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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

1. Keep it clean
2. No fighting
3. Respect the views of others.
4. US Political views, No Religious views
5. Have fun :)

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
We don't live in a paranoia because of Putin like American Liberals do, so no need for a wall here... Also, we belong to NATO so that's another reason for no need for a wall, but then you probably wouldn't know that, since you live in your Liberal cocoon of Planet USA and therefore have no knowledge of what's happening on Planet Earth or any interest in learning about it... except of course for the Big Bad Bear... Russia!!!

Run, Run, Run Lennco... Vlad is coming to LA to take you away!!!
You like to Assume a lot and that makes you look like an Ass.
Plus you keep contradicting yourself.

lol...And yes I know the NATO list of countries,

So now you say "we belong to NATO so that's another reason for no need for a wall"
But the US is also part of NATO (and we spend more then twice what you spend) yet you say we need the wall....Really? lol

The wall isn't good enough for you but you want to push it on us, a country you are not a part of.

And if I am living in a paranoia then why don't I want a wall? Hhhhmmm

You are just wanna of those fanatics that must push his political agenda on others but not yourself.

Just another Hypocrite.
Hundreds of Syrians celebrate Christmas in Aleppo in scenes not seen since before the war...
You like to Assume a lot and that makes you look like an Ass.
Plus you keep contradicting yourself.

lol...And yes I know the NATO list of countries,

So now you say "we belong to NATO so that's another reason for no need for a wall"
But the US is also part of NATO (and we spend more then twice what you spend) yet you say we need the wall....Really? lol

The wall isn't good enough for you but you want to push it on us, a country you are not a part of.

And if I am living in a paranoia then why don't I want a wall? Hhhhmmm

You are just wanna of those fanatics that must push his political agenda on others but not yourself.

Just another Hypocrite.
Arguing with you is like talking to a bloody....
Maybe because I am usually in a hotel when I have to visit the US, but that place is more depressing than any number of poor countries I visit. And there is no good reason for it. The only refreshing thing is that I meet more people lately there who seem to be waking up. Many of them are younger, so that gives me cause for hope. But even they are affected by the daily barrage of misinformation pumped out by the corporate media and corporate social networks. But there is hope...
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So how about it GILSAN, if a wall is so great and secured why not want one for Portugal?

How are you going to prevent an invasion on your soil from the likes of Putin or Suicide bombers?
What if an invasion came from the sea or through Spain, Whatcha gonna do then?

There MUST be an explanation for that!

Does Portugal have an immigration problem or are you just trolling Gilsan because you don't like his politics?
Does Portugal have an immigration problem or are you just trolling Gilsan because you don't like his politics?
There you go again, running out of the shadows to defend your little buddy.
Your first post of the day and its to help defend Gilsan.

So Gilsan can say whatever he wants to say about the US from way over there and I cant comment on Portugal? Really? You guys are such hypocrites and cry babies.

Like I have always said, you guys can dish it our but you cant ever take it.

You two do nothing but criticize so many things about governments, people, their sexual preferences, they way they dress, the way they live, their politics, where they live and so on an so on but if someone makes one little critique about the both of you, you two always lose it and cry foul and say we are picking on you or trolling you.

Just a couple of Cry Baby Hypocrites.
Someone had better give that dead cat some CPR.
in 2016, President Trump offered a path to citizenship for over a million illegal immigrants that were brought to this country as children.

After months of exploiting DACA for political purpose, the democrats refused to make a deal for citizenship because they didn't want to give a political victory to President Trump.

None of the liberals in this forum seemed upset or even critical of Chuck & Nancy's decision to abandon the people they had been using for over a year to paint R's as uncaring racist because muh Trump.

Face it, democrats don't care about people, they care about politics and looking virtuous. We know border walls lowered crime on California and New Mexico border yet they insist walls are "immoral".

Democrats could win a path to citizenship for DACA immigrants, concessions on healthcare, any of a half dozen issues where D's and R's agree partly. They refuse to even negotiate.

Again, democrat leadership, media use virtuous language to denigrate political opponents but fail to provide results. Their sheep just keep chewing, waiting to be sheered.
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You didn't comment on Gov of Portugal. PT has about 10 million people. How many immigrants do you think they could handle?

Honestly, PT sounds like a wonderful place and I love @GILSAN like a brother from another mother.

There you go again, running out of the shadows to defend your little buddy.
Your first post of the day and its to help defend Gilsan.

So Gilsan can say whatever he wants to say about the US from way over there and I cant comment on Portugal? Really? You guys are such hypocrites and cry babies.

Like I have always said, you guys can dish it our but you cant ever take it.

You like to remind people this thread is about the USA but If you have a complaint about PT politics lets hear it. We extend the #1A to everyone in our country, why not this thread?

You two do nothing but criticize so many things about governments, people, their sexual preferences, they way they dress, the way they live, their politics, where they live and so on an so on but if someone makes one little critique about the both of you, you two always lose it and cry foul and say we are picking on you or trolling you.

Just a couple of Cry Baby Hypocrites.

1) Yeah, we talk about American politics a lot for a thread about American politics.

2) I've never criticized anyone personally for their sexual preference. I criticize culture, laws, demands for special treatment that impose on others rights. sexual exploitation.
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You didn't comment on Gov of Portugal. PT has about 10 million people. How many immigrants do you think they could handle?

Honestly, PT sounds like a wonderful place and I love @GILSAN like a brother from another mother.
So I am only allowed to comment on Portugal's government?
Who wrote those rules? Half the shit Gilsan's comments on has nothing to do with governments.

You guys like to cry and write the rules as you go and see fit.

Portugal is as close the the middle east as California is to New York so the potential of terrorist and an invasion is higher there then here, I recommend the Portugal's Government put up a big Berlin Wall.
As for the other freak... Send him/her/it to San Francisco, where I'm sure he/she/it will be warmly greeted with a "Freaks are Welcome Here" Maybe to clean up the streets from all the filth left behind by other freaks!

So Gilsan, are saying you don't like Homosexuals and that you are Homophobic?
Or is it you just don't like the way Homosexuals act sometimes, like being flamboyant?

You don't mind someone being Homosexual as long as they keep it in the closet?
So I am only allowed to comment on Portugal's government?
Who wrote those rules? Half the sh*t Gilsan's comments on has nothing to do with governments.

You guys like to cry and write the rules as you go and see fit.

Portugal is as close the the middle east as California is to New York so the potential of terrorist and an invasion is higher there then here, I recommend the Portugal's Government put up a big Berlin Wall.

You can talk / write about anything you want, so can I. So can Gil. He's mocking you for being afraid of RU and Putin because democrats have spent three years acting hysterical about Russia.

You're just as critical as he is, just on the other side of the fence.
So Gilsan, are saying you don't like Homosexuals and that you are Homophobic?
Or is it you just don't like the way Homosexuals act sometimes, like being flamboyant?

You don't mind someone being Homosexual as long as they keep it in the closet?

Lennco, would you take your child to a gay pride parade in SF? It's not bigoted to criticize gay culture or the people who accept deviant behavior in the name of political correctness.

You like to remind people this thread is about the USA but If you have a complaint about PT politics lets hear it. We extend the #1A to everyone in our country, why not this thread?

That is right I have, and I Lost that argument a few weeks ago about My Thread that I created when everyone including JB and Kate made it clear that rule no longer applies.

But now you want me to continue only speaking of American politics while everyone else speaks of world politics? Give me a fucking break.

1) Yeah, we talk about American politics a lot for a thread about American politics.
You guys need to make up your mind, is this a thread about American politics only or All politics.
Which is it?

2) I've never criticized anyone personally for their sexual preference. I criticize culture, laws, demands for special treatment that impose on others rights. sexual exploitation.
Gilsan does!
And I am sure if we did some digging I would find post where you strayed from the top of your mountain.
That is right I have, and I Lost that argument a few weeks ago about My Thread that I created when everyone including JB and Kate made it clear that rule no longer applies.

But now you want me to continue only speaking of American politics while everyone else speaks of world politics? Give me a f*cking break.

You can talk about anything u want. So can I. I'm going to go have a cup of coffee. I love you man.

You guys need to make up your mind, is this a thread about American politics only or All politics.
Which is it?
I dont' care. I didn't remember Kate and JB changed your mind about it.

Gilsan does!
And I am sure if we did some digging I would find post where you strayed from the top of your mountain.
Probably. I'm just as self-righteous as you are. :)
Lennco, would you take your child to a gay pride parade in SF? It's not bigoted to criticize gay culture or the people who accept deviant behavior in the name of political correctness.

Show attachment 105651
Why don't you let Gilsan answer me instead of you answering for him.

So what is it that you deem as deviant behavior?

Now, I would not take my child there but then I would not take my child to a bar either because its more for adults.
Now I don't have a problem with the parade. I have friends who are gay and they attend these parades and I have seen pictures and they have a wild time.
More power to them
Anytime Lennco criticizes my useless Government in Portugal I will give him a Like.

Illegal immigrants are not rushing into PT because there are other countries in Europe where they will get better FREE benefits, like the UK, France, Germany, Sweden, Holland, Belgium. In Italy many of the illegals are complaining because they are ONLY getting €39 Euros ($45) a day! So they want to move to Germany, UK and Sweden when they can get more.

Isn't it amazing that in Europe you can have the privilege of being an illegal invader and be able to complain without fear of being kicked back to where you came from!

What is happening with our crappy PT Government is they have accepted a quota of 20.000 illegals a year, imposed by the EU.

Those illegals immediately get housed, fed, clothed and given free Medical as well as pocket money. And the vast majority of our quota are coming from the worse sh+tholes in the world... Somalia, Eritrea, Sudan and Ethiopia!

Next year, thanks to our MFu*king government signing the UN sponsored Global Migration Pact, we will be allowing over 4x more illegals, to about 90.000 a year... AGAINST the WILL of the PEOPLE.

People like Kate will immediately point to the fact that Portugal has lots of people that migrated to other countries, which is true, but the main difference is that they migrated LEGALLY and just like all the waves of immigrants that arrived in America before the 80's and 90's (if I'm not wrong) they didn't get 1 cent of help when they arrived.

I know that during my stay in California from 1975 till 1981, I was not entitled to any help whatsoever... but then again I didn't go there expecting to get freebies. I went there because of my love of travelling, to get to know the USA and to contribute even if in a small way...

So there is a massive difference in the migration from yesteryear to today's and that is why so many people in Europe are upset at our EU leaders for allowing this massive illegal migration to take place, while forgetting the sentiments and needs of their own populations, who have paid their taxes all their lives and now watch all these illegals, most of which are Muslims, slowly destroying our unique culture and in the near future our Social Security Benefits.

As for those that are not aware of what's really happening in the EU, it's because the politicians, the authorities and the MSM are hiding the truth from the public, otherwise the "Yellow Vest" uprising would have started a long time ago!

So as you can see we DON'T need a WALL because our stupid government is willingly allowing them in and giving them the Red Carpet treatment!

In the meantime lots of pensioners and many working class struggle to make ends meet, but unfortunately our leaders seem to be oblivious to what's really happening on the ground!
Just catching up. Did I hear correctly that on his first visit to the troops overseas our illustrious POTUS:
  • Handed out campaign swag (a UCMJ no-no)
  • Lied about giving them a pay raise
  • Talked about making the military a for-hire mercenary force (yeah THAT’S a morale builder!) :rolleyes:
  • Outed a deployed SEAL team???!!! D-:
Quite the day he had.


PS But wait... there’s more!
Iraqi lawmakers demand US withdrawal after Trump visit

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Yesterday: Disgraceful that Trump hasn't visted the troops.

Today: Disgraceful Trump visited the Troops ( and they like him). Let's exaggerate and lie to demonstrate how awful Trump is.

Just catching up. Did I hear correctly that on his first visit to the troops overseas our illustrious POTUS:
  • Handed out campaign swag (a UCMJ no-no)
  • Lied about giving them a pay raise
  • Talked about making the military a for-hire mercenary force (yeah THAT’S a morale builder!) :rolleyes:
  • Outed a deployed SEAL team???!!! D-:
Quite the day he had.

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Just catching up. Did I hear correctly that on his first visit to the troops overseas our illustrious POTUS:
  • Handed out campaign swag (a UCMJ no-no)
  • Lied about giving them a pay raise
  • Talked about making the military a for-hire mercenary force (yeah THAT’S a morale builder!) :rolleyes:
  • Outed a deployed SEAL team???!!! D-:
Quite the day he had.


Why don't you let Gilsan answer me instead of you answering for him.

So what is it that you deem as deviant behavior?

Now, I would not take my child there but then I would not take my child to a bar either because its more for adults.
Now I don't have a problem with the parade. I have friends who are gay and they attend these parades and I have seen pictures and they have a wild time.
More power to them

I think Gay pride parades should be banned or strictly policed. They celebrate deviancy and perversions, not equality.


People who take their children are not being good parents.
I think Gay pride parades should be banned or strictly policed. They celebrate deviancy and perversions, not equality.


People who take their children are not being good parents.
That is without a doubt a sick pervert and yes that should be policed and he should be arrested but the parades should not banned, just policed.

Local laws should be enforced with any activity.

And yes those parents should be ashamed.
That is without a doubt a sick pervert and yes that should be policed and he should be arrested but the parades should not banned, just policed.

Local laws should be enforced with any activity.

And yes those parents should be ashamed.

That picture is a mild example. Instead of being policed, you're more likely to find the chief of police and mayor in the parade.

No different than Good Morning American celebrating a child drag queen.
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