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Blue MooseTop Member
Just wondering what the general thoughts are about whether the recent trend to legalize marijuana will boost the prices of pot-related domains?
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Sessions as AG is undoubtedly incredibly alarming for proponents of legalization efforts (both med and rec). Hard to imagine the industry progressing well under his watch.

Sessions further argued that a lack of leadership from President Obama had been one of the drivers of the trend toward marijuana legalization in recent years. “I think one of [Obama's] great failures, it's obvious to me, is his lax treatment in comments on marijuana,” Sessions said at the hearing. “It reverses 20 years almost of hostility to drugs that began really when Nancy Reagan started ‘Just Say No.’ ”

He added that lawmakers and leaders in government needed to foster “knowledge that this drug is dangerous, you cannot play with it, it is not funny, it’s not something to laugh about . . . and to send that message with clarity that good people don’t smoke marijuana.”
Read more here

Since marijuana is still federally illegal under the Controlled Substances Act, the attorney general has the power to decide whether to enforce federal law in states that have approved medical or recreational marijuana use. Under Obama, the DOJ has taken a hands-off approach and Trump appeared to agree with that policy during the campaign, saying that marijuana should be left up to the states. But the president-elect has also never shown a deep interest in drug policy while Sessions has been a forceful opponent of marijuana legalization, including saying that “good people don’t smoke marijuana.”

“[Sessions] has a wide variety of options when it comes to cracking down, if he chooses to do so,” said Erik Altieri, the executive director of NORML, a group that supports marijuana legalization. “That could range from simply raiding and shutting down state legal stores, bringing criminal penalties against the owners of those stores and it could be throwing up roadblocks when it comes to the implementation of these ballot initiatives.”

Perhaps Trump will indeed push to leave it up to the states 100%.... but that's a tough bet to place, as he hasn't really been that vocal about it.

Personally, I'm inclined to believe that the U.S. MJ industry may very well grind to an abrupt halt in 2017.

If I'm right........ that sure ain't good for these domains. Prices and demand would drop like a rock for the next 4-8 years.
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Trump is a businessman first and foremost, and money replaced his blood long ago. Much of his campaign was about jobs and money for this country.

Unlikely for him to stop literal billions of income revenues from mj in a country of near total bankruptcy across the board.

It's early yet, and the political side of most industries is running around yelling fire, in the wake of the election, and as he assembles his admin. Far too early to worry, IMO. Time will tell.
I'd love to see Trump come out and say, "For those people that are having trouble with the fact that I will be your President, get some weed and relax."

It would not be an official endorsement or legalization, but people would read too much into it and we would all get sales.
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I'd love to see Trump come out and say, "For those people that are having trouble with the fact that I will be your President, get some weed and relax."

It would not be an official endorsement or legalization, but people would read too much into it and we would all get sales.

Him being a major player in finance, it wouldn't be surprising if he had his hand in that cookie jar at some level along the way, as so many other money hungry billionaires have done.

The mj industry is backed by some heavy hitters, both medical, and recreational. Whether he's invested or not, the Don isn't the only tycoon decision maker out there, regardless of where his office is kept, IMO.
"For those people that are having trouble with the fact that I will be your President, get some weed and relax."
It doesn't help, believe me.
decided to develop ArtisanMints
and I won an auction for CannaPanda
and created a For Sale page.

Him being a major player in finance, it wouldn't be surprising if he had his hand in that cookie jar at some level along the way, as so many other money hungry billionaires have done.

I'm skeptical that he's invested in the MJ biz, but if anyone has info supporting that thought, it would be very interesting to see. As I understand it, regardless of what he said during his campaign, he's personally totally opposed to substance use of any sort. I may be totally wrong, but I think I remember hearing that he's never drank or smoked in his life. Rumor even has it that he's vowed to cut his kids out of the inheritance if they partake (honestly no idea on that one). Combine that with him choosing marijuana's #1 enemy, Jeff Sessions, as AG.... to me it doesn't look promising for legal MJ, and I think a lot of people are underestimating the changes that could potentially occur as soon as late January. Marijuana is too big to fail, yes, but legal marijuana is not. Obama was the first president to ever look the other way. This next guy may not be so understanding.
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On date night with my wife tonight, I got a very interesting message on my voicemail in response to a hand reg I picked up 2 days ago. I'll have to type up this message tomorrow. This guy was extremely pissed off that I had the domain registered. He said that he had the domain and had plans for it and didn't know how I got it. (Seriously, it was a hand reg.) It will require lots of censoring, though.
Obama did NOT look the other way. There have been more raids on medical MJ than Clinton & Bush combined.
Ok not entirely, but overall the industry flourished under his watch. He could have made things a LOT worse.
I'm skeptical that he's invested in the MJ biz, but if anyone has info supporting that thought, it would be very interesting to see. As I understand it, regardless of what he said during his campaign, he's personally totally opposed to substance use of any sort (publicly ;). I may be totally wrong, but I think I remember hearing that he's never drank or smoked in his life. Rumor even has it that he's vowed to cut his kids out of the inheritance if they partake (honestly no idea on that one). Combine that with him choosing Jeff Sessions as AG -- to me it doesn't look promising for legal MJ.

You might be right. Ive heard similar things, and if that works for him, so be it. In the end, they're his kids and its his estate. However, IMO, he's still unlikely to stand in the way of progress, and the multi billions of dollars mj makes local, state, and federal governments. Not to mention the money earned by employees that goes back into the community. Much too soon for anyone to know, and definitely too soon to worry.

The ink isn't even dry on the election forms, and this type of panic is common after elections, especially when political power changes parties. Don't be too quick to be swayed by ambulance chasing doom and gloom, IMO.
On date night with my wife tonight, I got a very interesting message on my voicemail in response to a hand reg I picked up 2 days ago. I'll have to type up this message tomorrow. This guy was extremely pissed off that I had the domain registered. He said that he had the domain and had plans for it and didn't know how I got it. (Seriously, it was a hand reg.) It will require lots of censoring, though.

This happens from time to time. Usually they'll try a variety of tactics. Sad stories, legal threats, etc. Stay professional, give him a price, and try to make a quick sale. If he gets nasty you can always jack up the price and tell him to kick rocks, IMO.
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This happens from time to time. Usually they'll try a variety of tactics. Sad stories, legal threats, etc. Stay professional, give him a price, and try to make a quick sale. If he gets nasty you can always jack up the price and tell him to kick rocks, IMO.
It sounded like he was just about to give contact info, but seemed to change his mind and said that he will move on. So, he didn't leave any contact info. I'm not worried about it. I'm going to list it eventually. If anything, it helps me realize that someone may want it.

Looking into its history.. it was registered once before.
I am sitting on:



I am sitting on:




Welcome to NP!

I think this is a good name, nice and broad. "Ilove" has decent historical sales, too.
••• brand for medical cannabis,medical Canada
Tried to keep it simple,keyword relevant,Medical focused.
I need help. I am not good with Brandables. I know it. I'm not good with finding them, nor pricing them.

What do you think of TheraPot (Therapy Pot)? I can take it if you do not like it. It's in the .king, of course.
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