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I am new to BrandBucket. Before getting my hands on this

I wish to experience about brandbucket from my fellow members

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Just had a batch from 10/26 reviewed:

G r o w i n g S u n
F a r m C h o w

not accepted
B l o c k T r a c k s
Thanks for sharing! The review train is chugging along again and the new batch of logos look great. (y)
Chronic is a very negative term. I am baffled that both you and BB thought it is a great idea to start a business with a name like that. How can Bloom be Chronic?!


  1. (of an illness) persisting for a long time or constantly recurring.
    "chronic bronchitis"

    constantly recurring
    • (of a person) having an illness persisting for a long time or constantly recurring.
      "a chronic asthmatic"
    • (of a problem) long-lasting and difficult to eradicate.
      "the school suffers from chronic overcrowding" "
"The Chronic" 😀 Chronic Bloom is a really good marijuana name.
Will the credit I used be restored if I retract a submitted name?
Looks like the review time has increased from 4 to 5 weeks. Why would they keep the "72 hours" note and not try to be honest?

And after a short period of having HTTPS landers are back to "not secure", as if they couldn't figure out how to renew their certificates.
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And after a short period of having HTTPS landers are back to "not secure", as if they couldn't figure out how to renew their certificates.

That is not good at all. If I go directly to individual names, they don't even resolve for me now.
I would greatly appreciate it if someone please let me know how to push BrandBucket domains to another account ? I have had one domain( pushed to another member year"s ago but do not recall.

I would greatly appreciate it if someone please let me know how to push BrandBucket domains to another account ? I have had one domain( pushed to another member year"s ago but do not recall.


You can't push anymore. You need to email [email protected] and ask them to move the name.
... and while the BrandBucket review train is still slowly chugging along the backlong, the publishing train seems to be on a roll. Maybe I haven't been as active, or looking as closely, but 709 domains published in the last 7 days seems pretty impressive. Speaking of impressive, not sure if anyone has seen, but my new bb logos are quite spiffy!

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I am going to have to disagree about Dickhead. Its some people’s favorite choice of curse word. 😂 Dirty words, off color language do have their buyers. This word is also a commonly accepted off color English phrase.

I picked up Dummy / Head (.com) from a nP seller with an interest in seeing if BB would accept it, seeing how they have Dick Head listed... figured they had to accept the PG version right? Correct ($2295-$2755)

Only one is hashtagable.



... and while the BrandBucket review train is still slowly chugging along the backlong, the publishing train seems to be on a roll. Maybe I haven't been as active, or looking as closely, but 709 domains published in the last 7 days seems pretty impressive. Speaking of impressive, not sure if anyone has seen, but my new bb logos are quite spiffy!

Show attachment 139002

That is lots of names. If they had maintained their 4% sell through, they'd be selling 3300+ names/year. They are probably in 1.5-2% zone though, so that should give 1250-1700 names/year.

They just sold a name for me yesterday, so now I am on 1.09% for last 12 months )
One thing that surprises me is the acceptance score.

For me it shows 40% and I am still rated at C. So the A guys have 60% to 100% or something? How is that possible? It says "our goal is to get you to 80%"? Really? ))) Even that 40% is a cheat, since most names are acquired after being accepted/listed. My real acceptance their is closer to 10% )))
I wonder why it takes so long. I know I can blow through a list of a few thousand names in a couple of minutes. Even easier when they are all in the same niche which is brandables. It probably goes through multiple sets of eyeballs before its a yes or no.
Finally some improvements:
no wonder my latest submission (after a long time since I submit the last time) has not been reviewed since nov 25, 2019.
no wonder my latest submission (after a long time since I submit the last time) has not been reviewed since nov 25, 2019.

To put their review time frame in perspective, two days ago, on December 20th, I had my submissions from November 12th reviewed.
I'm new to brandbucket. Submitted 50 names to them and still waiting for the review. Any idea about their acceptance rate?
I'm new to brandbucket. Submitted 50 names to them and still waiting for the review. Any idea about their acceptance rate?

Good names = good acceptance rate.
<20% acceptance rate on average - I think is the ballpark for most on BB
Will they ever bring their review time to 3 days?
Currently its taking more than month. And BB customer service don't seem to care.
Does BB inform if a name has not been accepted?
Does BB inform if a name has not been accepted?

Yes, you'll get an email once you're names have been looked at. Some will/may be accepted. Others that are not can be resubmitted if you think they made a mistake.
Will they ever bring their review time to 3 days?
Currently its taking more than month. And BB customer service don't seem to care.

At this point I would skip BB, as it's a saturate market place and your name will just get lost and if it does sell it will probably be from type in traffic and then you have to pay BB a %
At this point I would skip BB, as it's a saturate market place and your name will just get lost and if it does sell it will probably be from type in traffic and then you have to pay BB a %

I disagree. I sell names through BB and had them for years prior just waiting to be sold. BB fills a good niche I think. Obviously I prefer direct sales - but they do get sales and when they do the commission is worth it imo.
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