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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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All the talk of atomic bombs again on the 75th year since they were dropped. Made me once again read up on Harry Truman, the Democrat hero who basically is still causing 1000s of deaths a year today, many decades later. Beside wiping out 2 cities full of civilians ( a debatable point for some I understand, and too complex to discuss in a thread like this), his accomplishments include:

1- Handing Vietnam back to the useless French (who couldn't even keep themselves from being colonized by the Germans). This was after Ho Chi Minh spent the war years helping Americans fight the Japanese, and after he asked for independence, quoting Abraham Lincoln. Thanks to Truman, SE Asia saw many decades of war and millions of deaths.

2- Creating the CIA, so they could overthrow elected governments overseas and eventually work their way up to spying on US citizens and attempting to overthrow elected governments in the US.

3- Creating the Truman Doctrine, which allowed American troops to be sent to all corners of the earth.

4- Ran up the death count in the Korean war, massacred North Korean civilians.

5- Redrew the Middle East and clumsily created Israel. Still ongoing.

6- Regularly called people he didn't like son's of bitches (publicly) and threatened to punch out a reviewer who panned his daughter's singing. Very Trump like in his demeanor, yet a hero of the Dems.

Basically responsible for many of the problems in the world today. And yet this disaster of a president, no matter his crimes, is hailed as a great president today simply because he had a D after his name rather than an R. Lack of principles among these people is nothing new.
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All the talk of atomic bombs again on the 75th year since they were dropped. Made me once again read up on Harry Truman, the Democrat hero who basically is still causing 1000s of deaths a year today, many decades later. Beside wiping out 2 cities full of civilians ( a debatable point for some I understand, and too complex to discuss in a thread like this), his accomplishments include:

1- Handing Vietnam back to the useless French (who couldn't even keep themselves from being colonized by the Germans). This was after Ho Chi Minh spent the war years helping Americans fight the Japanese, and after he asked for independence, quoting Abraham Lincoln. Thanks to Truman, SE Asia saw many decades of war and millions of deaths.

2- Creating the CIA, so they could overthrow elected governments overseas and eventually work their way up to spying on US citizens and attempting to overthrow elected governments in the US.

3- Creating the Truman Doctrine, which allowed American troops to be sent to all corners of the earth.

4- Ran up the death count in the Korean war, massacred North Korean civilians.

5- Redrew the Middle East and clumsily created Israel. Still ongoing.

6- Regularly called people he didn't like son's of bitches (publicly) and threatened to punch out a reviewer who panned his daughter's singing. Very Trump like in his demeanor, yet a hero of the Dems.

Basically responsible for many of the problems in the world today. And yet this disaster of a president, no matter his crimes, is hailed as a great president today simply because he had a D after his name rather than an R. Lack of principles among these people is nothing new.

They love evil shit, Witches, Satanist, anything that opposes God, they love dearly no matter how evil it is, Democrats are only comparable to a piece of shit that just wont flush

Trump hasn't started a war with anyone and wouldn't unless absolutely necessary , he most certainly wouldn't nuke anyone just because he couldn't defeat them in conventional war actions.
Trump hasn't started a war with anyone

And that alone makes him exceptional among recent presidents, not that the "anti-war" left care.
Trump hasn't started a war with anyone and wouldn't unless absolutely necessary , he most certainly wouldn't nuke anyone just because he couldn't defeat them in conventional war actions.

I guess you mean anyone besides America itself, not including anyone Trump has triggered within the USA.
'It's literally impossible to stop': Sturgis, South Dakota, braces for hundreds of thousands of bikers to arrive for an event in the middle of a pandemic

there is going to be at least 500,000 this year
How many of those 500k and the 7000 residents will die of Covid because of going to Sturgis?

A recipe for disaster
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Democrat party was founded on racism and continue the tradition using identity politics.

Is Trump a Racist??? Lets See.....

Fear monger.

How many of those 500k and the 7000 residents will die of Covid because of going to Sturgis?

A recipe for disaster
You are defined by your ignorance, but then you wouldn't know that would you :-P

If you're going to steal my post, at least give me attribution.

I understand why you like Biden. Your entire political philosophy is expressed by bad memes and 3 minute videos that slander and twist the truth into lies.
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10 Days? This most likely wont end well. I pray for them.

No masks required as 250,000 expected at 10-day Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. Here's what to know.

USA TODAY August 7, 2020

One of the largest events since the beginning of the pandemic has begun in South Dakota: More than 250,000 people are expected at the iconic Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.

That's scaled down from previous years, where about half-a-million people have descended on the city of about 7,000 for an event that has developed a reputation as an anything-goes festival.

While the 80-year tradition isn't as raucous as it once was, festival goers will be largely free of social distancing restrictions common elsewhere in the country during this year's 10-day festival.

Bikers flocking to the small town from around the country won't face quarantining requirements if they are from a coronavirus hot spot.

And masks? They're encouraged – not required.

So far, few people are heeding that encouragement, according to an Associated Press reporter at the event.

Many who rode their bikes into Sturgis on Friday expressed defiance at the rules and restrictions that have marked life in much of the world during the pandemic.

“Screw COVID,” read the design on one T-shirt being hawked. “I went to Sturgis.”

Local officials have made efforts to scale down the event, but some expect restriction-weary bikers to flock to Sturgis in large numbers.

“It’s the biggest single event that’s going on in the United States that didn’t get canceled,” said Rod Woodruff, who operates the largest campground and concert venue that lies outside the bounds of the city.

“A lot of people think it’s going to be bigger than ever.”

In addition to normal concerns about crime, many locals are worried the huge crowds and lack of social distancing rules will lead to an unmanageable outbreak of COVID-19.


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What a Self Centered Sick and Twisted Narcissistic joke this man is :ROFL::xf.laugh::ROFL::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::xf.laugh::ROFL::xf.laugh::ROFL:

White House 'looked into' carving face of Donald Trump on Mt Rushmore

August 9, 2020
A White House official made discreet inquiries over the possibility of Donald Trump’s image being carved into Mount Rushmore, it has been reported.

According to the New York Times the official, who was not named, last year approached the office of South Dakota governor, Kristi Noem to ask how an additional president could be added to the monument.

Details of the approach emerged over the weekend.


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Fear monger.

Remember when you tried to play like you were pro-Science the other day? A bunch of people close together, not wearing masks during a pandemic. What do you think is going to happen? Ask Herman Cain how that went. The girl that was suspended (later reversed) for taking a picture of the hallway in her school, 9 people now infected.
Emboldened by the refusal of Democrat party leaders to condemn violence,
Portland Antifa Sets Fire to Police Building, Then Threatens to Burn Down Apartment Building With People Inside [RedState].
Overnight on 8–9 Aug, hundreds of antifa descended on the @PortlandPolice union building again in north Portland. They blocked the road, started street fires & tried to burn down the union hall again. Video from inside shows the arson attack #PortlandRiots https://no_url_shorteners/WAvyCdYjVm pic.twitter.com/mpHi9fQAcr

— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 9, 2020
Antifa rioters have started a street fire in north Portland (far from the federal courthouse). There are no police outside. The busy street is entirely shut down again. #PortlandRiots #antifa pic.twitter.com/B2lRodZ1Md

— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 9, 2020
“We’re gonna burn your building down”

“We know where you live”

As #antifa have taken to Portland residential areas to riot, they’ve also assaulted & intimidated residents there. Tonight, they threatened those who looked out the window. #PortlandRiots pic.twitter.com/1qiIOLk99j

— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 9, 2020

What could go wrong when Nadler says that Antifa is a myth, or when Dem. senator from Hawaii refuses to say anything negative about Antifa in a hearing attended by actual victims of the violence. Democrat voters slowly find themselves facing the consequences of not paying attention to what has become of the party they once trusted. Not that is was much trustworthy before, but now is being vandalized by extremists.

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How many of those 500k and the 7000 residents will die of Covid because of going to Sturgis?

A recipe for disaster

Since you have joined the commie party you are feeling that need for power and control, All the people in Sturgis are Freedom voters like myself and will rain on your parade come Nov 3
Since you have joined the commie party you are feeling that need for power and control, All the people in Sturgis are Freedom voters like myself and will rain on your parade come Nov 3
How many will get Covid from the rally and not make it to Nov 3rd to vote?
People who do not care if They get covid should at least care enough not to pass it to innocent people who do not want to get covid.

Its more about not giving it to others and saving them than caring about yourself and your freedoms.
How many will get Covid from the rally and not make it to Nov 3rd to vote?
People who do not care if They get covid should at least care enough not to pass it to innocent people who do not want to get covid.

Its more about not giving it to others and saving them than caring about yourself and your freedoms.

If it makes you feel any better, The Town folk usually leave Sturgis for the event, Sturgis economy relies on this once a year event, the town makes so much money that the locals mortgages and electricity are paid for the complete year every year, after 7 days of events, the Towns people are taken care of for a full year, that is what i call entrepreneurship at its best

They can't fight worth a shit, i have seen countless videos of them starting a fight and getting their ass kicked. basically they will try and stop people from walking, get up in their face but always make sure they never put there hands on them, just punch them in the face a couple of times and they shatter like a glass mirror
Sexism casts shadow over Biden's search for a female running mate

LaTosha Brown, the co-founder of Black Voters Matter,

Ha! I didn't even know there was a black voters matter.
How many of those 500k and the 7000 residents will die of Covid because of going to Sturgis?

A recipe for disaster

Long as the media doesn't lie 0.
A White House official made discreet inquiries over the possibility of Donald Trump’s image being carved into Mount Rushmore, it has been reported.

That is wild! What's the source?

According to the New York Times the official, who was not named,

Oh, never mind. NYT and an anonymous "source." MAD Magazine would be more reliable.

You guys really will swallow anything.
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