
.place - Fail?

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I'm out of domaining. ~RusselAccount Closed (Requested)
I was thinking to buy some .place domains
Only 790 domains have been registered :|
Your opinions please!
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IMO, that is one of the worst domain extensions out there.

I mean you already have all these ccTLDs already, and some new gTLDs like .berlin and .nyc. Why in the world would you need a .place? .Place is so vague.

Whatever.place, Fail.place, PigeonPoop.place, etc..
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It's a gamble like everything in life but if you have the funds why not reg a few? I just went and reged:

forsale * place
:xf.rolleyes: pure insanity.

Good luck, choose wisely.
:xf.rolleyes: pure insanity

Actually I think the definition of insanity would be anyone paying you $25,800 for wamchat, not someone spending a few bucks on a .place domain. JMO :)
Actually I think the definition of insanity would be anyone paying you $25,800 for wamchat, not someone spending a few bucks on a .place domain. JMO :)

Your right, who would want to own an un trademarked brand name for a chat application. What am I thinking, lol. I should post it on the forums and sell it for regfee right away.

Aren't you the same brain surgeon that registered GoPros.tv, :xf.rolleyes:... trademark... have you even sold a single domain?

You are entitled to your opinion, I've got one too. Enjoy your gTLD and best wishes to you and your venture.
Aren't you the same brain surgeon that registered GoPros.tv, :xf.rolleyes:... trademark

Please provide the lookie lookers with the trademark for gopros, you can't. Sure go ahead...

By the way if anyone likes wamchat for under 28 thousand dollars here ya go.


  • wamchat.GIF
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GoPro is a trademark, it's a famous TM. Just stop, your newbs are showing.
GoPro is a trademark, it's a famous TM. Just stop, your newbs are showing.

Oh but didn't I reg gopros? Sure I did, big differience.

Newbs are showing, yes, showing the facts!
God bless your little heart and misunderstanding of TM law. There is no difference at all; pluralizing or causing some form of disambiguation to a well known famous product does not keep you free of squatting a TM.

eBay47.COM is available, so is tacobells.tips, you should add them to you portfolio friend. :xf.rolleyes:

This is where I stop replying to lunacy. Ta-Ta.
Honestly what do you not understand about trademarks? The domain usage would have to infringe on what the use mark is for the trademark, it's been said over and over here time and time again and not just by be.

Again show me a trademark for gopros, you can't! Still waiting...

Everyone needs to get off the TM thing, you're not an attorney so quit acting like you are.

Say goodbye to the .place thread or we can debate some more pricing you're asking for vrs .place.

You must have forgotten that you're the one that said I was insane, what do you expect, roses?

Don't post insults if you can't handle the repercussion, Ta Ta.
I was thinking to buy some .place domains
Only 790 domains have been registered :|
Your opinions please!

That's what I was referring to as insanity.

Maybe put on some pants that aren't as sensitive and you will learn something.

Everyone needs to get off the TM thing, you're not an attorney so quit acting like you are.

I'm definitely not a lawyer, but I can say that nothing puts a smile on your face more than when you force Disney to violate DCMA and their Harvard lawyer is screaming at you in desperation on the phone to avoid a lawsuit... But what do I know right. ;)

Now if you want to discuss ForSale.place, It's linguistically incorrect and junk that you should expect a $100 offer for. You are welcome. #repercussion

Let me give you some help... NorthCape.COM is dropping tomorrow, if you have learned how to dropcatch names you should go pick that one up. Instead of buying bad gTLDs and living on a prayer.

Now run along.
was free and I reg him!
That's what I was referring to as insanity.

Maybe put on some pants that aren't as sensitive and you will learn something.

I'm definitely not a lawyer, but I can say that nothing puts a smile on your face more than when you force Disney to violate DCMA and their Harvard lawyer is screaming at you in desperation on the phone to avoid a lawsuit... But what do I know right. ;)

Now if you want to discuss ForSale.place, It's linguistically incorrect and junk that you should expect a $100 offer for. You are welcome. #repercussion

Let me give you some help... NorthCape.COM is dropping tomorrow, if you have learned how to dropcatch names you should go pick that one up. Instead of buying bad gTLDs and living on a prayer.

Now run along.

I can't even reply to this as it makes no sense, like the prices of your .com domains, sorry.
I'm not surprised you don't know what 'drop' or drop catching' is. Your newbs are showing again.

I used a lot of big words there. Take your time to digest.

I'm not surprised you don't know what 'drop' or drop catching' is. Your newbs are showing again.

I used a lot of big words there. Take your time to digest.


Sure you lost me when we took a trip to Disney, did we see Mickey? I'll be googling those big words before I go to bed, just so I'm clear. Big words? Geesh!

I know what drop catching is, who's the newbie, 2013?

Go on...
Not even Keyword+Place.com domain names would even be that desirable undeveloped. CarPlace.com, CreditCardPlace.com, it sounds dumb. Only domain worth regging on the whole gTLD, maybe fun.place ...even that is eh.
Took you long enough to look it up. Lol. Keep buying those new gTLDs with zero relevance and trademarked domains. So far so good.
Not even Keyword+Place.com domain names would even be that desirable undeveloped. CarPlace.com, CreditCardPlace.com, it sounds dumb. Only domain worth regging on the whole gTLD, maybe fun.place ...even that is eh.

Agree 100%

Childrens.place is taken... its a popular chain here on the East Coast. Not worth the battle IMO. Though I haven't read up much on how much weight is placed on extensions lately for "mark entirety".

The only ones that were of any value are all regged or held for a premium ransom.

Even so, my.place is confusing for anyone familiar with the majority use domain name structure assuming MyPlace.com
domainmarket.place a premium xxx
I was wondering about the technicalities of that and I'm waiting until we see the first big trademark case with these gTLDs....

Hypothetically if someone were to use Childrens.place and Children's Place is Trademarked, do they automatically have rights to the domain? It depends on how you look at it and present the case. If the new gTLDs whole (bs) purpose was to better "organize" the internet than .PLACE should be irrelevant to what is left of the dot, because these new gTLDs were supposedly made to better organize and categorize things right, one of the major selling points, like .COM is commercial, dot .NET is Network, .PLACE = places? Children is just a single keyword that can apply to anything on a 'category' on the internet that happens to be place, yet people are treating everything like hacks...

I see *big* legal issue in the near future... :)

Yeah most registries are reserving certain keywords for trademark issues but it's inevitable with the hundreds out there, that there are going to be hundreds, if not thousands of complaints on single keyword domains that "investors" are paying decent money for.
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