
When buying a domain, do you expect to always get a discount on the asking price?

Spaceship Spaceship
Me and another NP member are having a ridiculous battle over $10 and neither of us will back down on principle. He refuses to sell for a discount on his asking price and I refuse to pay his asking price without getting a discount. His contention is that asking prices are non-negotiable and mine is that they are always negotiable.

What do you think?
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"You already gave him a discount from $100 to $60."

That is not accurate. The opening price was $60.

"That's how negotiation works."

That's how losing sales works. Negotiation involves compromise. Even in your unreasonable example, you made a small compromise. In our situation, I'm the only one willing to compromise.
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I will pay an asking price, if I think it is reasonable.

Creating a stink over $10 is ridiculous in my view.

The options are basically either pay the $60 or move on. I doubt many people are going to stress over a lost $50 sale.

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Why should sellers have to concede if that's already their final price? Buyers can buy or walk away.. so both positions have choices.
"Creating a stink over $10 is ridiculous in my view."

I agree, I even used the word 'ridiculous' in the OP. But it goes both ways, it's also ridiculous for the seller to be making a big deal over $10.
Why should sellers have to concede if that's already their final price?

Hypothetically speaking they shouldn't. But the facts indicate they are lying when they claim that. Somewhere along the way they decided to say that.
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One true story for you since I am bored and got nothing better to do in the next 5 minutes!.
(Not exact word for word..but same gist..)

Buyer 1: (Really wants and needs this domain I had) - Matched his company perfect
Me: I'll sell it to you for $5000
Buyer 1: Can you lower your price for me?
Me: I have another person also interested , this is your last chance since I offered it to you first at $5000.
Buyer 1: I want to buy the name but can you give me a discount on the price?
Me: No this is the final price. You have 24 hours to decide.
Buyer 1: Let me think about it.

2 days later

Buyer 1: I want to buy it but I'm having a hard time paying full price
Me: You are in luck! You will not have to pay full price for it. It's already been sold
Buyer 1: Okay I will buy it for $5000
Me: Too late. Please negotiate with the new owners
We both know 99% of the time it doesn't work that way. You try and be a pridefull hardass and the buyer usually walks and you are stuck with your pride and a bill for reg fees.
It's different with end users. With fellow domainers, be prepared to lose a lot of business with them if you try to squeeze out every little penny.
What's more important, your pride or money?

So many domainers would rather have their pride. They turn down profitable sales because they want to win the negotiation more than they want the money.

The buyers are doing the same thing but it's a buyers market, we can go find some other domain. While you are stuck with yours and a buyer may never come along again.
I don't think it's a matter of pride or ego.

The seller has to have decided on a rock bottom price, below which they will not sell. If they don't have a set price, the buyer could push indefinitely.
if the buyer doesn't want to budge and the seller doesn't want to budget = no sale and move on

no one has to buy and no one has to sell, you can't complain if either wont budge, it is what it is.

OMG!! :rolleyes: ...seriously??!!

As for the seller, it's your domain sell it for what you want, not what someone else wants to browbeat you down for just to satisfy their own ego. And for a $60 price. good f-ing grief.

Tell us what the domain is, maybe me or someone else will take it for the $60 price, and then set a new floor price for it!
"sell it for what you want, not what someone else wants to browbeat you down for just to satisfy their own ego"

so it's ok for one party to satisfy their ego, but not the other?

when a seller refuses to discount the price on principle and not caring about the small amount of money, that's serving their ego.
when a seller refuses to discount the price on principle and not caring about the small amount of money, that's serving their ego.
When they've set their price at what they want, it's their domain and their price. One doesn't have to pay it, but to belittle them because they won't meet 'your' demands or wants, it's serving 'your ego'!
"When they've set their price at what they want, it's their price."

Yes and refusing to go even $0.01 below that price is egotistical. It has nothing to do with money.

You think it's ok for the seller to behave that way but not the buyer.
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You think it's ok for one side to do that but not the other.
From the sellers pov, yep!! It's theirs! You don't want to pay 'their' price, then as the saying goes..tough titty.
No, it's not about ego at all. It's about drawing a line and sticking to it. If you don't want to pay the floor price, leave it and move on. Simple as that.
i have been doing this for many years and character comes into play for me;

i give discounts to those i like. If the buyer is being an ass - there is zero discount for them.
"It's theirs!"

That goes both ways, it's also my money!!! And this is a buyers market. I can take my money to the next domain a lot faster than you can bring that domain to the next buyer.
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"No, it's not about ego at all. It's about drawing a line and sticking to it."

Drawing a line and sticking to it is ego.

The line itself may not be but if you actually stick to it over $0.01, that's ego. You don't want to back down or go back on your word or let them win = ego.
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"i give discounts to those i like. If the buyer is being an ass - there is zero discount for them."

Judging by the domains in your signature, the loser in that scenario is you. They are offering to take reg fee domains off of your hands for above reg fee and you 'punish' them by not selling them the domains.

This arrogance is one of the reasons our industry is almost dead. The general public knows this is the bullshit they will have to deal with if they want to buy a domain, so many don't even try.
not always, sometimes when you give someone and inch they take a mile.

i had a buyer a few years ago and we negotiated back and forth for hours. We settled on $500 for a name, it was late and we agreed to complete the sale the next day. F'n negotiating marathon if you ask me.

Next day, he comes back and wanted a better price. I told him the fuxk off and blocked him

year later sold the name for $2k, lol
I can take my money to the next domain . .

Very true and if I was dealing with someone with a self centred egotistical approach I would be quite happy for them to take their money elsewhere :xf.smile:
"i have a worthless asset i pay $8/year to renew; this is the first offer anybody has ever made me for it; and you can easily find thousands of equivalent options -- if you don't like my arrogant attitude and non-negotiable inflated price: TOUGH TITTY!!!"

--average domainer, 2017
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"i give discounts to those i like. If the buyer is being an ass - there is zero discount for them."

Judging by the domains in your signature, the loser in that scenario is you. They are offering to take reg fee domains off of your hands for above reg fee and you 'punish' them by not selling them the domains.

This arrogance is one of the reasons our industry is almost dead. The general public knows this is the bullsh*t they will have to deal with if they want to buy a domain, so many don't even try.

Are you f'n crazy, you are trashing my names you idiot, i was playing nice but not anymore.
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