
interviews DomainSherpa Review – July 31: NameJet Safe to Buy/Sell? Getting Uncomfortable w Shane…

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Chris Hydrick

.Top Member
**Typically these headlines are posted by @DomainSherpa himself, but since I couldn't find anything about this DomainSherpa interview on NamePros, I'm posting it so we can have an upon unfiltered discussion about the interview**


Earlier this month, I tried to comment on the interview. It's been about 2-3 weeks or so, and the comment still hasn't been approved. I had asked a simple question to Mr. Cyger. I don't know remember the exact wording of the unapproved comment, but it was something like

"How can you call the NamePros thread about NameJet shill bidding a witch hunt if you don't know which accounts were actually blocked?"

My question derived from Michael's below transcript. If Michael doesn't know which accounts were blocked, how can he protect himself from those accounts if they rise again in a different form?

Michael: That was a witch-hunt that went down. You know, I give NamePros a lot of credit for being the place where somebody can bring up something like this, because if we didn’t have NamePros I’m not sure people could’ve discussed it and we could’ve found that there was an issue. Because clearly there was shill bidding going on, and NameJet has blocked those people — NameJet said that there was shill bidding. I don’t know what accounts were actually blocked. Shane, regardless of whether accounts are blocked or not, one of the reasons I love to have your perspective is that I don’t wanna put words in your mouth, but tell me if you agree with this.

I don’t care if people are shill bidding or not, I understand the value of a domain name at wholesale value, and if I can get it at a good price, I’m willing to buy it. Would you agree with that or not? Clearly, shill bidding is wrong, but you get my point that you’re only bidding based on the value of the domain name, regardless of

In Michaels defense, I don't think he approved my comment because he wanted to keep attention drawn to the last comment which benefits a charity...

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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Wow, what a terrible take.

"I don’t care if people are shill bidding or not"

No wonder people think this industry is a scammy joke.

EDIT: he's probably had to develop this mindset personally to justify to himself not taking all his videos down.

He sure cared about the Dicker thing but suddenly this one is all "meh, don't care." Pyramidsherpa.

Sorry if I'm coming off as combative but not letting anyone punch down on my fellow domainers.
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Wow, what a terrible take.

"I don’t care if people are shill bidding or not"

I agree. If you're going to continue to allow NameJet to be a sponsor, then you absolutely should care if people are shill bidding or not.

Mr. Cyger said he gives NamePros a lot of credit, because without NP, there wasn't a platform to bring light to this. This is a bit concerning to me because light had been given to this by Domain Shane per the below quote from @Domain Shane

I saw it happening, and I brought it to the attention, and they acknowledge it and said they’re working on it. But until the whole industry came about and said, “This is ridiculous,” then things happened. And I’m not gonna lie, I feel a little spited that I said all these things before, and I was dismissed.

With all the coverage DomainSherpa gives to NameJet auctions, you'd think (hope) that he would have used his platform to cover Domain Shane's concerns.

On May 14th, 2017 Domain Shane wrote the below comment about seller HKDN HERE


And on n July 21st, 2017 Domain Shane wrote the below comment about seller HKDN HERE

My comment that wasn't approved also thanked Shane and Adam for their thoughts shared in the show.
I just don't like shots taken DOWN at namepros, when some huge domainers were throwing stones on twitter yet that's not addressed. Hmmm...
I just don't like shots taken DOWN at namepros

... and I don't like a certain Sherpa who's PM'd me threatening to bankrupt and blackmail me if I don't remove my NamePros posts regarding the NamePros NameJet Shill Bidding thread.
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... and I don't like a certain Sherpa who's PM'd me threatening to blackmail me if I don't remove my NamePros posts.

... and I don't like a certain Sherpa who's PM'd me threatening to bankrupt and blackmail me if I don't remove my NamePros posts regarding the NamePros NameJet Shill Bidding thread.
That's serious!
That's serious!

Yeah. In the Sherpa's defense, to my knowledge, the Sherpa hasn't followed through with any of the threats yet. Once I received the threats, I added NP mods to the conversation, and nothing further has been said in that PM. **I'm referring to this individual as 'a Sherpa' per the request of the Sherpa for me to never mention his name. He is a regular on DomainSherpa, and I assume he is the one that told Mr. Cyger that thread was a witch hunt**

About a week or so later, I received another PM (my first direct contact with this individual) requesting me to remove all posts about another individual. The PM was sent by the owner of the NameJet account who auctioned the domains accused in the NameJet Shill Bidding thread. (Not the WHOIS owner of the domains, but the NameJet account holder. Those following the namejet shill thread will know who I speak of)
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The last time I saw that name was when I looked at the Facebook friends of the owner of the NameJet account who auctioned the domains accused in the NameJet Shill Bidding thread. ;) That doesn't mean anything, as I know many domainers are connected with other domainers on social media whom they are not really associated with.
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... and I don't like a certain Sherpa who's PM'd me threatening to bankrupt and blackmail me if I don't remove my NamePros posts regarding the NamePros NameJet Shill Bidding thread.

Can you please share the full PM ?

This is really messed up.

This community needs to know these guys.

I'll PM you two a transcript of the PMs.

Posting the PM in this thread may be off topic. That, and I don't want to publicly post the info said sherpa is threatening to post if I don't remove my posts.

Thanks @Grilled
All I see on this long conversation is intense emotions.
Chopping heads all over, making an industry leader look like a school girl - beautiful ego, oh yea neurotic it is. Threatening with crazy stuff. Hold in disrespect to domainers and our community.This guy just destroyed his career on this conversations. You are a wise guy, saving his ass by not sharing this publicly.
Threatening with crazy stuff

As you can deduct from the transcript, that sherpa claimed to have threatened multiple domainers who participated in that thread; not just me.

EDIT: If anybody else wants to see the heated PMs, PM or email me.
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As you can deduct from the transcript, that sherpa claimed to have threatened multiple domainers who participated in that thread; not just me.

I am not sure if he knows the saying "word of mouth" and its power.

This is how an ego can destroy a person`s whole reputation lesson.

There is an old Turkish saying " Büyüdükçe Küçüleceksin "- "get smaller as you grow bigger" symbolizes that "you should get rid of your ego while you grow your success."

Edit: I am glad namePros moderators did not removed your comments on that thread.

Glad there is still freedom of speech.
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As you can deduct from the transcript, that sherpa claimed to have threatened multiple domainers who participated in that thread; not just me.

EDIT: If anybody else wants to see the heated PMs, PM or email me.

Several PMs / emails sent. (only one request denied)
he has not threatened me
why do you diss me?
Thanks @Grilled
All I see on this long conversation is intense emotions.
Chopping heads all over, making an industry leader look like a school girl - beautiful ego, oh yea neurotic it is. Threatening with crazy stuff. Hold in disrespect to domainers and our community.This guy just destroyed his career on this conversations. You are a wise guy, saving his ass by not sharing this publicly.
Now I'm very curious what have you red.
... and I don't like a certain Sherpa who's PM'd me threatening to bankrupt and blackmail me if I don't remove my NamePros posts regarding the NamePros NameJet Shill Bidding thread.

Holly sh*t balls.. that is freakin insane! Good on you for not removing the thread... would love to know who the sherpa is, please can you pm me as well.. would be much appreciated.
Michael: That was a witch-hunt that went down.

"How can you call the NamePros thread about NameJet shill bidding a witch hunt if you don't know which accounts were actually blocked?"

For the record, @Michael Cyger, was the only one in this interview calling it a witch hunt (according to a CTRL + F for ' witch' in the interview transcript) He first called the NamePros NameJet thread a witch hunt in the paragraph which he introduced his sponsors...

Michael: Yeah, definitely. Shill bidding is wrong, I’m glad NameJet is looking into it. I look forward to seeing them continue to develop their shill bidding spotlight, their filters to be able to do that.
Big kudos to your partner at NameBio, Adam — Michael Sumner — who was able to bring data to this witch-hunt that happened over there, and to help affect that change. So I look forward to continuing to see NameJet improve the way they protect us as investors, people that are buying domains. Today’s show is sponsored by six awesome domain name industry providers that I’m gonna tell you about later on during the show, they include, Estibot, Escrow.com, David Weslow legal services, domainIQ, Efty.com, and DNAcademy.

Personally, I'm going to boycott all of DomainSherpas sponsors until Mr. Cyger demonstrates a consistent ability to protect domain investors. Site disclaimers aside, IMO patterns have shown the show turns a blind eye (or doesn't properly research) some of the content the show pushes and/or promotes.
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I was curious what results are returned when googling "DomainSherpa NameJet" (wondering where this interview would rank) This interview ranked 4th. The 1st result (for me) is below



This 2013 interview covers private auctions. It does not mention a next bid win mechanism, or shill bidding. It does cover reserves, among other aspects.
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