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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Agreed, alot of our conditioning has to do with upbringing and experience. I don't blindly trust our government or economists either. However, I'm thankful to have had healthcare coverage and decent public education. Had to work overseas lots because that's where the jobs were at the time. Now I just try to keep it simple and sustainable. Though I've got lots on my table, I maintain a pretty low carbon footprint and environmental impact compared to most.

The same with our upbringing ... that is why you see such a fight on here for all the things that we born into and grew to love about our country .... So what happened was the Millennial generation in the USA decided they would take away the USA and make it how they wanted it.... Socialist -Marxist and a little Communism .. the generation is full of atheist ... Witches and Wicca... apparently they took Harry Potter very seriously LOL.... but they are nearing 40 years old ... Generation Z is coming in and making fun of them now.. and will kick their asses to high heaven if needed ... the game is changing rapidly now... the millennials tried to oust the United States ... the idiots that fell into their effort... The Democrats .. Old democrats and young Democrats alike... are faced with a strong Generation Z now... A generation who does not like them... a generation that thinks they are the are fucking clown that they are... A new YOUNG generation that is Smarter... Far more motivated.... Far more established as a generation... a generation that will leap over the Millennials to carry America forward for the future.
@.X. Here is an interesting profile of the differences and similarities between traditional political axis, enviromental positions and moral separation of parties in the US and Canada, as compiled by non-affiliated European researchers. (Arrows denote movement from the previous election to the election in 2015, giving you a sense of party positioning jockeying between elections.)



2019 analysis - all of those lower-left parties received two-thirds of the vote. The Conservatives continued to become more regressive and picked up only a third of the vote. The Conservatives, despite being highly differentiated from the rest of the political parties, are merely the Official Opposition and the Liberals are able to pass legislation with support from one of two other parties on the center-left, the NDP or Bloc Quebecois.



This is the same chart from the US. The Democratic Party picked up almost 3 million more of the popular vote with an unmotivated voter base, while the Republican Party continued steaming to the right with a highly motivated base. The 42% approval rating of Donald Trump per FiveThirtyEight maps nicely to this.

Note that the Republicans moved slightly right in 2016 to an even more extreme position. If you look at the axes, the Republican starting position was further right than the Democratic Party’s end position was to the left. The assessment doesn’t show how a country governs, but the overt nationalism, adulation of authoritarian dictators, suppression of protests, and walking away from international treaties suggests that the Trump Administration is governing to the right of the campaign, meaning that arrow progress upward and away.


When will these increasingly isolated and narrowly based conservative parties learn the lesson of demographics and broaden their tents again? Hopefully soon. The world needs the US especially to have a useful conservative voice at the table in policy discussions, a voice that accepts empirical reality but has a different perspective on the appropriate mix of policy measures to address it. Right now, the Republicans are missing in action, and Canada’s Conservatives aren’t much better.

I feel both parties will be restructured .... But without any sign Millennials present as they insist on Socialism - Marxism and Communism ... Gen Z is the future of America.... Canada had a HUGE thrust of Vietnam draft dodgers and hippies who crossed the border for Canada ... Expect the same with the Millennial generation of the USA.... except this time... do not let them in your country...
Generation Z is coming in and making fun of them now.. and will kick their asses to high heaven if needed ... the game is changing rapidly now... the millennials tried to oust the United States ... the idiots that fell into their effort... The Democrats .. Old democrats and young Democrats alike... are faced with a strong Generation Z now... A generation who does not like them... a generation that thinks they are the are fucking clown that they are... A new YOUNG generation that is Smarter... Far more motivated.... Far more established as a generation... a generation that will leap over the Millennials to carry America forward for the future.

One would hope that coming generations will be smarter than previous, since they will have alot more problems to solve. But overall, this generation is no smarter than any generation that came before. Just because they may be more technically saavy does not make them any smarter. They just know different stuff. Having access to more information doesn't mean they are actually able to use that information to make proper choices. Many have no idea how to do manual things, and many lack the motivation to try, since they have been brought up with so many modern conveniences. It's the responsibility of parents and previous generations to show them the ropes - to become independent thinkers and doers.
I feel both parties will be restructured .... But without any sign Millennials present as they insist on Socialism - Marxism and Communism ... Gen Z is the future of America.... Canada had a HUGE thrust of Vietnam draft dodgers and hippies who crossed the border for Canada ... Expect the same with the Millennial generation of the USA.... except this time... do not let them in your country...

That's an interesting perspective, we welcomed them and they've defintely left their mark on Canada. I've met quite a number of them over the years and was interested in the dynamic, so I did a little research:

Between 1960 and 1979, about 17,000 scientists and engineers left Canada. This exodus in the 60’s and 70’s – a relatively minor one when measured by the annual figures – was compensated, however, by the arrival of well-educated war protesters from the US. They tended towards academia and in general were not scientists or engineers, who went the other way. Did former war protesters turn the Canadian academic community into a radical hotbed? That would be an exaggeration, but they did give a push to something that was already under way.

About 100,000 draft evaders had left for foreign shores instead of going to war. The vast majority headed to Canada, where they were accepted as legal immigrants. So far as Canada was concerned, this influx of young men was a highly desirable addition to the labor force. They were often young and well-educated, and had few ties to the country that they had felt obliged to leave - making it easy for them to stay for good, even after Carter issued his pardon and they were permitted to return.
One would hope that coming generations will be smarter than previous, since they will have alot more problems to solve. But overall, this generation is no smarter than any generation that came before. Just because they may be more technically saavy does not make them any smarter. They just know different stuff. Having access to more information doesn't mean they are actually able to use that information to make proper choices. Many have no idea how to do manual things, and many lack the motivation to try, since they have been brought up with so many modern conveniences. It's the responsibility of parents and previous generations to show them the ropes - to become independent thinkers and doers.

I will Roll and Support Generation Z 100% . what time i have left in this world depends on it..... Generation Y - The Millennials...Tried and are still trying to Crash the United States as it was founded and is known.... They will lose... not just their efforts to destroy the US..... but their complete futures for attempting what they have. Gen Z is at the throttle as far as i am concerned
That's an interesting perspective, we welcomed them and they've defintely left their mark on Canada. I've met quite a number of them over the years and was interested in the dynamic, so I did a little research:

Between 1960 and 1979, about 17,000 scientists and engineers left Canada. This exodus in the 60’s and 70’s – a relatively minor one when measured by the annual figures – was compensated, however, by the arrival of well-educated war protesters from the US. They tended towards academia and in general were not scientists or engineers, who went the other way. Did former war protesters turn the Canadian academic community into a radical hotbed? That would be an exaggeration, but they did give a push to something that was already under way.

About 100,000 draft evaders had left for foreign shores instead of going to war. The vast majority headed to Canada, where they were accepted as legal immigrants. So far as Canada was concerned, this influx of young men was a highly desirable addition to the labor force. They were often young and well-educated, and had few ties to the country that they had felt obliged to leave - making it easy for them to stay for good, even after Carter issued his pardon and they were permitted to return.

Is Canada prepared to take in a few million American Millennials that have no work ethics ... want to get a government paycheck monthly ... will torch buildings and completely disrupt a nation for their narratives ??
I will Roll and Support Generation Z 100% . what time i have left in this world depends on it..... Generation Y - The Millennials...

LOL, it's too easy to make Millenial jokes :xf.laugh:

Is Canada prepared to take in a few million American Millennials that have no work ethics ... want to get a government paycheck monthly ... will torch buildings and completely disrupt a nation for their narratives ??

No joke...and no laughing matter either. I catch your drift (y)
Cult member Jen Psaki refers to creepy resident Biden as "our North Star".

From a transcript from Daily Wire:

DOOCY: So, what happened to President Biden saying in March that he thought lifting mask mandates before every adult American goes and gets a shot is “Neanderthal thinking”?

PSAKI: Well, first, let me say that the president — our North Star has been listening to the guidance of our health and medical experts and teams, and that’s exactly what we’re doing in this case.

At around 1:20 mark

(This is what would be like if we were to nitpick every inflexion in every sentence they utter, like they did with President Trump for 4 years, remember "slow the testing down, please".)
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Cult member Jen Psaki refers to creepy resident Biden as "our North Star".

Honestly, what's the difference? People who will follow medical advice will follow recommendations. People who don't agree with medical recommendations will not, regardless of what the president says. It boils down to a personal choice and social responsibilty, just like vaccines. Why is that so difficult to understand?

Some people are born predisposed LGBQ, for them it's not just a matter of choice... yet should they be denied the right of choice to their own body? O_o It seems rather hypocritical.
Honestly, what's the difference? People who will follow medical advice will follow recommendations. People who don't agree with medical recommendations will not, regardless of what the president says. It boils down to a personal choice and social responsibilty, just like vaccines. Why is that so difficult to understand?

Some people are born predisposed LGBQ, for them it's not just a matter of choice... yet should they be denied the right of choice to their own body? O_o It seems rather hypocritical.

we don't have a choice how we are born...Queers will try and have people believe they were a male sperm inside a female sperms body and visa versa .... Personal choice was made by God as to what sex a person will be..
Honestly, what's the difference? People who will follow medical advice will follow recommendations. People who don't agree with medical recommendations will not, regardless of what the president says. It boils down to a personal choice and social responsibilty, just like vaccines. Why is that so difficult to understand?
You are again acting like this is just an issue of following medical advice and responsibility, trying to portray us as anti-science, according to the agenda of your handlers.

Some people are born predisposed LGBQ, for them it's not just a matter of choice... yet should they be denied the right of choice to their own body? O_o It seems rather hypocritical.
There is a mountain of difference between denying rights to natural born hermaphrodites, and pushing the transgenderism from preschool kids to the workplace.
You are again acting like this is just an issue of following medical advice and responsibility, trying to portray us as anti-science, according to the agenda of your handlers.

Umm, no. In the first place I don't have any handlers as you would try to paint it. Secondly, it is my choice to wear a mask or not. I choose to follow medical advice and common sense. Is there a conflict of interest?

Education my friend. I know you don't breathe through your ass, smart feller (not a fart smeller, lol), but bacteria forms on any body orifice. What part of sanitation don't you get? Change your mask as often or more often than underwear, or if you sneeze, sanitize with H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) or in sunlight. It's not that difficult to comprehend.

There is a mountain of difference between denying rights to natural born hermaphrodites, and pushing the transgenderism from preschool kids to the workplace.

Hermaphrodites is a totally different ballgame. Teaching preschoolers about transgenderism is another. I wouldn't recommend pushing sex education onto them until at least puberty. I don't see that happening in Canadian schools, but perhaps in the Land of Freedom it's a different story. Of course, we do get alot of the US propaganda crossing borders.
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we don't have a choice how we are born...Queers will try and have people believe they were a male sperm inside a female sperms body and visa versa .... Personal choice was made by God as to what sex a person will be..

There is the religious argument as well. But again, some people choose to be agnostic, what then? Do we force religion on people? :xf.confused:
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There is the religious argument as well. But again, some people choose to be agnostic, what then? Do we force religion on people? :xf.confused:

absolutely not ...that is why God gave us free will... a lot of free will things weren't excepted in the streets and in main stream America .. homosexuality .... Obama set forth the Queer agenda and now look what we have... countless different types of sexuality... countless Genders .. very Godless acts right in the streets .
Umm, no. In the first place I don't have any handlers as you would try to paint it.
Secondly, it is my choice to wear a mask or not. I choose to follow medical advice and common sense. Is there a conflict of interest?

Education my friend. I know you don't breathe through your ass, smart feller (not a fart smeller, lol), but bacteria forms on any body orifice. What part of sanitation don't you get? Change your mask as often or more often than underwear, or if you sneeze, sanitize with H2O3 (hydrogen peroxide) or in sunlight. It's not that difficult to comprehend.
Look I know it's nice to throw in a little joke here and there, but this is a serious topic. I've been around people who were mandated to wear masks for hours at a time at work, many hours, and the smell of their breath is scary to say the least. The notion that they have to change the mask very often didn't get to them as efficiently as the order to wear it. Do you imagine what's in their respiratory tract??
I don't see that happening in Canadian schools, but perhaps in the Land of Freedom it's a different story. Of course, we do get alot of the US propaganda crossing borders.
Reports are that it did cross the border, who knows maybe it even originated in Canada first.

‘SOGI’ stands for ‘Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity’

SOGI 123 has 14 transgender indoctrination books for kids from Kindergarten to Grade 5, not to mention the continued promotion of transgenderism all through every class to Grade 12.

“SOGI is simply a rebranding of LGBTQ2S++,” says social activist Kari Simpson, Executive Director for CultureGuard. “It’s a political cult, expanding globally—and according to the School Act, which prohibits sectarian influence in the classroom, that’s illegal.” [Angry Parents React Against SOGI ‘Cult’ Agenda: Kari Simpson]
Amazing precision from the Israeli air force... 3 strikes and down comes a 14 story building in a few seconds.

What's also amazing is that Israel contacts with and gives the Palestinians some time to evacuate the building, so as to avoid as much as possible, human casualties...
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absolutely not ...that is why God gave us free will... a lot of free will things weren't excepted in the streets and in main stream America .. homosexuality .... Obama set forth the Queer agenda and now look what we have... countless different types of sexuality... countless Genders .. very Godless acts right in the streets .

Kinda like Berlin or Amsterdam, ever been to Thailand? There Ladyboys are commonly accepted, some are even considered a national treasure.
Amazing precision from the Israeli air force... 3 strikes and down comes a 14 story building in a few seconds.

What's also amazing is that the Israel contacts with and gives the Palestinians some time to evacuate the building, so as to avoid as much as possible, human casualties...

You rarely hear what the Palestinians are firing on Israel ... Sounds pretty familiar huh... the conflict will run its course ... Israel can make the whole country of Palestine go away in minutes if they wanted to... Israel is doing its best to not bring civilian casualties i am sure... The Majority of Americans will back Israel until the end of time..
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