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It all goes on a moral standard. Just about everyone sees child porn as a damnable thing but it's perfectly acceptable to many ppl to see blood/gore in movies. And a comparison on real vs fake gore wouldn't work the same as a debate over real and fake child porn (what is the latter?).

All & all, you are running something through the mud that many people see nothing wrong with (pics of real gore). You have the right to dislike it but remember that gore isn't a taboo as heavy as child porn. It's more like standard porn: Some think it's great to watch while others shake a proverbial finger a it.

BTW I've said a billion times with the 'preteen' domain that I acquired it for its age/history. It was a bad move on my part and yes, I regret ever possessing that thing

This is the kind of garbage it would end up propagating, and you all know it:

Nikki Catsouras photographs controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gruesomepictures.com has all the air of 'educational' that gigantic zit on the face of humanity, R*tten does, i.e. NONE. There's a million things to do with one's time - gawping at people's actual severe injury/death isn't a valid one. Not for anyone who thinks of themselves as a worthwhile use of skin anyway.

You just can't/ pretend not to, see it because of all the dollar bills you see floating before your eyes. Analogous to the whole Bido situation really - "Who cares if bank names can be appropriated by some cyberspace Jolly Roger to potentially fleece millions of unsuspecting people of their hard-earned cash, as long we get paid dude?" Even labrocca is enthusiastically signing up now, and I haven't seen anyone moan about TM issues here more than him :rolleyes:

Archangel, I wasn't going to mention this til now, but your talk of child porn sites reminds me of a site you said you once had - 'RussianPreteens' or something similar. Now how would that be 'used in an array of ways', huh?

I know you said you got rid of the abomination, but why did you end up with it in the first place??
This is the kind of garbage it would end up propagating, and you all know it:

Nikki Catsouras photographs controversy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Gruesomepictures.com has all the air of 'educational' that gigantic zit on the face of humanity, R*tten does, i.e. NONE. There's a million things to do with one's time - gawping at people's actual severe injury/death isn't a valid one. Not for anyone who thinks of themselves as a worthwhile use of skin anyway.

You just can't/ pretend not to, see it because of all the dollar bills you see floating before your eyes. Analogous to the whole Bido situation really - "Who cares if bank names can be appropriated by some cyberspace Jolly Roger to potentially fleece millions of unsuspecting people of their hard-earned cash, as long we get paid dude?" Even labrocca is enthusiastically signing up now, and I haven't seen anyone moan about TM issues here more than him :rolleyes:

Archangel, I wasn't going to mention this til now, but your talk of child porn sites reminds me of a site you said you once had - 'RussianPreteens' or something similar. Now how would that be 'used in an array of ways', huh?

I know you said you got rid of the abomination, but why did you end up with it in the first place??

Well, I guess each of us will have our own opinion on what should or shouldn't be allowed. I tend to err on the side of freedom of speech and thought. Basically, my standpoint is that if it is legal, which the child porn obviously isn't, then it isn't my place to say that it shouldn't be sold.

I do agree that the wellsfargo domain shouldn't have been sold; obviously, this one was a bad faith registration in the first place and violates cybersquatting laws.

Anyway, I think that if we want to continue this, we should probably do it in a different thread as this conversation is more or less hijacking the BIDO thread and I apologize to BIDO and the Namepros community for any part my replies have had in that. Best Wishes to all.
It all goes on a moral standard. Just about everyone sees child porn as a damnable thing but it's perfectly acceptable to many ppl to see blood/gore in movies. And a comparison on real vs fake gore wouldn't work the same as a debate over real and fake child porn (what is the latter?).

All & all, you are running something through the mud that many people see nothing wrong with (pics of real gore). You have the right to dislike it but remember that gore isn't a taboo as heavy as child porn. It's more like standard porn: Some think it's great to watch while others shake a proverbial finger a it.

BTW I've said a billion times with the 'preteen' domain that I acquired it for its age/history. It was a bad move on my part and yes, I regret ever possessing that thing

Where to even begin with this...? It's so illogical and messed up on so many levels it makes me feel like I've eaten the skanky stuff forgotten about for weeks from the back of the fridge.

Just look at this : "you are running something through the mud that many people see nothing wrong with (pics of real gore)"

Running it through the mud!? Are you for real?! It's already there!

"BTW I've said a billion times with the 'preteen' domain that I acquired it for its age/history. It was a bad move on my part and yes, I regret ever possessing that thing."

"Bad move"..? That's like saying losing sight in both eyes is 'disagreeable'. So you looked at its age/history, while conveniently bypassing its direct connection to child porn?? How does that work? [<rhetorical]. Seriously, get help.

Ask yourself this...what is if it was your own mother with her head split open, being shown on those sick-freak sites...? If you still have the same perspective, you're beyond reach and likely always will be.

Basically, my standpoint is that if it is legal, which the child porn obviously isn't, then it isn't my place to say that it shouldn't be sold.

Yet you seem to be fine with necrophilia. I don't think many countries find that acceptable to be going on in their jurisdictions :rolleyes:

You are as you think, regardless of what's legal or not. So what does that say about all in here waving the flag for the worst kind of real suffering to be paraded as entertainment...?

I'm washing my hands of even talking to you right now.
*rolls eyes, ignores closed-minded people who take things too personally*

Where to even begin with this...? It's so illogical and messed up on so many levels it makes me feel like I've eaten the skanky stuff forgotten about for weeks from the back of the fridge.

Just look at this : "you are running something through the mud that many people see nothing wrong with (pics of real gore)"

Running it through the mud!? Are you for real?! It's already there!

"BTW I've said a billion times with the 'preteen' domain that I acquired it for its age/history. It was a bad move on my part and yes, I regret ever possessing that thing."

"Bad move"..? That's like saying losing sight in both eyes is 'disagreeable'. So you looked at its age/history, while conveniently bypassing its direct connection to child porn?? How does that work? [<rhetorical]. Seriously, get help.

Ask yourself this...what is if it was your own mother with her head split open, being shown on those sick-freak sites...? If you still have the same perspective, you're beyond reach and likely always will be.

Yet you seem to be fine with necrophilia. I don't think many countries find that acceptable to be going on in their jurisdictions :rolleyes:

You are as you think, regardless of what's legal or not. So what does that say about all in here waving the flag for the worst kind of real suffering to be paraded as entertainment...?

I'm washing my hands of even talking to you right now.
Where to even begin with this...? It's so illogical and messed up on so many levels it makes me feel like I've eaten the skanky stuff forgotten about for weeks from the back of the fridge.

Just look at this : "you are running something through the mud that many people see nothing wrong with (pics of real gore)"

Running it through the mud!? Are you for real?! It's already there!

"BTW I've said a billion times with the 'preteen' domain that I acquired it for its age/history. It was a bad move on my part and yes, I regret ever possessing that thing."

"Bad move"..? That's like saying losing sight in both eyes is 'disagreeable'. So you looked at its age/history, while conveniently bypassing its direct connection to child porn?? How does that work? [<rhetorical]. Seriously, get help.

Ask yourself this...what is if it was your own mother with her head split open, being shown on those sick-freak sites...? If you still have the same perspective, you're beyond reach and likely always will be.

Yet you seem to be fine with necrophilia. I don't think many countries find that acceptable to be going on in their jurisdictions :rolleyes:

You are as you think, regardless of what's legal or not. So what does that say about all in here waving the flag for the worst kind of real suffering to be paraded as entertainment...?

I'm washing my hands of even talking to you right now.

Just for the record I never said I was okay with necrophilia; I said that the domain could theoretically be used as an information site on the psychological disorder. I also never said that I thought that putting up images of someone's personal suffering was right or that I agreed with it. You are simply taking things to the extreme. Maybe it's just my opinion, but I didn't think the forums here were intended to be used to denigrate others and their domains. In any case, here's hoping you have a great day and feel free to wash or wring your hands all you want.
Ah yes, he's twisting words around and using loosely (and some un) related things to justify his point. Yes, the domain likely will be used to show graphic pics for the amusement of morbid people but so what? It's not like it's illegal. Distasteful but not illegal. Sorry if anyone takes offense to it but I don't go bitching when I see a NY Yankees site :p

Just for the record I never said I was okay with necrophilia; I said that the domain could theoretically be used as an information site on the psychological disorder. I also never said that I thought that putting up images of someone's personal suffering was right or that I agreed with it. You are simply taking things to the extreme. Maybe it's just my opinion, but I didn't think the forums here were intended to be used to denigrate others and their domains. In any case, here's hoping you have a great day and feel free to wash or wring your hands all you want.
Ah yes, he's twisting words around and using loosely (and some un) related things to justify his point. Yes, the domain likely will be used to show graphic pics for the amusement of morbid people but so what? It's not like it's illegal. Distasteful but not illegal. Sorry if anyone takes offense to it but I don't go bitching when I see a NY Yankees site :p

Not a baseball fan (I think the Yankees are a baseball team anyway)? I personally don't have any use at all for sports either.
A domain like ChildPorn.com has only one real application and a theoretical owner couldn't really justify using it in any other way.
ChildPorn.com is used as a child safety information website.
That's great to know. So if a domain that seemed to be geared toward kiddie porn could be used in this GOOD way, GruesomePictures.com could be used in a good way, too. Not saying it will but it could be.

ChildPorn.com is used as a child safety information website.
ChildPorn.com is used as a child safety information website.

That's great. I tend not to even click on names like that, so I probably wouldn't have ever found that out. Rep Added.
There's a million things to do with one's time - gawping at people's actual severe injury/death isn't a valid one. Not for anyone who thinks of themselves as a worthwhile use of skin anyway.
I had a friend who was a forensic pathologist. He was one of the most level headed, kindest, smartest people I've ever known. He was a good husband to his wife and a great friend. He also happened to be fascinated with death, dismemberment, etc, etc. Even as a child he was fascinated with human biology and death. His Mom took him to view an autopsy when he was 11 after he bugged her for a year about it. He had hundreds of pictures and he sometimes showed them to people who weren't afraid to look at such things. He had a large collection of stuff you would probably be offended by and he even kept a human skull (from an unidentified victim) on his office shelf.

OK, we understand that you are at the other end of the spectrum. The rest of us are somewhere in between.

People die and sometimes they die in horrific ways. Animals too. Everyone knows why people slow down to look at car wrecks. Death is fascinating to people. People look at gory pictures/videos for different reasons. It's not illegal to look at or post pictures of death/dismemberment. In my own opinion it's not even unethical, unless a family member asks a site owner to remove something and they don't. You disagree. So what? Your opinion on the matter is no better than mine or anyone else's.

It's ok if you want to climb up on your moral highground and look down at us heathens below, just don't come down and tell us we're heathens. Trying to force your "morals" on other people won't change a thing.

You probably don't like Grand Theft Auto either. :rolleyes:
I had a friend who was a forensic pathologist. He was one of the most level headed, kindest, smartest people I've ever known. He was a good husband to his wife and a great friend. He also happened to be fascinated with death, dismemberment, etc, etc. Even as a child he was fascinated with human biology and death. His Mom took him to view an autopsy when he was 11 after he bugged her for a year about it. He had hundreds of pictures and he sometimes showed them to people who weren't afraid to look at such things. He had a large collection of stuff you would probably be offended by and he even kept a human skull (from an unidentified victim) on his office shelf.

OK, we understand that you are at the other end of the spectrum. The rest of us are somewhere in between.

People die and sometimes they die in horrific ways. Animals too. Everyone knows why people slow down to look at car wrecks. Death is fascinating to people. People look at gory pictures/videos for different reasons. It's not illegal to look at or post pictures of death/dismemberment. In my own opinion it's not even unethical, unless a family member asks a site owner to remove something and they don't. You disagree. So what? Your opinion on the matter is no better than mine or anyone else's.

It's ok if you want to climb up on your moral highground and look down at us heathens below, just don't come down and tell us we're heathens. Trying to force your "morals" on other people won't change a thing.

You probably don't like Grand Theft Auto either. :rolleyes:

Well spoken; I would add rep, but just did for your other post.
That's great. I tend not to even click on names like that, so I probably wouldn't have ever found that out. Rep Added.
Thanks. I figured it was probably a regular porn/fetish porn site at the worst. IMO the owner would have to be insane to actually put child porn on a domain like ChildPorn.com

If I owned GruesomePictures.com, I'd put up pictures of kittens and unicorns. :sold:
I did desiredname a favor and repped you. You summed it up in brilliant ways. You deserved another rep :)

Thanks. I figured it was probably a regular porn/fetish porn site at the worst. IMO the owner would have to be insane to actually put child porn on a domain like ChildPorn.com

If I owned GruesomePictures.com, I'd put up pictures of kittens and unicorns. :sold:
Last time I came here.....this was the Bido Social Auction Thread :P
Sorry didn't realize that by putting my upcoming domain auction @ Bido.com on this thread would start such a mess, and cause a few people some uncalled for insults by one of our members. At first they were directed at me, but that was no big deal as I did post the name and It didn't bother me. It later did get carried away my apologies to those that were involved.
Just for the record I never said I was okay with necrophilia.

...we don't have any necrophiliacs running around here, but if they want to sell the .com (or other tld; I won't be prejudiced), then more power to them....

Best Wishes to all.


Yes, the domain likely will be used to show graphic pics for the amusement of morbid people but so what?...I don't go bitching when I see a NY Yankees site


Originally Posted by briman1970
ChildPorn.com is used as a child safety information website.

I tend not to even click on names like that...


It's ok if you want to climb up on your moral highground and look down at us heathens below, just don't come down and tell us we're heathens. Trying to force your "morals" on other people won't change a thing.

Ask yourself this...what is if it was your own mother with her head split open, being shown on those sick-freak sites...?

Nothing that ever counted as progress in society was ever brought about by apathetic, fat a$$es parked on fences, saying "Duh, what's da big problem buddy? Crack open another beer. Don't worry, be happy!!"

Shameful silence killed millions of Jews in the most appalling ways imaginable, and it's still seeing to it that an unquantifiable amount of injustices/atrocities worldwide are going on while 'people' like you live it up in your bubbles of indifference.

I'm staggered by how the most deviant of rubbernecking has become so normalised in the warped brains on display here. What you should be doing is looking at yourselves a lot harder, and not people having their faces ripped off and such, then making flimsy/downright illogical justifications for it. And on top of that, compounding the stupidity by making out that I'm some kind of overly moralising, party-pooper for daring to have compassion for people and speak up about it.

These sites don't just show the worst man'kind' has to offer, they cheerlead it on:





Sorry if my taking issue with this kind of nonsense upsets your couldn't care less equilibrium. Well actually no, I'm not sorry in the slightest.

You probably don't like Grand Theft Auto either. :rolleyes:

Oh that 'game' where pedestrians are run over for points and prostitutes have their skulls caved in with a crowbar for filthy lucre..?

You managed to get one thing right at least :rolleyes:

Now carry on patting yourselves on the back for having such blissfully uncomplicated lives :rolleyes:
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Nothing that ever counted as progress in society was ever brought about by apathetic, fat a$$es parked on fences, saying "Duh, what's da big problem buddy? Crack open another beer. Don't worry, be happy!!"

Shameful silence killed millions of Jews in the most appalling ways imaginable, and it's still seeing to it that an unquantifiable amount of injustices/atrocities worldwide are going on while 'people' like you live it up in your bubbles of indifference.

I'm staggered by how the most deviant of rubbernecking has become so normalised in the warped brains on display here. What you should be doing is looking at yourselves a lot harder, and not people having their faces ripped off and such, then making flimsy/downright illogical justifications for it. And on top of that, compounding the stupidity by making out that I'm some kind of overly moralising, party-pooper for daring to have compassion for people, and speak up about it.

Sorry if my taking issue with this kind of nonsense upsets your couldn't care less equilibrium. Well actually no, I'm not sorry in the slightest.

Oh that 'game' where pedestrians are run over for points and prostitutes have their skulls caved in with a crowbar for filthy lucre..?

You managed to get one thing right at least :rolleyes:

Now carry on patting yourselves on the back for having such blissfully uncomplicated lives :rolleyes:

You have a big problem if you have the time to sit and write this stuff, preaching to others what they should and should not do.

You have taken your "God fearing" wrath out on this domain because for YOU it doesn't fit with your moral standards and then you have the audacity to somehow compare the sale with the holocaust??? WTF!!

You either need serious help or ordaining so you can get yourself a pulpit!
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When did I say I was Christian..? Just a proper human being, duh.

I never put it on the same level as the holocaust. Read better. I was making a point about silent apathy. Some people actually do care enough to type a few paragraphs about what they believe in, rather than blow a third of the day cracking open skulls in GTA, or jacking off to kiddie porn :rolleyes:

Have a sit down for 2 minutes in your 'busy' life and think about it.
The only person talking about cracking skulls and kiddie porn is you.......You have hijacked this thread and used it for your own purpose of moralizing.

I'm sure that most, if not all, of the members agree with your view of kiddie porn, yes it is abhorrent!!

As for blood and gut's, it is a fact of life that people are facinated and strangely attracted to this...... Why?? Who knows, but it is true.

I was a police officer for 17yrs and no matter what time of day I went to a murder, serious traffic accident, suicide etc. people would appear out of nowhere for a view of the scene in anticipation of catching a glimpse of the seriously injured or deceased.

Were all these people sickos? Were they all potential pedophile's? IMO no......just normal human behaviour.
Burning people at the stake for being suspected 'witches'; slavery; putting kids to work down mines that were in danger of collapsing at any minute, and women not being allowed to vote (because they were seen as too feeble-minded), etc etc etc...were once seen as 'normal' too.

A vocal minority believed differently and said/did something about it. You should be grateful they did.
Burning people at the stake for being suspected 'witches'; slavery; putting kids to work down mines that were in danger of collapsing at any minute, and women not being allowed to vote (because they were seen as too feeble-minded), etc etc etc...were once seen as 'normal' too.

A vocal minority believed differently and said/did something about it. You should be grateful they did.

Lol....You're too funny!!.......Anyway, I don't trust anyone who feels they have to peruse in stealth mode. ;)
This thread has consistently been a great place for the community to converse with the welcoming and open Bido staff. I have found it to be one of the most useful subscribed threads so it is a shame that this largely irrelevant discussion has taken over.
Lol....You're too funny!!.......Anyway, I don't trust anyone who feels they have to peruse in stealth mode. ;)

Well personally, I don't trust anyone who buys a site called 'RussiaPreTeens.com' for its 'history' or thinks real blood and guts is an 'awesome' thing to be looking at; or for that matter, ex-policeman who seem to view empathy as a whacko concept from the Outer Limits.

Well that's just me, but somehow, I think it's the right end of the stick to be holding.

Ok cmason, here's your fluffy thread back. I'd hate to get in the way of your beautifully blossoming relationship with Bido, that may even end in the pitter-patter of tiny feet going by all the tear-jerking tributes you've written :'(

Good luck to you and all the other 'fine upstanding citizens' here who may bid on 'WellsFargo.cn'/Sickfreak.com (or whatever it's called) if it takes their fancy :snaphappy:
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