
status-resolved BAN member: barybadrinath ... There is no room for threats on namePros

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Chris Hydrick

.Top Member
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.

Can one of you familiar with the post, that posted a screenshot of it (To the threat itself), provide a link (Or click the REPORT link) to that post (the thread has 151 posts and multiple pages) so we can investigate further, please.

Starting this thread, with no reference link to the actual violation post seems to have simply complicated everything. The best way to have a moderator team get involved for the quickest response and resolution is to click the report link on the actual post that violated a rule so they can go straight to the violation to review it.

Unfortunately, screenshots of posts can be photoshoped/manipulated, so we need to investigate the actual post itself (Content, history, context, time-stamps, etc...).

It is here https://www.namepros.com/threads/ep...full-on-right-now.1186029/page-4#post-7728655, however, after we called out the member for the threat he made, he edited the post.

Here is his original post which was quoted by @Grilled https://www.namepros.com/threads/ep...full-on-right-now.1186029/page-4#post-7728657

also here @Rob Monster quoting him

and also I quoted him here with the original wording before the dit
Update: The member already edited the post, however, an infraction for their threat/attack has been issued.

Thanks for reporting this matter

I can't even believe this is serious. What the hell has happened to NamePros?

We have people making threats for at least the second time.
Oh no, an infraction was issued.

The moderation, or lack of I should say, has lead us to this place.
This should not be tolerated, never mind for a second time.

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Thanks, they were infracted for that.
I can't even believe this is serious. What the hell has happened to NamePros?

We have people making threats for at least the second time.
Oh no, an infraction was issued.

The moderation, or lack of I should say, has lead us to this place.
This should not be tolerated, never mind for a second time.

After reviewing the members account, we can see where they received multiple infractions and even a ban/restriction. Most have expired over time. The members account is close to auto-closing with the current active infractions (One more, may automatically close their account for exceeding the maximum negative infraction points allowed).

We can see where moderators took action on all "reported" matters. If there are other matters in question that have not been reported, please use the report feature so moderators can be made aware of the additional rule violations that may require further actions.

More community control coming:
The next big project we're working on is relating to how to turn over more control to the community and make members more accountable for their actions, where accountability is heavily influenced by community members' opinions.
Read more here: https://www.namepros.com/threads/ti...o-enforce-it-diligently.1179999/#post-7666172

We hope that helps.
Now you have the OP, who posted something that was seen as a threat by this young women posting this -


Come on...This is total BS.

Moved to promotional / Asking members to sign a petition / not industry news

Thanks for letting us know.

In the future, please use the report link on a post so that the report is logged in the report system, where moderators can keep better track of them.

Come on...This is total BS.

Speaking of BS.

I said some things that might not align with nP rules. I accept that.

Yet, thus far, the only infraction I have received was, for responding to RM, when he said, What's our secret? my response, "Your secret is bullshit."

Of everything that occurred, I'm a little embarrassed that, that's what nP mods have focused on.

Heck, I called somebody a PoS twice. That's not cool. It's my opinion. But likely not align with nP rules. My excuse? No excuse.

Mitigating factor? I lost it. I don't take well to nP members, or anybody for that matter, threatening other people. Especially, women. Or beyond gender, those trying to uphold a neutral position.

If nP ever ends up like gab, it sure will be uncomfortable to say I have close to 5,000 posts here.
Moved to promotional / Asking members to sign a petition / not industry news

Thanks for letting us know.

In the future, please use the report link on a post so that the report is logged in the report system, where moderators can keep better track of them.


I did.

Do you really think it is appropriate for the OP to be posting this type of message, directed at the same young women he made the previous threat to? I do not.

I would hate to be in the position of defending that action, or lack thereof.

Holy sh*t -- this crazy idiot is still around?

I though FOR SURE after the Sharjil craziness, there's NO way this guy would still have a voice.

This dude needs to be put on meds, and I don't say that lightly.
I did.

Do you really think it is appropriate for the OP to be posting this type of message, directed at the same young women he made the previous threat to? I do not.

I would hate to be in the position of defending that action, or lack thereof.

Please keep the following terms of use in mind that all users agree to when signing up to NamePros:

The providers ("we", "us", "our") of the service provided by this web site ("Service") are not responsible for any user-generated content and accounts ("Content"). Content submitted express the views of their author only.

You agree to take full responsibility for all Content you submit to the Service. You agree to assume any losses and/or liabilities that result from your Content.

You understand that we are not a publisher of Content on our forums. We do not moderate most Content.

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You are granting us with a non-exclusive, permanent, irrevocable, unlimited license to use, publish, or re-publish your Content in connection with the Service. You retain copyright over the Content.

Source: Terms Of Service

Please contact the user responsible for publishing the content.

We hope that helps.
Please keep the following terms of use in mind that all users agree to when signing up to NamePros:
Source: Terms Of Service

Please contact the user responsible for publishing the content.

Thanks for understanding.

That is your response. Really?

You have someone who posted a threat against this women, then is keeping at it.

You can do you what you want, but this lack of action reflects poorly on both NamePros and domainers in general. Just know that.

That is your response. Really?

You have someone who posted a threat against this women, then is keeping at it.

You can do you what you want, but this lack of action reflects poorly on both NamePros and domainers in general. Just know that.

I think he will be banned pretty quickly. He is bringing heat to the forum that we do not need. If he keeps it up it will get to be too much and he will likely be banned. Whatever is going on between Rob and Molly should be handled by them, wikipedia and lawyers.
I think we are too tough on NamePros management/moderators.

IMO, it is appropriate to issue infractions. Infractions add up and can lead to restrictions or even a ban.

Namepros is an open forum. I'm surprised more members don't simply use the ignore feature.

I personally did not view the tweet as a real threat. In order for a threat to be real, it has to be possible. Meaning, if a 3 foot kid told a 6 foot man, I'm gonna beat you silly, it is not considered a real threat.

If a person on one end of the planet, threatens physical damage to another person across the globe, it is not considered a real threat.

If a person yell, I want all women dead, that is not a real threat. It's not possible for all women to be dead. It's more ridiculous than anything.

When will members chill out on trying to moderate and chill out on criticizing the moderation?

I guess NP is not for the faint of heart.

Thank you.
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I think we are too tough on NamePros management/moderators.

IMO, it is appropriate to issue infractions. Infractions add up and can lead to restrictions or even a ban.

Namepros is an open forum. I'm surprised more members don't simply use the ignore feature.

I personally did not view the tweet as a real threat. In order for a threat to be real, it has to be possible. Meaning, if a 3 foot kid told a 6 foot man, I'm gonna beat you silly, it is not considered a real threat.

If a person on one end of the planet, threatens physical damage to another person across the globe, it is not considered a real threat.

If a person yell, I want all women dead, that is not a real threat. It's not possible for all women to be dead. It's more ridiculous than anything.

When will members chill out on trying to moderate and chill out on criticizing the moderation?

I guess NP is not for the faint of heart.

Thank you.
I understand it very well, but I personally believe it can be a threat because the world is not as it was before, some people can argue coordination of any kind is possible even if the person is not in the same country.
Speaking of BS.

I said some things that might not align with nP rules. I accept that.

Yet, thus far, the only infraction I have received was, for responding to RM, when he said, What's our secret? my response, "Your secret is bullshit."

Of everything that occurred, I'm a little embarrassed that, that's what nP mods have focused on.

Heck, I called somebody a PoS twice. That's not cool. It's my opinion. But likely not align with nP rules. My excuse? No excuse.

Mitigating factor? I lost it. I don't take well to nP members, or anybody for that matter, threatening other people. Especially, women. Or beyond gender, those trying to uphold a neutral position.

If nP ever ends up like gab, it sure will be uncomfortable to say I have close to 5,000 posts here.

Holy Slippery Slope fallacy

“NP will end up like Gab”

I’m done.
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If a person on one end of the planet, threatens physical damage to another person across the globe, it is not considered a real threat.

Really? Please provide a citation for that legal opinion.

I think any threat should be treated seriously, especially when this is the second time the OP has been infracted for making threats.

I understand it very well, but I personally believe it can be a threat because the world is not as it was before, some people can argue coordination of any kind is possible even if the person is not in the same country.
I respect that.

The women literally responded to his tweet in a matter that showed she felt threatened. I think that was perfectly reasonable.

Molly White @molly0xFFF

Concerned citizens like the one who just threatened to show up at my house, thanks to your rhetoric about me?

Now some recent tweets by her -

Molly White

Hey@namepros, that guy who threatened to show up at my house has now started a http://Change.org petition full of provably false (not to mention libelous) claims against me. Why is your mod team's only action to move the thread to a different forum?

Molly White

Is your forum usually such a hotbed of harassment against random women on the Internet who are not members of your forum nor involved with the domaining world, or is this a new thing for you?

NamePros should be embarrassed to allow this.

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The women literally responded to his tweet in a matter that showed she felt threatened. I think that was perfectly reasonable.

Now some recent tweets by her -

NamePros should be embarrassed by allowing this.


Molly is using the “Grilled” method.

Trying to paint the action of one on all.

No, Molly the forum isnt a hotbed of whatever.
Someone from India with poor english
The women literally responded to his tweet in a matter that showed she felt threatened. I think that was perfectly reasonable.

Now some recent tweets by her -

NamePros should be embarrassed by allowing this.

Seems Molly White has less business making judgements about this community, than others judging her wikipedia editor skills or lack thereof.
The women literally responded to his tweet in a matter that showed she felt threatened. I think that was perfectly reasonable.

Now some recent tweets by her -

NamePros should be embarrassed by allowing this.

I don't know. Sometimes I feel people (like Molly) are becoming hypersensitive. I also feel there are much greater injustices in the world. Essentially, this topic reads like one of those "who favors Rob Monster and who does not.". IMO, that topic needs to end too.
I don't know. Sometimes I feel people (like Molly) are becoming hypersensitive. I also feel there are much greater injustices in the world.

Well, that might be true but unfortunately we are not going to solve world hunger any time soon.
This is the issue at hand at the moment.

Let's be clear:

You see a very small fraction of the things we do to keep this community professional.

Most things take time; they do not happen instantaneously. If they did, they'd likely be poorly executed.

If something is not handled the way you want it to be, it does not mean we condone or like the behavior that is involved. It's very likely that if you feel strongly about something being unprofessional, then we likely feel the same way. But how we respond may not be the same as you.

Unlike many people who post in these heated threads, we do not post knee-jerk responses when we strongly disagree with something. We review reports, collect our thoughts, and make decisions that we believe are best for the community. Then, we carry out those decisions, which can take hours, days, or much longer depending on the complexities involved.

These are things many of our emotionally-charged members should practice themselves. Typically, if you're upset with another member and posting about it, you are likely adding to the problem. Instead, report it.

@barybadrinath's account has been restricted. We've also been talking with him about his behavior and why it is unacceptable on NamePros. He understood and decided to take a break to reflect on how he is expressing himself. Regardless of his decision, his restriction will remain in place until we believe that he will follow the rules.

Everyone is allowed to express their views on NamePros, but they must do so within the confines of the rules and expectations, which do not allow name calling (even if it's an opinion) and do not allow antagonizing others.

Please report issues and contact support if you want to discuss them further, but threads like this do not help get things accomplished; they only distract from it.
Let's be clear:

You see a very small fraction of the things we do to keep this community professional.

Most things take time; they do not happen instantaneously. If they did, they'd likely be poorly executed.

If something is not handled the way you want it to be, it does not mean we condone or like the behavior that is involved. It's very likely that if you feel strongly about something being unprofessional, then we likely feel the same way. But how we respond may not be the same as you.

Unlike many people who post in these heated threads, we do not post knee-jerk responses when we strongly disagree with something. We review reports, collect our thoughts, and make decisions that we believe are best for the community. Then, we carry out those decisions, which can take hours, days, or much longer depending on the complexities involved.

These are things many of our emotionally-charged members should practice themselves. Typically, if you're upset with another member and posting about it, you are likely adding to the problem. Instead, report it.

@barybadrinath's account has been restricted. We've also been talking with him about his behavior and why it is unacceptable on NamePros. He understood and decided to take a break to reflect on how he is expressing himself. Regardless of his decision, his restriction will remain in place until we believe that he will follow the rules.

Everyone is allowed to express their views on NamePros, but they must do so within the confines of the rules and expectations, which do not allow name calling (even if it's an opinion) and do not allow antagonizing others.

Please report issues and contact support if you want to discuss them further, but threads like this do not help get things accomplished; they only distract from it.

People do report it. The issue is not reporting it.
The issue is your actions in response to these reports.

There is nothing you can say that will make me agree with a lack of action on this.
We are going to have to agree to disagree.

I think my position is a lot more tenable than the one not taking immediate action on a party that has been involved twice now with threats.

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