
advice Help Using Excel Spreadsheet To Manage Domain Portfolio and Expiration Dates

Spaceship Spaceship


Established Member
I have a simple Excel spreadsheet to keep track of my domains, expiration dates and registrars. There is a separate column for each category of info for each domain (domain names are in one column, expiration dates are in another column, registrars are in another column, etcetera…). Expiration dates are in the format 1/4/2020 (month / date / year). I currently have pricing for each domain in a separate Excel spreadsheet but will be adding pricing to the spreadsheet that has expiration dates for each domain.

The domains are currently arranged alphabetically but I would like to be able to sort domains by expiration dates so I can easily see which domains are approaching or past expiration. I’m pretty sure there is an easy way to do this with the data I currently have in Excel. Can anyone tell me how to achieve this in Excel?

Bonus Feature – I have many hand registered domains so it would be great to be able to see how old each domain is at a glance (specifically if it is more than 60 days old). Can anyone tell me how to achieve this in Excel?

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1)Sort the expirydate coumn.
Sort& Filter --> Custom Sort ----> Sort by


Hope this helps
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THANK YOU! Answer #1 sorts the dates perfectly. Because row 1 is a header row with text I didn’t think sorting the date column would work. I also thought I had to do some formal step to convert the text I entered in the column to a date. But thanks to you I have now learned that Excel is even smarter than I knew.

Regarding Answer #2, I understand the concept of “=N(TODAY()-REGDATE)” but I’m having difficulty applying it. To test it I used a domain with an expiration date of 2/14/2020 (I know it’s the expiration date instead of registration date but I just wanted to see if I could get the concept to work). In the cell where I want the domain’s age to appear in days I wrote “2/26/2020-B63” expecting to see “12” in the cell. Instead the cell shows “#####” with the message “dates and times that are negative or too large display as #####”. Do you know what I’m doing wrong?
Bonus Feature – I have many hand registered domains so it would be great to be able to see how old each domain is at a glance (specifically if it is more than 60 days old). Can anyone tell me how to achieve this in Excel?

If you need to calculate the number of days between an earlier date and today, use:

To calculate the number of days between a later date and today, use:


Source: https://exceljet.net/formula/get-days-between-dates

The former for days since regged and the latter for days till expiry. Replace earlier_date and later_date with their respective cell numbers.
just a headsup to all of you that need to calculate dates difference,

there is a hidden function(hidden as in it won't show in the functions list) called DATEDIF.
The syntax is as follows:
=DATEDIF(<earlier date>, <later date>, "D")
the "D" denotes 'days', if you need to calculate months then use "M"

That's the most accurate way to calculate difference in dates.. just doing calculations between dates without using the datedif function might show the wrong result, especially if the distance between the two dates is large
If you need to calculate the number of days between an earlier date and today, use:

To calculate the number of days between a later date and today, use:


Source: https://exceljet.net/formula/get-days-between-dates

The former for days since regged and the latter for days till expiry. Replace earlier_date and later_date with their respective cell numbers.

Thanks for the explanation and link! I think I have it now.
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