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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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^ Yea Right......LMFAO!!!!!!!!

Now this is the most Corrupt and Stupid Administration in American History.


^ And this is not even up to date yet!
Just wait until its all over.
Double down. It won't be too much of a stretch when the most banal members of your crowd finally say "I was just following orders."

Back to the Kurds, who you have cared deeply about since... a week or so ago.

I think it was the kitten she cared about.
None of these kind-hearted leftists complained when Obama was supporting ISIS via Turkey.
Lennco, did you clap like a seal when Rice made the Sunday talk show tour and blamed Benghazi on a video?

He's still better than your witch queen.

^ Yea Right......LMFAO!!!!!!!!

Now this is the most Corrupt and Stupid Administration in American History.


^ And this is not even up to date yet!
Just wait until its all over.

and by extension, Barack Obama and Ben Rhodes who screwed up Syria and threw away victory in Iraq.

Let's not forget the kittens that were killed in Libya. Democrats like to pretend history started yesterday, they are more moral than you and disagreeing with them makes you stupid.
Horrible things happen everyday around the world. They choose one a week that supports their political objective (which is usually no more broad-minded than "impeach Trump") and ignore 99 others. It's like they're watching a movie. They get the emotions they want then walk back into their comfy suburban life.

Huxley was so much on target in this interview in 1958.... as if to prove him right, some will watch this and go "yeah, he's talking about Trumpsters!"

Apparently, it was time.
It was for Putin and Erdogan. But not for the USA and the Kurds,
But you go on being on the wrong side of history like you have been these past 2 1/2 years.
PART 2 - CNN Leadership Picks Winners and Losers on Eve of Debate. "...They (CNN) like Warren a lot"
Double down. It won't be too much of a stretch when the most banal members of your crowd finally say "I was just following orders."

Hyperbole much?

Your tinfoil hats on crooked, why don’t you go fix it.

I care about our allies being betrayed and subject to genocide to serve the self interests of our incompetent liar in chief. You don’t care? What is wrong with you?
Hyperbole much?
Your tinfoil hats on crooked, why don’t you go fix it.

Cliche much? Besides, I think tinfoil refers to nutters who believe in bizarre conspiracy theories, like Russians controlling the president and golden showers.

"Just following orders" is essentially identical to "that's the way it is" or "the law is the law." They are all statements people use to absolve themselves of any consideration of moral responsibility.

Don't pretend you care, because you don't. What have you done to help?

All of which would be tolerable if you were always accusing those who disagree with you of being selfish uncaring people. You really have no idea, do you?
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Cliche much? Besides, I think tinfoil refers to nutters who believe in bizarre conspiracy theories, like Russians controlling the president and golden showers.

"Just following orders" is essentially identical to "that's the way it is" or "the law is the law." They are all statements people use to absolve themselves of any consideration of moral responsibility.

Don't pretend you care, because you don't. What have you done to help?

All of which would be tolerable if you were always accusing those who disagree with you of being selfish uncaring people. You really have no idea, do you?

It's not a complicated thing to understand:

"But the House parliamentarian told Gaetz he is not allowed to attend the hearing because he does not sit on either the Intelligence, Foreign Affairs, or Oversight panels, which are the official committees conducting the impeachment inquiry."

You guys respond to this simple thing like it's Deep State, conspiracy this and that. So if you act like a nutter, then don't cry when people point it out.

Keep in mind, Domainace is the guy that said Communist China is more free than the United States, another winner from you.

Debate has started.
Warren still refuses to admit middle class taxes will go up, she keeps saying costs. She's not explaining it correctly. Taxes will go up but part of that will the money you won't be spending on health care you do now. Buddha Check getting at her. Sanders better explaining it.
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Warren still refuses to admit middle class taxes will go up, she keeps saying costs. She's not explaining it correctly. Taxes will go up but part of that will the money you won't be spending on health care you do now. Buddha Check getting at her. Sanders better explaining it.

Warren is getting her .10th percent Cherokee ass handed to her lmao

Sad that Harris played the "woman will die" bs

P.s, Amy klobuchar is tearing Warren apart, impressive I must say.
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About 10 minutes was all I could take - like listening to door-to-door salesmen. "Make no mistake - people will die." Words have no meaning to these people, and they clearly have little respect for their audience (with a couple exceptions).
About 10 minutes was all I could take - like listening to door-to-door salesmen. "Make no mistake - people will die." Words have no meaning to these people, and they clearly have little respect for their audience (with a couple exceptions).

10 minutes.

Warren is getting her .10th percent Cherokee ass handed to her lmao

Sad that Harris played the "woman will die" bs

P.s, Amy klobuchar is tearing Warren apart, impressive I must say.

Yeah, it looks like it's Warren's day to feel some heat. I said earlier Biden/Klobuchar would be a good moderate ticket. She's not high up in the polls, but I like her. She seems to have a good handle on the issues. Nice little back and forth between 2 people that served Buttigieg and Tulsi. They gave Tulsi a little time to address some of the slings she's been getting over the last week. With Warren getting all the heat this time, Biden having a pretty easy, basic, night.
Talking about health care every debate, I wish they would start talking about some other issues. Don't remember them bringing up environment in any of these. It's a winning Dem issue, we have gone backwards under Trump.

Ah, Honest Ads Act - with every political TV commercial, it ends with this ad was paid for by.............

Online political ads, that doesn't happen. Interesting idea
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You guys respond to this simple thing like it's Deep State, conspiracy this and that. So if you act like a nutter, then don't cry when people point it out.

Maybe I should unignore you more often. You are right. An anonymous "whistleblower" in a secret agency is participating in secret hearings to discuss unseating a democratically elected leader. One would have to be a nutter indeed to think there is anything even slightly conspiratorial about that. That's just so amazingly obtuse, it's rather pointless to carry on a discussion.

Keep in mind, Domainace is the guy that said Communist China is more free than the United States, another winner from you.

In some ways it was, and even now, still is (though China is rapidly reverting under Xi - Google him). Your jingoism renders you incapable of recognizing that. Wasn't your slogan "the US is better than China?" Such high aspirations you have. Such is your lack of critical skills that you would be equally cheering for China were you born there. Probably more so. Look at the excuses you make secret agencies subverting the democratic process in the US.

Nah... back to ignore for you until you can up your game. (By the way, a lot of people died here in a typhoon this week. Got any jokes one that one? Your radiation jokes were quite a laugh.)
10 minutes.

Yeah, it looks like it's Warren's day to feel some heat. I said earlier Biden/Klobuchar would be a good moderate ticket. She's not high up in the polls, but I like her. She seems to have a good handle on the issues. Nice little back and forth between 2 people that served Buttigieg and Tulsi. They gave Tulsi a little time to address some of the slings she's been getting over the last week. With Warren getting all the heat this time, Biden having a pretty easy, basic, night.

Warren hasn't answered a single question posed to her with a direct answer. All she's vomiting is free free free.
Tulsi and yang don't belong on that stage.
It was for Putin and Erdogan. But not for the USA and the Kurds,
But you go on being on the wrong side of history like you have been these past 2 1/2 years.

Like I said.. if you disagree with a leftist, it's because your dumber than they are.
Maybe I should unignore you more often. You are right. An anonymous "whistleblower" in a secret agency is participating in secret hearings to discuss unseating a democratically elected leader. One would have to be a nutter indeed to think there is anything even slightly conspiratorial about that. That's just so amazingly obtuse, it's rather pointless to carry on a discussion.

In some ways it was, and even now, still is (though China is rapidly reverting under Xi - Google him). Your jingoism renders you incapable of recognizing that. Wasn't your slogan "the US is better than China?" Such high aspirations you have. Such is your lack of critical skills that you would be equally cheering for China were you born there. Probably more so. Look at the excuses you make secret agencies subverting the democratic process in the US.

Nah... back to ignore for you until you can up your game. (By the way, a lot of people died here in a typhoon this week. Got any jokes one that one? Your radiation jokes were quite a laugh.)

Thanks for letting everybody know you lie by pretending to have me on block. I know you've been reading my posts.

And no, Communist China is not more free than America. But thanks for doubling down on that nonsense.

And I already addressed the radiation nonsense last time you lied about it -

So, you can go back pretending you're not reading this.
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I care about our allies being betrayed and subject to genocide.... sniffles.

Since when? Iraq? Libya? Syria? At least Pres. Obama realized he stepped in quicksand when John McCain, other neo-cons and the media talked him into taking a side in Syria.

No worries for Turkey or the 2 million Syrian refugees living there though? Kurds are not angles either.
Like I said.. if you disagree with a leftist, it's because your dumber than they are.
Do you really want to talk being Dumb?
You follow the Dumbest President in American history.
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