

Spaceship Spaceship
  1. NameGroove

    question How long after receiving a push can we transfer out?

    Bought a domain today and it was pushed to my account at the same registrar. However, the WHOIS is showing "ClientTransferProhibited". The name is 3 years old. How long do I have to wait to transfer the name out of the registrar post push?
  2. NameGroove

    question How long after receiving a push can we transfer out?

    Bought a domain today and it was pushed to my account at the same registrar. However, the WHOIS is showing "ClientTransferProhibited". The name is 3 years old. How long do I have to wait to transfer the name out of the registrar post push?
  3. Krane65

    Can you "push" domains at Spaceship?

    I'm looking for how to push a domain on to another Spaceship account... So far I haven't been able to find how? Please help me with a step-by-step guide? Thank you!
  4. Krane65

    Can you "push" domains at Spaceship?

    I'm looking for how to push a domain on to another Spaceship account... So far I haven't been able to find how? Please help me with a step-by-step guide? Thank you!

    question Can we push domain in ? If so where?

    Where is the push/moving to another account in ? or still need to create a support ticket manually? Screenshot of a domain options:

    question Can we push domain in ? If so where?

    Where is the push/moving to another account in ? or still need to create a support ticket manually? Screenshot of a domain options:
  7. ADxAD

    question Push vs In-Page push?

    Hi guys! I've been running a push campaign and got results that might be better. Now I'm considering trying in-page. Has anyone of you tried this? I found some articles about that but they seem to be from ad networks, not users themselves. Any experience?
  8. ADxAD

    question Push vs In-Page push?

    Hi guys! I've been running a push campaign and got results that might be better. Now I'm considering trying in-page. Has anyone of you tried this? I found some articles about that but they seem to be from ad networks, not users themselves. Any experience?
  9. NameInbox

    information Dynadot: Update to Domain Pushes (Change Ownership Requests)

    Just got email from Dyna: " We're writing to inform you of an update we're making to domain pushes at Dynadot, also known as Change Ownership requests. We've received a lot of feedback to update how domain pushes are handled. Right now, we use account Forum Names to create domain push orders...
  10. NameInbox

    information Dynadot: Update to Domain Pushes (Change Ownership Requests)

    Just got email from Dyna: " We're writing to inform you of an update we're making to domain pushes at Dynadot, also known as Change Ownership requests. We've received a lot of feedback to update how domain pushes are handled. Right now, we use account Forum Names to create domain push orders...
  11. Sam1234

    Way to avoid Namecheap 60-day Transfer Lock when accepting a push?

    If I get a domain pushed to me at Namecheap, can I opt out of the 60-day transfer lock?
  12. Sam1234

    Way to avoid Namecheap 60-day Transfer Lock when accepting a push?

    If I get a domain pushed to me at Namecheap, can I opt out of the 60-day transfer lock?
  13. NYJimbo

    Solved: Cannot push domain to Afternic's Dynadot account.

    Afternic asked me to push a sold domain to their dynadot account forum name and it keeps failing. Afternic say the correct account is "a_d_waltham_u" but each time I push it there is an error "There is 1 error. Could not find account based on forum name." Afternic says its probably a Dynadot...
  14. NYJimbo

    Solved: Cannot push domain to Afternic's Dynadot account.

    Afternic asked me to push a sold domain to their dynadot account forum name and it keeps failing. Afternic say the correct account is "a_d_waltham_u" but each time I push it there is an error "There is 1 error. Could not find account based on forum name." Afternic says its probably a Dynadot...
  15. Bob Hawkes

    information Domain Investing: Just The Basics – Part 2

    Last week’s Domain Investing: Just The Basics – Part 1 looked at domain name terms, extensions, and the basics for researching, registering, buying, renewing, and listing domain names. The article also considered developing a plan for your domain name investments. This week, I take a look at...
  16. Bob Hawkes

    information Domain Investing: Just The Basics – Part 2

    Last week’s Domain Investing: Just The Basics – Part 1 looked at domain name terms, extensions, and the basics for researching, registering, buying, renewing, and listing domain names. The article also considered developing a plan for your domain name investments. This week, I take a look at...
  17. zigomon


    Hi anyone here can help how to push a domain name at netsol. Thanks in advance
  18. zigomon


    Hi anyone here can help how to push a domain name at netsol. Thanks in advance
  19. erchaman

    question Selling or Flipping issue?

    Hello everyone; There is a doubt that I still didn’t get solved. I usually get sales on a domain from the second month or more after purchasing. Never got a sale before 60 days once I registered. Yes, I’m still a novice here learning the ropes of domaining every day. My big question is, what...
  20. erchaman

    question Selling or Flipping issue?

    Hello everyone; There is a doubt that I still didn’t get solved. I usually get sales on a domain from the second month or more after purchasing. Never got a sale before 60 days once I registered. Yes, I’m still a novice here learning the ropes of domaining every day. My big question is, what...
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