
discuss It only takes one domain...

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
3,135 make you a Millionaire'

I read this elsewhere within another forum post here on nP recently, and I guess it's stuck with me. As domain name investors, we all know how unpredictable this industry can be, and we all come across times where sales slump or become non-existant.

Next time you feel demotivated and ready to give up, remember that it really 'Only takes one domain to make you a Millionaire'.
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I read this elsewhere within another forum post here on nP recently, and I guess it's stuck with me. As domain name investors, we all know how unpredictable this industry can be, and we all come across times where sales slump or become non-existant.

Next time you feel demotivated and ready to give up, remember that it really 'Only takes one domain to make you a Millionaire'.

that post maybe fraud
Yep, you only have to buy or from the GoDaddy closeouts to become a millionaire. Shouldn't be too hard.
I understand the quote. Thanks for sharing.
Yep, you only have to buy or from the GoDaddy closeouts to become a millionaire. Shouldn't be too hard.

In this industy, anything is a possibility! (y)
what name are you referring too?
It will be work associated with the domain/business that really makes the money
Is the domain aftermarket in a slump? Definitely.

It has been down before and rose back up.

The OP's message is about not calling it quits when the going gets tough.
Cant make a Mil on one domain if you cant say no to 50k or 100k "take it or leave it" offer.
Its not easy. But anything is possible. This is what drives me.
Everything in this business is about timing, timing, timing!
Too many people think their name is worth a million and then ten years later they end up dropping it
Lol, after reading this newbies will go on hand reg spree.

Having said that, I am not sure about the millionaire part but domaining can make you loose your savings.

Domaining is like roulette, when one player bets on "0" and wins a huge amount, some other players get influenced and start taking risks by betting on "0" without even considering the odds and then they loose. Dealers (registrars, sellers) enjoy it :)

Very few people make money, you have to tread carefully. A conservative, laid back approach can actually save you money, improve quality of your portfolio and odds of winning.
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If some of these ngtld's take off (fingers crossed) they'll be a few domainers that might get near the mark. But for .com, you'd have to already own an ultra awesome short single word and if you do own those, then you are probably fairly wealthy already!

However I get the post, don't give up it only takes one good sale to change your fortunes. That being said, don't blow all of your savings either!
How many domains sell for millions ? The odds of winning the lottery are higher.
It's important to keep expectations realistic, and set modest goals in the beginning. Otherwise you will lose motivation and money.
My client would like to buy your domain for $1 million. My client requires a certified appraisal done first. 😂
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Nobody even relatively new to domaining should ever think about selling a domain for $1,000,000! lol

Selling domains for a million+ means buying domains for 5 and more likely 6 figures. Something I wouldn't recommend for anyone new to domaining until they can be absolutely sure they are getting the RIGHT domains with actual potential of selling at a profit.

The more realistic model is buying domains at $xx-$xxx and selling them for $xxxx .. even with those more realistic goals there is a lot to learn and domaining can be a challenge ... but having headlines saying it just takes one domain to become a millionaire does more harm than good for the industry as it simply creates false hope and sends newcomers down the wrong path.
That's it! Going set all BIN to 1 mil :greedy:
Let's hope 1 sells! JK:xf.grin:

Sure it's motivation with high hopes.
Let's be a little more realistic and read some of the sales threads here. Maybe not 1 mil sales on one name but more of realistic prices which is still great motivation imo.
While I get the message of patience and hope, stated with the "million dollars" bothers me as yet another "Flip domains for easy huge profit" kind of promotion that I think does a disservice to serious domain investing. Too many have been dragged into this business thinking you just register a few domains and huge bucks will come your way.

The vast majority of domain investors will need to work very hard to make a small profit. They will need to use critical thinking in choosing quality names, be smart in reducing costs, do the hard work of learning the market and doing analysis, have skill in completing deals, and much more.

If the headline was it only takes one domain to break even (or even see a profit), I would agree. There are long dry spells, and it is important to realize that one significant sale can make up, but the million for one domain is simply unrealistic.
I took it to mean that, one domain sale can get you out of a financial funk and give you some leg-room to invest smartly and get to your first million over time. It takes patience, hard work, mistakes and alot more...That's why only a few make it that far. I hope to make it to that level. I will.
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