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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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That would be the end of USA as it was founded

I would make the case that has already happened. Long ago now.
Philip Haney, a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) whistleblower who was an outspoken critic of the administration of former President Barack Obama, was found dead Friday, about 40 miles east of Sacramento, Calif., local authorities said.

“Upon their arrival, they located and identified 66-year-old Philip Haney, who was deceased and appeared to have suffered a single, self-inflicted gunshot wound. A firearm was located next to Haney and his vehicle. This investigation is active and ongoing. No further details will be released at this time,”

Haney was planning to write another book, wanted to return to work at the DHS, and was recently engaged to be married.

Personally, though, I wouldn't rule out a Bernie victory. The Dems did all the groundwork for him over the past 40 years.
I have t agree with you there. I think Bernie is probably Trump's strongest challenger!
I have t agree with you there. I think Bernie is probably Trump's strongest challenger!

IDK, he just did a 60 minutes interview praising communist Cuba / Castro. Probably not going to go over well. I think his popularity caps at 30%. He's winning democrat primaries, not the general pubilic.
IDK, he just did a 60 minutes interview praising communist Cuba / Castro. Probably not going to go over well. I think his popularity caps at 30%. He's winning democrat primaries, not the general pubilic.
30%... that's a lot of fools! How about independents, Blacks and Latinos... what % will he likely get?
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What's with the sick obsession and hatred towards white men among Liberals?
MSNBC Suggests FBI Should Track Young White Men Online, Radicalize Them, Provide Resources for Creating Explosives, Then Arrest Them

In a shocking segment, MSNBC’s Katy Tur suggested that the FBI should be tracking young white men online to radicalize them, provide resources for creating explosives, and then arrest them.

Tur was comparing young white men to ISIS terrorists in an interview with Frank Figliuzzi, the former Assistant Director for Counterintelligence at the FBI.

“When you’re looking at ISIS or you’re looking at radical Islamic terrorism, I covered a number of stories where the FBI would track young kids or young men and they would talk to them online and say ‘you know, here’s how you build a bomb,’ or ‘here’s where you get your bomb making materials,’ and they track that person as that person radicalized and then arrested them before they could do anything bad,”
Tur said. “Why is the same not being done for white extremists or is the same being done and we just don’t know about it?”

Figliuzzi responded that it is “time to ask that question” and to “wrestle with it” because politics “does enter in.” He then mocked people who would defend the First Amendment and claim that this is the act of “thought police.”

WOW... I never imagined the Liberal Media had so much hate for Bernie!

That's the thing. Their intolerance means they inevitably turn on each other.
30%... that's a lot of fools! How about independents, Blacks and Latinos... what % will he likely get?

No idea. I'm basing 30% general support on what he has in the democrat primary. He'll probably pick up warrens supporters but fewer of Bootygig's, Biden's.

Most people just know the image, nothing about his policies. His base is informed / supportive but as he starts getting tough questions, it will be more apparent he's an old communist with no idea.

If he is elected, I expect a recession. Questions I'd like to see asked:

Will you cap the cost of college or just use tax payer funds to pay for it.
Will you forgive current college debt ( trillions )
How will you pay for it?

Will you support school choice?

We know he's open borders and supports the Green New Deal. So... How will you enact that?

Will you end fracking ( natural gas, oil) production? How high do you expect energy prices will go?

Will you support Iran having a nuclear program / weapon?

Will you pay reparations to decedents of slaves?

Will you pay reparations to illegal immigrants that have been deported?

Will you pay reparations to children that have been separated from their families a the border?

I'll spare you the rest..
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CNN Purchases Industrial-Sized Washing Machine To Spin News Before Publication - BB

BREAKING NEWS: Bernie Sanders chooses his Vice Presidenté running mate
How to make it past US Immigration...
FBI official: Russia wants to see US ‘tear ourselves apart’

Russia was generally engaged in “information confrontation” aimed at blurring fact from fiction, eroding American confidence in democratic institutions and driving wedges into society’s fracture lines.

“The primary objective is not to create a particular version of the truth but rather to cloud the truth and erode our ability to find it, creating a sentiment that no narrative or news source can be trusted at all,”​
Stupid a** tweet of the week:

(Was this before or after the 1000 point drop?)

Directly contradicting the CDC. And given what’s happening in Italy and S Korea???
Nancy Pelosi, Adam Shiff, Jerry Nadler and NYT are Russia's best assets.

FBI official: Russia wants to see US ‘tear ourselves apart’

Russia was generally engaged in “information confrontation” aimed at blurring fact from fiction, eroding American confidence in democratic institutions and driving wedges into society’s fracture lines.

“The primary objective is not to create a particular version of the truth but rather to cloud the truth and erode our ability to find it, creating a sentiment that no narrative or news source can be trusted at all,”​
8 out of 10 adults in Cuba could read before Castro took over. Cuba already had a literacy program.
More Russia twaddle? And by Russia, do you mean any old babushka or gopnik? Or just Putin? And by FBI agent, do you mean the same FBI that has been lying to the public and slandering or blackmailing people from JFK to John Lennon to Trump?

If "eroding our ability to find the truth" is the goal, it seems to be working for some people.

Again, an American crying about Russia controlling their mind is like a 100kg weightlifter crying because a 50kg girl in a wheelchair kicked him in the shins.

FBI official: Russia wants to see US ‘tear ourselves apart’

Russia was generally engaged in “information confrontation” aimed at blurring fact from fiction, eroding American confidence in democratic institutions and driving wedges into society’s fracture lines.

“The primary objective is not to create a particular version of the truth but rather to cloud the truth and erode our ability to find it, creating a sentiment that no narrative or news source can be trusted at all,”​
The Democrat presidential candidates on the road to the DNC caucuses!

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