
question Do You Have A Contingency Plan For Your Internet Assets?

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Do You Have A Contingency Plan

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  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.


Guru In Remission!Top Member
I been thinking about this lately, "what would happen to all my domains, websites, blogs etc, if I suddenly die"?
Do you have a contingency plan?
If so, please share (I am looking for ideas)
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Thanks for the link. Do you have a contingency plan to make it easier for your kids/wife/etc?

I haven't really thought about it. :)
Yup, got one!

{And amazingly earlier today was with a potential new financial services firm that may (!) do a trust for us and I asked about how we would list our website & domain holdings.}

We currently have a master list of our domains, and, of their corresponding expiration dates and, for most an estimated dollar value range and, for some domains the names of potentials buyers to solicit a sale or the marketplaces to find contacts in, and " How To " access our registrar account and needed passwords.

My wife is far smarter than me so this info is for a ( potential ) beneficiary.
Thanks @WatchDogue. If you don't mind me are the payments being made? Vast majority of my payments (hosting, renewals etc) are automatically throughPaypal..never was a fan of credit cards.
My lesser value domains..whrn it come to renewal, I just make a decision whether or not to renew..

Assuming as long as my beneficiary are using my email and password to log into account will be active?
I've had to make a lot of hospital trips recently, and I was recently thinking about how I'd pass my names on to my kids.

I don't have any kids or a wife atm, no contingency plan if I die today. D-:

Maybe my nieces and nephews?
I've had to make a lot of hospital trips recently, and I was recently thinking about how I'd pass my names on to my kids.

I don't have any kids or a wife atm, no contingency plan if I die today. D-:

Maybe my nieces and nephews?
I just think...all my hard work gone to why not keep my dream alive..
No plan. Just me and me alone.
maybe till i get my own family
I just think...all my hard work gone to why not keep my dream alive..


Does this hit anyone else as a business opportunity?

"The future of the internet is in good hands."
"You don't have to say alt+ctrl+del."
"Where there's a will, there's a way."

All of our domains are on " auto-renewal " and renewed via a debit card on file.

The month prior to each domain's renewal month we decide if any of those soon to be expiring domains should remain on auto renewal or should be removed from auto and allowed to expire.

To date have never " lost " a domain on auto renewal due to registrar error nor had any card issues related to auto-renewal.
Eric should setup a Trust account for Namepros and and all the domains and websites should go to the Trust account if you die.

If you leave them to your wife/husband or your kid(s) I don't think they know what to do.

Send them all to me for the time being (while waiting for the Trust Account to setup).
My plan is bit primitive. I have a diary in which I put down all my important ID/Passwords with steps that allows my family members to sell those domains off at the market price or slightly below market price.

I have written it in very simple language. So they can understand it.

My wife and my father knows about it.

I have to sometime update the instructions as interface changes on different sites.

I also have some friends who would be on standby to help my family out if this happens.

I have all domains on auto renew so they get time to weep and cry and then they can deal with this shit.

I also have 10 blank checks signed and have put them into locker. So they can withdraw the money from all my accounts. I don't trust bank people. Legally my kin would get it but why give headache to family when there can be 10 blank checks in the locker.
^^^^^ What he said ^^^^^

I have all domains on auto renew so they get time to weep and cry and then they can deal with this sh*t.
Yeah can imagine their thoughts. comment..."he paid for that"
"What renewal?"
"What a waste of money"
"No, wonder he was always broke." (only to the users/players and people that don't pay me back lol
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