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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.

Here you can spout your USA political views.

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2. No fighting
3. Respect the views of others.
4. US Political views, No Religious views
5. Have fun :)

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
because the polls lie ... obviously ... you can't dispute the polls were wrong in the 2016 election.... i have told you they are once again wrong in 2020... we will settle that Nov 3rd ....

Anything that the people have brought into their daily life country wide needs to be voted on by the people .... It can stricken down as fast as Obama brought in...

You make no damn sense.

If I asked 10 people posting in this thread, what is your favorite pizza and:

2 said Dominos
1 said Bobs
1 said Pizza Hit
1 said Little Ceasar's
5 said Brooklyn Pizza

If I said most in this thread like Brooklyn Pizza the best, you would sit and argue that it wasn't true.

It's a poll. People are polled. What are you not getting?
You make no damn sense.

If I asked 10 people posting in this thread, what is your favorite pizza and:

2 said Dominos
1 said Bobs
1 said Pizza Hit
1 said Little Ceasar's
5 said Brooklyn Pizza

If I said most in this thread like Brooklyn Pizza the best, you would sit and argue that it wasn't true.

It's a poll. People are polled. What are you not getting?

Now i kinda hope Amy just nixes the whole thing... squash it Amy .... do you wanna fight about how she can't do that??
Now i kinda hope Amy just nixes the whole thing... squash it Amy .... do you wanna fight about how she can't do that??

I don't think it's a good idea to try to take away these 3 major issues that American's favor:

Americans favor ACA

Americans favor the right to choose

Americans favor Gay Marriage

You take any of that way, going against the majority. There will be problems.
offer a feller an olive branch and he doesn't want it.... he would rather just have the whole shit abolished as opposed to a nation wide vote...
I don't think it's a good idea to try to take away these 3 major issues that American's favor:

Americans favor ACA

Americans favor the right to choose

Americans favor Gay Marriage

You take any of that way, going against the majority. There will be problems.

then we are fixin to have some problems ....
offer a feller an olive branch and he doesn't want it.... he would rather just have the whole shit abolished as opposed to a nation wide vote...

You understand it's not an issue you vote on, it's an issue handled by the Supreme Court? It seems you don't understand how things are done. The Supreme Court judges vote on it, not you.

Same-sex marriage is made legal nationwide with Obergefell v. Hodges decision

we need to change that.... that isn't right... I am not opposed to Gay rights.... I am opposed to Gay marriage.... but if voted in by the majority of Americans... i would accept that ruling

Jesus. Will go back to not responding to you. If you wonder why it's this type of nonsense. What part of people were polled keeps going over your head? Hopeless bunch.
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You understand it's not an issue you vote on, it's an issue handled by the Supreme Court? It seems you don't understand how things are done.

Same-sex marriage is made legal nationwide with Obergefell v. Hodges decision

we need to change that.... that isn't right... I am not opposed to Gay rights.... I am opposed to Gay marriage.... but if voted in by the majority of Americans... i would accept that ruling
we need to have nation wide votes on anything that will brought into society across America... for the people... by the people......
You understand it's not an issue you vote on, it's an issue handled by the Supreme Court? It seems you don't understand how things are done. The Supreme Court judges vote on it, not you.

Same-sex marriage is made legal nationwide with Obergefell v. Hodges decision

Jesus. Will go back to not responding to you. If you wonder why it's this type of nonsense. Hopeless bunch.

simply because i disagree?? ridiculous ...... why so much opposition from you on a national vote???
Trump going around this country, trying to kill off Americans by having Super Spreader events. He cares more about getting reelected than the health of Americans. Like he said, he's safe on stage, he's not out there with the people. Fuck those people. If you gotta die, then you gotta die. Just vote for Trump before you. It was brought out today they have people behind him wearing masks for show, while those in the crowd, most don't. Everywhere he's had a rally, it resulted in a spike later. Stupid people. We should not be going up anywhere.

Just a taste, see how they're going up? It should be going down by now if everybody followed the advice from actual experts:

Which means Florida is fucked. Rallies plus dumb Desantis opening everything up.

Herman - "We don't need no stinkin' masks JB. Haven't you read this thread? It's a hoax, it's a plandemic."

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The elusive jumpy legged virus came up with a mutation to go with the narrative, expect more covering for the mail-in scam.
Coronavirus mutation emerges that may outmaneuver mask-wearing and hand-washing [The Hill] [NY Post]
Scientists in a paper published Wednesday identified a new strain of the virus, which accounted for 99.9 percent of cases during the second wave in the Houston, Texas, area, the Washington Post reported.
The paper, which has not been peer-reviewed, said people with the strain, known as the D614G mutation, had higher loads of virus — suggesting it is more contagious.
Molecular Architecture of Early Dissemination and Massive Second Wave of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus in a Major Metropolitan Area []
We sequenced the genomes of 5,085 SARS-CoV-2 strains causing two COVID-19 disease waves in metropolitan Houston, Texas, an ethnically diverse region with seven million residents. The genomes were from viruses recovered in the earliest recognized phase of the pandemic in Houston, and an ongoing massive second wave of infections. The virus was originally introduced into Houston many times independently. Virtually all strains in the second wave have a Gly614 amino acid replacement in the spike protein, a polymorphism that has been linked to increased transmission and infectivity. Patients infected with the Gly614 variant strains had significantly higher virus loads in the nasopharynx on initial diagnosis. We found little evidence of a significant relationship between virus genotypes and altered virulence, stressing the linkage between disease severity, underlying medical conditions, and host genetics. Some regions of the spike protein - the primary target of global vaccine efforts - are replete with amino acid replacements, perhaps indicating the action of selection.
I didn't get to read all the 73 pages in the study, it is for geneticists, just searched for some occurrences of the words mask, clean, contag(iousness), hand(s), wash(ing) ... and nothing came up. However the propaganda machine at Washington Post found a way to spin it into there's more suspense for you, sheeple, with the help of a guy at NIAID:
David Morens, a virologist at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, reviewed the new study and said the findings point to the strong possibility that the virus, as it has moved through the population, has become more transmissible, and that this “may have implications for our ability to control it.”

Morens noted that this is a single study, and “you don’t want to over-interpret what this means.” But the virus, he said, could potentially be responding — through random mutations — to such interventions as mask-wearing and social distancing, Morens said Wednesday.

“Wearing masks, washing our hands, all those things are barriers to transmissibility, or contagion, but as the virus becomes more contagious it statistically is better at getting around those barriers,” said Morens, senior adviser to Anthony S. Fauci, the director of the NIAID.
As a reminder, Washington Post is owned by the same guy who wants to watch over your possessions when you're not at home, with their little Alexa camera drone.
Repealing Obamacare will kill more than 43,000 people a year

Hmm. Husband loses wife because of decisions made by Republicans. 43,000 people a year. Many family members, friends. It just takes 1 to lose it and do something. No Civil War but violence? Probably. Imagine you lost somebody close to you because of people that decided to go against the majority. Take away healthcare with no replacement plan in sight. How insane is that. Trump lying his ass off about a plan. We'll have one in 2 weeks, earlier in the year. We'll have one at the end of some month. Where is it? Can we see it? Is there a link? It's coming, you can trust me. I'm Trump.
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So it's going to be 7 out of the 9 judges are Catholic.

That doesn't exactly seem to be representative of this country, since stats say about 23% of Americans identify as Catholic.

7 out of 9. What a stacked court.
The other 2 are Jewish.


Protestants continue to make up the largest religious group in America, totaling 49% of U.S. adults interviewed as part of Gallup's Daily tracking in 2017. Catholics are the next-largest group, at 23% of the population, with Mormons accounting for about 2%.

Catholics - 23%, 7 judges
Protestants - 49%, 0 judges

That doesn't make sense. Throw a Protestant in there, an Atheist.

In 2019, Christians represent 65% of the total adult population, 43% identifying as Protestants, 20% as Catholics, and 2% as Mormons, people with no formal religious identity at 26% of the total population, Judaism is the second-largest religion in the U.S., practiced by 2% of the population, followed by Islam, ...
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what i see happening in the near future.... Abortion Abolished .... ACA revisioins.... Gay and LGBTQ stuff examined closely...

As JB usually puts in post when it comes to these subjects... there most likely will be violence .... but there will most likely be violence any way.... i expect the way the violence is handled will change immediately after Trump wins the election... Still ... no one gives a flying a shit if left tear up their cities... but Trump will snuff that shit immediately.

Violence vs Civil War ? the violence that has been taking place for months now is violence of the old school method....none the less it violence and burning down shit, breaking windows, graffiti, outdated shit like that... these people in the blue states that do this day after day are very comfortable now in what they do.... i believe they feel very confident and empowered .... so as long as the police continue to stand down ... these people will continue..... when faced with Federal police... they show to be weak and fizzle out pretty quick..after the election i think Trump will send the Fed Police in on all of these states at which time you will see these actives seize and the jails will be overflowing.... so threats of violence over not fully appeasing these people is at inconvenience

Civil War .... i would like to think that no one would want to see such as anything close to a civil war .... but a civil war is something that somewhat has to be thought about at this point... it certainly could happen.... but i don't think in the way that many imagine in there head.... If such were to break out i feel it would be a state by state thing.... each state holding down their state ..... i don't think it would last very long at all.... there would be much loss of life though.... i think technology would be a major factor if such were to happen.... i feel it wouldn't be meet in the street and go at it.... that's old shit... outdated
'Divided We Fall' author David French on why America could come apart, the loss of free speech culture, and how Trump could be the GOP's new Reagan

I don't believe for a minute that America will fall apart.... i do believe we are going to have some corrections in the country though... I also believe many many Americans will leave the country within the next two years... one side or the other is going to win power in the country... the side that wins that power will have the USA as they want it.
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11 things Trump has done to fix Obamacare [NY Post]
Democrats complain that President Trump doesn't have a plan to replace ObamaCare, but he has actually expanded coverage for millions.
  1. A 2018 Trump rule expanded renewable and flexible plans not subject to Obamacare’s laundry list of expensive requirements. This rule expanded consumer protections for these more affordable plans by allowing people to keep them for up to three years instead of just three months.
  2. Another 2018 rule expanded Association Health Plans, permitting employers to band together and offer their workers more affordable coverage.
  3. The White House Council of Economic Advisers finds that Americans receive a yearly net benefit of $45 billion from these expanded coverage options, along with the elimination of Obamacare’s regressive individual mandate penalty that mainly hit families earning less than $50,000 per year.
  4. the most groundbreaking rule allows employers to provide contributions using pre-tax dollars so workers can select a plan in the individual health-insurance market that’s best for them.
  5. Because of its rules requiring hospitals and insurers to provide price information, Americans will finally have access to real prices before they access health-care services.
  6. Employers will be able to use these prices to negotiate better deals for their workers.
  7. The administration has reformed Medicare so that seniors can more easily receive care in the comfort of their own home over the phone or through video.
  8. Another Trump policy helps the chronically ill save tax-free for their health care. For example, diabetics can make deposits to their health savings accounts for the first time even if they have a plan that covers insulin before meeting their deductible.
  9. The president has also taken action to increase kidney donations and dialysis provided in patients’ homes rather than predominantly in hospitals and clinics.
  10. Overall, drug price inflation was just 1.5 percent from 2017 to 2019, in part from a surge of competition introduced after a historic number of generic drugs were approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
  11. And the president signed the Right to Try Act, permitting very sick patients to access experimental, but potentially life-saving, treatments.
There are various compiled lists of the President' healthcare record, for example one more exhaustive, with links is: President Trump’s Record on Health Care [, Sept. 14, 2020]
i think technology would be a major factor if such were to happen.... i feel it wouldn't be meet in the street and go at it.... that's old shit... outdated
Are you prepared if they're gonna use an Internet kill switch or a blackout of some sorts?
11 things Trump has done to fix Obamacare [NY Post]

There are various compiled lists of the President' healthcare record, for example one more exhaustive, with links is: President Trump’s Record on Health Care [, Sept. 14, 2020]

We have tried in full to work with the left .... the problem? .... the left either wants it all or they start having their little tantrums in the streets.... there is no 50 - 50 compromise with the Left as we have seen... It is all or nothing with them... that puts the fault on the left IMO... i believe this will be fixed soon... one way...or the other
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Are you prepared if they're gonna use an Internet kill switch or a blackout of some sorts?

I am ... if they kill the cell phone towers... i am ready for that too... If they kill the electrical grid... that is very hard to prepare for if it is a long term outage... but the group i hang with is ready for that too.
I am ... if they kill the cell phone towers... i am ready for that too... If they kill the electrical grid... that is very hard to prepare for if it is a long term outage... but the group i hang with is ready for that too.
I'm not sure how much they can afford to tap into the infrastructure, but they certainly have the social media, they're throttling now big names like Tucker. Their plans is clearly to count ballots until they win.
This video with the Dems/DS normalizing their fraud plans came up again, probably updated, I remember posting it before
I'm not sure how much they can afford to tap into the infrastructure, but they certainly have the social media, they're throttling now big names like Tucker. Their plans is clearly to count ballots until they win.
This video with the Dems/DS normalizing their fraud plans came up again, probably updated, I remember posting it before

Absolutely Orwellian.
If they kill the electrical grid... that is very hard to prepare for if it is a long term outage... but the group i hang with is ready for that too.

I prefer acoustic guitar anyway. If I really want to make noise, I crank my hurdy gurdy.
I prefer acoustic guitar anyway. If I really want to make noise, I crank my hurdy gurdy.

^ this one's for you @Domainace

I would've thought the guy with the horn (a trumpet would've been too obvious) would have emerged from the other side, go figure O_o ...ahhh, I get it now (an actor in the plandemic). Only if life was that simple (again)...heavy sigh :oops:
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