
registrars Zoho down because of domain name suspended by registrar

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Domainosaurus RexTop Member
Whoa – oh no, Zoho: Domain name no-show deals CRM biz, 40m punters a crushing blow

CRM biz Zoho left millions of customers fuming on Monday when it briefly lost control of its critical Zoho.com domain name, bringing its services to a grinding halt.
Around 9am Pacific Time, its staff freaked out after the Zoho.com homepage came up blank. The domain name had been blocked, a message from the company's registrar stated.
Thousands of messages from angry Zoho customers, who were unable to reach their databases and messages, nor access their email campaigns, started flooding in, causing the India-headquartered company to post a panicked message on Twitter.
"Our Zoho.com domain is blocked and Tierra our domain registrar is not responding," the tweet read. "Can someone help us reach their senior executive team?" it asked with a picture listing Tierra's senior executives

Source: [The Register] Whoa – oh no, Zoho: Domain name no-show deals CRM biz, 40m punters a crushing blow
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Amazing when Zoho offer 2FA to customers! Why not use a secure registrar?
And likewise, not a great sign that Zoho – which registered its dot-com back in 2004 – has not considered moving a fundamental business asset to a more secure status. Larger registrars offer special services and protections for important domain names, such as not making any changes until they have spoken to a specific named individual.

Clearly neither Zoho nor Tierra has that arrangement – which is common for large businesses – in place. And it has made them both look rather stupid today.

It's not unheard of, even now, for domain names to go wandering. In July last year, billion-dollar online marketing company Marketo failed to renew its main dot-com
Perhaps they will if they get it back :)
I just started using them a few months ago.
Oh Noooooooooooooooo....

Perhaps they learned their lesson?

''So, not a great advertisement for Tierra – which didn't seem to realize it was handling the domain name for a massive business with millions of users and seemingly failed to contact the company directly before pulling its entire internet presence.''

''And likewise, not a great sign that Zoho – which registered its dot-com back in 2004 – has not considered moving a fundamental business asset to a more secure status. Larger registrars offer special services and protections for important domain names, such as not making any changes until they have spoken to a specific named individual.''

Stupid Zoho. I still like them.
Stupid Tierra. They are screwed.
We were already having some issues with our emails this week and that would have been the nail in the coffin. Three weeks ago we (my day job) were looking at moving over to ZOHO. Glad we decided to pass!

My boss would have either burst a blood vessel or fired me if we completely lost access to email for a full day. (It was not pretty when we lost it for half a day a while back. :inpain::banghead::hurting::hungover::hungover:)
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Has this had any resolution yet or any explanation from ZOHO. I too was looking at adding them to 1 of my websites? But this stopped me in my tracks too. I would forgive them (well I haven't lost anything yet) provided their explanation is plausible and they have corrected things like changing their registrar and put whatever safeguards in place to see this doesn't happen again. Perhaps they should accept CloudlFare's Registry for domains at cost :)
I am personally shocked that more hosting providers are not vertically integrated as a registrar. There are a tremendous number of hosting providers, including large ones, that hold their primary domain and main DNS domains at 3rd parties. This is classic counter-party risk and easily mitigated while also providing integrated solutions for customers. This is one reason we began offering hosting products in 2014 and continue to see it as growth market, particularly as more customers become aware of the privacy trade-offs associated with some of the largest hosting providers. Fortunately, Tierra.net and Zoho just sounded the alarm for those who were asleep!
The domain was restored, but as DNS takes time to restore, we are still ... find ways make sure no one takes down our domain again this way. ..... I don't think I have ever heard of a domain being abruptly suspended by such a registrar. ..... Zoho i'd say this incident is a symptom of issues rather than a cause ...
I see that they are using Cloudflare as a registrar now :)
I am using zoho services for 2 years now for my e-mail address.
Get lost.
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I use them for 2 years for free and never complain about their services.

Why do you think it is a scam company @LowPage TeaJit What happen to you ?
And how can you compare Salesforce with Zoho ? I guess it depends what you use Zoho for, I use it for email and it works perfectly.
Get lost.
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