart Liberals who only criticize one section of the population (Christians) but forget all the evil perpetrated by all the other religions and Atheists.

Bring it on
Reread it:

but the problem is that thousands of Christians commit different types of cruel crimes in secret, most notably sexual crimes.

In no way does he say this is a Christian-only thing.He simply declared that Christians do it.

But considering you took my earlier message of "I don't hate anyone, even Osama" as "I love terrorists" it's perfectly clear you aren't very bright.You create new meanings to things, just so you can argue. It gets old (probably why very little participates in this thread anymore)

Do you infer he was saying "only Christians" because he didn't mention other religions? His statement wasn't about other religions, so why would he have added them to his meessage?
With all of the news media constantly broadcasting the atrocities being committed by thousands of extremist and/or hardcore Muslims, it's not necessary to give examples. While I can't see how any god would accept such ugliness as praise to him, somehow, they do. And you don't need to be religious to hate what some Muslims are doing. There should be no tolerance for such acts of murder and cruelty.
That's the power of media (and government), only atrocities coming from Muslims or the Muslim world are reported and magnified to instill a climate of fear among the populace. It's "they" against "us".
We did nothing wrong, we are victims. Trust your government. They will fix it.

When you think of it, over a million Muslims have died in the course of the so-called US-led war on terror. Not to mention catastrophic geopolitical consequences, of which Daech is a byproduct.


It's funny. It's always the others. The Muslims. Those bad people. Barbarians.
Muslims: very baaaaaad.
Christians, White (us): goooood. Because when we commit mass murder (= genocide) against Muslims, we don't do it openly in the name of religion so it's ok, we get a free pass. Well almost, isn't it bush & cheney who depicted the whole enterprise as the fight of good against evil ?
Do as I say, not as I do.
Reread it:

but the problem is that thousands of Christians commit different types of cruel crimes in secret, most notably sexual crimes.

In no way does he say this is a Christian-only thing.He simply declared that Christians do it.

But considering you took my earlier message of "I don't hate anyone, even Osama" as "I love terrorists" it's perfectly clear you aren't very bright.You create new meanings to things, just so you can argue. It gets old (probably why very little participates in this thread anymore)

Do you infer he was saying "only Christians" because he didn't mention other religions? His statement wasn't about other religions, so why would he have added them to his meessage?
"I don't hate anyone, even Osama" as "I love terrorists" WTF are you talking about?

This thread is not just for Christian Bashing like you and many others like to do. Every time you do that, you can expect a reaction from me. You don't like Christians... that's your problem. You start bashing Christians and don't do the same with other religions especially the Religion of Peace, then don't expect any peace from me. If you don't see evil, even when it stares you in the eye then you are blind.

Calling me "not very bright" is as important to me as the the dumps my dog leaves in certain parts of the lawn. You can call me all the names you want, but you will allways be wrong about religion. Reason: you are biased against Christians
I am Christian.I'm just not one of those blind, "we are all perfect" ones

You stiil aren't quite addressing the fact that you're merely making up imaginary conflict. Don't ask for examples: this page alone has one.

Oh, the "loving terrorists" thing? Searh this thread. You might be surprised.

"I don't hate anyone, even Osama" as "I love terrorists" WTF are you talking about?

This thread is not just for Christian Bashing like you and many others like to do. Every time you do that, you can expect a reaction from me. You don't like Christians... that's your problem. You start bashing Christians and don't do the same with other religions especially the Religion of Peace, then don't expect any peace from me. If you don't see evil, even when it stares you in the eye then you are blind.

Calling me "not very bright" is as important to me as the the dumps my dog leaves in certain parts of the lawn. You can call me all the names you want, but you will allways be wrong about religion. Reason: you are biased against Christians
I am Christian.I'm just not one of those blind, "we are all perfect" ones
Then act like one. All you do is bash Christianity, right from your very first post. If Christianity is so bad, why are do so many Muslim students pay to go to Catholic Colleges and schools?

You stiil aren't quite addressing the fact that you're merely making up imaginary conflict. Don't ask for examples: this page alone has one.
Making up imaginary conflict? You must be living in another planet or maybe in the Middle East. Be-headings, torture, destroying priceless antiquities etc etc... who the fu-k is doing this on a daily basis? Christians?

And I'm the one who's fu---ng imagining things?

Oh, the "loving terrorists" thing? Search this thread. You might be surprised.
Why should I search something you brought up that I don' know what you're talking about or want to change the subject for? You want to change the subject and talk about something else... go search yourself
Ignoring facts, making unrelated argument to push your clout, thinking like a closed-minded asshat?

GILSAN,I'm done with your ignorance.Go ahead and quote this post (it'll be ignored) and us intelligent ppl will go on our way. I'll say a prayer for you. You need a lot of them.

(Now, go ahead and reply.When your reply goes unaddressed, go & think you made a real point and got through to someone. Afterward, you'll finally shut up. You've been ignorant all throughout this thead. You can't be taken seriously)

You're an embarrassment to Christianity. You're a bad Christian (and you think you're a good one!). I hope God loves you because I doubt anyone else does.

The end.
"I am Christian."

How are Christians supposed to act? (And according to whom or what?)
Ask that question to the Christian hating Asshat who believes he is part of the superior intelligent ppl and has thankfully decided to ignore me.
Ask that question to the Christian hating Asshat who believes he is part of the superior intelligent ppl and has thankfully decided to ignore me.

Nice dodge of the question!

Christian hater? Just because someone criticizes something doesn't mean they hate it. I told my wife the potato salad we had last night was terrible, but that doesn't mean I now hate all potato salad or even the neighbors that brought it over for dinner.
This is why I'm ignoring him: he dodges EVERY question, usually retorting with something off-topic. It's like arguing with a brick wall.

I've had devout Christians tell me flat-out that one can be upset or even question God so long as their heart is still his.

"Act like" a good Christian is comical: He's acting like a blind religious zealot and thinks he's making a stand for Christianity. He's failed but is too stupid to understand it. I haven't even read his last few posts, as I know they're the work of a moron who believes he understands how organized religion works. God doesn't take kind to those with misguided faith as GILSAN has.

He is as he is by nature. I'm deaf--I can't be taught to hear again. He's simple-minded. He can't be taught logic.

Nice dodge of the question!

Christian hater? Just because someone criticizes something doesn't mean they hate it. I told my wife the potato salad we had last night was terrible, but that doesn't mean I now hate all potato salad or even the neighbors that brought it over for dinner.
Nice dodge of the question!

Christian hater? Just because someone criticizes something doesn't mean they hate it. I told my wife the potato salad we had last night was terrible, but that doesn't mean I now hate all potato salad or even the neighbors that brought it over for dinner.
What would happen if you criticized your wife's potato salad or cooking every time? Would you still be married? That's precisely what the other "know all" does every time. During all this time he's never had ONE kind word about Christians. Always critical of them, so I say... I'm glad he's ignoring me. He's doing me a favor. One thing is for sure, you can try all you want, but Liberals will never totally dominate this Religious thread. While I'm around I'll make sure of that. While I'm around you will hear the other side of the story... NOT just yours.

And I don't care if it's 5, 6 or more of you against me (as it usually is) you will never be able to break me

Send him this message below:

Oh and BTW, this is not the fuc---g Gestapo where I have to answer questions. I don't have the habit of asking questions, and the few times I do I don't get all huffed up if I don't get an answer.

Ex: I was asked a few posts back by the "Know All" if I watched CNN. I answered YES. But never got an answer from Mr Know All as to why I was asked if I watched CNN. If a person doesn't answer... it's up to them. So don't try and force me to answer questions, because you will never get an answer. Capiche?
What would happen if you criticized your wife's potato salad or cooking every time? Would you still be married? That's precisely what the other "know all" does every time. During all this time he's never had ONE kind word about Christians. Always critical of them, so I say... I'm glad he's ignoring me. He's doing me a favor. One thing is for sure, you can try all you want, but Liberals will never totally dominate this Religious thread. While I'm around I'll make sure of that. While I'm around you will hear the other side of the story... NOT just yours.

And I don't care if it's 5, 6 or more of you against me (as it usually is) you will never be able to break me

Send him this message below:

Oh and BTW, this is not the fuc---g Gestapo where I have to answer questions. I don't have the habit of asking questions, and the few times I do I don't get all huffed up if I don't get an answer.

Ex: I was asked a few posts back by the "Know All" if I watched CNN. I answered YES. But never got an answer from Mr Know All as to why I was asked if I watched CNN. If a person doesn't answer... it's up to them. So don't try and force me to answer questions, because you will never get an answer. Capiche?

Eat a couple of ice cubes and cool down. No one can force you to do anything on a forum. If you don't want to answer a question, don't. No big deal.

Liberals don't want to dominate this thread but, like you, they want to present their opinions, critical or not, whether others with different beliefs like it or not.

As far as criticizing my wife's food, it's more the other way, as I do most of the cooking; but unlike this religious forum, we simply talk about what would make the food better next time and move on. Seems to work.

That said, if you feel you must go graphic and flip someone off, that poor kid already looks like he's going to have enough problems as it is.
Sen. Marco Rubio is worried that freedom of speech and freedom of religion both are endangered by a growing leftist bigotry that is rising in the country. Religion in particular is facing a “real and present danger” of being labeled “hate speech,” he said.

In an interview with CBN News, Rubio discussed his strong Catholic faith, saying that it might not be long before that faith is turned into a crime.

“If you think about it,” Rubio said, “we are at the water’s edge of the argument that mainstream Christian teaching is hate speech. Because today we’ve reached the point in our society where if you do not support same-sex marriage, you are labeled a homophobe and a hater.”

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