
analysis World War III

Spaceship Spaceship

oldtimer Let's not leave anyone behindTop Member
I believe that President Biden was right when he said that Russia is going to Invade Ukraine.

Any intelligent person is going to come to the same conclusion knowing that Russia has already decided to pay any price imposed on it by the West through sanctions.

Short of full military confrontation by the West there is nothing that can make Russia to change its mind as they see this as a golden opportunity to resurrect the once powerful superpower that was equal to the USA.

But Russia’s ambitions are not going to stop with taking over Ukraine since it already has made plans to increase its sphere of influence to Asia, Middle East, and South America and perhaps the whole World knowing that the West is most likely not going to do anything beyond just imposing sanctions which ultimately will hurt the West itself by effecting the Global economy in an adverse way the longer that they go on.

I personally don’t like any of the old ideologies, philosophies, and doctrines of Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, Religious Fundamentalism and all the other “ism” that are derived from the bad human characteristics of Greed, Lust, Hate, Cruelty, Jealousy, Prejudice, and lack of Empathy and that have been infringing on our rights in one way or another throughout the history because they can only exist through supporting inequality, oppression, suppression, torture, killing, and War.

When it comes to saving the World the last thing that I want to see is the further expansion of these old systems that have all already proven to be a failure in dealing with the existential problems that are currently facing Humanity and the Environment.

We don’t want all these political, Religious, and Racial parties and groups to resurrect their past, we want something new that can propel the World into the next Era that is based on the Universal Principles and Values that have been derived through Logic and Compassion and not through Force and Violence.

By “We” I mean all the Intelligent, Righteous, and Peace loving people of the World.


Thread rules: everyone is invited to participate as long as things are kept on topic and are on the constructive, professional, and respectful side (personal attacks and demeaning of others will not be tolerated). Do not overwhelm this thread with memes and if you provide a link to an article you must give a brief explanation as to what it is about so that people know ahead of time what they are clicking on.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Companies making policy against Russia are showing their support for Ukraine and against the war. And anyone with an inch of heart can understand it.

You cannot be neutral when a mass murderer is invading, targeting and killing indiscriminately innocent civilians on purpose. That's a terrorist action.

And the minimum response the world can do is making sanctions against Russia because Russia (Putin) takes his part of money from every business in Russia to finance his weapons and his war crimes in Ukraine.

I remember once talking to a guy who was thinking to buy a Russian Lada car because it was so cheap, but then decided against it, saying that profits would go to building another nuke pointed at us. Personal sanctioning.

Maybe we should start thinking about that more when it comes to buying things from other anti-democratic places.
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Zelensky addresses Canadian Parliament​

Justin Trudeau Among Hundreds Of Canadians Putin Has Banned From Russia

The "black list," announced Tuesday, applied to hundreds of Canadian lawmakers and followed what the Russian Foreign Ministry called "the outrageous hostility of the current Canadian regime."

In total, 313 Canadian officials were banned from Russia, including nearly every member of Parliament and party leaders as the Russian government responded to sweeping sanctions being placed against the country in response to the war with Ukraine.

Russia Sanctions Joe and Hunter Biden, Hillary Clinton and 10 Others

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I'm going to post it also here.

As a Russian hobbyist domainer I’ll say I was shocked this ‘special military operation’ actually happened. Since that day, the lives of Ukrainians and Russians became way worse instantly. This is a tragedy. Our leadership made a terrible decision.

However, I’d like to say that if you're going to punish an entire nation based on some principle, this principle has to be fair and universal. Otherwise it will just radicalize people.

Sadly, there have been many wars in recent decades, and citizens of the perpetrator countries suffered no consequences for that. The US, the UK, France, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Israel and many allies of aforementioned invaded and bombed sovereign nations, yet their citizenry didn't get robbed for it, companies didn’t run away from those countries. Many of those wars left behind way more dead, wounded, displaced and impoverished than the Ukraine war.

Also you have to understand, if you punish people who live in an oppressive state and don’t punish people who live in a democracy (US of A), you break the “power equals responsibility” principle. If you punish all Russians, punish all Americans harder! Because they actually can control their government, and their unwillingness to protest imperialism is their moral choice, not a way to escape being jailed in a time when losing a job is very likely even without legal problems. I guess it’s fair to demand Americans to give a half of their income away to poor countries to atone for America, you’ll still be way richer than us. And don’t say “you can’t”, we also “can’t”, we “can’t” way more than you, but became poorer anyways.

I understand Ukrainians have it harder right now, but the difference between the lives of citizens of countries who have “a license to kill” and their victims was even bigger than Russians vs Ukrainians right now.

You might say “but that’s the only way to hurt Russians, it’s this or WW3!”. Again, I’ll say why didn’t you want to hurt other war-waging countries that way, why didn’t you feel that burning desire to stop those wars giving them maximum effort financial armageddon? Or if you agree that Americans should have been sanctioned, should it be OK to rob Americans at every opportunity to bring justice to the world because that’s the only way to do it since they aren’t going to give their money away.

What’s also frustrating, is that let’s say Russia annexes more Ukrainian land or creates more breakaway protectorates like LNR/DNR, the local people who are now poor suffering Ukrainians (they really are) will be also sanctioned, just like the people of Crimea. Great, right?

Again, I’m not saying this war is somewhat OK because other countries got away with their wars. It’s not. I’m talking about the Western war on Russians. Which is also not OK. The sanctions on oligarchs were seen by Russians positively, cuz we hate them, the sanctions on all of us is BS. Do you think a person who’s fine with discriminating and robbing people based on nationality and banning opposite views would be a more humane ruler than Putin if they had his power and resources?

If you agree with me, you can agree here. Thanks for reading.
That's a good post.

Unfortunately it looks like it's only getting worse. I think your war generals mislead Putin on what they can do in a certain amount of time. You're having real logistical difficulties, some say you asked China for ready to eat meals for the soldiers.

I do agree it was probably a strategic mistake, some powers are determined to see Putin fail, even without direct conflict. So you can imagine the amount of support Ukraine will get, $14 billion from US alone, that 3-4 times what their closest ally Israel gets, & Putin is pissed, so he won't take the lack of progress lightly, a recipe for disaster really.

Unless diplomacy gets a chance.

As to why it's done to this aggressor & not to others, plain hypocrisy .

I also agree, collective punishment is just nasty.
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That's a good post.

Unfortunately it looks like it's only getting worse. I think your war generals mislead Putin on what they can do in a certain amount of time. You're having real logistical difficulties, some say you asked China for ready to eat meals for the soldiers.

I do agree it was probably a strategic mistake, some powers are determined to see Putin fail, even without direct conflict. So you can imagine the amount of support Ukraine will get, $14 billion from US alone, that 3-4 times what their closest ally Israel gets, & Putin is pissed, so he won't take the lack of progress lightly, a recipe for disaster really.

I think this is exactly what happened. Powerful leaders are always surrounded by crony "yes-men". These people are going to tell the boss what he wants to hear, not the reality.

It is highly likely Putin thought the military and economy was far stronger than they actually were. The outcome so far is what happens when that echo chamber meets reality.

I understand Ukrainians have it harder right now, but the difference between the lives of citizens of countries who have “a license to kill” and their victims was even bigger than Russians vs Ukrainians right now.
Russian military was ranked 2nd, Ukraine 22nd

And 'might' is right? Still, no reason to invade a neighbouring country.
You might say “but that’s the only way to hurt Russians, it’s this or WW3!”. Again, I’ll say why didn’t you want to hurt other war-waging countries that way, why didn’t you feel that burning desire to stop those wars giving them maximum effort financial armageddon? Or if you agree that Americans should have been sanctioned, should it be OK to rob Americans at every opportunity to bring justice to the world because that’s the only way to do it since they aren’t going to give their money away.

I think that's the idea, West lay seige to Russia expecting it will break from within vs. direct military confrontation.
Since that day, the lives of Ukrainians and Russians became way worse instantly.
Sure, but with a little difference. Nobody is constantly shelling and mass killing innocent civilians in Russia. This is happening in Ukraine, thank to the terrorist ruling your country right now.
So, there's "a little difference" about how are suffering Ukrainians and Russians right now.

Get out and go to the street to protest against the daily and indiscriminate massacre of ukrainian civilians your "leadership" is causing right now in Ukraine. You are 146 million russians, go out and kick out your "leadership". Then maybe the world will stop its sanctions against Russia.

Sadly, there have been many wars in recent decades, and citizens of the perpetrator countries suffered no consequences for that. The US, the UK, France, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Israel and many allies of aforementioned invaded and bombed sovereign nations, yet their citizenry didn't get robbed for it, companies didn’t run away from those countries. Many of those wars left behind way more dead, wounded, displaced and impoverished than the Ukraine war.
Who of those countries has (recently) invaded, bombed and targeted innocent civilians?
Your "leadership" is shelling indiscriminately and on purpose innocent civilian zones, buildings and hospitals, that's an act of terrorism.

The only thing that can be an "excuse" to russian people right now to not go to the streets and kick out your terrorist leader is that the most of the russians right now are brainwashed by Putin's media propaganda machine.

Because I really cannot imagine another civilized country in this world watching their "leader" daily shelling and killing innocent civilians in terrorist acts (that's not war, that's terrorism) and not going in mass to the streets to protest and instantly kick out their "leadership".
Do you think a person who’s fine with discriminating and robbing people based on nationality and banning opposite views would be a more humane ruler than Putin if they had his power and resources?
The West is sanctioning Russia because your dictator is using all the money from the earnings of those companies in Russia to finance his weaponry and his war crimes in Ukraine. That's why some private companies and West governments are sanctioning or leaving Russia, because they don't want to finance Putin's massacre in Ukraine.

What happens is that you have a dictator ruling Russia that has invaded a democratic country and now is mass killing innocent civilians on purpose, daily shelling civilian buildings, hospitals and streets. Civilians that only wanted to live their lives and now are suffering a daily nightmare and being killed by your "leadership".
If you really think that the russian dictator is as human as the rest of leaders in the West, then you haven't understood nothing.

Let me say also, the level of fight and resistance ukrainians are offering against the invasion is because they are living in a democracy, with freedom of choice, freedom of expression, and so they do not want to be ruled by a dictator no way, even less by a mass murderer and a tyrant like Putin.

In fact, this is a fight between a free country, a democracy, against the invasion and aggression of a dictatorship.
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More news about my favourite Russian Ukrainian:

Russian state TV employee fined for ‘they’re lying to you’ sign protest​

A Russian state television employee who protested against the war in Ukraine on primetime TV was fined 30,000 rubles (around €250) on Tuesday — and may still face jail.

Marina Ovsyannikova, an editor at the Kremlin-backed Channel One, briefly jumped behind a newsreader on Monday brandishing a sign that read: “No war. Stop war, don’t believe in propaganda, they’re lying to you here. Russians against war.”

“I thank everyone for their support,” Ovsyannikova said after being released, and told reporters she was questioned by police for more than 14 hours, was barred from speaking to relatives and was not allowed to consult a lawyer. “These were really very difficult days in my life because I spent literally two days without sleep,” she added.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov earlier Tuesday condemned Ovsyannikova’s actions and called her protest “hooliganism,” which in Russia is a crime.

But her protest may still be the subject of another criminal probe under new censorship laws. Russian lawmakers rushed new free-speech laws through parliament on March 4 which threaten those spreading “fake news” about the Russian army with up to 15 years in prison — a move that forced foreign outlets including Bloomberg and the BBC to suspend their operations amid concerns for journalists’ safety.

In a video posted to Telegram before the protest, Ovsyannikova — who is half-Russian, half-Ukrainian — confessed she was “very ashamed” for contributing to “Kremlin propaganda” during her time at Channel One while slamming Russia’s role in the war. “What’s happening in Ukraine is a crime, and Russia is the aggressor,” she said."
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Sadly, there have been many wars in recent decades, and citizens of the perpetrator countries suffered no consequences for that. The US, the UK, France, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Israel and many allies of aforementioned invaded and bombed sovereign nations, yet their citizenry didn't get robbed for it, companies didn’t run away from those countries. Many of those wars left behind way more dead, wounded, displaced and impoverished than the Ukraine war.
Who of those countries has (recently) invaded, bombed and targeted innocent civilians?
Your "leadership" is shelling indiscriminately and on purpose innocent civilian zones, buildings and hospitals, that's an act of terrorism.

If you think you can't find thousands of instances of civilian infrastructure bombed during those wars that can be described as 'targeting civilians' if you're motivated to do so, you're wrong to put it mildly. This is a very clear example of polarized rage-based thinking. All of the sudden Iraqi, Serbian, Palestinian, Yemeni civilian objects were all bombed by pure mistake and the pilots cried in bed months after, but Russians of course do it on purpose, because if we say so, war-waging countries that you like will look relatively good.

Also if you think other counties that started aggressive destructive wars should face no comparable consequences (hell, even a half of that) just for not being called Russia, you're excusing evil.
I am going to take a break for a while, but these are some of my last thoughts concerning the current situation that we are facing:

We are all (humanity as a whole) so focused on War that we forget that many of the things that we consider to be unfair, unjust, and immoral (and to some extent plane evil) get their start during the Peace times.

In my opinion Morality should be Universal no matter where we are talking about,

If it’s wrong to kill civilians in Ukraine it should also be wrong to let little children in places like Yemen and Afghanistan (and in many other places) to starve to death because of sanctions that are meant to put pressure on the governments in those places.

Lets look at all the different judicial systems and laws that exist around the World which in some cases are even opposite to each other. Ideally a person should have the same rights no matter where in the World they live in or visit, and judges should be able to pass a fair and unbiased judgment no matter where they are at and where they are from.

Our rights should be Universal based on the same Principles and Values that have been derived through Logic and Compassion.

I often hear that a judge is Left or Right leaning on certain issues, and I also often hear that different laws ( sometimes even opposite to each other) have been passed by legislators in different parts of the World under the guise of being what people have voted for and want through their democratically elected representatives.

What people have to realize is that democracy in itself is neither good nor bad, it’s just a tool that should be used to make sure that people are participating in determining their own welfare and destiny.

But the outcome of a democratic vote or decision still has to be compatible with not just the local version of morality, but that also should always be inline with the kind of Universal Principles and Values that are derived through Logic and Compassion regardless of if you live on this Planet or on Mars.

If someone is appointed or elected as judge then that person should be able to preside over a case and pass a fair and unbiased judgment no matter which Country (or Planet) they are from and which Country (or Planet) they are invited to go to.

If our laws and judicial systems can not be a Universal Force For Good then we as the Human Race are not as righteous as we think we are.

In order to end the War we have to pay more attention to what is going on at Peace time, because the root causes for most Wars can be found in all the failures and injustices of our current systems of Capitalism, Communism, Religious Fundamentalism, Fascism, and all the other isms that are out there.

Even if the current War ends the World is still not going to be at Peace if everyone decides to continue with all their old and outdated Ideologies, Philosophies, and Doctrines that have brought the World to the brink of another World War to begin with.

We as the Human race need to put an end to this animalistic and to some extent evil Era that we are in and start a new Era by finding common grounds over the kind of Universal Principles and Values that are derived through Logic and Compassion and which can help the Humanity as a whole ascend to higher level of thinking and existence and ultimately become a Force For Good.

As long as we continue living in the past with all its old and outdated systems the World will always be at War if not amongst different Countries, but between all the different political, religious, racial, and economical Classes and Groups within the Society itself.

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Ukraine Leader: Positions Of Ukraine, Russia At Talks Sound More Realistic​

March 15, 2022

(Reuters) – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said on Wednesday that the positions of Ukraine and Russia at peace talks were sounding more realistic, the Interfax Ukraine news agency reported.

“Meetings continue. I am told that the positions at the negotiations sound more realistic,” Zelenskiy said in a video address released early on Wednesday, the agency said. “However, more time is still needed for decisions to be in the interests of Ukraine.”

Russian state TV calls for REPARATIONS from the US over sanctions: Putin's lapdogs demand return of 'Alaska and California's Fort Ross', threaten nuclear strikes on US, and call for public hangings in Ukraine​

  • Moscow-backed pundits have also begun normalizing the idea of publicly hanging Ukrainians who are fighting against Russia's war
  • State Duma member and Kremlin 'spin doctor' Oleg Matveychev appeared on a Sunday news program to share a list of demands 'after Ukraine’s demilitarization'
  • It includes the dissolution of NATO, lifting of sanctions, and extradition of 'war criminals' President Volodymyr Zelensky, Petro Poroshenko and others
  • A Russian TV host railed against the US's sanctions after his two Italian villas were seized, offering a threat of nuclear strikes if not lifted in 24 hours
  • 'You’re the thieves, our talk is short with you: a bullet to the head,' he said

I guess we better not lose.

Russian state TV calls for REPARATIONS from the US over sanctions: Putin's lapdogs demand return of 'Alaska and California's Fort Ross', threaten nuclear strikes on US, and call for public hangings in Ukraine​

  • Moscow-backed pundits have also begun normalizing the idea of publicly hanging Ukrainians who are fighting against Russia's war
  • State Duma member and Kremlin 'spin doctor' Oleg Matveychev appeared on a Sunday news program to share a list of demands 'after Ukraine’s demilitarization'
  • It includes the dissolution of NATO, lifting of sanctions, and extradition of 'war criminals' President Volodymyr Zelensky, Petro Poroshenko and others
  • A Russian TV host railed against the US's sanctions after his two Italian villas were seized, offering a threat of nuclear strikes if not lifted in 24 hours
  • 'You’re the thieves, our talk is short with you: a bullet to the head,' he said

I guess we better not lose.
That's crazy... now think about the millions of russians only watching this propaganda due to the dictator's censorship of any other information source... and there you have millions of brainwashed russians really believing all that sh*t.
If you think you can't find thousands of instances of civilian infrastructure bombed during those wars that can be described as 'targeting civilians' if you're motivated to do so, you're wrong to put it mildly.
One thing is to attack a civilian infrastructure by mistake. Another very different is what's currently doing Putin, that is targeting on purpose civilian buildings and residential zones, and killing on purpose innocent people, women and children, every day, non stop.
That's the difference between what the military does (war) and what Putin troops are doing in Ukraine (terrorism).
Your leader is a mass murderer that wants to kill the maximum number of innocent civilians by airstrikes and mass bombings.
The only cases you will find of this kind of terrorism in recent years have been done by the same terrorist, Putin, in Syria and Chechnya.
you're excusing evil.
Actually you are the one who is excusing evil. You are excusing the massacre and genocide of innocent people your current leader is causing right now in Ukraine saying that other countries did it also (and that's false).
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That's crazy... now think about the millions of russians only watching this propaganda due to the dictator's censorship of any other information source... and there you have millions of brainwashed russians really believing all that sh*t.

Millions do, millions don't. Hardliners seem have a false sense of superiority and entitlement which is also their achilles heel. Propped up by a tyrant for a leader, many look back at a bygone era of nationalism, following a dusty Soviet era playbook thinking they are de-nazifying Ukraine. However, it has been almost three decades of a taste of Western culture, that IMO, young, modern Russians will miss. This new generation also questions but is afraid to ask, "Why not let Ukraine de-nazify itself?" :unsure:
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This new generation also questions but is afraid to ask, "Why not let Ukraine de-nazify itself?" :unsure:
They better should ask why their leader is acting the same way as Hitler did, targeting and killing innocent civilians, invading neighbour countries, besieging cities and cutting off water, electricity and food supply to starve thousands of civilians, exactly like Hitler did in St. Petersburg for example.
They better should ask why Putin behaves exactly the same way as Hitler did. So the real nazi they have as a leader.

But I guess the new russian generation doesn't know too much about Hitler. The older one, like the old woman survivor of the nazi siege of St. Petersburg for sure they know, and this woman was arrested for protesting against the invasion of Ukraine.
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U.S. Senate unanimously condemns Putin as war criminal​

Just wait until tomorrow when Zelenskyy addresses the US Congress. The media storm to follow will definitely amp up US public sentiment in support of Ukraine IMO.


...the worm has definitely turned for putin, man.
The media storm to follow will definitely amp up US public sentiment in support of Ukraine

But of course 'they' won't tell you the backstory. Russel Brand does a good job of connecting the dots IMO :sneaky:

But of course 'they' won't tell you the backstory. Russel Brand does a good job of connecting the dots IMO :sneaky:

As a huge Russel Brand fan, I say thanks for sharing this! And this time I really mean it (y)
Also if you think other counties that started aggressive destructive wars should face no comparable consequences (hell, even a half of that) just for not being called Russia, you're excusing evil.

Actually you are the one who is excusing evil. You are excusing the massacre and genocide of innocent people your current leader is causing right now in Ukraine saying that other countries did it also (and that's false).

In my original post:

- I did condemn the war:
This is a tragedy. Our leadership made a terrible decision.

- I specifically said this war is not OK because other countries got away with their wars:
Again, I’m not saying this war is somewhat OK because other countries got away with their wars. It’s not.

The problem is with other countries facing no consequences for the damage they've done.

Also, not even the biggest geopolitical rivals of Russia are talking about "genocide". Only you.

What's going on is wrong and shop stop. War is wrong end evil.

However it's insane to assert that Russian-hit civilian objects were definitely hit on purpose and other invading countries hit civilian object purely by mistake. I mean, how do you imagine such a debate, you show me a shelled Ukrainian home, I show you a shelled Yemeni/Iraqi home, and then what? You'll say there was a rebel vehicle nearby that survived and drove off before the picture was taken or there were probably fighters on the roof but Ukrainian home was definitely hit on purpose because it's a home not a bunker? Do you have any idea about hundreds of thousands of dead civilians thanks to the Iraq war? Really? Do you think they all killed themselves? Do you actually think it's impossible to find evidence of civilians being hit in a negligent way or even on purpose by countries that are not Russia? Ukraine itself shelled residential areas of Donbass for 8 years, recently they fired a Tochka-U at the center of Donetsk, that killed 17 civilians.

This unprovable false distinction allows you to argue against consequences for other countries for waging aggressive wars. That is evil.

In fact, I found myself repeating my points. Seems like I'll be doing that more if I keep arguing with you, so I won't.
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Do you actually think it's impossible to find evidence of civilians being hit in a negligent way or even on purpose by countries that are not Russia?
Well, Mr. Julian Assange did reveal footage of some of the nastiest things perpetrated by the US and we all know what happened to him.
Also, not even the biggest geopolitical rivals of Russia are talking about "genocide". Only you.
The russian war criminal (Putin) accused Ukraine of genocide in Donbass. That's typical of the russian tyrant, to accuse others of the crime that he is going to perpetrate.

Zelensky: Russia's deadly hospital bombing proof of genocide​

"Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky said the Russian military's bombing of a children's hospital and maternity ward in Mariupol on Wednesday was a "war crime" and "proof that the genocide of Ukrainians is taking place."


However it's insane to assert that Russian-hit civilian objects were definitely hit on purpose and other invading countries hit civilian object purely by mistake.

What is seeking Putin by daily bombing civilian buildings, supermarkets, hospitals and residential zones? What is seeking Putin by cutting water, electricity, food supply while besieging big cities? (same tactics as Hitler did, by the way). He is seeking to kill as much civilians as possible. He is a war criminal and a terrorist.

Either you are blind or you are clearly only watching Russian TV or Sputnik TV to say that your leader is not targeting civilian buildings on purpose. That's the really insane here.

The russian terrorist dictator is bombing daily dozens of civilian buildings on purpose and the only fact that you say that's not true shows how brainwashed by Russian TV are you at the moment.

You can easily find dozens of videos of the atrocities your leader is causing in Ukraine, in youtube and other sources, although I really doubt you can see them in Russia thank to Putin's censorship.

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The problem is with other countries facing no consequences for the damage they've done.
No other country has done the targeted massacre of civilians that your leader is causing now, since Hitler.
No other country has invaded a sovereign democracy and started to mass kill its civilians, constantly targeting and shelling civilian buildings, hospitals, supermarkets, schools.

No other country has besieged big cities, cut off water, food and electricity supply while daily bombing its civilians, with the only aim to terrify, starve and kill the highest number of civilians as possible, since Hitler.

Putin aggression is a terrorist aggression over ukrainian population, not a war. Because in a war, the military does not target civilians on purpose like what is doing the russian dictator.
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No other country has done the targeted massacre of civilians that your leader is causing now, since Hitler.
No other country has invaded a sovereign democracy and started to mass kill its civilians, constantly targeting and shelling civilian buildings, hospitals, supermarkets, schools.

No other country has besieged big cities, cut off water, food and electricity supply while daily bombing its civilians, with the only aim to terrify, starve and kill the highest number of civilians as possible.

Putin aggression is a terrorist aggression over ukrainian population, not a war. Because in a war, the military do not target civilians on purpose like what is doing the russian dictator.
Bro, stop it now! USA has done ALL of that a MILLION times, period.
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