
alert The fund can't be withdrawal from Epik.com via Masterbucks wallet

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
It happened on 23rd Aug 2022 and this matter lasted almost one month without any process. Masterbucks.com declined my fund withdrawal and disabled the button of fund withdrawal. And I contacted Epik.com and got no further action even if Rob Monster got involved in it for two weeks. All the time I was told in email by management review.

What is wrong with Epik.com? Do you think it is normal to disable fund withdrawal? How can I get back my fund from Epik.com? Thanks for your suggestion.

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Brian Royce, the fraudster, whom we have already begun to forget, frolics on political topics in X.
That would not surprise me. The system was certainly rife for potential shenanigans as we have seen.

I know from my PianoMoving.com debacle Epik.com could remove domains from your account internally without triggering any notice.

No email notice. No record of the transfer anywhere in your account.
No record of the original transaction.

No refund until they were caught.

Exactly, and someone with 10 or 20K portfolio would never notice a couple missing domains but if they did he would just say it was a mistake and make out like he was doing you a favor by returning it.
Yes. Rob Monster does owe a customer $1.5 million.
Rob Monster still owes about $3M to customers, that we know of, not including all the stolen domains. He also owes JJE about $10M and couple thousands people their lives. He will pay all back.
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How much is his mansion in Sammamish worth?
You mean his wife's mansion? About $10M. Monster married up.
Do they have no other real estate?
It seems the Monster invested stolen money into renovating this mansion.
Do they have no other real estate?
It seems the Monster invested stolen money into renovating this mansion.
yes, Mexico home and others I can't disclose. And, yes, he spent about $3-4M on home remodeling and a sweet $10K coffee maker.
yes, Mexico home and others I can't disclose. And, yes, he spent about $3-4M on home remodeling and a sweet $10K coffee maker.

they got coffee makers for 10k? I was convinced it stopped at 100usd.
I just saw this on Twitter. I only saw it because another party posted it.

The free speech champions Epik blocked me.

Show attachment 249711

Phew. I guess it was only incompetence then.
Source - just trust them.

I wonder how many others have lost domains and not even noticed due to this or similar "errors"

Transparent? LOL. Okay, then perhaps they could explain exactly how this "error" took place. Social engineering hack, tech hack or internal theft?

Couple of the names in question are at godaddy and were sold almost immediately and already have live sites on them.

Whats going on with Epik.com?

- error 502
- dns issues
Dns edit not working properly. Doubled a record fields for ip address.

- signout issues every minute signout, impossible to working.
- Login issues
Your login attempt timed out. Login will start from the beginning.

Site full of bugs. How do they operate their business?

Support not responding on emails. Chat bot not clue.

Is it only for me?
Its worked okay before

Whats going on with Epik.com?

- error 502
- dns issues
Dns edit not working properly. Doubled a record fields for ip address.

- signout issues every minute signout, impossible to working.
- Login issues
Your login attempt timed out. Login will start from the beginning.

Site full of bugs. How do they operate their business?

Support not responding on emails. Chat bot not clue.

Is it only for me?
Its worked okay before
Those are "SIGNS" that it is time to LEAVE...😉
they got coffee makers for 10k? I was convinced it stopped at 100usd

You can also drink rainwater from your gutters for a savings of $100 and no loss of quality.
Please help me understand this email. Did you send it to a Masterbucks email or epik email? Who are they talking about when they say "group"? Is this Rob trying to claim that JJE or the new owners should pay this and other debts?

Rob Monster. Pay these people back with the money you have already stolen and then sell whatever you have to to pay everyone back, including JJE, AND THEN confess & repent of your crimes concerning the hacking of Epik and all the data releases. You betrayed thousands of men and women infinitely better than you or anyone else involved in this mess. We're not gonna let it go.
I didn't send MasterBucks or Epik any email recently because when I last contacted Epik they told me that Masterbucks owes me money and they're not going to do anything about it because of "new owners" crap excuse.

Masterbucks support never replied, so I stopped emailing them and only had contact with Rob via Skype. I only emailed Masterbucks in reply to their email which came in response to my messages to Rob on Skype. After my reply they again didn't care to reply.
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I didn't send MasterBucks or Epik any email recently because when I last contacted Epik they told me that Masterbucks owes me money and they're not going to do anything about it because of "new owners" crap excuse.

Masterbucks support never replied, so I stopped emailing them and only had contact with Rob via Skype. I only emailed Masterbucks in reply to their email which came in response to my messages to Rob on Skype. After my reply they again didn't care to reply.
This is how Rob develops key properties like Masterbucks, Amplify, Bitmitigate, and other vital services needed for digital empowerment.
MasterBucks most likely never had a single employee.
Most likely, only CEO Monster and the accountant were there, and the accountant worked part-time with Epik.
I didn't send MasterBucks or Epik any email recently because when I last contacted Epik they told me that Masterbucks owes me money and they're not going to do anything about it because of "new owners" crap excuse.

Masterbucks support never replied, so I stopped emailing them and only had contact with Rob via Skype. I only emailed Masterbucks in reply to their email which came in response to my messages to Rob on Skype. After my reply they again didn't care to reply.
Time to sue Rob Monster and whomever has title to homes, where he spent $2-4M of investor and customer funds. Not worth suing the new guys as they will make case drag out forever. Once you get judgement against him you can force him to declare officially how much and where is money is. He will lie but when he does I can help you prove he is lying and put his psycho ass in prison.
I kept talking to Rob who assured me that soon I will get my money back. He has stopped replying since a month ago.
He has gone dark on a few people.

It is a mistake on more than one level...this means that those hoping to get payment will now initiate whatever plans they have in place. Perhaps he is ready to move back 'home' and is not worried about any legal maneuvers.
Some August 2023 key numbers -

662 Transfer in
21,665 Transfer out.

2,131 new registrations
11,806 deleted domains

Some August 2023 key numbers -

662 Transfer in
21,665 Transfer out.

2,131 new registrations
11,806 deleted domains

I genuinely wonder who's bringing names in. It has to be someone/people who have no idea about the whole situation. Is it even possible that users could still be unaware if they haven't had to update, move or sell anything in the last two years?
I'm interested to know who's registering domains there? 🤔

Likely people like myself just trying to use up In-Store Credit?

Only explanation I can think of.

@bmugford @D Haynes
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