
question Busiest times for domain sales?

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
Anyone notice more domain inquiries/sales during certain periods? Like...

Which would you say are the busiest days of week and busiest times of the day?
Also, anyone notice an uptick in sales during specific months? This can apply to inbound/outbound as well.

I read an article that said the beginning of the week starting Sunday (best day being Monday) seems to be when most people are online shopping, then there is a decline as the week progresses. Wondering if that applies to our industry as well.
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When it comes to decent priced sales., these are never or very rarely snap-decisions. So time of purchase decision is irrelevant . I don't think you can ever pin-down domain sales to a weekly peak. Friday or end of the month possibly for Domainers purely down to pay-check in the Bank.

As for corporate buyers Your really looking for that peak from Sept to end of October as next years budget is set and the look-ahead to next years promotions etc. November to January is obviously a dead period for corporate sales. February March can be a high-point for business negotiations (usually for an after 1st April spend)
All purely from a UK standpoint - lets face it a good domain at a fair price doesn't care what the weather is or time of day
anyone notice an uptick in sales during specific months?

Typically, the first quarter of the year is when the majority of my sales are/have been made.
A NPs member (@TOP gTLD) looked at 10 years off data for the biggest 100 sales of each year. She found that January was the busiest month and that generally the first half of year was busier. Whether this holds for all domain sales, not sure. She did also look at day of week, but the link to her full report is not working for me today. I think I recall that more sales were announced on Wednesday or Thursday.

Here is link to thread.
July/August and December has always seen an increase in sales (inbound sales)
Best time for buying is when people are on vacation selling when they return plenty of people forget to renew. No set time more beating around the bush others will enquire check responses to other services etc.
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