
news NamePros Landers with Buy Now, integration, and much more

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Hey, domain sellers! 👋

We have a special surprise for you.

Continuing from last year (and last week), we have some exciting updates to share with you about NamePros Parking!

First, consider this:

You price your domain name at $2,500. For years, hundreds of interested buyers want to buy it, but the price is too high for them. They don't even try to contact you because they don't realize that the price is negotiable or may change. Years later, you decide to lower the price to $995. How many previously-interested buyers would buy it at this lowered price? You’d never know — until now!

With our new Buy Now options, you can finally contact those previous buyers to increase your sales opportunities. 💸

Here’s how:

Our landers require buyers to confirm their email address before they can see the price. Once confirmed, the price is available to them and their email address is available to you. Simple and effective.


Now, let’s talk new features!​

  • Buy Now: Add a Buy button with a sales price and payment options for buyers to purchase your domains.
    • (Recommended): Starts an transaction for you and allows the buyer to pay immediately.
    • PayPal: Creates a PayPal transaction for the buyer to pay directly to your PayPal account.
    • Email: You and the buyer use email to choose a payment method (e.g., crypto), discuss lease-to-own (LTO) options, etc.
  • Location: Country, region (e.g., state or province), and locality (e.g., city, town, or village) of your inquirers to help you understand where they are located, the best time to contact them, etc.
  • Bulk Management: Set options on multiple domains at the same time: prices, payment methods, appearance, etc.
  • Exports: Download your inquiries, including buyers’ email addresses, offers, etc. (CSV format.)
  • Domain Verification: Verify your domains by using any of these methods: name servers (NS), CNAME, or TXT records.
  • Supersonic Speed Boost: Our landers already loaded blazingly fast, but now they’re even faster — a powerful increase in performance!
    • For techies: Go, Redis, and Elastic (previously only: PHP and MySQL)

Wait, there’s more!

Tell us the features that you want for NamePros Parking because we’re adding new features all month!

Features coming soon:​

(Updates: ⏳ = In progress; ✅ = Complete – Available now!)
  • ⏳ Payment Plans: Payment buttons for lease-to-own (LTO) and renting, e.g., “$995/mo for 8 months”
  • ✅ Minimum Offers: Save time by specifying a minimum offer amount to set buyers’ expectations.
  • ⏳ Portfolio Website: A sharable storefront of the domains in your account with search and filters.
  • ✅ Traffic monitoring with Google Analytics: See real-time visitors and historical statistics about them, including demographics, referral sources, search engine queries, browsers, OS, etc.
  • ⏳ Traffic reporting natively: The number of visitors to parked domains, optionally displayed on your landing pages.
  • ✅ Remove NamePros Branding: An option to remove unnecessary mentions of NamePros from parked pages.
  • ✅ More Landers: Choose from multiple landing pages for various purposes, such as a new Buy Now Optimized lander.
  • ⏳ File Imports: Add domains to your account and set their prices by uploading spreadsheet files (e.g., .CSV).
  • ✅ Concierge: An option to use Domain Concierge Service for your transactions.
  • ✅ Auto-Detected Buyer Details: View detailed information about your potential buyers alongside their inquiries, based on their IP address: their current time and timezone, location, ISP, hostname domain, connection type (e.g., Cable/DSL, Cellular, Corporate, or Satellite), etc.
  • ⏳ Account notifications: Inquiry summaries and account notices about your parked domains, sent by email.

PRO TIP: There is a common misconception about how many domain sales happen because of marketplaces. In reality, many sales would still happen (and do happen) without the help of a marketplace, so NamePros is providing a free solution to sell domains and you keep 100% of your profit.

Our for-sale parking service is 100% free:​

  • No upfront fees
  • No monthly fees
  • No commission (0%)
  • No upgraded account necessary
  • 100% of your sales belong to you!

How does all that sound?

Visit to get started! 🎉

Tip: Quickly access your parking dashboard using the "Sell" dropdown menu at the top.

Questions? Ask below, or check out our Help Guide for NamePros Parking.

P.S. Our announcement last week was not a prank. Spatial Scrolling™ is real, courtesy of NamePros innovation! 🤯
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
use separate ns1=For all COM domains, ns2=GTLD for all other GTLD domains, ns3=for all CCTLD domains, and ns4= for all NGTLD domains.
was asking about using a second set of nameservers, well in fact ns1, ns2, ns3, ns4 when I thought it might have been possibe to use those to as part of an indication system for my domain grouping by TLD Groups (or something else). But I suspect this idea might be not going very far apart from other stuff that might be on the horizon.
Thanks for explaining your idea.

You're looking to use nameserver filters within your registrar for categorization, right?

Does your registrar have folders or other categorization features for this purpose? For example, Dynadot has folders to categorize your domains, and Dynadot also has search options to filter by specific TLDs, among many other options.

That said, what you want is already possible with NamePros Parking, but it's probably not the best solution for what you're trying to do. However, if you still want to do that, you can, as you described.

  • For your .com domains:
    2. (replace this example with yours)
  • For your ccTLD domains:
    2. (replace this example with yours)
  • Etc.
Notice that the second name server is always the same. That's the important part for verification.

We hope that helps.
Perhaps in your confirmation email you could remind the prospective buyer to check their spam folder in a day or two for the 'sellers' email.
This may carry some negative connotations/consequences with it. The buyer may wonder, "Why would the seller's email go to spam? Are they spammers? Should I be giving them my email? Should I be replying to them?"

Buyers typically don't understand the technical side of these things.

The following suggestion is probably a better solution to this problem:

That "Unreachable" button should be added soon.
This may carry some negative connotations/consequences with it. The buyer may wonder, "Why would the seller's email go to spam? Are they spammers? Should I be giving them my email? Should I be replying to them?"

Buyers typically don't understand the technical side of these things.

The following suggestion is probably a better solution to this problem:

That should be added soon.
Thanks for the link to prior post...I did not realize/remember they had our (sellers) email.

I will likely need to change the one you send to them as I typically send responses to inquires from everywhere from another email.

Yes, I would not be ideal to send the 'spam' note if they already have an email in hand.
@Bravo Mod Team, as it has been mentioned in the thread we all appreciate what you are doing...several comments have been made about the viability of the FREE part.

I'm sure traffic has increased quite a bit due to names being pointed here and I'd be curious to know if you feel an increase in 'newbies' has occurred.

We all want to see the FREE continue and a way to do that is start a 'buy me a coffee' account and post your specific link here. Once I make a sale thru the landers, I'll be happy to throw a few dollars your way!
This is a very kind consideration. Thank you!

The best ways for everyone to support this service are:
  1. More parked domains. Please add as many domains as you can, and encourage others to do the same.
  2. Contribute meaningful and helpful content to the forums.
  3. Upgrade your NamePros account to Blue or Gold, and then you can cancel it immediately if you want it to be just a single payment, similar to (Blue is $5 and Gold is $10).
  4. Let us know how we can improve our service.
  5. Let us know what you like about our service. :)

We appreciate any and all support.
Thanks for explaining your idea.

You're looking to use nameserver filters within your registrar for categorization, right?

Does your registrar not have folders or other categorization features for this purpose? For example, Dynadot has folders to categorize your domains, and Dynadot also has search options to filter by specific TLDs, among many other options.

That said, what you want is already possible with NamePros Parking, but it's probably not the best solution for what you're trying to do. However, if you still want to do that, you can, as you described.

  • For your .com domains:
    2. (replace this example with yours)
  • For your ccTLD domains:
    2. (replace this example with yours)
  • Etc.
Notice that the second name server is always the same. That's the important part for verification.

We hope that helps.

I was informed this was not allowed and now you are telling me it IS allowed after I've just written an long apology to dynadot and to my programmer that we couldn't use ns2, ns3, ns4 servers. I think I leave it as only ns1 servers for the moment and move them manually to ns2, ns3, ns4 servers at a later date.

Name Trader - stu
You then mention that you would rather not use the (2nd) nameserver that is unique to your account, because other domainers can then see which domains you have. I can comment on this, but I'm aware that there are still developments going on. Perhaps @Bravo Mod Team or @Paul can elaborate on this point, including the other verification options that already exist for domains using NamePros Parking.
I guess I assumed once the name was approved, this could be removed eventually.
We plan to have an option for sellers/brokers to generate multiple unique verification nameservers for a single NamePros account.

Another option is to use a different verification method, such as CNAME or TXT records.

You could also create separate NamePros accounts if you want to fully separate certain domains.

We hope that helps.
I was informed this was not allowed and now you are telling me it IS allowed after I've just written an long apology to dynadot and to my programmer that we couldn't use ns2, ns3, ns4 servers. I think I leave it as only ns1 servers for the moment and move them manually to ns2, ns3, ns4 servers at a later date.
It’s undocumented functionality. Typically, it would not work at any other parking service, but given the way that ours is designed, it just so happens that it would work. But, a different solution would be better, so you’re on a better path now anyway. :)
Thanks for explaining your idea.

You're looking to use nameserver filters within your registrar for categorization, right?

Does your registrar not have folders or other categorization features for this purpose? For example, Dynadot has folders to categorize your domains, and Dynadot also has search options to filter by specific TLDs, among many other options.

That said, what you want is already possible with NamePros Parking, but it's probably not the best solution for what you're trying to do. However, if you still want to do that, you can, as you described.

  • For your .com domains:
    2. (replace this example with yours)
  • For your ccTLD domains:
    2. (replace this example with yours)
  • Etc.
Notice that the second name server is always the same. That's the important part for verification.

We hope that helps.

It would have helped if I'd had this information about 1/2 day ago :( But I'll follow up you idea what Dynadot can do for me. Thank you.

Name Trader - Stu
Can I ask for a special case type. CAMELCASE. Which should be added to the domain name only. My registrar tells me it will reduce lowercase to DomainNames.Com case for every domain. Which I think is the best presentation for every domain. IMHO.

Name Trader - Stu
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Can I ask for a special case type. CAMELCASE. Which should be added to the domain name only. My registrar tells me it will reduce lowercase to DomainNames.Com case for every domain. Which I think is the best presentation for every domain. IMHO.
Hi @Name Trader

It's already possible to CamelCase your domains on NamePros Parking. Please note that you can only change the casing after you have successfully verified your domain.

If you still see a domain that's in lowercase, and want to change how it appears on your lander, do the following:

1. Go to
2. Click on the domain name
3. Click on the light blue "Edit" button on top
4. Change this field: "Domain name case"
5. Don't forget to Save your settings

Let me know if you need further help. I will be here.
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I don't see any mention of CamelCase. So you are saying I have to manually change every domains case to the ups and downs of Camelcase. Is tht correct? I cannot change every domain and every future domain into CamelCase automatically? That's way too much work for 1500 domains plus all new domains added. I was kind of expecting to find this as an option for everything.
I don't see any mention of CamelCase. So you are saying I have to manually change every domains case to the ups and downs of Camelcase. Is tht correct? I cannot change every domain and every future domain into CamelCase automatically? That's way too much work for 1500 domains plus all new domains added. I was kind of expecting to find this as an option for everything.
You can easily enter/paste those 1,500 domains in bulk with the correct casing. The landers will show all lowercase until the domains have been verified successfully. After successful verification, you'll see the CamelCased presentation on the landers.
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You can easily enter/paste those 1,500 domains in bulk with the correct casing. The landers will show all lowercase until the domains have been verified successfully. After successful verification, you'll see the CamelCased presentation on the landers.

That will help. But it's still a lot of work. One question I have. If I have both NS and a Template, I should always be editing the Template. Is that correct thinking?

I had rather imagined we would just specify CAMELCASE for everything :)

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That will help. But it's still a lot of work.
That largely depends on how you have set up your Master administration. I personally use an overview where all my domain names are already managed in CamelCase. This overview is independent of the registrars used, and is stored on my own systems. From there, I do exports to marketplaces. I recommend this for everyone. It provides a good overall overview of your domain assets, and if something goes wrong at a registrar/marketplace, you always have your own, complete overview of all your domain assets.

If I have both NS and a Template, I should always be editing the Template. Is that correct thinking?
Guess this needs some more clarification from your side. What do you mean with template in this context?
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That largely depends on how you have set up your Master administration. I personally use an overview where all my domain names are already managed in CamelCase. This overview is independent of the used registrars, and is stored on my own systems. From there, I do exports to marketplaces. I recommend this for everyone. It provides a good overall overview of your domain assets, and if something goes wrong at a registrar/marketplace, you always have your own, complete overview of all your domain assets.

Guess this needs some more clarification from your side. What do you mean with template in this context?

Could you please recommend where I go to get such a system for CAMELCASE. Or is it just a spreadheet of domain names?

It was recommended that we build a template which is a mirror image of the nameserver when I got involved with this project. So I did just that, because it was recommended. So now I need to know whether I should use that or not for updating new domains and whatever else it might be used for,

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I kinda urgently need to know where I should be adding my domains, to the NameServer or to the Template (which look like a carbon copy ofther NameServer). I think it should be the Template from the earlier discussions about the Template. Then why else would you suggest it was a good idea. from my view of our conversation about it.

If I have both NS and a Template, I should always be editing the Template. Is that correct thinking?
It was recommended that we build a template which is a mirror image of the nameserver when I got involved with this project. So I did just that, because it was recommended. So now I need to know whether I should use that or not for updating new domains and whatever else it might be used for,
Yes, if you're trying to set more domains to use the same name servers (NS), then you should set those additional/new domains to the existing NS template that you created.

Also, if you want to change the nameservers on all of the domains using a particular template, then you can simply edit the template and that will update all domains using that template.

The NS template system at Dynadot is just a convenience feature to save you time when managing/updating nameservers on multiple domains. With templates, you just set a template on the domains, and the template will set the nameservers on those domains accordingly. Then, whenever you want to update the nameservers of all domains using that template, you just update the template one time and it does the rest.

Using templates is optional; their only purpose is to save you some time.

I kinda urgently need to know where I should be adding my domains, to the NameServer or to the Template (which look like a carbon copy ofther NameServer). I think it should be the Template from the earlier discussions about the Template.
Please feel free to send us a DM with urgent questions for a faster response.
Could you please recommend where I go to get such a system for CAMELCASE. Or is it just a spreadheet of domain names?
We are drifting slightly away from the main topic, but indeed, you can easily keep track of your (CamelCased) domains in a spreadsheet. This is possible with various spreadsheet solutions on the market.

Another, and I think much better way for you, is to hand this over to your programmer, whom you talked about earlier. They may be able to build a tailor-made solution for your domains, so that you can focus on your core business again, what you enjoy the most.
Now I am at 350+ names pointed to NP's...fingers crossed for Afternic checkout link integration.
We are drifting slightly away from the main topic, but indeed, you can easily keep track of your (CamelCased) domains in a spreadsheet. This is possible with various spreadsheet solutions on the market.

Another, and I think much better way for you, is to hand this over to your programmer, whom you talked about earlier. They may be able to build a tailor-made solution for your domains, so that you can focus on your core business again, what you enjoy the most.

OK. I need an answer to the question? Do we add all our domains to the NamePros NS1 Nameservers or the NamePros Template? I had been lead to believe, or misunderstood, that there were benefits by adding them to the Template, not to the NS. But now its sounds we should not be putting them Template, but in the NamePros NS1 Namservers. I'm going to be adding all my domains in the next 24 hours. So I would really like to know where they should be uploaded too.

Do we add all our domains to the NamePros NS1 Nameservers or the NamePros Template? I had been lead to believe, or misunderstood, that there were benefits by adding them to the Template, not to the NS. But now its sounds we should not be putting them Template, but in the NamePros NS1 Namservers. I'm going to be adding all my domains in the next 24 hours. So I would really like to know where they should be uploaded too.
Either option is perfectly fine.

We responded to your question in our previous post:

Please let us know if you have additional questions.
I cannot change every domain and every future domain into CamelCase automatically? That's way too much work for 1500 domains plus all new domains added. I was kind of expecting to find this as an option for everything.
We can add some features to NamePros Parking to make this easier.

However, CamelCasing can have multiple choices, so automation won't be able to decide which you like best.

  • GoDown or GodOwn
  • Nowhere or NowHere or NoWhere
  • ButterFly or Butterfly
  • HighLight or Highlight
  • SunSpot or SunsPot
In those cases, you'll have to update the casing on the domain manually to your desired casing.

We'll let you know once it's ready.
I just realized that you wrote the entire word CAMELCASE in capital letters in your most recent postings.

Do you mean that you want to see the entire domain name presented in capital letters on your lander?

That's not really CamelCase then, it's called All Caps.

Put another way: what would you like to see on your lander?

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No. I want CamelCase like DomainNames.Com. I think the next best thing to CamelCase would be all capitals like, DOMAINNAMES.COM.

What happens with very long names. I think I have 1 domain about 24 characters long. So I set my longest name could be 30 chars long in my program. How long a list of characterd before the name scrolls to the next line on the NamePros landing page?

Since I have you in a chat, I don't need to look it up how to do that :)

So if I input my domains into the Template, then they will also appear in the NameServer as well. Yes? I think you have said that? If that is correct, I think that is what I will choose to do. I don't have a firm grasp really of how this Template is useful. But from your description I can learn how to how to use it more later on.

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