
Is there a "boys club" in the domain community?

Spaceship Spaceship

Is there a "boys club" in the domain community?

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  • Yes

  • No

  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.


Top Member
A recent article by a domain blogger spoke about this subject, but failed to provide clarity.
First he said, "But there was one big difference between me and all these people that claim that there is a “Boys Club” in domaining that doesn’t include everyone."......This quote implies that there is no "boys club" as some people have claimed...

And then he says, "You aren’t invited to the “boys club” not because you are a new investor or not good enough.".........This quote implies there is a "boys club" and even goes on to state you must be invited.

You can read more here:https://www.namepros.com/threads/shane-cultra-when-i-first-started-out.990951/#post-5897509

So which is it?...Is there a "boys club" in the domain community?......
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First Rule of Domainers Club is: You DO NOT talk about Domainers Club!
If I roll up my coms, and waive my gold in the air, can I join?
first rule of boys club...............



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First Rule of Domainers Club is: You DO NOT talk about Domainers Club!
In that case, I broke the first rule before I applied....:xf.grin:
I'm sure there is some sorta Mickey Mouse club between some of the domainers. I mean I wouldnt even be surprised if there a few domain cartels operating.. with sole purpose of using domains to launder money in and out their respective countries...

Whenever there is money to be made you can almost always guarantee that there will be few who will do whatever they can to exploit and dominate the system. It happens in all industries....

I explain how domains can be used for laundering money here:
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So which is it?...Is there a "boys club" in the domain community?......
No there's not a 'boys club' per se, but probably more of a situation of long timer domainers that have been going to domainer events for a very long time, that have come know each other more so from seeing each other so often for so long, and are more friendly towards each other. But some like to (want to) feel that there is a 'boys club' or 'secret domainer society', because, as the blog notes they - "...stay at home because (they don't have) a big set of balls that they have in the domain blog forums, and will spread these types of myths. Like you did about a year ago or so.
No there's not a 'boys club' per se, but probably more of a situation of long timer domainers that have been going to domainer events for a very long time, that have come know each other more so from seeing each other so often for so long, and are more friendly towards each other. But some like to (want to) feel that there is a 'boys club' or 'secret domainer society', because, as the blog notes they - "...stay at home because (they don't have) a big set of balls that they have in the domain blog forums, and will spread these types of myths. Like you did about a year ago or so.

Thanks, I will try not to take that as a personal attack, but in doing so I will be exercising self control.
OK - next question - is there a girls club?

and can I be an honorary member?
Domains are an off shoot of the computer industry, which still has the people active from days when computer tinkering was much more appealing to 'boys'.
Reminds me of those shirts from the 90's.

I would like to hear what the ladies think on this subject, I know at Lowes many people will right by the girlI work with, who wears the same vest I do and ask me a question and not her.

anyone one remember" The He Man Womens Hater Club" from the little Rascals
Joe T
Cause there is, and most rationale folk know it. There is always hierarchy, a ranking of sorts is deciphered by the so called elite. But I must state there are many recognised domainers who do not fit this criteria.
No... Please (There's a difference I think between the club you're thinking about) A girls domainers group, free for all etc, yeah!. But we are talking about segregation.
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NP had/has a "Women in Domaining" thingy. I dont know what came of it.
Moral of the story.
1.Get profitable.
2.Go to events and meet experienced domainers.
3.Be approachable.
4.Apply your new found knowledge.
5.Get noticed.
6. Earn entry to the "Club".

Not easy. However, as a rookie domainer I think Shane Cultra provided a good blueprint.
I'm unaware if this but if in fact it's true and you've made it public I suggest the following.

  • Keep your doors, windows locked at all times and change all your register passwords ASAP.
  • Keep all blinds, or curtains closed at all times.
  • Stay inside and if you must leave let someone know when you should return.
  • When you eat, prepare it yourself, don't eat out.
  • Be aware of your surroundings at all times.
I could go on but you get the drift.. Just kidding of course! :)
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I'm sure there is some sorta Mickey Mouse club between some of the domainers. I mean I wouldnt even be surprised if there a few domain cartels operating.. with sole purpose of using domains to launder money in and out their respective countries...

Whenever there is money to be made you can almost always guarantee that there will be few who will do whatever they can to exploit and dominate the system. It happens in all industries....

I explain how domains can be used for laundering money here:

This explains why some domains I searched for which were taken years ago which means they are ultra premium and super "liquid" are owned by shell companies in the Grand Cayman or Turks and Caicos.

Now THAT is when you know you've become BIG BOY Domainer status.

Imagine trading domains and never having to pay taxes?
Moral of the story.
1.Get profitable.
2.Go to events and meet experienced domainers.
3.Be approachable.
4.Apply your new found knowledge.
5.Get noticed.
6. Earn entry to the "Club".

Not easy. However, as a rookie domainer I think Shane Cultra provided a good blueprint.
Personally, I am a person who sincerely likes to help people, not take advantage of them . Knowing that, the blueprint you speak of would be against my morals an so many levels...Best of luck to you!
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