
What should NamePros add?

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NamePros.comEstablished Member
NamePros Staff
Good morning!

NamePros is working on a lot of new and exciting features, and many of them are thanks to member suggestions in our Comments and Feedback section.

We'd love to hear even more! What else would you like us to add for you?

All suggestions are welcome, from small and simple changes to big and complex features!

Please post below, or submit your suggestions privately.

Let us know what you'd like us to build!
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
What happened to the "Areas" tab?
It's still there. I just checked your profile and it showed up. It might not show up when seeing your own profile possibly.

Edit: Shows up for my own profile as well
It was gone when checked yesterday, forgot there were updates going on so it could have been temporary, thx @anantj
My Areas is pretty funny, hoping for Coupons to be number one someday : grin :

Still most members wouldn't know how to check that detail so I still like @creataweb's idea

Or have non-trading reviews, like the endorsements on linkedin or some other way to vet members in a trusted way.
Ability to block a thread is in the works since a long time. But still not implemented.

As Namepros has become so popular, it has also become too cluttered.

For instance, some members bump their thread daily. Nothing wrong about it, but if I am not interested in what they sell or buy, it is only irritating. So I would like to be able to block this thread. Lots and lots of threads that are bumped daily, or even several times a day, in which members are not interested.

If you notice how easily a new post gets buried beyong page 1 just minutes after submission, it becomes clear that un-cluttering Namepros with selective thread blocking would be a great step towards better readability and user engagement.
Ability to block a thread is in the works since a long time. But still not implemented.

As Namepros has become so popular, it has also become too cluttered.

For instance, some members bump their thread daily. Nothing wrong about it, but if I am not interested in what they sell or buy, it is only irritating. So I would like to be able to block this thread. Lots and lots of threads that are bumped daily, or even several times a day, in which members are not interested.

If you notice how easily a new post gets buried beyong page 1 just minutes after submission, it becomes clear that un-cluttering Namepros with selective thread blocking would be a great step towards better readability and user engagement.
Yes, we still plan to add it, but not until we finish a few other things.

In the meantime, consider using the Domain Discussion aggregate section which is the same as New Posts without any sales threads and only includes domain-related discussions.

Hope that helps,
In the meantime, consider using the Domain Discussion aggregate section which is the same as New Posts without any sales threads and only includes domain-related discussions.

The point is I still want to check WTB/WTS threads, but if I am not interested in wquidwowe-478w.biz , I don't need this bumped daily :xf.smile: The same applies for several discussion threads.
Perhaps a restriction on "new member" replies on others' appraisal threads should be considered?
Quite often someone will swagger in, and with little experience and completely self-appointed authority, say "$xx,xxx" .. on what is more than likely a really, really poor name. This might give the OP false expectations, especially if they're new too. (Obviously newbies would have to be able to reply on their own appraisal threads.)
Not sure if this was posted earlier, but sometimes I will post in a thread, and decide maybe that posting doesn't add "no value" to the thread, or "I don't know what the hell I am talking about lol) ..etc....
I would like the see the option of "cancelling/deleting" a posting rather than using my back button..
What about when there's a discrepancy in an auction, the thread is locked and countdown (time for auction to end) is frozen for [timeframe] (maybe 24 hours),. Then any issues can be debated by mods and a fair outcome decided without it having to be a rush job with people thinking on their feet. Often while people are still bidding and causing problems for the fix etc.

You could also add into that rule that any people involved in a dispute (and those affected by a potential resolve) have to reply to DMs sent to them within [timeframe] - ie asking "Your bid was voided because of [thing] do you want to raise $1".

Maybe this isn't needed - I don't see the other side, was just a thought as I see some resolves being hard to get right given little time to react.
Do we have a strike-through bbcode feature? If not, please add it :whistle:
Some sort of payment gateway through Namepros. So when an auction ends the winner should have an option to directly pay right there.
Also, if it hasn't been mentioned already in the thread, maybe some sort of ESCROW for big transactions.
Not an easy task but would be great to have.

Some sort of payment gateway through Namepros. So when an auction ends the winner should have an option to directly pay right there.
Also, if it hasn't been mentioned already in the thread, maybe some sort of ESCROW for big transactions.
Not an easy task but would be great to have.

I saw this feature on another forum I frequent. The payment mode is Paypal. Members can connect their account to Paypal and pay or receive money for bought/sold items.

Maybe we should get it too.

checking now works :)
A payment gateway is great on face value, but opens up a can or worms for the forum as a business. Liability has to be carefully considered, even if just the avoiding of it, handling disputes, etc.
The only way it would work IMO is if it was escrow based, to keep problems to a minimum.

That could be an option. Then to handle each party confirming their side, received domain, received money, etc, a couple of basic forms and scripts - eg possibly away from the forum code on new pages, and just hook in to the session auth and what not.

No idea how much work that'd be. but imagine it'd be a fair bit planning and implementation, as well as ongoing maintenance and moderation. But if NP took a small cut from all transactions their time would be covered and perhaps worthwhile.
Bring back tags, the next best thing to Sergio Aragones marginals.
Bring back tags, the next best thing to Sergio Aragones marginals.
We never got rid of tags, they're here: https://www.namepros.com/tags/

They also appear at the bottom of each thread and on the sidebar of the homepage. We recently added support for hashtags in posts too, which is another way of tagging.

Hope that helps,
Thanks Eric, yes they're here but I remember a broader license to write tags. For example, in this thread I can read "feature requests", "new features" and "we're just getting started" tags but I can't write a new one. Maybe it was a moderation nightmare but good tags add spice to the soup.
I can't write a new one. Maybe it was a moderation nightmare but good tags add spice to the soup.
Yes, they were being abused because they could be set anonymously, so typically only the thread creator can set them on the thread itself now. However, anyone who posts in the thread can set them using hash tags, which allows the tagger to be identified.

Here's an example: #add on (click it to see what I mean).

Is that sufficient or should we do something else?

Thanks for your feedback,
Fair enough, I have no easy answer how to spice up tags without causing indigestion ...

I'd like to see the domain auction marquee expanded and maybe even made paid. Made into a refreshing box of auctions - 10 at a time but say 50 in total. How about two boxes at the top of the homepage? Auction and fixed. A buck a listing? Or whatever the market will bear.

In a large reseller market you need a way to look through a list of what's being auctioned and what's for sale quickly.
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Space is at a premium at the top of the homepage for my suggestion so I want to add some tips to help make room for it. For example, the social media links could be made smaller so to fit on one row (or make them icons on one row) and the text "We're social" is redundant. Just remove it. In it's spot you could put the "upgrade your account" link that's below the payoneer ad. With it being under the search box and username info I think it would still get the visibility to keep people upgrading. That would allow the height of the auction marquee to double. And overall how about just removing 10% of the white space around everything? That probably would allow the trippling of the height of the auction marquee. Trippled in size and smaller font I think you could easily fit 20 listings or more at a time in the space. There is also the "new auctions" and "domain auctions" boxes on the right and their placement can change depending on where you are on the site - maybe combine these somehow and just pin it across the site. So you'd have the marquee that could be paid listings and the box on the right margin that retains the showcasing of sales for free.

I think homepage space is used well on NP to begin with compared to the practice of white space / negative space in most web design these days (with even forums joining in) but I personally like as much information on one page as possible without it becoming cluttered.

As an aside, I think Namejet does it right on their homepage - sedo is terrible. 3 boxes of 8 domains each on your homepage? Yes sedo caters to retail market but still. Flippa is better but they still could double the amount of product on their homepage. Bido is an example of where there is too much going on with the homepage - it's cluttered - they could use an upgrade "namejet style". Just visited alexa to check on bido traffic - this white space style is taking over the internet.
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Thanks for the detailed suggestions and helpful examples. We're looking to improve these things and your suggestions will help us achieve that. :)
Even though the thread topic is "what should NamePros add", I just realized that there is something that should probably removed: "new posts" widget (block) on the right side.

It is full of forsale offers since it is what most new posts are about, however:

- any member that has interest in reviewing new domain forsale offers will not find it useful - too small and with quick updates. He will review appropriate forum instead

- any member that has no interest in reviewing new domain offers does not need to see this widget at all.

Accordingly, it appears that this block/widget serves no purpose, but occupies valuable space which could be used for something better
Ever considered implementing the Live Update indicator add on by Chris D?
Add monthly / weekly Namepros marketplace sales report that is ongoing throughout the year.
Based on anonymous sales reporting or ?
Avg sales $ / volume, top / low, etc.

Would give a good idea of the health of the reseller market at least. Easy to implement.
Lets look at the numbers here.
  • The sidebar remains visible by scrolling at a speed relative to the page’s height.