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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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Beto O’Rourke: “In My Administration We Are Going to Make Sure No One Is Criminally Prosecuted for Being a Human Being”
I think his puppet masters already concluded he is washed up. It is quite obvious because they haven't given him new lines to read and he is lost without their script. No more spanglish from this fake hombre.

Only a moron believes anyone is being prosecuted for being a human being.
Fake News Liberal Media Caught in Another Major Lie: Evidence Shows Bill Barr’s Father Did Not Oversee Jeffrey Epstein at Prestigious New York School!

AG Bill Barr’s father couldn’t have worked with Epstein at Dalton School because he wasn’t even there when Epstein worked there.

He resigned months earlier.
Without lies, what does the fascist left really have?
slap in the face to their constituents.

They need to be slapped. Perhaps Many of their constituents are most likely low iq, anchor babies, entered as or visa overstays popping out children in order to stay, parents were illegals and morons.
Katie Hopkins Warning 2019

Thanks for posting this. So What really happened to the UK? I can assume the EU is to blame, hence Brexit open borders. These Demographic shifts take years, I guess high taxes and older brits who were working class taxpayers left to retire elsewhere, in order for tax consumers to arrive to fill the void? This is a multi facit, complex problem that just didnt happen inna couple years. I have only seen these recent videos, but no study or documentary videos documenting how that the country has devolved over the last 30+ years. If you ever find one, please post it and tag me as I am decreasing my namepros usage.
Your takeaway from that clip should have been that
  1. This was a small group of people. Just a few people.
  2. When it happened, the organizers of the main protest called for people who were part of their big group to go home.
Did you ever stop to think that that handful of people were agitators who came there to make the protestors look bad and to stir up violence? They were gambling that people would be so outraged by what they did that they would blame the entire group, when it was really just a few bad actors.

There in lies the problem, it was not a small group, their were over 2k people there, most whites female and males that decided to bring their children, I didn’t see not one person try and stop anyone from throwing the American flag on the ground first off, secondly no one tried stop anyone from putting the Mexican flag on and flying it.

So that tells me it was Democratic liberals at the protest, not young white women and men either, 30’s and 40’s age wise it appeared, so

‘‘Tis ok, because some patriotic Americans will be joining these fucking idiots that up and decide it is ok to piss on and burn the American flag, I can see it is coming, it is just a matter of time of now.
Take off your rose colored glasses when you read Twitter. Here’s the tweet:

For all except Omar (a US citizen who was born in Somalia) that country would be the United States. And all of them were elected to play a part in how OUR government is run.

C’mon! How many black, Latino, Indian and Asian people have had someone tell them “go back where you came from” at least once in their lifetime? It’s a blatant racist dog whistle.

Any media (Fox?) that tries to spin it otherwise is gaslighting you big time.

That said, I don’t agree with the public bickering - that doesn’t do anyone any good. They and the more senior democrats like Pelosi need to take it to a private conference room for a day or two and work things out.

Focusing on one doesn’t take away from the other. It’s not a zero sum game. They are two mutually exclusive issues.

Asylum seekers - we’re talking about humane treatment of people who come here seeking help. And timely processing of their application, so they don’t have to sit around for months waiting to find out if they stay or go.

Private detention facilities are raking in over $700 per person per day. Hell - pay me that and I’d gladly take in a few. They would have a bathroom & shower privileges with privacy, a toothbrush, clean water, a place to sleep. I’d even spring for clean clothes, food, and diapers if there’s a baby. And yo hablo Español so easy peasy to start teaching them English during their stay.

Homelessness - more causes, so more complicated to address. Is it the area economy? Drugs? Mental health? Where does any new funding go? Do we build and expand shelters and improve shelter safety? Outreach? Job initiatives and training? Mental health? Drug rehab programs?

It’s been treated as a local issue to date. Has POTUS or the GOP respectively put forth any executive orders or bills to address any of these problems? (If any legislation is coming from the House, “Obstruction Mitch” isn’t letting it go to a vote.)

A bipartisan opoid package was signed into law last fall, but it doesn't really address homeless addicts. The new budget cut mental health funding.

Fun fact: The $92 million spent on trumps ridiculous July 4th ego event could have fed EVERY homeless veteran in the country for several weeks.

It appears you are still focused and worried for the asylum seekers far more than your homeless fellow Americans. The asylum seekers get food given to them, the homeless Americans beg or eat out trash cans, sleep out in the summer heat.

I feed my wife and son as well as the rest of my family first if needed, before I go hand out my food to other people.

Omar, Cortez and Tlaib have trashed the party, the party knows it but aren’t going to speak it, well Pelosi has let it be known in uncertain words, aside from her , everyone else is hush hush, Americans have good vision. Now you know how Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton when Trump supposedly had zero chance.

People are paying very close attention, independents like myself are paying very close attention, it is no longer about not voting because a person doesn’t like either candidate, it is now voting to keep your freedom and make damn sure our constitution is not thrown into the trash.
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What I see, and other independent voters as well, I am a member of the Independent voter, it is an organization and has a broad forum online.

What independent voters do agree on is that the Democratic Party is no longer interested in democracy and the constitution of the United States.

We also see that Democrats like to divert attention into a focus on another subject while they dig their heels in on the President, this is old, not working, every tactic they try now is picked up on almost immediately. People aren’t just fucking stupid. We see it with our own eyes, it’s not an illusion as the party would play things off as. We see it.
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Take 2 minutes today to watch this short clip. It’s an excerpt from a film produced by the US war department in 1945. It’s still very relevant today.

The film can be viewed in its entirety under the national archives account on YouTube. This excerpt is watermarked by a news agency - compare to the original if you’re concerned about accuracy.

Sounds like antifa and their defenders in the media and house of representatives.

Ayanna Pressley Goes On Racially Tinged, Homophobic Rant At Netroots Nation
I wonder if Cortez will appear at the Area 51 “lets see them aliens” gig 600,000 people lol

I could see Cortez showing up with those crocodile tears and squinting face like she did in front of the senate regarding the asylum detention camp.

OMG!!! The aliens have to drink out of the toilet!!

Which was a blatant fucking lie about the detention camp.
There in lies the problem, it was not a small group, their were over 2k people there, most whites female and males that decided to bring their children, I didn’t see not one person try and stop anyone from throwing the American flag on the ground first off, secondly no one tried stop anyone from putting the Mexican flag on and flying it.

Organizers always tell people to avoid confrontations and stay out of trouble. The main group of 2000 wouldn’t have engaged with fringe troublemakers. Stopping them is up to law enforcement.

It appears you are still focused and worried for the asylum seekers far more than your homeless fellow Americans. The asylum seekers get food given to them, the homeless Americans beg or eat out trash cans, sleep out in the summer heat.

It appears you didn’t read my post carefully. The asylum issue is a relatively easy one to solve. The homeless issue is multifaceted and much more complex.

Why do you think that expediting asylum claims and treating petitioners with basic human decency would prevent us from caring for the homeless? FFS. Address BOTH issues!

Our government is the one that doesn’t seem to be addressing issues related to homelessness. BUT you can now take a tax deduction for your private jet...

“When I was hungry you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you took me in...” EXCEPT if you’re not my family or not from my country, in which case FU fend for yourself.

(Hmmm.....l don’t remember that exception...)

voting to keep your freedom and make damn sure our constitution is not thrown into the trash.

Well then you’d bettter not re-elect drumpf because he's tearing it to pieces right in plain sight.
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Organizers always tell people to avoid confrontations and stay out of trouble. The main group of 2000 wouldn’t have engaged with fringe troublemakers. Stopping them is up to law enforcement.

It appears you didn’t read my post carefully. The asylum issue is a relatively easy more me to solve. The homeless issue is multifaceted and much more complex.

Why do you think that expediting asylum claims and treating petitioners with basic human decency would prevent us from caring for the homeless? Address BOTH issues!

Our government is the one that doesn’t seem to be addressing issues related to homelessness. BUT you can now take a tax deduction for your private jet...

“When I was hungry you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you took me in...” EXCEPT if you’re not my family or not from my country, in which case FU fend for yourself.

(Hmmm.....l don’t remember that exception...)

Well then you’d bettter not re-elect drumpf because he's tearing it to pieces right in plain sight.

How is it possible for the President to do “Anything” without exercising executive order??? And even when he does that the Democratic Party throws it in the court system.

So how is he supposed to get funding through for our homeless people???

EVERYTHING that the President has tried to get passed gets blocked by the Democratic Party,

So blaming POTUS won’t work

How would we know if he is even capable of tearing anything up?? He hasn’t been able to do anything.

The Democrats think they are just going to ride this out, win the election in 2020 and all will be well

Not gonna happen, give me a Democrat and Donald Trump as my choice, Donald Trump will win every time
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No ,you will not take my freedom away
No ,you will not infringe on my constitutional rights
No ,you will not enforce a Socialistic government
No ,you will not take my Democracy
No you will not take my Republic away
No, you will not remove “One Nation Under God.
No, you will not remove “In God We Trust”

No you won’t Democrats!

I assert my constitutional right and say Fuck You!! For even trying
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Pathetic and patronizing. So much of the left has this ill-informed, cartoonish and childish vision of world affairs and politics. Pair that with an attitude of superiority, and hatred toward anyone with alternative views, and you have today's Democratic party.

The guy in the video was a democrat too. Just different enemies list.
'The Squad' — Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Pressley and Tlaib — hit back at Trump and call for his impeachment

The squad LOL, more like 4 turds in a toilet.

Impeachment!! The same thing i have been hearing since election night 2016 , Democrats always come back with, she was elected, she was elected by the people. that is always their rebuttal.

So was the President !!!!!!!! Elected by the by the people.
I thought I should post some Goofus and Gallant before Enlytend does...
Goofus and Gallant _ PoliticalHumor.jpg

Come to think of it, a little Goofus and Gallant might have gone a long way toward avoiding the entitled and violent brats we see today.
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