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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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That's Zamami, less than an hour by ferry from Naha Port. Was out there this past summer. Clear water, a bit of coral, sea turtles...Great deal, especially compared to hauling the kids to Thailand.
I believe he will be much more efficient than Obama at dealing with foreign leaders, even the Russians.

...because he's working for them,

- 17 security agencies, now including the FBI, are saying Russia interfered with our elections and hacked into BOTH parties systems. There are bipartisan calls for further investigation. Yet you unquestioningly agree with the noob PE who doesn't listen to security briefings when he says "nah I don't believe it?" Isn't it a little suspicious that as future leader of the country he doesn't seem the least bit concerned about this interference in our government, and isn't even interested in pursuing it and taking action if the evidence stands up? Why is that? What is HE afraid of?
- Russian officials have ADMITTED they strategically leaked data to Wikileaks during the campaign.
- After winning the Repub primary, Trump asked for one change to the party platform, and that was removing support for Ukraine.
- manafort is back, He was forced to resign during the campaign because of close ties to Russia.
- Flynn - former contributor to the Russian propaganda network RT. Shared classified data with foreign powers, had his own unsanctioned private server, conspiracy theory nutcase.
- Tillerson - putins American bestie. His business would benefit greatly from the lifting of Russian sanctions.
- All this might not be so bad if Putin was a team player, but he's not. He wants to make Russia great again, which includes expanding power and territory. He would like to make the USA a subordinate ally of Russia, not an equal.
- People in Russia who disagree with putin tend to get locked up (the protest band pussy riot) or shot (journalists.) This makes the PEs threats against the press in this country very disturbing,

What could possibly go wrong?
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...because he's working for them,

- 17 security agencies, now including the FBI, are saying Russia interfered with our elections and hacked into BOTH parties systems. There are bipartisan calls for further investigation. Yet you unquestioningly agree with the noob PE who doesn't listen to security briefings when he says "nah I don't believe it?" Isn't it a little suspicious that as future leader of the country he doesn't seem the least bit concerned about this interference in our government, and isn't even interested in pursuing it and taking action if the evidence stands up? Why is that? What is HE afraid of?
- Russian officials have ADMITTED they strategically leaked data to Wikileaks during the campaign.
- After winning the Repub primary, Trump asked for one change to the party platform, and that was removing support for Ukraine.
- manafort is back, He was forced to resign during the campaign because of close ties to Russia.
- Flynn - former contributor to the Russian propaganda network RT. Shared classified data with foreign powers, had his own unsanctioned private server, conspiracy theory nutcase.
- Tillerson - putins American bestie. His business would benefit greatly from the lifting of Russian sanctions.
- All this might not be so bad if Putin was a team player, but he's not. He wants to make Russia great again, which includes expanding power and territory. He would like to make the USA a subordinate ally of Russia, not an equal.
- People in Russia who disagree with putin tend to get locked up (the protest band pussy riot) or shot (journalists.) This makes the PEs threats against the press in this country very disturbing,

What could possibly go wrong?
The US has been hacking/spying into dozens and dozens of foreign governments for tons of years. They've interfered and overthrown dozens of foreign governments over the years.

Even Angela Merkel (that we know of) and her government were hacked last year. I don't see any outrage from the Democrats or the MSM about that. Do you? Does anyone?

What I see is a "poor loser" party and their Lapdog Media unable to accept the fact that they lost the elections according to the rules. If you want to change the rules to the popular vote then do it. If the rules had been for the popular vote and Voter ID was mandatory in all States and no cheating allowed by the Dems, then Trump would have campaigned differently and he would have won just the same.

All this RussiaPhobia is beginning to look like the days of McCarthy. Islamic Terrorism is much more dangerous than Russia or even China.

You're also assuming, just like the MSM that Trump will let Putin walk all over him. Trump's tough stance will have foreign governments respect the US for the first time in a long time. Trump will try friendly relations with Russia, which is a good thing. But don't believe for one minute that he will ever be Putin's puppet. That will NEVER happen with Trump.

When Obama was elected, the Media virtually dehydrated themselves with all their drooling over him. Everything he did or didn't do was great. Even when he took a dump they said it smelled like a French Perfume. Oh, and lets not forget how it was really popular to blame Bush for everything that went wrong.

As for the Liberal Media getting bashed by Trump and by me, I have only this to say: I'm lovin it
Atlanta TV reporter dismantles anonymous CIA ‘hack’ report [VIDEO]
His arguments are mostly speculation.
Let's declassify the reports and open it up to a bipartisan, watergate-style inquiry. I'm all in favor of that.
As for US interfering in other countries' governments, yes we have. What's your point? That's their concern, and done presumably to shift them to being more favorable towards US interests. Does that make it "good" if it's done to us to further the interests of a country with which we have deep ideological differences? Or if they have some means of coercing (financial or otherwise) our top government officials to act in their favor? Not so much.
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- 17 security agencies, now including the FBI, are saying Russia interfered with our elections and hacked into BOTH parties systems. There are bipartisan calls for further investigation. Yet you unquestioningly agree with the noob PE who doesn't listen to security briefings when he says "nah I don't believe it?" Isn't it a little suspicious that as future leader of the country he doesn't seem the least bit concerned about this interference in our government, and isn't even interested in pursuing it and taking action if the evidence stands up? Why is that? What is HE afraid of?
- Russian officials have ADMITTED they strategically leaked data to Wikileaks during the campaign.
- After winning the Repub primary, Trump asked for one change to the party platform, and that was removing support for Ukraine.

1-I don't have time to go over everything, but the first 3 statements are clearly false. The "17 security agencies" from the debates was a complete bluff. Try even naming 17 security agencies.

2-I haven't seen any such admission. Please provide a link.

3-Three is false, vague and misleading. The CIA (irony alert) started the whole Ukraine crisis by interfering in their politics and installing a corrupt, fascist pro-USA government to replace the merely corrupt pro-Russia one. From the Guardian:

When the Ukrainian president was replaced by a US-selected administration, in an entirely unconstitutional takeover, politicians such as William Hague brazenly misled parliament about the legality of what had taken place: the imposition of a pro-western government on Russia's most neuralgic and politically divided neighbour.

Putin bit back, taking a leaf out of the US street-protest playbook – even though, as in Kiev, the protests that spread from Crimea to eastern Ukraine evidently have mass support. But what had been a glorious cry for freedom in Kiev became infiltration and insatiable aggression in Sevastopol and Luhansk.

After Crimeans voted overwhelmingly to join Russia, the bulk of the western media abandoned any hint of even-handed coverage. So Putin is now routinely compared to Hitler, while the role of the fascistic right on the streets and in the new Ukrainian regime has been airbrushed out of most reporting as Putinist propaganda.

I just watched the very entertaining SNL propaganda skit about Trump and Putin coming down the chimney. Sad when a voice that used to challenge authority has now become a mouthpiece for Big Brother promoting a new "enemy of the state."

It's both sad and astounding to watch.
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His arguments are mostly speculation.
Let's declassify the reports and open it up to a bipartisan, watergate-style inquiry. I'm all in favor of that.
As for US interfering in other countries' governments, yes we have. What's your point? That's their concern, and done presumably to shift them to being more favorable towards US interests. Does that make it "good" if it's done to us to further the interests of a country with which we have deep ideological differences? Or if they have some means of coercing (financial or otherwise) our top government officials to act in their favor? Not so much.

His arguments are fact. He didn't make an argument Russians were not involved, he stated fact there is no proof. If you have *proof otherwise, then post it.

*A politician making claims on TV to further his cause isn't proof. Neither are anonymous sources.
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A recently foiled coup plot in the small but geographically important Balkan nation of Montenegro underscores the lengths to which Russia will go to undermine democracy and exert its influence in the region

Now change Balkan Nation of Montenegro to SYRIA...
Now change Russia to USA....
A recently foiled coup plot in the small but geographically important Balkan nation of Montenegro underscores the lengths to which Russia will go to undermine democracy and exert its influence in the region

Now change Balkan Nation of Montenegro to SYRIA...
Now change Russia to USA....

Why? I'm not making an argument for USA in Syria. Pointing out, relevant news Putin reportedly tried to overthrow a democratic country, trying to join NATO.

If you think one justifies the other, make that argument.
He didn't make an argument Russians were not involved, he stated fact there is no proof. If you have *proof otherwise, then post it.

The report data is still classified. Unclassify them and hold a bipartisan investigation.

17 agencies (FFS you could have looked this up yourself):
  • CIA
  • FBI
  • DHS
  • DEA
  • NSA
  • Air Force Intelligence
  • Army Intelligence
  • Coast Guard Intelligence
  • DIA
  • Energy Department
  • State Department
  • Treasury Department
  • Marine Corps Intelligence
  • National Geospatial Intelligence Agency
  • National Reconnaissance Office
  • Navy Intelligence
  • Office of the DNI
Instead of nit-picking whether it's 17 agencies or not address these questions I posed?
you unquestioningly agree with the noob PE who doesn't listen to security briefings when he says "nah I don't believe it?" Isn't it a little suspicious that as future leader of the country he doesn't seem the least bit concerned about this interference in our government, and isn't even interested in pursuing it and taking action if the evidence stands up? Why is that? What is HE afraid of?

FBI certainly wasn't helping the democrats.
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The reports are still classified. Unclassify them and have a bipartisan investigation.

OK. That doesn't make what he said speculative.

Going on CNN and lying about proof Russia helped Trump get elected is lying.
Quoting data from an unnamed source doesn't make it a lie.
The report data is still classified. Unclassify them and hold a bipartisan investigation.

17 agencies (FFS you could have looked this up yourself):
  • CIA
  • FBI
  • DHS
  • DEA
  • NSA
  • Air Force Intelligence
  • Army Intelligence
  • Coast Guard Intelligence
  • DIA
  • Energy Department
  • State Department
  • Treasury Department
  • Marine Corps Intelligence
  • National Geospatial Intelligence Agency
  • National Reconnaissance Office
  • Navy Intelligence
  • Office of the DNI
Instead of nit-picking whether it's 17 agencies or not address these questions I posed?

FBI certainly wasn't helping the democrats.

You're simply repeating speculation leaked to the media from anonymous sources.

If Obama was so dam worried about Russians stealing the election for Trump, why didn't he do something.

I know if I was President and had proof the Russians stole the election from my Party.. I'd do something about it.

On the other hand... If had no real proof Putin did anything more then expose some truthful emails about what a corrupt asshole my candidate was.. I might make a big stink to weaken the winner.
The 17 agencies assertion boiled down to one James Clapper. The same James clapper who lied (committed perjury, in fact) in the following exchange with the United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence:

"Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of Americans?"
Director Clapper: "No, sir."
"It does not?"
Director Clapper: "Not wittingly. There are cases where they could inadvertently perhaps collect, but not wittingly."

These people are liars by trade. Until this year, the left used to understand that better than anyone. Now, in one fell swoop, a big chunk of the left has been seamlessly coopted into the war propaganda machine they once claimed to have opposed. It's mind-boggling. It's the equivalent of taking a civil rights organization and persuading them to become KKK supporters. I thought I was a bit cynical, but this is one of those most astounding things I have seen.
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