Spaceship Spaceship

Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

1. Keep it clean
2. No fighting
3. Respect the views of others.
4. US Political views, No Religious views
5. Have fun :)

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Sad state of what is happening.

Mob Chase Down A Citizen And Beat Him In His Car.

So the mob blocks the streets in LA, driver drives through pretty carefully with strobe flashing, the mob chases after him in multiple vehicles, box driver in, beat him, smash his car, driver escapes before they pull him out and police arrest the driver?!


Thomas Sowell on Riots

never mind that the driver was most likely in fear for their life .... this same thing has happened many times since this started... just so the protesters stay happy all is well with the cops.... counter protest and guaranteed some counter protesters are going to jail...
Sheriff Grady Has Message For BLM/ANTIFA
We need Americans like this in every state, county, and town, police departments all over America.

Political animals, governors, mayors, District Attorneys, allowing rioting and looting and letting criminals go without charges, need to be voted out and held accountable.

Have you looked into gas powered drones or hybrids for longer range?

Serious drone action, definitely out of my price range ATM :xf.cool:

Domainace said:

Anybody who reads this and still thinks Trump is the bigger danger is beyond reasoning with.

There's been a few 'neighbourly' drone incidents in the Persian Gulf (International waters)

"We have the greatest people in the world, we have the greatest equipment in the world. We have the greatest ships, the most deadly ships, we don't want to have to use them, but they're the most deadly ships ever conceived," Trump told reporters. "And we hope for their sake they don't do anything foolish. If they do, they will pay a price like nobody's ever paid a price."

"We have not lost any drone in the Strait of Hormuz nor anywhere else," Araqchi tweeted. "I am worried that USS Boxer has shot down their own UAS by mistake!"

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Florida Gov Reopens State Removes ALL Restrictions
fearmongers and liberals will have a meltdown:)

Florida Gov Reopens State Removes ALL Restrictions
fearmongers and liberals will have a meltdown:)


All states need to do this.
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CNN getting fact checked:) and verdict is... still fake news:)

CNN Gives Biden Superfan a Town Hall Q – Pretends He’s “Undecided”
The only thing he is undecided about is how many times he will vote by mail for Biden:)

Zuckerberg is gonna eat shit soon .... So is Twitter ..... They have banned every person on the Right with a voice...
Maybe so, but in the meantime Facebook, Twitter and other social medias are having a strong influence in the elections, with their blatant bias...

If a sufficient amount of people can see through this bias, then it will backfire on these platform.s
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before i respond to your post and to those who've i responded to previously...

i'd like to say that i have respect for all of you, as people and as my fellow domainers.

though we have same/similar aspirations, viewpoints and goals, as it relates to domains.,...
we still retain right to express our opinions.
just as we retain right to price our domain names, accordingly

so, i hope that what we say in this section, no matter how it's expressed or taken...doesn't affect business.

First things first. The FBI and other agencies engaged in subversive activities and fraud to unseat an elected president - basically an attempted coup by some of the highest unelected powers. Why there isn't outrage that the FBI and other secret agencies want to overturn American democracy is beyond me. The deep state desperately needs to portray him as an aspiring dictator. Yet, this "aspiring dictator" has refused to even send troops into riot torn cities. People need to open their eyes and look at who really wants to steal their democracy from them. It ain't Trump.

to the quote above,
that statement:
"The FBI and other agencies engaged in subversive activities and fraud to unseat an elected president"

is what you were led to believe was the motivation for the investigation.
and that conclusion, was drawn by his appointed AG, which affirmed that position.

the fact that it was that same fbi who announced investigation into Hillarys' emails, three months before election....
would make it contradictory, for them to try to unseat same person they helped win.

the investigation into Trump, was about, if he got help from Russia during the campaign.
then when his other handpicked AG Jeff Sessions recused himself, Trump demonized him, calling "weak".

now current AG Barr is serving as Trump personal lawyer.


But the purpose of chants is to override the rational mind and pump up raw emotion.


that's true to an extent, but it depends on what you are chanting

chants like,
Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō
Keep Hope Alive
Build The Wall

each have different interpretations, meaning and results, and each have different intent in message.
wherein, the first two have messages for/of emotional wellbeing, the third one has message of physical construction, which resulted in divisiveness among the population.

a "wall" can keep people out, but also can keep people in... as in The Berlin Wall.

as the wall does not stop the flow of drugs, but the walls of prisons do contain those, who are convicted of drug possession.

a wall can keep one mentally entrapped in a virtual unreality all of their own making or created for them to dwell in.

chants, in context can break down walls of mental disparity, provide clarity from disillusions and give positive inspiration when in negative or depressed situations.

but all that may depend on which side of the wall or fence you sit on.... or have sat on.

biggie said,
i'd like to say that i have respect for all of you, as people and as my fellow domainers.

though we have same/similar aspirations, viewpoints and goals, as it relates to domains.,...
we still retain right to express our opinions.
just as we retain right to price our domain names, accordingly

so, i hope that what we say in this section, no matter how it's expressed or taken...doesn't affect business.

I concur. This is a forum where we are lucky to have the ability to express ourselves on matters of importance, no matter what your political stripes may be. (y)

Trump said, and I quote,

"We have the greatest people in the world, we have the greatest equipment in the world. We have the greatest ships, the most deadly ships, we don't want to have to use them, but they're the most deadly ships ever conceived," Trump told reporters. "And we hope for their sake they don't do anything foolish. If they do, they will pay a price like nobody's ever paid a price."

I feel the need to examine this statement, especially since no comment has been made to rebuke facts :cautious:

All statements and links sourced 26-09-2020 and are not to be construed as the views of the author.

What are the facts? Did Trump actually say this? Yes, indeed he did. Was it just an empty threat?



"We have the greatest people in the world"

What people is he talking about? Civilians, military? I assume he meant the US military, since the "greatest people" (the public) are divided - Left vs Right - on the upcoming election.

"we have the greatest equipment in the world."

No doubt about the equipment - State of the Art (of war) - especially after boosting military spending by $639.1 Billion in 2018 - which is actually less than what Obama spent in 2010.




"We have the greatest ships, the most deadly ships, we don't want to have to use them, but they're the most deadly ships ever conceived"

One of the few statements I actually believe. Let's pray they are not called into action. :xf.cry:

"And we hope for their sake they don't do anything foolish. If they do, they will pay a price like nobody's ever paid a price."

Earlier this month, the president tweeted,

"If Iran wants to fight, that will be the official end of Iran."



Besides the astronomical cost in dollars, what price has humanity paid? Considering all wars and injustices, a great deal over the course of history...haven't we learned our lesson yet? :xf.eek:

Death count:

Indigenous population of North America (approx. 50 million). In fact, European colonizers killed so many indigenous Americans that the planet cooled down! :xf.sick:



WW2 statistics (70-85 million - likely more!)


For the moment, Trump has turned his attention to China.


All statements and links sourced 26-09-2020 and are not to be construed as the views of the author.

However; in my opinion, everyone (including the greatest people) ought to have the right to make informed choices :panda: :troll: :blackalien::stig: :muted:

Since this is a thread about US politics, and elected officials are the ones who will decide the fate of humanity... choose PEACE
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A "wall" can keep people out, but also can keep people in... as in The Berlin Wall.

as the wall does not stop the flow of drugs, but the walls of prisons do contain those, who are convicted of drug possession.

a wall can keep one mentally entrapped in a virtual unreality all of their own making or created for them to dwell in.
Lots of countries have walls on their borders for various reasons and most are extremely efficient.

The Berlin wall to keep people in (very successful)

Israel built a wall to keep suicide bombers from the West Bank entering (very successful)

Hungary built a fence to keep out illegal immigrants from entering (very successful)

The ancient Great Wall of China, a series of walls separating China from nomadic empires to the north (very successful)

North Korea-South Korea Demilitarized Zone (very successful)

India and Bangladesh share a 2,500-mile border, and India is nearing completion of a 1,700-mile barbed wire fence to curb immigration and smuggling.

France: The mile-long wall at Calais was funded by the United Kingdom to prevent migrants from accessing the Channel Tunnel that connects Britain to continental Europe.

Morocco: A 1,700-mile sand wall fortified and surrounded by millions of land mines was built by Morocco in 1975 along disputed, ungoverned territory on its border with Western Sahara.

Spain: More than two decades ago, the Spanish government built 20-foot concrete barriers to wall off Melilla and Ceuta, Spanish-administered enclaves in Morocco since the 15th century, to increase border security against African illegal migrants.

Saudi Arabia: In 2014, Saudi Arabia built a 550-mile-long wall with Iraq, a response to the rise of the Islamic State militants sweeping across parts of that country.

Turkey: A buffer zone splits the island of Cyprus and its capital Nicosia between Turkey and Greece. Nicosia is arguably the last city in the world physically separated by a wall.

Greece-Turkey border fence... to stop illegals from entering Greece.

Kenya-Somalia border wall built to stem the flow of Islamic militants from neighboring Somalia.

Same reason we built our homes with doors and windows, to keep unwanted intruders from coming in...

So I say... hey Donald, "Build that wall"


though we have same/similar aspirations, viewpoints and goals, as it relates to domains.,...
we still retain right to express our opinions.
just as we retain right to price our domain names, accordingly

so, i hope that what we say in this section, no matter how it's expressed or taken...doesn't affect business.

I don't do much business here overall but posts in this forum can easily create problems for doing business on NP so good luck to everyone:) No matter how professional people are, they are very emotional and will not explain their actions so you have to read between the lines as they try to waste your time and money:)


"The FBI and other agencies engaged in subversive activities and fraud to unseat an elected president"

is what you were led to believe was the motivation for the investigation.
and that conclusion, was drawn by his appointed AG, which affirmed that position.

the fact that it was that same fbi who announced investigation into Hillarys' emails, three months before election....
would make it contradictory, for them to try to unseat same person they helped win.

the investigation into Trump, was about, if he got help from Russia during the campaign.
then when his other handpicked AG Jeff Sessions recused himself, Trump demonized him, calling "weak".

now current AG Barr is serving as Trump personal lawyer.


I hope everyone here has more interest in things beyond the media spin because this is why we are here so we don't just repeat the news cycle but can look a bit deeper and educate ourselves.

I think a lot of people find the FBI and Democrats actions and media's biased coverage abhorrent to one's intelligence after understanding the facts and what is actually proven and not span daily.

The first problem to notice is the double standards that exists. Hillary breaks the law by hosting a personal server at home and exposing classified information to hackers but she gets cleared twice so the FBI was clearly helped Hillary by not prosecuting her. It was legal and PR damage control assistance.

Some facts and some lies.

Muller gets asked about the Steel Dossier

The media has been spinning Trump's statements for years. His statements on criminals crossing the border gets spun into him being a racist and his statements on Charlottesville get spun into him supporting white supremacists. Easily proven wrong but still repeated.

Biden gets fact checked:)
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SHOCKING leaked texts from FBI agents give Trump vindication on Russia collusion case
The worst thing about all of this is that no one is ever held responsible.

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The best thing Jeff Sessions did:)

Senate GOP releases report on Hunter Biden's dealings in Ukraine

so, i hope that what we say in this section, no matter how it's expressed or taken...doesn't affect business.

I don't do business here anymore. But if I did, I would only not deal with people because of ill-manners, not political opinions.

"The FBI and other agencies engaged in subversive activities and fraud to unseat an elected president"

is what you were led to believe was the motivation for the investigation.
and that conclusion, was drawn by his appointed AG, which affirmed that position.

the fact that it was that same fbi who announced investigation into Hillarys' emails, three months before election....
would make it contradictory, for them to try to unseat same person they helped win.

We are all led to believe something. The facts and inter-office emails seem pretty damning. The FBI is a big organization with complex loyalties, so what you call a contradiction I would call complexity.

that's true to an extent, but it depends on what you are chanting

I did say that chants are sometimes useful. But all chants override the rational mind and pump up raw emotion - even the useful ones. That's their purpose. The Little Engine that Could said, "I think I could, I think I could..." to override its rational assumption that it couldn't.

But when you get to mobs and the political arena, virtually all chants are tools of manipulation.
Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō is used by Soka Gakkai, which is a quasi-political organization that most people in Japan see as cultish. They have political and financial motives like all those at the top.

Keep Hope Alive sounds pretty harmless because it's vague and cheery. I suppose it could be used to create a sense of belonging among a group that chooses the phrase

Build The Wall, like most chants, I don't like. Whether or not a wall is built should be the subject of rational discussion, not chants. To me, the whole wall debate is a political sideshow that distracts people from real issues - perhaps by design.

Say what you will, I dislike chanting unless I am doing it alone. That said, I tend to avoid group-think. There are shades of gray to everything in life, and anytime more than 3 people band together those shades start to disappear.
Worth considering...

"Did China trick the world into committing economic suicide?"

"As the global community continues to grapple with the fallout from the coronavirus pandemic – and the economic catastrophe caused by the associated “lockdowns” imposed by governments around the world – a chilling new theory has emerged.

It goes like this – China, in an enormous disinformation campaign spread via social media and through compromised voices in Western politics, science and medicine, aggressively pushed for other nations to follow its lead, with the goal of intentionally destroying their economies...."

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That's called "double check, decoying or discovered check with pin" - some of the most crippling moves in chess: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chess_tactic

"Chess is Life" - Bobby Fischer

hey Cannuck, I will play you a chess match for some of the cbd extracts you produce. If you haven't tried lichess.org it is a free site that is one of the best
Ted Cruz explains how radicalized supreme court has become. Only one vote away from removing individual constitutional rights.

Judges that vote against our rights should be removed.

hey Cannuck, I will play you a chess match for some of the cbd extracts you produce. If you haven't tried lichess.org it is a free site that is one of the best

I'm a little rusty, but sure, we can have a "gentleman's" game online sometime if you like :xf.cool:
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