
news Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.

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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Enough said... the damage Trump has done to the US is still having its consequences. A lot of Trump believers still diminish this pandemic and that's having its consequences at hospital ICU units and amount of deaths by this pandemic.
I still remember Trump laughing at people wearing masks in his speeches and underestimating this pandemic. Like little Trump is doing right now at his social media accounts.
For trumpers everything counts in order to go against democrats, science and common sense, even if it costs thousands of lives.

15 soon to be 0.

Here is a nice little summary of all the times he said things diminishing the seriousness, mocking people, etc. about COVID -

They are killing off their own base at a much faster pace than liberals or moderates.

Remember guys, dying of COVID is the ultimate way to troll the libs because freedumbs!

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we just gonna skip over and bypass some real truth coming right from the mouths of Australian Gov Officials ???

The Coming of New World Order used to be called a conspiracy theory ... i think its pretty hard to call it a conspiracy today ...don't ya think ...

I will post it one more

time ... It doesn't lie and there is no conspiracy or theory with it

Now Brads way of dealing with it was to talk about lizard people and stupid shit ... Brad..you are NOT talking to a Donald Trump fan .... or a conspiracy theorist show watcher in me.I don't watch those shows.... i am one in many millions in the USA that know exactly what has and is currently happening ... the truth is well known today.... you can make jokes ...whatever soothes you knowing that people know the truth ... but we are very close to finding out how things are going to be going forward ... I have no idea what is going to happen ... I do have an opinion what is going to happen based off history and knowing my country and its Constitution and oath ,,,
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we just gonna skip over and bypass some real truth coming right from mouths Australian Gov Officials ???

The Coming of New World Order used to be called a conspiracy theory ... i think its pretty hard to call it a conspiracy today ...don't ya think ...

I will post it one more

time ... It doesn't lie and there is no conspiracy or theory with it

Now Brads way of dealing with it was to talk about lizard people and stupid shit ... Brad..you are NOT talking to a Donald Trump fan .... or a conspiracy theorist show watcher in me.I don't watch those shows.... i am one in many millions in the USA that know exactly what has and is currently happening ... the truth is well known today.... you can make jokes ...whatever soothes you knowing that people know the truth ... but we are very close to finding out how things are going to be going forward ... I have no idea what is going to happen ... I do have an opinion what is going to happen based off history and knowing my country and its Constitution and oath ,,,

Australia -

Total cases - 73,605
Total Deaths - 1,091

US -

Total cases - 41,000,000
Total deaths - 660,000

They must be doing something right.


Yet more anecdotal "data". A tweet, no more information.

Do you have any empirical data?

We again have the same logical issues with the anti-vaxxers. Anecdotal vs empirical, peer-reviewed studies vs random "studies", correlation vs causation, sample size, etc.

It is also rather amusing the COVID deniers will say every COVID death is fake. They didn't die of COVID, they died of a motorbike accident or whatever...then instantly blame the vaccine for any death after someone takes it, no matter the set of circumstances.

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Some of the vaccines do have rare serious side effects, but the deadly ones are in an order of 1 in tens or hundreds of thousands or more.

The odds of dying of COVID in the US are 1 in 500 per year so far. The odds of dying from the vaccine is much, much, much, much, much lower.

There is no solid empirical data, only a limited number of anecdotal cases which don't really tie correlation to causation in many cases.

When you are taking a large enough sample size, people die. If you have a pool of 300M people who are vaccinated, many people will die the next day or week, just based on statistics. It doesn't mean the vaccine caused it.

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'I was an idiot': Self-proclaimed ex-‘anti-vaxxer’ hospitalized with COVID-19 urges vaccinations

This guy is pretty funny while thought provoking some:

Bill Burr On Anti-Vax Conspiracy Theories

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Australia -

Total cases - 73,605
Total Deaths - 1,091

US -

Total cases - 41,000,000
Total deaths - 660,000

They must be doing something right.


you will walk every way around it ... but admit you are a part of the communist new world order... you don't have to fess up to it .... i already know ... the thing i don't understand ?? if you support it.. then why the wrestling around it ??? hell..if i supported something...i would say i did .. but you know this shit don't fly well in America ....
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so not one comment on the videos i posted on Australia government officials proclaiming "New World Order" not one.... I guess you really don't have shit to say... I wouldn't either if i were you.
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Whopping 70% of Unvaccinated Americans Would Quit Their Job if Vaccines are Mandated


Yeah Buddy

Yeah, sure.

In reality all it takes is a little inconvenience or incentive to move many people on the subject.

Look at Delta airlines. An extra $200/month in medical insurance for the unvaccinated was enough to move over 20% well before the deadline.

To me, not spreading a deadly disease is enough. I guess some others need a little more. I am guessing 50% would be vaccinated for a $20 Subway gift card. LOL.

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Your Kidding me right ??

You all keep playing stupid ... Its not helping you one bit

It isn't clear because you have been going off on vague confusing tangents and mentioning Australia in the same sentence as the US military. I still don't understand what the two have to do with each other.

So for context, those videos you linked to are of the NSW state government's 11am coronovirus press conferences. (Whoops, he said 'new world order' LOLz)

Every state in Australia has instituted their own lockdowns, largely against the wishes of the federal government, because the majority of us don't want this disease loose in our communities until we get enough vaccine supplies to cover everyone.

Elected officials are following our Biosecurity Act 2015 to keep vulnerable constituents safe from a threat.

No one is particularly happy about any of this, but the vast majority support what is being done.
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so not one comment on the videos i posted on Australia government officials proclaiming "New World Order" not one.... I guess you really don't have shit to say... I wouldn't either if i were you.

You're cherry picking peoples mistakes while they are under extreme pressure.

Those guys spend hours being grilled by the local media scrum every press conference every day. Some nutter has been through hundreds of hours of footage to find two instances of our state officials using the phrase 'new world order', and you want to set the world on fire?
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you will walk every way around it ... but admit you are a part of the communist new world order... you don't have to fess up to it .... i already know ... the thing i don't understand ?? if you support it.. then why the wrestling around it ??? hell..if i supported something...i would say i did .. but you know this shit don't fly well in America ....

Communist New World Order?

OK, now I think I understand where you are.

You have posted a few videos of NSW gov. officials using the phrase 'new world order' out of context.

The Aussie federal government is Liberal conservative (that's centre-right for you guys in the USA).

The NSW state government is also Liberal conservative.

Why would a centre-right conservative government want to be part of a 'communist new world order'?

If anything, the Liberal Party of Australia (LPA) are anti-communist, free-markets etc, and more vaguely aligned with what I assume to be your ideals of american republicanism.

Attacking the LPA is certainly not doing Trump's party any favours.
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Current Covid19 death numbers as of 9:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus). If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 4,646,764
United States: 677,988
Brazil: 586,882
India: 442,907
Russia: 193,468
United Kingdom: 134,200
France: 115,517
Italy: 129,919
Spain: 85,290
Mexico: 267,748
Poland: 75,425
South Africa: 84,877
Indonesia: 139,165
Netherlands: 18,069
Canada: 27,198
Chile: 37,232
Belgium: 25,454
Philippines: 35,307
Japan : 16,797
Bolivia: 18,587
Australia: 1,098
Peru: 198,764
Communist New World Order?

OK, now I think I understand where you are.

You have posted a few videos of NSW gov. officials using the phrase 'new world order' out of context.

The Aussie federal government is Liberal conservative (that's centre-right for you guys in the USA).

The NSW state government is also Liberal conservative.

Why would a centre-right conservative government want to be part of a 'communist new world order'?

If anything, the Liberal Party of Australia (LPA) are anti-communist, free-markets etc, and more vaguely aligned with what I assume to be your ideals of american republicanism.

Attacking the LPA is certainly not doing Trump's party any favours.

Awkward much?

EDIT: I actually hope that you think very deeply about this, and realise that you are barking up the wrong tree.
Actually New World Order by definition
a political situation in which the countries of the world are no longer divided because of their support for either the US or the Soviet Union and instead work together to solve international problems:
Doesn't make me feel comfortable laws erode rights that can be enforced for my protection forever.
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