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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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4. US Political views, No Religious views
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My state Florida is gunning for the #1 spot in Covid cases and deaths. Trump's little bitch DeSantis doing what daddy Trump wants.

Florida's Governor Lifts All COVID-19 Restrictions On Businesses Statewide

How many people are Trumpers looking to kill?

Right now Florida is:
#3 in cases
#5 in deaths

This will go up now.

371,000 by end of year. We're a little over 200,000. So deaths will jump in the next 3 months as well.
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Your response is not uncommon from people who do not like Trump.


my statements have nothing to do, with whether i like him or not.

i liked him, when he appeared on Fresh Prince and when he hosted The the Apprentice.

in last election, Hillary was likeable, but i did not want another clinton in WH

so, like... is not part of the equation.

My state Florida is gunning for the #1 spot in Covid cases and deaths. Trump's little bitch DeSantis doing what daddy Trump wants.

Florida's Governor Lifts All COVID-19 Restrictions On Businesses Statewide

How many people are Trumpers looking to kill?

Right now Florida is:
#3 in cases
#5 in deaths

This will go up now.

371,000 by end of year. We're a little over 200,000. So deaths will jump in the next 3 months as well.

You go JB! you got it by a landslide ...... Your 354 electoral votes ..... its a done deal

my statements have nothing to do, with whether i like him or not.

i liked him, when he appeared on Fresh Prince and when he hosted The the Apprentice.

in last election, Hillary was likeable, but i did not want another clinton in WH

so, like... is not part of the equation.



This election is a matter of preference and nothing else IMO... Socialism - Communism gov reform ... or the gov we currently have and have had for 250 years ... that pretty much sums up the 2020 election IMO
Do not blindly support your party.
I have nothing against the Democrat party but these Democrat people today are not the same Democrat people 30 years ago.
- Biden will not win the election - The man can't even think or talk, he can only listen to his boss (I guess you know now or you will know soon who is the Boss).
Why people hate Trump?
- This country has been running by lobbyists and the politicians have been eating a piece of cake from these bribing:
-- Lobbyists give money to control laws
-- A lot of bribing happened - kicked back
- Now Trump does not care about the money or lobbyists so there is no cake to eat now and they get upset (Funds has been cut everywhere where Trump see we don't need it).
- Now it's ok to compete between two parties to get more votes but supporting people to burn, loot and murder (BLM) is an act of devils. Using people's life to accomplish your political agenda is not human beings - it's worse than animals.
Never in the American history that you have a President work hard for the country like Trump. Check how many times Trump is on the plane or talk to the public vs the time Biden is hidden in the basement?

I would not even vote for Biden to be my Mayor here in my town so forget about him to be the next President.

Sorry I don't know much about Politics so please don't attack or argue with me.
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Do not blindly support your party.
I have nothing against the Democrat party but these Democrat people today are not the same Democrat people 30 years ago.
- Biden will not win the election - The man can't even think or talk, he can only listen to his boss (I guess you know now or you will know soon who is the Boss).
Why people hate Trump?
- This country has been running by lobbyists and the politicians have been eating a piece of cake from these bribing:
-- Lobbyists give money to control laws
-- A lot of bribing happened - kicked back
- Now Trump does not care about the money or lobbyists so there is no cake to eat now and they get upset (Funds has been cut everywhere where Trump see we don't need it).
- Now it's ok to compete between two parties to get more votes but supporting people to burn, loot and murder (BLM) is an act of devils. Using people's life to accomplish your political agenda is not human beings - it's worse than animals.
Never in the American history that you have a President work hard for the country like Trump. Check how many times Trump is on the plane or talk to the public vs the time Biden is hidden in the basement?

I would not even vote for Biden to be my Mayor here in my town so forget about him to be the next President.

Sorry I don't know much about Politics so please don't attack or argue with me.

Same here, I don't know a lot about politics, and i do not want to know a lot about politics, that is why we hire politicians to do politics.....

Trump can make the US economy soar ... he proved that... Trump can combat the corruption in Washington.... he has proved he can do that....... Trump doesn't play games with world leaders.... he has proven that...... Trump doesn't play games with state officials...he has proven that.....

So Donald Trump can maintain the USA and keep it's founded government integrity until a younger more eager person with a knack for politics can take the country to new levels of success IMO
Trump can make the US economy soar ... he proved that... Trump can combat the corruption in Washington.... he has proved he can do that....... Trump doesn't play games with world leaders.... he has proven that...... Trump doesn't play games with state officials...he has proven that.....

So Donald Trump can maintain the USA and keep it's founded government integrity until a younger more eager person with a knack for politics can take the country to new levels of success IMO

More nonsense. Trump even admits the economy does better under Dems. National debt was soaring under Trump even before this virus.

Combat corruption, are you serious? One of the most corrupt administrations ever.

Doing more damage to this country than any other President.

Attacking voting system, scientists, justice department, postal service etc. Sowing distrust in American institutions.

Economy bad because of his poor response.
Race relations bad
Environment went backwards
Supporting judges that will take rights away
Trying to get rid of healthcare which will kill people
His poor response has led to more virus cases and deaths.

Basically, most Trump/Republican views hurt people, environment, country
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More nonsense. Trump even admits the economy does better under Dems. National debt was soaring under Trump even before this virus.

Combat corruption, are you serious? One of the most corrupt administrations ever.

Doing more damage to this country than any other President.

Economy bad because of his poor response.
Race relations bad
Environment went backwards
Supporting judges that will take rights away
Trying to get rid of healthcare which will kill people
His poor response has led to more virus cases and deaths.

what damage ??? explain the damage that Trump has done.... he hasn't been able to hardly do anything
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what damage ??? explain the damage that Trump has done.... he hasn't been able to hardly do anything

Attacking voting system, scientists, justice department, postal service etc. Sowing distrust in American institutions.

Economy bad because of his poor response.
Race relations bad
Environment went backwards
Supporting judges that will take rights away
Trying to get rid of healthcare which will kill people
His poor response has led to more virus cases and deaths.


This is what happens when people think some full of shit, reality star conman is qualified to be President. What's worse than Trump, is people who want 4 more years of this mess.

Joe Biden is repeating the same mistakes that cost Hillary Clinton the election

Exactly ...

Biden is doing better than Hillary, even your imaginary polls admit this. Both imaginary and real polls show this.

There is no doubt he'll win the Popular vote.

Electoral College, who knows, but leaning Biden.
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Attacking voting system, scientists, justice department, postal service etc. Sowing distrust in American institutions.

Economy bad because of his poor response.
Race relations bad
Environment went backwards
Supporting judges that will take rights away
Trying to get rid of healthcare which will kill people
His poor response has led to more virus cases and deaths.


This is what happens when people think some full of shit, reality star conman is qualified to be President. What's worse than Trump, is people who want 4 more years of this mess.

Biden is doing better than Hillary, even your imaginary polls admit this. Both imaginary and real polls show this.

The economy is recovering really well

Race relations has nothing to with the President, The people choose how race relations fare

The environment was fucked 25 years ago... not just 4 years ago

Supporting judges that shoot down abortion and other stuff is part of the Republican party in general, not Donald Trump specifically

Trumps response to COVID was to allow the governors of each state to manage their perspective state how they saw fit.... that is the US system and how it works. again... not a Trump himself problem.

the fact is... Had Trump shut the USA down... you would be saying ... look.. see ... Trump wants to be a dictator
The economy is recovering really well

Race relations has nothing to with the President, The people choose how race relations fare

The environment was fucked 25 years ago... not just 4 years ago

Supporting judges that shoot down abortion and other stuff is part of the Republican party in general, not Donald Trump specifically

Trumps response to COVID was to allow the governors of each state to manage their perspective state how they saw fit.... that is the US system and how it works. again... not a Trump himself problem.

the fact is... Had Trump shut the USA down... you would be saying ... look.. see ... Trump wants to be a dictator

The economy is bad right now, in big part to Trump

Trump has a big part in race relations being bad, all the White Nationalist dog whistles over the last 3.5 years, even has an account on racist sites like Gab

The environment, when fucked is usually by the Republicans, Trump continues that, so yes, he plays a part in that as well. Long list of what he's done to hurt the environment

Yes, you agree that Republican party has a long history of trying to take rights away, rights people have fought for. Abortion rights, I'm sure many of you would like to take away gay marriage rights as well. Republicans - We Fight To Take Your Rights Away

If Trump had a proper response to Covid, we would have less Americans dead, economy would be better. Even you guys supports things that kill Americans and kill this economy.
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The economy is bad right now, in big part to Trump

Trump has a big part in race relations being bad, all the White Nationalist dog whistles over the last 3.5 years, even has an account on racist sites like Gab

The environment, when fucked is usually by the Republicans, Trump continues that, so yes, he plays a part in that as well. Long list of what he's done to hurt the environment

Yes, you agree that Republican party has a long history of trying to take rights away, rights people have fought for. Abortion rights, I'm sure many of you would like to take away gay marriage rights as well. Republicans - We Fight To Take Your Rights Away

If Trump had a proper response to Covid, we would have less Americans dead, economy would be better. Even you guys supports things that kill Americans and kill this economy.

so we are bad because we don't want babies killed in the womb??

Like i said before..... we did not have a nation wide vote for Gay marriage or gay anything for that matter... we didn't get a voice in the Obama Gay stuff... none at all
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so we are bad because we don't want babies killed in the womb??

Like i said before..... we did not have a nation wide vote for Gay marriage or gay anything for that matter... we didn't get a voice in the Obama Gay stuff... none at all

You are bad because you want to take away the right for a woman to decide what she does with her body. Do role reversal. What if it was men, you, that got pregnant and had kids. Would you want a majority of women strangers saying what @.X. can do with his body?

Also, you're bad because you don't really care. It's why @mr-x didn't touch any part of my abortion post, none of you have. Why aren't you adopting kids? Does your caring stop at birth? There are kids going asleep tonight wishing they had a forever home, stable environment, parents that loved them. Instead get shuffled thru the foster care system. Some getting abused, living thru hell. And you want to make this problem worse.

The problem with Trump/Trumpers/Republicans is you don't think things thru. With this issue, Covid Resonse, the Environment etc.

Just the healthcare. How in the world do you support taking away healthcare with no replacement plan? People will literally die. Majority of Americans support ACA. Majority of Americans support the Right to Choose. Why do Trumpers go against the majority of Americans on many issues? That's Anti-American.
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Sorry I don't know much about Politics so please don't attack or argue with me.
LOL... Please keep on giving us more posts on Politics that you "don't know much about"
You are bad because you want to take away the right for a woman to decide what she does with her body. Do role reversal. What if it was men, you, that got pregnant and had kids. Would you want a majority of women strangers saying what @.X. can do with his body?

Also, you're bad because you don't really care. It's why @mr-x didn't touch any part of my abortion post, none of you have. Why aren't you adopting kids? Does your caring stop at birth? There are kids going asleep tonight wishing they had a forever home, stable environment, parents that loved them. Instead get shuffled thru the foster care system. Some getting abused, living thru hell. And you want to make this problem worse.

The problem with Trump/Trumpers/Republicans is you don't think things thru. With this issue, Covid Resonse, the Environment etc.

Just the healthcare. How in the world do you support taking away healthcare with no replacement plan? People will literally die. Majority of Americans support ACA. Majority of Americans support the Right to Choose. Why do Trumpers go against the majority of Americans on many issues? That's Anti-American.

when it comes to killing a human being .... Yes... the government can tell me i can not do that, I don't want to adopt a child... I have raised the one i made like a responsible person should do. Perhaps the government should force either male or female with contraception?? and if a whoops pregnancy happens for failure to use the contraception the party must go to prison?? I don't have the answer ... except be fucking responsible for your actions and do not pawn them on other people. If it is a legitimate rape ..... well ... that would be covered under
when it comes to killing a human being .... Yes... the government can tell me i can not do that,

And that's a big area where we are different.

You're ok with government control over your body. Which is insane to me, and actually not a Conservative view. True Conservatives support the right to abortion but Christians hijacked the party awhile back.

I think it's none of their damn business.

Government control over your body, wow.
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Trump tried to bribe Latinos recently will the money to PR, now blacks:

Trump $500B Black America plan designates KKK, Antifa as 'terrorist organizations'
The plan calls for making lynching a national hate crime

How do Trumpers feel about this one:

"The president’s plan also vows to make Juneteenth a national holiday."

You guys seemed to be upset when this was brought up earlier. Probably, some hard core, scared of the browning of America types, won't be happy with it.
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And that's a big area where we are different.

You're ok with government control over your body. Which is insane to me, and actually not a Conservative view. True Conservatives support the right to abortion but Christians hijacked the party awhile back.

I think it's none of their damn business.

Government control over your body, wow.

well.... the problem arises when it does become their business and they have to fund a child until age 18 ... that due to irresponsible behavior on both the man and women... there should be no running for the man ... we need law to hold both fully accountable for the pregnancy as well as the well being of the child that is theirs....

a mandatory contraceptive program would work.... it could be mandated for either male or female ..or both.... but that would be seen as extreme law if it were passed.
well.... the problem arises when it does become their business and they have to fund a child until age 18 ... that due to irresponsible behavior on both the man and women... there should be no running for the man ... we need law to hold both fully accountable for the pregnancy as well as the well being of the child that is theirs....

a mandatory contraceptive program would work.... it could be mandated for either male or female ..or both.... but that would be seen as extreme law if it were passed.

You're arguing against yourself. If you had it your way:

"the problem arises when it does become their business and they have to fund a child until age 18"

That skyrockets.

"a mandatory contraceptive program would work.... it could be mandated for either male or female ..or both.... but that would be seen as extreme law if it were passed"

Yeah, more government control. You know whenever the topic of sex education, learning about contraception in school gets brought up, who is usually against that? Those on the right. Some of them probably could use that class as well. But learning about this stuff, contraceptive programs/cheap contraceptive would cut down on the number of pregnancies/abortions. So why fight it.
Trump tried to bribe Latinos recently will the money to PR, now blacks:

Trump $500B Black America plan designates KKK, Antifa as 'terrorist organizations'
The plan calls for making lynching a national hate crime

How do Trumpers feel about this one:

"The president’s plan also vows to make Juneteenth a national holiday."

You guys seemed to be upset when this was brought up earlier. Probably, some hard core, scared of the browning of America types, won't be happy with it.

I think it is fantastic!!

Juneteenth is seen as holiday here in Texas , so it would just make it an official holiday... that would be great!

the KKK, white supremacist organizations , Antifa .... all these orgs go against what our country stands for, they can easily become domestic terrorists, Get them outta the USA... IMO
You're arguing against yourself. If you had it your way:

"the problem arises when it does become their business and they have to fund a child until age 18"

That skyrockets.

"a mandatory contraceptive program would work.... it could be mandated for either male or female ..or both.... but that would be seen as extreme law if it were passed"

Yeah, more government control. You know whenever the topic of sex education, learning about contraception in school gets brought up, who is usually against that? Those on the right. Some of them probably could use that class as well. But learning about this stuff, contraceptive programs/cheap contraceptive would cut down on the number of pregnancies/abortions. So why fight it.

It would have to mandated and law to work in a large long term capacity IMO... yes it is more Gov control ... but better than killing a human being IMO.... Its either Dick control or Government control of the problem
I think it is fantastic!!

Juneteenth is seen as holiday here in Texas , so it would just make it an official holiday... that would be great!

the KKK, white supremacist organizations , Antifa .... all these orgs go against what our country stands for, they can easily become domestic terrorists, Get them outta the USA... IMO

What about the modern day ones? Lots of White Nationalist/Domestic Terrorism ones out there, I guess Trump giving them a pass, needs those votes.
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What about the modern day ones?

Yes... all of them IMO..... we do not need the problems they bring within our society.... Shut down hate speech sites, groups ..down as well.. IMO... i know that is unpopular with many... but i do not support hate speech or anything of its kind.
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