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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

1. Keep it clean
2. No fighting
3. Respect the views of others.
4. US Political views, No Religious views
5. Have fun :)

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Omar Connected Harvester SEEN Exchanging $200 for General Election Ballot
This is part 2 and hope it isn't a repost. Too bad the FBI is busy targeting Trump and anyone close to him.
Project Veritas does brave reporting.

Fox interview with James O'Keefe

One day Trumpers might evolve and figure out how to search


All kinds of videos. Beating people, Proud Boy rallies with Confederate flags, being sentenced to prison, throwing up White Power symbols etc. Or course your lying right wing sources tell they're just good old boys.

Beating people or fighting with antifa? I expect the latter.

This is what passes for a white supremacist if the left doesn't like you.




Biden can afford a couple of million to settle this.
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I don't blame any religious faith, but, I was in a small community torn by inter-family tribal unrest (not my home, as I was an outsider). It had a population of 500 souls and 7 churches! It was a microcosm of society, a demonstration all extremes of wickedness, beatings, blood, murder, suicide, poverty, sexual promiscuity and incest, alcohol and drug abuse, gang activity, apathy, sickness, animal abuse...you name it - all the evils of mankind that one might imagine in a small confined community. The church ministries were all competing for their salvation, while traditions were banned. The sights I witnessed cannot be expressed adequately with words, but in time, once the churches were burned and cops were driven out, and new leadership took a humane approach, their superficial problems diminished, but they still have a long way to go. IMO

It was not like this two or three generations ago, people were self-sufficient and proud. They had their own traditions. The Canadian government forcibly took their children and placed them in Residential schools, run mostly by the Church. Many children died from neglect and suffered abuse from the clergy. The ones that did survive and became parents themselves, displaced victims, knew no other way which manifested itself into a living hell. That generation grew up, intolerant and blinded by their own greed and obsessions, and knowing no other way, their traditional hunting replaced by welfare, became abusers and the cycle continued. Finally, the Canadian government declared a state of emergency. They became a sovereign nation, the land returned to them and apologies were made. Assistance provided in medical and psychological care. New school and housing provided. The unrest ceased and now they are on a path to healing. That was RECONCILIATION.
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Beating people or fighting with antifa? I expect the latter.

Yeah, accidentally being sentenced to prison.

Accidentally taking a nice Sunday drive and just happened upon Antifa.

Accidentally bringing Confederate flags to rallies.

Accidentally showing up in Charlottesville, then accidentally chanting Jews will not replace us.

Accidentally throwing up White Power symbols.

Yeah, accidentally being sentenced to prison.


Accidentally taking a nice Sunday drive and just happened upon Antifa.

Accidentally bringing Confederate flags to rallies.

Accidentally showing up in Charlottesville, then accidentally chanting Jews will not replace us.

Lying about people isn't good.

Accidentally throwing up White Power symbols.

Those men are mocking you.

Pretending everyone you don't like is racist not only discredits you, it hurts people who experience real racism.
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Pretending everyone you don't like is racist not only discredits you, it hurts people who experience real racism.

You constantly discredit yourself denying reality, video, police reports just to kiss Trump's feet, someone you said is a horrible person. That's your issue, I can't help you with that.
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You constantly discredit yourself denying reality, video, police reports just to kiss Trump's feet, someone you said is a horrible person. That's your issue, I can't help you with that. You want to defend racists, I'll let that hang on you.

I'm not denying anything. You overreact, parrot media lies, then take thing personally when people disagree, question your sources and you.
I'm guessing besides the legit polls I post, even Trump's internal polls are not looking good. Pretty obvious with this guy's neverending whining.

When he loses, he'll call it a scam. His followers will believe it. The rest of the world will move on, leave the crazy footnote in history behind.


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NH AG Announces Major REFORM After PV Involvement In Fumbled “Double Voting” Case 8 Months In Making

Another win for Project Veritas.
If you read between the lines, you will see that what is happening right now on the streets in America can be equated to, or by proxy thru similar circumstances, that those who have been kept down and trodden are seeking justice and some measure of compassion. It is not just a left or right wing problem. It will manifest itself into the larger population and raise it's ugly head until some form of justice is served. IMO
...and the world cannot wait, these issues must be solved quickly if we are going to survive as a species. Humanity MUST evolve.
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We cannot live in denial. I have been a part of this dialogue, told my story, now you my friends must judge the truth - be it Catholic or Jew, Protestant, Muslim, Buddhist, Taoist, Hindu, Agnostic or otherwise. Two thousand years ago, almost to the year, a Savior was born and put to death. His blood sacrifice was the ultimate price paid to relinquish sin, but we have not learned from history - HIS story. Sin is as prevalent in society today as it was then. I don't know the solution, but somehow, some way, we must try to move beyond the boundaries of this world, right or left, upward or downward, or there indeed WILL be an end to our common chapter. Winter IS coming, and it won't be a white Christmas.

(*edit) unless (...you fill in the blanks) :angelic:
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If you read between the lines, you will see that what is happening right now on the streets in America can be equated to, or by proxy thru similar circumstances, that those who have been kept down and trodden are seeking justice and some measure of compassion.

You can't compare what is happening in the US now to what happened where you grew up. The story of your Canadian village reflects what I have always been saying here, that police don't create law and order - culture and society do. Your culture was shattered, and the authorities attempted to replace it with police and proselytizers selling something contrary to your tradition.

Most of those in the streets come from privileged and even wealthy backgrounds. Moreover, whatever existed of a culture in the US has been shattered by Marxist social engineering. Look up the stats for the white poverty and despair. It's frightening. Education failures, drug addiction, violence....And worse, those kids are ignored - simply because they are white and therefore have some imagined privilege by virtue of skin color.

Your village had its traditional culture and values to return to. What do Americans have to return to? The culture that built the country has been deemed racist and oppressive. Instead, the authorities want to replace it with police and utopian edicts selling something that is not only contrary to tradition, but totally without any record of success in world history. (Pretty effective records of bringing in genocide and mass death and destruction, though.)

The first and most basic step is for people to respect others, and respect their beliefs. The media, politics and even education have been working toward just the opposite. Without mutual respect, there can be no conversation, no moving forward.

I don't see that happening. I think it's far more likely that the country will be reduced to 3rd world status and many will die. It's already half-way to the first target.

I'll change my opinion when people stop attacking their fellow citizens and start talking.
Not that the usually outraged care, but regarding the outrage du jour:


Weird, I've never seen video of so called good people at that event. Maybe somebody here can post it. The locals stayed home. Because this was many people coming from out of town. The event was called Unite the Right rally organized by a Nazi and White Nationalist.


So somebody post video of those very good people. I could have missed it.

I don't think good people hang out with Nazis, racists, White Nationalists.

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Interesting you should meme that, are you suggesting that the Dems killed him?

Let's put it in context from the same speech:

Why is America… Why does this loom to be such an explosive political year? Because this is the year of politics. This is the year when all of the white politicians are going to come into the Negro community. You never see them until election time. You can’t find them until election time. They’re going to come in with false promises. And as they make these false promises they’re going to feed our frustrations, and this will only serve to make matters worse. I’m no politician. I’m not even a student of politics. I’m not a Republican, nor a Democrat, nor an American, and got sense enough to know it.

I’m one of the 22 million black victims of the Democrats. One of the 22 million black victims of the Republicans and one of the 22 million black victims of Americanism. And when I speak, I don’t speak as a Democrat or a Republican, nor an American. I speak as a victim of America’s so-called democracy. You and I have never seen democracy, all we’ve seen is hypocrisy.

Full transcript: https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/the-ballot-or-the-bullet-speech-transcript-malcolm-x

Another false meme, as far as the date. He got killed about 10 months after that. Watched a good documentary on him recently about who killed him. They know who it was, people from a NJ mosque, even figured out the person that did the last shot that killed him. That guy isn't alive anymore. He passed away just before the person making the documentary was going to visit him. The big question was who was behind it, Elijah Muhammad or the U.S. Government

Just a reminder how dumb the Governors of Southern states are:

Mississippi governor lifts mask mandate, with exceptions
Mississippi governor Tate Reeves announced he will allow the statewide mask mandate to expire today. Masks must still be worn in schools and close-contact businesses like salons.

10/1, going to do a before and after.

Germany had that big protest, 1 month later cases jumped 50%.


NFL confirms postponement of Steelers-Titans matchup due to COVID-19 outbreak
As first reported by ESPN NFL reporter Dianna Russini, Sunday's game between the Steelers and Titans has been postponed after multiple Titans players and staff members tested positive for COVID-19. The NFL confirmed the news, saying in a statement: "Details on the date and time on either Monday or Tuesday will be announced as soon as possible."

The Notre Dame game was cancelled last week
Notre Dame football COVID-19 outbreak caused by pregame events
39 Notre Dame football players are out because of the coronavirus.


We're at about 211,000 deaths now in the U.S.

Projected to be 371,000 by Jan 1.

So about 90 days
that averages about 1,777 dead a day, we're at 755 a day right now, that's the current 7 day average.

So we're going to more than double up the deaths per day, next 3 months.

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Michael Flynn BOMBSHELL "Spygate" Disclosures
Apparently it is Joe Biden that floated the idea of charging Flynn with violating the Logan Act. An Act still on the books from couple centuries ago but if Biden has been a senator for 180 years maybe he wrote it himself:)

Just a reminder of how horrible Kamala Harris is.

That face. You know Kamala is now thinking, "Just wait until I get the old man out of the way and become empress. That bitch is gonna pay!"

In all fairness, the Kamala that Tulsi describes is pretty much your standard Democrat these days.
You can't compare what is happening in the US now to what happened where you grew up. The story of your Canadian village reflects what I have always been saying here, that police don't create law and order - culture and society do. Your culture was shattered, and the authorities attempted to replace it with police and proselytizers selling something contrary to your tradition.

Most of those in the streets come from privileged and even wealthy backgrounds. Moreover, whatever existed of a culture in the US has been shattered by Marxist social engineering. Look up the stats for the white poverty and despair. It's frightening. Education failures, drug addiction, violence....And worse, those kids are ignored - simply because they are white and therefore have some imagined privilege by virtue of skin color.

Your village had its traditional culture and values to return to. What do Americans have to return to? The culture that built the country has been deemed racist and oppressive. Instead, the authorities want to replace it with police and utopian edicts selling something that is not only contrary to tradition, but totally without any record of success in world history. (Pretty effective records of bringing in genocide and mass death and destruction, though.)

The first and most basic step is for people to respect others, and respect their beliefs. The media, politics and even education have been working toward just the opposite. Without mutual respect, there can be no conversation, no moving forward.

I don't see that happening. I think it's far more likely that the country will be reduced to 3rd world status and many will die. It's already half-way to the first target.

I'll change my opinion when people stop attacking their fellow citizens and start talking.

You've made some great points, thanks for the insight. (y)

There are ways to reduce the violence, but IMO requires a complete paradigm shift. Most people in my village haven't returned to tradition exactly, that's because they really don't know how anymore. They don't speak their language or live off the land. For the most part, they've just changed the way they look at things, and accept change. They know pain and suffering and have learned to cry. Rather than argue they choose to laugh.

Those guys that laughed at me are a good example (because I was eating wild plants). They don't go out on the land, they wear Nike shoes, NY Yankees ball caps, wear bluetooth earbuds listening to downloaded music, walk around looking at their Iphones on FB, drive to the local store across the street, eat processed food and take what they can get from the government. They've embraced the myth, but who am I to judge? I can only let them live the way they choose to live and that's okay with me. I would only create dissonance if I scolded them. Media perpetuates the charade. It's about taking personal responsibility IMO.

Make America great again might not be such a bad idea after all, if we just do things differently. But returning to the way things were won't work, because people don't how to get there (and was it really so great afterall), we must move forward. That's where education plays a huge role IMO. A lot of teachers need to be re-educated and supported. Why do we have school shootings? I'm so thankful I don't watch TV anymore, my brain was on fire.

And as you said, we need to have respect and open dialogue without fear of repercussion, but respect must be mutual, not forced. What if both sides in this debate, even people in this thread, began to listen to one another instead of trying to bash each other, burying any possibility of discourse with memes. The more potent and extreme, the better. It's easier to repeat and blame than to think for oneself and change. I know, because I've been there and I'm trying to do things differently now. What if we offered our leaders solutions in exchange for our allegiance, rather than follow blindly?

I actually grew up in a big city. A pretty normal upbringing - far from the stereotype. I went to church on Sundays. My best friend was a black immigrant, my next best friend was Jewish. I went to a mostly all white school. We played cowboys and Indians and hockey on outdoor ice. I watched Batman and Star Trek. I had one native friend. He and I often skipped school to go watch subtitled Kung Fu movies at the afternoon matinee with the money we made from a paper route. Bruce Lee was my hero, I hardly remember seeing a cop. My older brother stayed with grandparents on the Rez. I remember when JFK, Martin Luther and Malcolm X were killed, but I didn't understand the implications for the US at the time - we need people like that again to lead us out of the darkness.

Better yet, we need to be able to re-educate ourselves, and it is possible if we have the tools and the will to do so. Thanks for being a great sounding board @Domainace, your outlook of the future of America is what I have feared, and that most Westerners probably do too, but are afraid to look. :wideyed:
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That face. You know Kamala is now thinking, "Just wait until I get the old man out of the way and become empress. That bitch is gonna pay!"

In all fairness, the Kamala that Tulsi describes is pretty much your standard Democrat these days.

I honestly have no basis to make a decision on voting for Biden / Harris because all they talk about is how bad things are, how horrible the President is. Maybe popular on the coast but won't win anyone over.

Thankfully unlike Barack Obama, both have a history we can judge them by.
The coward Joe Biden mentioned the debunked theory about Putin putting bounties on American military in Iraq and Afghanistan.

If Biden was President, the man responsible for leading an insurgency against the Iraq government and paid actual bounties for the deaths of US military personal would still be alive. So would Osama Bin Laden.

Joe Biden on Killing of Qassem Soleimani: ‘Trump Tossed a Stick of Dynamite Into a Tinderbox’
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