
news Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.

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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
‘They Beg me for the Vaccine': Nurses Share Stories of Unvaccinated Patients Fighting COVID-19


In a viral Facebook post, a doctor speaks about how some patients sick with COVID-19 beg for the vaccine as they near death. San Diego nurses are sharing similar stories in hopes it will convince unvaccinated people

One of the last things they do before they’re intubated is beg me for the vaccine,” wrote Cobia.

“When I call time of death, I hug their family and I tell them the best way to honor their loved one is to get vaccinated. They cry. They thought it was a hoax,” Cobia said.
mmmkk … now we are getting some where … so essentially when exposed .. the vaccinated can carry the same viral load as un vaccinated … that means it can be spread just as much while that viral load is heavy correct ??

That could depend on their comment "There is also some question about how cultivatable—or viable—this virus retrieved from vaccinated people actually is." If it is still viable, then which group is coughing and sneezing more, and for how long, could be a key decider.

See how they conveniently leave out precious evidence .. numbers please !! 😂

If it's important for you to know that specific to that degree, then maybe try searching for it or asking them.
I'll take what they said as being the vaccinated got rid of their viral loads faster than the unvaccinated.
that doesn’t answer my question ..or questions should I say … but thanks

Direct your questions about Australian Government policy to the Australian Government!

Biden announces sweeping vaccine mandates affecting millions of workers


The administration said the new mandates could affect around 100 million people, more than two-thirds of the U.S. workforce.

Sept. 9, 2021, 3:28 PM CEST

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden on Thursday issued two executive orders mandating vaccines for federal workers and contractors and announced new requirements for large employers and health care providers that he said would affect around 100 million workers, more than two-thirds of the U.S. workforce.

"We've been patient, but our patience is wearing thin," Biden said, making a direct appeal to the 80 million people who he said were still unvaccinated. "Your refusal has cost all of us."

"It's simple: If you want to work for the federal government, you must be vaccinated. If you want to do business with the government, you must vaccinate your workforce," the official said.
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Current Covid19 death numbers as of 8:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus). If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 4,623,414
United States: 674,547
Brazil: 585,205
India: 442,046
Russia: 191,165
United Kingdom: 133,841
France: 115,362
Italy: 129,766
Spain: 85,218
Mexico: 266,150
Poland: 75,417
South Africa: 84,327
Indonesia: 138,431
Netherlands: 18,058
Canada: 27,134
Chile: 37,159
Belgium: 25,447
Philippines: 34,899
Japan : 16,603
Bolivia: 18,558
Australia: 1,076
Peru: 198,621
I am just catching up an reading all the posts...many thanks to those that are posting real information.

In my world, the family has come out of quarantine due to the misleading 'babysitters' of my great niece and nephew. The baby (6 months) is the one that had it and gave it to his sister (4 years). No one else (all adults and fully vaccinated) had any issues. Many thanks to those that worked tirelessly to provide us with the vaccines and of course God for His mercy. That's right, I'm a Christian. :xf.wink:

I've also learned that my oldest friend (met on 3rd day of classes when we were college freshmen) may have died and there is some speculation it was due to covid. His mother died on Christmas Eve of covid and he was her primary care giver until a few months before when she was moved to a full care retirement facility. As adults, he and I have gone our separate ways many times to follow our own personal and profession paths...I got him started on the road to entertainment industry work when I was in radio broadcasting decades ago. He took the ball and ran with it and acted (small parts) in several films and was the location manager on many films. His addiction to alcohol caused many issues in his life and in the last few of years I helped get him out of several bad situations because of my connections. I helped keep his negative issues scrubbed from public view and as a result I now have trouble reaching him and getting current information...his facebook status has been changed to 'remembering' and that is the only relative information I can find. I am hesitant to contact his older brother to learn what reality is as I have no desire to interact with him as he did nothing to help his younger brother and it would/will test my self control. There would be a sizeable piece of inheritance that the older brother would receive should my friend die as my friend was divorced and had no children and I am pretty sure he had not changed his will since he was married. I have learned from peripheral people that my friend was very sick a few months ago...of course it could be due to many things. Sorry for somewhat changing the subject, but his mothers passing to covid and him falling off the radar not much later makes me wonder. I will know all the information soon as it seems I have no choice but to contact the brother...but my gut tells me he is gone. I'll post back here if it was due to covid and his exposure to his mother...I do not know if he was vaccinated or not.
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During the vaccination, personnel can use force necessary to administer the vaccine.

My niece that is currently serving on the most advanced ship in our Navy, told me that those that were unvaccinated had been given the option to accept discharge or take the vaccine...I've not heard from her recently due to the activities of the ship but she said force was the final step should someone not make a choice.
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It has been already proven by scientists and virologists from around the world that the origins of the virus are on the nature. The virus has been rooted from its origins. There are dozens if not hundreds of corinaviruses like this one found in nature, in bat caves for example. Bats have an amazing army of coronaviruses like this one that they manage to control.

Origin of Covid-19 is still under debate. Likely the pathogen was found in nature in bats, but the deadly virus genome was tweaked IMO (Rare Genome Indicates COVID-19 Is Man-made). As the virus mutates to deadlier strains and people refuse to be vaccinated, demonstrates we will be challenged to contain the virus especially if future strains become vaccine resistant.
Origin of Covid-19 is still under debate. Likely the pathogen was found in nature in bats, but the deadly virus genome was tweaked IMO (Rare Genome Indicates COVID-19 Is Man-made). As the virus mutates to deadlier strains and people refuse to be vaccinated, demonstrates we will be challenged to contain the virus especially if future strains become vaccine resistant.
US COVID origins report: researchers pleased with scientific approach


"Intelligence investigation is inconclusive on virus’s origins, but finds SARS-CoV-2 wasn’t weaponized and is unlikely to have been engineered."

"Biden received the investigation’s classified report this week, on 24 August, and an unclassified version was made public today. The topline result is that the investigation was inconclusive. Intelligence agencies were divided on whether the pandemic most likely began because of a laboratory accident, or because of human contact with an infected animal. The only strong conclusion is that the coronavirus was not developed as a biological weapon; most agencies thought, with low confidence, that it was unlikely to have been genetically engineered."
I am just catching up an reading all the posts...many thanks to those that are posting real information.

In my world, the family has come out of quarantine due to the misleading 'babysitters' of my great niece and nephew. The baby (6 months) is the one that had it and gave it to his sister (4 years). No one else (all adults and fully vaccinated) had any issues.
Happy to see that you and your family are well. Thanks to vaccines now many vaccinated people exposed to covid just have very mild or no symptoms at all. Let's hope that this pandemic will end soon, although for what I see about the new variants I guess it will be required to get another vaccine shot at least next year.
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I think this move will come to a school district near us in the US if the Labor Day surge is big enough...

Los Angeles Unified Mandates COVID Vaccine for Students 12 and Older

Los Angeles Unified School District officials ordered COVID-19 vaccinations for all students aged 12 and over on Thursday, the largest school district in the United States to take that dramatic step.

School board members voted unanimously to mandate the shots in the coming weeks despite angry objections from several parents who said they were worried about the safety of vaccines and had the right to make the decision for their children.

“I do not see this as your choice or my choice,” board member Jackie Goldberg said. “I see this as a community necessity. That means people have to do things they’re not comfortable with, they’re not sure of, that may even contain some risk.”

The board applauded after the vote. Board member Scott Schmerelson was forced to abstain because he owns stock in vaccine-maker Pfizer. He told the board afterward that he supported their decision.

The Los Angeles school district vaccine policy applies to all of the district’s more than 600,000 students who are 12 or older, unless they can establish a medical or religious exemption. The board previously mandated that all employees be inoculated.

The mandate does not apply to a small minority of students in the nation’s second-largest school district who have opted to remain home.

“I do not see this as your choice or my choice,” board member Jackie Goldberg said. “I see this as a community necessity."
Totally agree with this quote.
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That could depend on their comment "There is also some question about how cultivatable—or viable—this virus retrieved from vaccinated people actually is." If it is still viable, then which group is coughing and sneezing more, and for how long, could be a key decider.

If it's important for you to know that specific to that degree, then maybe try searching for it or asking them.
I'll take what they said as being the vaccinated got rid of their viral loads faster than the unvaccinated.

I did just that .. thanks .. I sent both an email requesting numbers of patients they compiled to get their number of un Vaxxed are 3x more likely to get covid … I bet I get no answer from either of them … because it’s 1000% pure straight out bullshit … but they have the chance to prove me wrong now
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Lawsuits already being filed this morning against companies in Texas that have sent employees vaccine mandates … Gov Greg Abbott signed into law .. this way before Biden’s vaccine mandate yesterday .. that NO companies can make a vaccine mandate … the law also stipulates that the Federal mandates concerning vaccines .. masks and firearms will not
apply to the state of Texas … fuck Democrats both elected and not elected in the state

I DO NOT CONSENT ! Nuremberg law says I do not have to … No Covid Vaccine Tyranny
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US COVID origins report: researchers pleased with scientific approach


"Intelligence investigation is inconclusive on virus’s origins, but finds SARS-CoV-2 wasn’t weaponized and is unlikely to have been engineered."

The report is inconclusive, says Garry, might indicate that investigators did not find a SARS-CoV-2 sequence dating from before the first cases of COVID-19 were reported, or a very similar sequence suggesting that researchers might have genetically tweaked an existing virus to create the pathogen circulating today.
Thanks @Sutruk (y)

I'm sure you've heard/seen the latest news release from CCP. The language is pretty strong. The official Western explanation is likely an effort to de-escalate US/China tensions and/or to deflate conspiracy theories to take the heat off shady gain of function research laboratories. Who can say, nobody wants to take the blame and tracks have been well-covered :unsure:
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I'm sure you've heard/seen the latest news release from CCP
No, I didn't heard/seen those news until now sorry. But I am really not much interested in that political rethoric from CCP.
I am just talking about what most researchers and among them The Office of the Director of National Intelligence, says about it:


The IC assesses that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, probably emerged and
infected humans through an initial small-scale exposure that occurred no later than November
2019 with the first known cluster of COVID-19 cases arising in Wuhan, China in December
2019. In addition, the IC was able to reach broad agreement on several other key issues. We judge the virus was not developed as a biological weapon.
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Lawsuits already being filed this morning against companies in Texas that have sent employees vaccine mandates … Gov Greg Abbott signed into law .. this way before Biden’s vaccine mandate yesterday .. that NO companies can make a vaccine mandate … the law also stipulates that the Federal mandates concerning vaccines .. masks and firearms will not
apply to the state of Texas … fuck Democrats both elected and not elected in the state

I DO NOT CONSENT ! Nuremberg law says I do not have to … No Covid Vaccine Tyranny

Wrong on all counts.

Vaccine mandates have existed for decades. They have been upheld as Constitutional by the Supreme Court.

Every state requires a minimum of 5+ vaccines for school children at the moment.

Private companies can set their own terms of service and employment.

Also, look up the supremacy clause in the US Constitution. Federal law trumps state law. States can't nullify federal law.

This nonsense has been tried before, and failed. Nullification of federal laws has been ruled Unconstitutional many times.

Between 1798 and the beginning of the Civil War in 1861, several states threatened or attempted nullification of various federal laws. None of these efforts were legally upheld. The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions were rejected by the other states. The Supreme Court rejected nullification attempts in a series of decisions in the 19th century, including Ableman v. Booth, which rejected Wisconsin's attempt to nullify the Fugitive Slave Act. The Civil War ended most nullification efforts.

In the 1950s, southern states attempted to use nullification and interposition to prevent integration of their schools. These attempts failed when the Supreme Court again rejected nullification in Cooper v. Aaron, explicitly holding that the states may not nullify federal law.
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I sent both an email requesting numbers of patients they compiled to get their number of un Vaxxed are 3x more likely to get covid

Looks like CDC upped that to 4.5x:

  • More than 600,000 Covid cases from April through mid-July were analyzed and linked to vaccination status.
  • Those who were unvaccinated were about 4.5 times more likely to contract the virus, more than ten times more likely to be hospitalized with the virus, and 11 times more likely to die from the disease.


From search https://www.google.com/search?q=unv...7FTQIHdxcAek4ChDy0wN6BAgBEDU&biw=1536&bih=722
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The report is inconclusive, says Garry, might indicate that investigators did not find a SARS-CoV-2 sequence dating from before the first cases of COVID-19 were reported, or a very similar sequence suggesting that researchers might have genetically tweaked an existing virus to create the pathogen circulating today.
With all my respect to Garry, saying that is saying too much. Nature itself has already made a bunch of viruses that have jumped from animals to people, and no lab has been required for that.
In fact, that jump requires a technique that fortunately labs lack today. Nature however, has plenty of time and the best technique to do that, and its called evolution. And we should blame the ultimate responsible of that jump, that in my opinion, has been human pressing on nature and natural resources.
When you push nature to the limits, nature will come back with some responses in form of climate change, and in my opinion this pandemic is also one of them.
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Nothing will convince you. You cant be wrong. Your never wrong. Before it was fake virus though wasnt it?
Unvaccinated fill ICUs
85% of BC patients in intensive care with virus are unvaccinated
Health Minister Adrian Dix said of the 130 people across B.C. in intensive care with COVID-19, 111 of them are unvaccinated. Ten are partially vaccinated and nine are fully vaccinated.

Dix also provided partial data on the ages of unvaccinated patients in ICU: one person aged 20-24, six people aged 25-29, four people aged 30-34, nine aged 35-39, five aged 40-44, seven aged 45-49, eleven aged 50-54, twenty-one aged 55-59, fourteen aged 60-64 and eleven aged 65-69
Us vaccinated folks are doing just fine, physically and mentally. Hope you get well soon.
Coming Monday Vaccine passports https://www2.gov.bc.ca/vaccinecard.html
all I want is the simple numbers ??? They had to document how many Vaxxed and un Vaxxed people got the covid - 19 variant to be able to say that un Vaxxed are 3x times more likely to get infected
Wrong on all counts.

Vaccine mandates have existed for decades. They have been upheld as Constitutional by the Supreme Court.

Every state requires a minimum of 5+ vaccines for school children at the moment.

Private companies can set their own terms of service and employment.

Also, look up the supremacy clause in the US Constitution. Federal law trumps state law. States can't nullify federal law.

This nonsense has been tried before, and failed. Nullification of federal laws has been ruled Unconstitutional many times.

Between 1798 and the beginning of the Civil War in 1861, several states threatened or attempted nullification of various federal laws. None of these efforts were legally upheld. The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions were rejected by the other states. The Supreme Court rejected nullification attempts in a series of decisions in the 19th century, including Ableman v. Booth, which rejected Wisconsin's attempt to nullify the Fugitive Slave Act. The Civil War ended most nullification efforts.

In the 1950s, southern states attempted to use nullification and interposition to prevent integration of their schools. These attempts failed when the Supreme Court again rejected nullification in Cooper v. Aaron, explicitly holding that the states may not nullify federal law.

its not false that lawsuits are flying into the courts right now … it’s not false that Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a bill into law that went through the Texas senate and was passed saying that in Texas .. a company can not mandate a covid vaccine … although yes .. Federal law supersedes State law … these cases will be won because ..1 it is Texas state law .. 2 the US supreme isn’t going to hear these cases .. 3 it is going to cost these business extensively in legal fees ..

These cases may stay on federal dockets for years .. who knows …none the less it is still the “United States” and Texas is just one of the states .… we are a BIG state .. we have the right just like any other state to make our own laws .. and we have .. we will abide by OUR laws .. you Democrats have no problem with state legalization of marijuana and other things that you like , but it’s against Federal law .. .. so if the Fed is going to come down on Texas .. They are going to come down on the other states breaking Federal laws too .. the best solution is to leave the state of Texas alone .. hate or whatever you do… but stay out of it’s business is the best solution .. the people who do like the laws can certainly leave .. the airports are flying and the highways are wide open ..
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Nothing will convince you. You cant be wrong. Your never wrong. Before it was fake virus though wasnt it?
Unvaccinated fill ICUs
85% of BC patients in intensive care with virus are unvaccinated
Health Minister Adrian Dix said of the 130 people across B.C. in intensive care with COVID-19, 111 of them are unvaccinated. Ten are partially vaccinated and nine are fully vaccinated.

Dix also provided partial data on the ages of unvaccinated patients in ICU: one person aged 20-24, six people aged 25-29, four people aged 30-34, nine aged 35-39, five aged 40-44, seven aged 45-49, eleven aged 50-54, twenty-one aged 55-59, fourteen aged 60-64 and eleven aged 65-69
Us vaccinated folks are doing just fine, physically and mentally. Hope you get well soon.
Coming Monday Vaccine passports https://www2.gov.bc.ca/vaccinecard.html

No .. I said it’s a laboratory made virus .. made in Wuhan China … that is still my belief ..
its not false that lawsuits are flying into the courts right now … it’s not false that Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a bill into law that went through the Texas senate and was passed saying that in Texas .. a company can not mandate a covid vaccine … although yes .. Federal law supersedes State law … these cases will be won because ..1 it is Texas state law .. 2 the US supreme isn’t going to hear these cases .. 3 it is going to cost these business extensively in legal fees ..

These cases may stay on federal dockets for years .. who knows …none the less it is still the “United States” and Texas is just one of the states .… we are a BIG state .. we have the right just like any other state to make our own laws .. and we have .. we will abide by OUR laws .. you Democrats have no problem with state legalization of marijuana and other things that you like , but it’s against Federal law .. .. so if the Fed is going to come down on Texas .. They are going to come down on the other states breaking Federal laws too .. the best solution is to leave the state of Texas alone .. hate or whatever you do… but stay out of it’s business is the best solution .. the people who do like the laws can certainly leave .. the airports are flying and the highways are wide open ..

People can sue anyone for anything.

Vaccine mandates. Private companies setting terms of service and employment. State nullification of federal law. Those are already long settled legal precedents.

If Greg Abbot is trying to turn Texas into some 3rd world hell hole, he is off to a really good start. I wonder what the Texas Taliban will come up with next?

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People can sue anyone for anything.

Vaccine mandates. Private companies setting terms of service and employment. State nullification of federal law. Those are already long settled precedents.

If Greg Abbot is trying to turn Texas into some 3rd world hell hole, he is off to a really good start. I wonder what the Texas Taliban will come up with next?


Greg Abbott is handling his business .. and that the way Texans want it .. do you see mass protests over the abortion law .. the gun laws .. any laws ??? No .. you will see some liberals in Austin protesting at most .. it’s not for you to like our laws .. you don’t live here .. we like our laws .. we like them a lot … as you know we are a hard Republican state .. did you see mass protests over George Floyd ? No … because we don’t tear our own state down .. we are unified to the max.. Black - White - Mexican - Asian .. we are completely unified in Texas .. that except for the Democrats in the state .. but as you can see .. Democrats have no power in the state .. they might as well pack up and leave .. it’s our state
The companies mandating vaccines in Texas might as well find a new home at this point .. we never ever needed not one of the businesses .. they came to Texas because of much lower taxes and cost of living .. they have done nothing for the people of the state .. very few jobs as they brought in their people from other states as employees .. we didn’t start this shit .. we would be really happy if all of them pack their shit and leave .. before this is over .. I have a good feeling they will do just that ..

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