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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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Joe Biden promises to defund charter schools; make existing charter schools as bad as public schools.

Not surprised democratic platform always panders to unions and anything left. Charter schools make public education look bad, sometimes they are ran out of the same public schools and still manage to achieve better results. Parents want choice and the funding should follow the child. Also what is interesting, charter schools pay usually less than public system but teachers are happy to take pay cut for a more fulfilling teaching environment. It is almost like there are too many parasites in the education system. Not mandated by the constitution, the federal education department has one of the biggest budgets now and produces the opposite results. America's education used to be the best in the world:(

John Taylor Gatto is one of the most interesting speakers on this subject, not longer with us though.

Thomas Sowell on the education systems.

No. But ammo shelves are empty.

I expect democrats to resort to the everything including riots. Expect the national guard to be deployed in sane cities. Expect liberal enclaves to burn.

Lancaster PA riots lasted less than 48 hours because the Government hasn't been corrupted by marxist yet.
Blm leaders arrested for rioting, 1 million $ bail. Gov, and police not tolerating destruction, looting.

yep... no ammo .... none on the shelves any way .... has some online
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Russian coronavirus vaccine shows promise in early trials [NY Post, Sept. 4]
Russia’s proposed coronavirus vaccine produced an antibody response in all participants without “serious adverse effects” during early-stage trials, according to results published by The Lancet medical journal.
Participants confirm there are no side effects
I agree that China is the real threat but we still need NATO more now. USA and EU are an important obstacle for China. Previous administration took their eye of the ball and China expanded it's territory and threat.

I believe the biggest threat to America are the domestic enemies. They are the ones undermining the business and manufacturing environment to make it less competitive and for manufacturing jobs to move overseas. They are the ones, for example, purposefully changing the demographics of the country, etc.
The founder's goal was to create a country so strong no foreign power would be able to undermine it but only through domestic corruption. Mind you, America was quickly dragged in to so many wars since its founding:(

China acts in a certain way that maybe natural to the interest of its nation, corporate and IP espionage, Taiwan, Tibet, etc. The communism is a plague on the human nature and its natural need to live free. Unfortunately America helped the communist revolution by withholding military aid. There are always shady stuff happening with globalist scum recreating the world in an unnatural image.

My point is not to get side tracked. Yes Trump should do what he thing is best for US economically. Like the founders called it, trade with everyone but don't get entangled in foreign policy. When I hear china being brought up I remember quote from Orwell's 1984:

“The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.”
Russian coronavirus vaccine shows promise in early trials [NY Post, Sept. 4]

Participants confirm there are no side effects
Show attachment 167540

Not a fan of vaccines, but in some ways like that Russia is giving the Big Pharma a challenge. Free choice and freedom what goes into our bodies would solve a lot of problems.

Corbett is a Canadian doing really good journalism and like Domainace lives in Japan:)
Not an in depth presentation but statistical link for flu vaccinations and covid.

Trump rally this Saturday in Galveston Texas ..... should be fun .. no rain in the forecast ..... my sister and brother in-law are going to make this one ... hopefully I can stay out of jail again.... BLM will press you , then turn around and go get the cops ....
Not a fan of vaccines, but in some ways like that Russia is giving the Big Pharma a challenge. Free choice and freedom what goes into our bodies would solve a lot of problems.

Corbett is a Canadian doing really good journalism and like Domainace lives in Japan:)
Not an in depth presentation but statistical link for flu vaccinations and covid.

No Plandemic shot for me .... no flu shot either ... I don’t trust shit right now
No Plandemic shot for me .... no flu shot either ... I don’t trust shit right now

100% agree with that course of action
We can do better on the NFL boycott , 15% drop in ratings this last weekend .. that isn’t good enough . We are looking for a 40% fall in television ratings.... tell friends and family ... the sooner we achieve the narrative... the sooner we can get back to watching football

I encourage everyone not to watch any NFL football .... don’t help the very “Privileged” Way over paid anti government NFL players


Don’t listen to the players that are saying it is not about the Flag or the Anthem ... their actions speak far louder that their words
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I'm not taking any shots at all.
This pause reminded of a time when I was sitting on a beach in Portugal drinking cactus juice with a buddy...
He was a very cool guy (a US Olympic canoeist) and we are still friends to this day. Anyway, we ended up on a bus with a bunch of other (American) travellers when the topic of how the US is the penultimate country in the world! Then I said, "who's the best in ice hockey?" :smug:

Their response was, "USA of course" - as they had just won the gold medal in the Miracle on Ice that year.

Dudes who probably had never even laced up a pair of skates were rubbing it right in my face. I'd had enough cactus juice to loosen a camel & I would've taken the whole crew on myself (and prob got my azz whooped in the process), but fortunately I had my good buddy along to calm me down so I ate humble American pie. The point is, when we get kicked down a few notches, sometimes it ain't easy to swallow...does that resonate with the current?
Did your friend ever mention that Portugal is usually one of the two top teams in the world on what we call "Roller Skate Hokey"... the other being Spain and a notch down come Italy and Argentina?

In fact Portugal are the present world champions... See the any similarities with ice hockey?
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I'm not taking any shots at all.

Let all the Democrats take the Plandemic shot ... they are the ones that helped feed the Plandemic to begin with .... ScamDemic ... Plandemic ...
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I believe the biggest threat to America are the domestic enemies. They are the ones undermining the business and manufacturing environment to make it less competitive and for manufacturing jobs to move overseas. They are the ones, for example, purposefully changing the demographics of the country, etc.
The founder's goal was to create a country so strong no foreign power would be able to undermine it but only through domestic corruption. Mind you, America was quickly dragged in to so many wars since its founding:(

China acts in a certain way that maybe natural to the interest of its nation, corporate and IP espionage, Taiwan, Tibet, etc. The communism is a plague on the human nature and its natural need to live free. Unfortunately America helped the communist revolution by withholding military aid. There are always shady stuff happening with globalist scum recreating the world in an unnatural image.

My point is not to get side tracked. Yes Trump should do what he thing is best for US economically. Like the founders called it, trade with everyone but don't get entangled in foreign policy. When I hear china being brought up I remember quote from Orwell's 1984:

“The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.”

Listening to past Joe Biden exposes how bad current Joe Biden is doing.
Did your friend ever mention that Portugal is usually one of the two top teams in the world on what we call "Roller Skate Hokey"... the other being Spain and a notch down come Italy and Argentina?

In fact Portugal are the present world champions... See the any similarities with ice hockey?

They're pretty handy with a stick I have to say, it looks like they use a ball rather than a puck and the skates are different. I have heard of Roller Skate hockey, but the game hadn't been invented yet when I was playing. Some of my teammates went on to develop the Inline hockey league, which became pretty big in the States.

It was that same year, in 1972, that Bobby Fisher handed Boris Spassky a defeat in the Match of the Century. This was serious politics! After the match, I learned as much as I could about the game of chess. Both events set the stage during my formative years.

I'm a chess fan and competed when I was younger. The game is too addictive IMHO :) Reading Bobby Fischer story for the first time was something else. The man took no prisoners, in chess and in real life. Too bad that apart from one more match later in his life he stopped playing competitive chess and become more of a recluse and was in legal trouble with US government because he took part in a match on Yugoslav soil while there was an embargo (I might be missing some details there).

When political systems collide over sports during the peak of the cold war:) Don't think these stories will ever be matched nor that they should, it is better that they become part of history. World doesn't need more polarization. Bobby Fischer and then the current soviet world champion Boris Spassky became friends after the match.

I think something similar happened in the Summit Series, where players developed respect for each other and were openly friendly later.
U.S. removes tariffs on Canadian aluminum but imposes quotas on future shipments

Trump imposed them under Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act, which allows the President to use tariffs for “national security” reasons. Mr. Trump has frequently used Section 232 to circumvent international trade rules, such as those of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement and the World Trade Organization.

Canada has always rejected the idea of quotas on aluminum exports. When questioned about the U.S. levels, Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland said: “This is not a negotiated deal ... we have not negotiated an agreement with the United States on quotas”.

If it is determined that in any month imports exceed 105% of those levels, USTR said it will retroactively impose the 10%tariffs on all shipments for that month.

They're pretty handy with a stick I have to say, it looks like they use a ball rather than a puck and the skates are different. I have heard of Roller Skate hockey, but the game hadn't been invented yet when I was playing. Some of my teammates went on to develop the Inline hockey league, which became pretty big in the States.

Roller hockey (in British English), rink hockey (in American English) or quad hockey is a team sport played on roller skates.

Roller Skate hockey has been around for a very long time... well over 100 years.

Roller Hockey was a demonstration rollersport in the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona. There have been 44 editions of the Roller Hockey World Cup. Countries with the most number of world titles since the 1940s are: Spain (17 World titles), Portugal (16 World titles), Argentina (5 World titles) and Italy (4 World titles). Other countries, such as France, Brazil, Germany, Switzerland, Andorra and England are regular international competitors, but rarely overcome the traditional powers.

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Reading Bobby Fischer story for the first time was something else. The man took no prisoners, in chess and in real life. Too bad that apart from one more match later in his life he stopped playing competitive chess and become more of a recluse and was in legal trouble with US government because he took part in a match on Yugoslav soil while there was an embargo (I might be missing some details there).

"Chess is my life." Victor Korchnoi
"Chess is like life." Boris Spassky
"Chess is life." Bobby Fischer

Fischer was a chess genius and an anomaly... the US tried to use him as a pawn in the Cold War era politics. He bucked the system, especially regarding mind control, and became a target. Full documentaries and conspiracy theories that probes into the matter:
Trump imposed them under Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act, which allows the President to use tariffs for “national security” reasons. Mr. Trump has frequently used Section 232 to circumvent international trade rules, such as those of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement and the World Trade Organization.

Aside from the specifics of this case, an interesting point in trade law is how trade treaties often make it impossible for countries to pass laws in their own interest - essentially, they surrender sovereignty to abide by the terms of the agreement. This is especially hard on poorer countries. They need the trade treaties more than anyone, but can least afford to pay out significant damages settled in international trade courts if their laws contradict trade terms. This is the kind of thing I can see backfiring on China for example. If the costs of meeting China's terms are too high, the people will rebel and renege on all previous agreements.
An analysis on how treason works at the highest level, and how with an Executive Order and a systematic purge the military was given the woke direction to a marxist far left.

The Adverse Effects of Obama’s Executive Order 13583 and the Purge of Generals and Admirals Are Now Obvious [RedState]
Two disastrous actions taken by Barack Hussein Obama during his presidency have delivered extensive damage to the US military, just as planned. The first was the systematic purging of nearly 200 senior officers over five years and their subsequent replacement by Democrat loyalists, as reported here. His second ignominious action taken was the 2011 Executive Order 13583 directing “government-wide diversity and inclusion training,” which, by 2020, included the implementation of Marxist critical race theory training in all federal agencies including the US military services.

There is something very wrong with some in the top ranks of America's military [American Thinker]
It began to be clear last October that the Obama administration (with some help from Bill Clinton's presidency) had seeded the Pentagon with leftist generals whose allegiance was to the Deep State, to cultural leftism, and to the infamous and profitable "military industrial complex" that Eisenhower warned about in 1961. In only five years, Obama had conducted a major Pentagon purge, firing almost 200 senior officers who held the old-fashioned belief that the military exists to protect America and should not be a social justice institution with limited firepower.
The upper-level officers who remained were hardcore Democrats. While still in the military, Admiral McRaven gave bin Laden a respectful, private burial. Once out of the military, he wrote an editorial for the New York Times, strongly suggesting a military coup against Trump. Barry McCaffrey, a Clinton White House officer, likened Trump to Mussolini because he canceled the White House's newspaper subscriptions. And Obama's Joint Chiefs vice chair, James Winnefeld, was deeply offended on behalf of ISIS terrorist Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi because Trump did the psychologically smart thing of telling al-Baghdadi's followers that he died like a coward.

Media targeted at military service personnel are replete with stories focused on critical race theory, racial injustice, and other issues aligned with that Executive Order. Here are several recent articles:
  • Lawmakers pressed the Pentagon on fixing “longstanding problems of racial disparities in the military justice system,” as reported at Military(dot)com.
  • The Air Force Education and Training Command has implemented Marxist micro-aggression (sic) sensitivity training, as reported at Military(dot)com.
  • The US Army Research Laboratory funded a 3-year $1.5M grant to two Northeastern University professors to develop a “fully automated microaggression detector.”
  • “Wokeness” training has also been implemented at US Military Academy at West Point, as reported here.
  • The Commandant of the US Marine Corps vows to push for “1-year maternity leave for Marines,” as reported here.
  • The Commandant also said that the Marines can’t complete their missions without “diversity, women and minorities,” as reported here.
Are you getting the picture? These actions promote divisiveness and destroy good order and discipline in the ranks. And they push young servicemen and women into the waiting arms of Black Lives Matter and the “cancel culture.”
Roller hockey (in British English), rink hockey (in American English) or quad hockey is a team sport played on roller skates.

Roller Skate hockey has been around for a very long time... well over 100 years.

Interesting, you learn something new everyday. (y) The Mi'kmaq, also had a stick-and-ball game, much like the Iroquois game of lacross (BTW Lacrosse is Canada's actual national sport, but hockey is #1). In early 19th-century a form of hockey with no standard rules was played in Nova Scotia. I used to play shinney on that pond.
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