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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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4. US Political views, No Religious views
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anyone have an ETA on the discovery of evidence of all the allegations, rumors of allegations and ect made on the President ???

Mulvaney already admitted it in front of everybody. Plus, all the stuff that was already released. There is going to be an impeachment trial coming up.

He's really losing it. Threatening to sue CNN, he won't. Then just saw his tweet about Romney, calling him a Democrat Secret Asset. Bunch of retweeting today. I'll be glad when we get this weak mess out of the WH. It's so pathetic to have somebody that can't defend themselves and just sits around at night, copying and pasting Fox News videos of others trying to do it for him.
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I was wondering how he was getting away with this, had to fall back:

I thought I was doing something very good for our Country by using Trump National Doral, in Miami, for hosting the G-7 Leaders. It is big, grand, on hundreds of acres, next to MIAMI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, has tremendous ballrooms & meeting rooms, and each delegation would have...

.....its own 50 to 70 unit building. Would set up better than other alternatives. I announced that I would be willing to do it at NO PROFIT or, if legally permissible, at ZERO COST to the USA. But, as usual, the Hostile Media & their Democrat Partners went CRAZY!

....Therefore, based on both Media & Democrat Crazed and Irrational Hostility, we will no longer consider Trump National Doral, Miami, as the Host Site for the G-7 in 2020. We will begin the search for another site, including the possibility of Camp David, immediately. Thank you!
Mulvaney already admitted it in front of everybody. Plus, all the stuff that was already released. There is going to be an impeachment trial coming up.

He's really losing it. Threatening to sue CNN, he won't. Then just saw his tweet about Romney, calling him a Democrat Secret Asset. Bunch of retweeting today. I'll be glad when we get this weak mess out of the WH. It's so pathetic to have somebody that can't defend themselves and just sits around at night, copying and pasting Fox News videos of others trying to do it for him.

all that is great and fine, but when will the most important people, The American Citizens get to see the discovery of evidence??

The President can tweet, say things that offend people, that is not a crime, rumors of corruption and cover up are not a crime, when are the actual criminal wrong doing evidence discovery going to be transparent to the American citizens??
all that is great and fine, but when will the most important people, The American Citizens get to see the discovery of evidence??

The President can tweet, say things that offend people, that is not a crime, rumors of corruption and cover up are not a crime, when are the actual criminal wrong doing evidence discovery going to be transparent to the American citizens??

? He's not going to be impeached for mean tweets. We've been talking about this the last few weeks, go read. Again, Mulvaney admitted quid pro quo, after Trump saying no quid pro quo over and over again. These aren't rumors of corruption, obviously corrupt, all kinds of obstruction. There is going to be a public impeachment trial, you'll see everything. There is a good chance he'll get impeached and possibly removed from office. Those odds go up each day, along with polls agreeing with it.

"that's why we held up the money" "we do that all the time" "get over it"

Mulvaney fucked Trump, there was already evidence but this is going to sink him.

Fox News
Chris Wallace on firestorm over Mick Mulvaney's quid pro quo comment
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Looks like lennco is taking a short break to recover from his massive Trump/Hitler/White supremacist orgasm. Did you enjoy ejaculating all your Trump hate over this thread?
It's called Having a Life :xf.grin:
Something you and mr-x would nothing about since you two live here from sunup to sundown everyday 365

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Wow - that’s pretty bad! Even if they weren’t familiar with Watergate and it’s details (surprising enough, since it was a significant event), you’d think they would at least know he was a president.
It is, its really bad.
Older people need to talk to younger people to see how little they know and care about history.
They spend all their time with their heads buried in their phones texting and playing games.

It's another sad statement on our times.
We will begin the search for another site,

Which tells you they didn’t go through a proper selection process, where they evaluated the relative benefits of various sites. If they had, there would already be a runner up for them to fall back to.
Guys, this thread has really gone off the rails with crackpots who can't sleep at night because of those "wascally Wussian conspiwacies." We may as well be arguing about alien abductions and chemtrails. I mean, how did people get so batsh*t crazy?

Even George Takei? I never though he was all that bright, but he's gone full whackadoodle too. Between China and the USA, I wonder which country will do the world more damage....
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? He's not going to be impeached for mean tweets. We've been talking about this the last few weeks, go read. Again, Mulvaney admitted quid pro quo, after Trump saying no quid pro quo over and over again. These aren't rumors of corruption, obviously corrupt, all kinds of obstruction. There is going to be a public impeachment trial, you'll see everything. There is a good chance he'll get impeached and possibly removed from office. Those odds go up each day, along with polls agreeing with it.

"that's why we held up the money" "we do that all the time" "get over it"

Mulvaney f*cked Trump, there was already evidence but this is going to sink him.

Fox News
Chris Wallace on firestorm over Mick Mulvaney's quid pro quo comment

I and most of America are still waiting for discovery evidence of "Crime" , we don't give a fuck about what Fox news says vs CNN news , we don't give a fuck about Liberals beating Conservatives and vise versa. this shit is not a game to us, not a contest to us, we want the facts, only the facts. nothing else.

Their are millions of Americans that are sick of playing mine is bigger than yours while the country suffers because of it.
I and most of America are still waiting for discovery evidence of "Crime" , we don't give a f*ck about what Fox news says vs CNN news , we don't give a f*ck about Liberals beating Conservatives and vise versa. this sh*t is not a game to us, not a contest to us, we want the facts, only the facts. nothing else.

Their are millions of Americans that are sick of playing mine is bigger than yours while the country suffers because of it.

Then you guys are just brain dead. I literally posted it in my last post, with video. Seriously, what are you not getting? IT'S ON VIDEO. IT'S ILLEGAL

FEC Chair, Again: Soliciting Foreign Election Help Is Illegal

Why do you think they started this impeachment stuff? Because of that.

Guys, this thread has really gone off the rails with crackpots who can't sleep at night because of those "wascally Wussian conspiwacies." We may as well be arguing about alien abductions and chemtrails. I mean, how did people get so batsh*t crazy?

Again, it's more like, how did Trump supporters get so brain dead? Putin is literally on video saying he wanted Trump to win. They did have a major social media presence in helping that happen. Putin didn't like Hillary, she said some not so nice things about his election. He didn't like that. He wanted payback. He also knew Trump would be easier on Russia than Hillary. This isn't complicated stuff. It's funny to see Trumpers literally denying reality. It can be on video and you guys will try to debate it, saying it's not.

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Then you guys are just brain dead. I literally posted it in my last post, with video. Seriously, what are you not getting? IT'S ON VIDEO.

Again, it's more like, how did Trump supporters get so brain dead? Putin is literally on video saying he wanted Trump to win. They did have a major social media presence in helping that happen.

Ok, do you think the average American knows what a fucking "quid pro quo" is?? Political bullshit talk, the exact shit people are tired of.

List all the laws the President has broken, by federal or state penal code, otherwise we talking the same shit that has been going on since election night 2016. over and over, just using new words , repetitive as fuck for 3 years now.
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Ok, do you think the average American knows what a f*cking "quid pro quo" is?? Political bullsh*t talk, the exact sh*t people are tired of.

List all the laws the President has broken, by federal or state penal code, otherwise we talking the sh*t that has been going on since election night 2016.

It really doesn't matter what dumb fuck Americans think. And I just did link to it. Try reading. If you're not interested, why are you posting? How many times to people need to link stuff for you? If you want to pretend that this isn't happening, ok. It's not going to change reality.

Read -

List the crimes committed by penal code, make accusations, back em up, If these crimes can proven i assure you Americans will most definitely support of impeachment and immediate removal from office.

You better care about us dumb f*ck Americans, we are all you have.

Are you blind? What is wrong with you. I posted it yet again. You're proving my point.

And most Americans do approve of this, I literally posted polls. And they're going to go up, especially after what Mulvaney's did. If you want to sit there and post stupid stuff like you don't have 1 clue in the world, then sit there in it.
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It really doesn't matter what dumb f*ck Americans think. And I just did link to it. Try reading. If you're not interested, why are you posting?

List the crimes committed by penal code, make accusations, back em up, If these crimes can proven i assure you Americans will most definitely support of impeachment and immediate removal from office.

You better care about us dumb fuck Americans, we are all you have.
Putin is literally on video saying he wanted Trump to win. ..... This isn't complicated stuff.

No it isn't. So why do you make it complicated? Putin supported Obama over Romney as well, Is Obama a Russian asset too? They do what they can to support the candidate that they think they can work with. The USA does the same. Obama openly backed Macron and others in Europe, and fought against Brexit. And that is dwarfed by what the CIA does to overthrow any government that doesn't play nice with the US. The Russians are mere Little League compared to the US.

This is called global politics, and nobody plays harder than the US.

So how do you get from that to "Russian influence anywhere is a threat to the US?!?!?!" A severe babushka and borscht phobia?

You are quick to call people nutters, but if you really believe this bizarre Russian conspiracy nonsense you can join the club. I mean, a corrupt, war-mongering, draft-dodger's wife calling a decorated veteran and serving senator a Russian asset? That's whackadoodle. And that almost nobody in the Democratic party has called it out makes them the official whackadoodle party. All they need is a rainbow colored swastika.
No it isn't. So why do you make it complicated? Putin supported Obama over Romney as well, Is Obama a Russian asset too? They do what they can to support the candidate that they think they can work with. The USA does the same. Obama openly backed Macron and others in Europe, and fought against Brexit. And that is dwarfed by what the CIA does to overthrow any government that doesn't play nice with the US. The Russians are mere Little League compared to the US.

This is called global politics, and nobody plays harder than the US.

So how do you get from that to "Russian influence anywhere is a threat to the US?!?!?!" A severe babushka and borscht phobia?

You are quick to call people nutters, but if you really believe this bizarre Russian conspiracy nonsense you can join the club. I mean, a corrupt, war-mongering, draft-dodger's wife calling a decorated veteran and serving senator a Russian asset? That's whackadoodle. And that almost nobody in the Democratic party has called it out makes them the official whackadoodle party. All they need is a rainbow colored swastika.

My goodness.

The Russian Conspiracy was Russia/Putin wanted Trump to win and they helped. Trump was denying this. But then see the video I posted. Then we found out all the social media stuff. He couldn't deny it anymore.

Your post is just agreeing with me. Thanks.

You put this in quotes ""Russian influence anywhere is a threat to the US?!?!?!"

I didn't post that, where do you see that?

Then you go on about other countries doing the same. No kidding, I never said they didn't. Again, this goes back to Trump denying they helped.
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Your post is just agreeing with me. Thanks.

If you say so. But I don't recall this anti-Russian hysteria when Obama was helped in by Putin (though there was a bit when he whispered on-mike "just wait until after the election....")

The quote was a paraphrase of Lennco's rant, though Enlytend seems pretty much in line with that as well. This freakish obsession with Russia - a return to McCarthyism and the worst of the cold war mentality that killed so many people in Vietnam and many other places.

I guess then we are not disagreeing here. Whether Trump denied they helped him or not is a trivial point. I don't recall Obama acknowledging their help either. Who would want to?
Putin is literally on video saying he wanted Trump to win.

And as Nancy said, with “трамп” (“tramp”, as he’s appropriately called in Russia - there is no short “u” in the language so they substitute a short “a”) all roads seem to lead to Putin. Taking his word over evidence gathered by our own intelligence agencies, almost turning over US citizens who Putin dislikes to be interrogated in Russia, trying time and again to get Russia admitted to G7 (G8) when they continue to do the things for which they were rejected in the first place...

To name a few.

Russian state media sure knows they own him. You’ll hear it on their tv discussions and see it in print. The phrase «трамп наш» comes up a lot. “Trump is ours”. Since the election. I posted a video clip of one instance.

They also mock him constantly. If he was trying to earn their respect by cozying up to Vlad, big fail. Vlad is long time FSB /GRU - think he doesn’t know how to work an asset? Especially one whose been laundering money for his mob oligarch pals for decades?

As for laws, I posted a link to the relevant federal election law that was broken shortly after the incident first came to light. Search for it.

IF you saw that POTUS had broken federal laws would it change your viewpoint? No. You’d continue to make excuses. Because you’re more invested in defending your choice of supporting him to begin with than in the good of the country and our rule of law.

Again, it's more like, how did Trump supporters get so brain dead?

It’s sad that some here in particular prefer to resort to making nasty condescending statements and generalizations about people with a different viewpoints to actually discussing the merits (or lack thereof) of their own views. I guess they think that’s “owning the libs”, whatever TF that means...

I’ll discuss anything with anyone, but the minute you start that sh*t the conversation ends as far as I’m concerned. I have trump supporter friends who can argue intelligently and respectfully without resorting to that nonsense so it’s certainly not impossible. Dunno - maybe they were just raised better ...

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It’s sad that some here in particular resort to making nasty condescending statements and generalizations about people with a different viewpoints

Like these?
I have trump suppporter friends who can argue intelligently and respectfully without resorting to that nonsense so it’s certainly not impossible. Dunno - maybe they were just raised better ...

They’re extremely naive about modern marketing tactics? Never leaned critical thinking? Slept through history class?

When you are asked serious questions, you dodge or get angry. You just offer vague and meaningless speculation about Trump being laughed at in Russia - as though anybody cares.

You cite laws without stopping to consider justice. The laws are complex and applied unequally - everybody breaks them wittingly or otherwise. (The average business owner regularly commits felonies.) But only certain chosen people get prosecuted. The Nazis had laws, too. Nice to hide behind when pursuing unjust activities. (This is why a dentist in Ontario lost his license for having consensual sex with a patient - his wife! They all agree it's wrong, but "the law is the law.")

You find it politically convenient to whip up an irrational fear of Russia, the sort of activity that often leads to terrible wars. All that for a domestic political advantage.

Why don't you show your "Trump supporting friends" your posts here? People tend to be a bit snarky online, because it's impersonal. I am surrounded by "liberals" who have a knee-jerk dislike of Trump like you. I don't seek out political discussion, because it's boring to have to discuss the same nonsense. A few of them can have reasonable conversations. Most fall silent after a while, a few admit I am right and then just revert to their beliefs anyway. Very, very few change their views. But I am happy when that happens. One more person awake and paying attention.

That's probably what keeps me here. That somewhere inside you, that light will go on, and you can truly be be on the path to being enlightened, correct spelling and all.

Unrelated fun fact: Aid paid to farms to compensate for POTUS’ trade war has already cost more than double the 2009 auto bailout.
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Sigh... when all else fails, revert to type.
Interesting thread
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Tulsi Gabbard was a rising star in the DNC, until she decided to endorse Bernie Sanders after witnessing the corruption on the Clinton team. She sacrificed her career for him.

And to date, Bernie has said nothing in her defense.

Welcome to the Democrats. Watch your back.
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