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Seems like European Liberals are trying to outdo their American Comrades in the STUPIDITY department!
German school rejects child as his father is a right-wing politician
A Berlin school has refused to accept a new pupil because his father is a politician of the right-wing Alternative for Germany party.

The Berlin Waldorf school rejected the child after it already had visited the day care centre and its parents talked about enrolling the child with teachers.

In addition, the AfD MEP and his wife were questioned about their political views at the end of November at a meeting with about 20 teachers.

“A consensual solution of the conflict was attempted – but it could not be achieved,” the managing director said on Friday.

“In view of this conflict, the school sees no possibility of accepting the child with the necessary openness and impartiality — both are basic prerequisites for adequately promoting the child’s development,” the school management added.

The AfD politician told the Berliner Kurier newspaper:

“We liked this school very much. How can we now explain to our child that his friends may join the Waldorf school next year but that we are not welcome there?”

Detlef Hardorp, a spokesman of the Waldorf schools in the Berlin area, told the newspaper that “People of all political persuasions should be able to send their children to Waldorf schools”.

gender in that context means the social construct. and your sex is whether you are physically a male or female.
so..if some people decide to make up words (name new constructs) for how they feel, does it really matter or affect you??
saying you're a kangaroo would be like insisting you don't have a dick when you do.
that's not what they're saying.
if they have physical characteristics of a male but call themselves some other gender, I guess they're just saying they feel like they don't fit into the traditional male gender category.
they're not saying their sex isn't male.

..and then there are some people who want surgery because they say they're distressed by being the wrong sex.

anyway, I don't know why young children would need to be told or asked about this stuff .that seems weird to me.

easy way out of what?

having surgery to change your genitals is an easy out, guys. :ROFL:
I'm sure it's such an easy decision to drastically alter your body even though you don't actually have a serious problem..... :wtf:

you believe allll those trans people are as insane as someone who thinks they're a kangaroo and wants surgery to be like one. :hilarious:

Children don't have to be told, The shit is all over TV and the internet. wouldn't you say that is enough exposure, I would think it is the other way around, The child has to go to their parent and the parent has to explain, a child should not be subjected to any of this, period. IMO

It is an easy way for them to justify and get sympathy and instant acceptance from people. "I was just born this way"

You say they are distressed by being the wrong sex, If they are born with male genitalia they are a man, Female genitalia, they are women, Just because they want to be a man or women, is a ludicrous reason to have 7 surgeries or how many it takes for them to "transition" into the sex they actually aren't.
In California, they are breeding male cows without horns.

I can imagine in this f’ed up world humans are next, say a transgender couple “orders” from a surrogate hetero mother, an inseminated special order transgender girl without her tool. Lol.

“The cows had been implanted a month and a half earlier with embryos genetically edited to grow and look like males, regardless of their biological gender.”
gender in that context means the social construct. and your sex is whether you are physically a male or female.
so..if some people decide to make up words (name new constructs) for how they feel, does it really matter or affect you??
Yes it does because they want to use a dressing area, bathroom, locker room with my daughter / son.

They also pass laws that if I miss-gender someone on an rental agreement, refuse to admit they are a lizard person or celebrate their marriage to a camel, I can be sued.

They don't want to just pretend, they want you to pretend too and if you don't,, you are violating their rights.

saying you're a kangaroo would be like insisting you don't have a dick when you do.
that's not what they're saying.
if they have physical characteristics of a male but call themselves some other gender, I guess they're just saying they feel like they don't fit into the traditional male gender category.
they're not saying their sex isn't male.

..and then there are some people who want surgery because they say they're distressed by being the wrong sex.

anyway, I don't know why young children would need to be told or asked about this stuff .that seems weird to me.

easy way out of what?

having surgery to change your genitals is an easy out, guys. :ROFL:
I'm sure it's such an easy decision to drastically alter your body even though you don't actually have a serious problem..... :wtf:

you believe allll those trans people are as insane as someone who thinks they're a kangaroo and wants surgery to be like one. :hilarious:
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Seems like European Liberals are trying to outdo their American Comrades in the STUPIDITY department!
German school rejects child as his father is a right-wing politician
A Berlin school has refused to accept a new pupil because his father is a politician of the right-wing Alternative for Germany party.

The Berlin Waldorf school rejected the child after it already had visited the day care centre and its parents talked about enrolling the child with teachers.

In addition, the AfD MEP and his wife were questioned about their political views at the end of November at a meeting with about 20 teachers.

“A consensual solution of the conflict was attempted – but it could not be achieved,” the managing director said on Friday.

“In view of this conflict, the school sees no possibility of accepting the child with the necessary openness and impartiality — both are basic prerequisites for adequately promoting the child’s development,” the school management added.

The AfD politician told the Berliner Kurier newspaper:

“We liked this school very much. How can we now explain to our child that his friends may join the Waldorf school next year but that we are not welcome there?”

Detlef Hardorp, a spokesman of the Waldorf schools in the Berlin area, told the newspaper that “People of all political persuasions should be able to send their children to Waldorf schools”.

Fuck it, Just tell them he was born that way, then they have to accept it.
More Left wing STUPIDITY...
Primary school kids in Britain will be told ‘boys can have periods’

Primary school kids are set to be told that ‘boys can have periods too’ in new Sex Ed plans.

The barmy advice was given to teachers by leftie Brighton Council in a bid to tackle some sort of ‘stigma’ surrounding MALE menstruation.

The new guidelines states: “Trans boys and men and non-binary people may have periods”, adding “menstruation must be inclusive of ‘all genders’.”

It also orders that “bins for used period products are provided in all toilets” for children and that trans pupils and students should be provided with additional support from a school nurse if needed.

The council said it was also “important for all genders to be able to learn and talk about menstruation together”.

NON BINARY? Inclusivity. Wtf are children being twisted into thinking?
I thought kids were kids and needed to wait a few more years be close to puberty before such education. This is REALLY warped, really crazy.
You would think so, but
NON BINARY? Inclusivity. Wtf are children being twisted into thinking?
I thought kids were kids and needed to wait a few more years be close to puberty before such education. This is REALLY warped, really crazy.

I agree, VERY warped , Warped to the core
You say they are distressed by being the wrong sex, If they are born with male genitalia they are a man, Female genitalia, they are women, Just because they want to be a man or women, is a ludicrous reason to have 7 surgeries or how many it takes for them to "transition" into the sex they actually aren't.
well, they say that. or at least that's what I;ve heard a few times. I can't prove it.. maybe..once they've 'transitioned', ask them if they're happy they did it?
it's like the homosexuality don't believe them.
how would it harm you to believe htem?
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Ocasio C seems to be best in entertainment news these days.

Today she says she needs a self care vacation ahead of starting her job in congress. You know, such hard work and long hours so far. I wonder if she will bring her comfort pony along with her on the flight back? Or will Bernie Sanders give her a seat on her private jet while she studies global warming?

“Miniature horses, monkeys and pigs can legally fly as emotional support animals on at least one Canadian airline but an advocate for travellers says the vast majority of jet-setting comfort animals are far less exotic and are a truly necessary accommodation for people with disabilities.”

“Miniature horses are recognized as a service animal by the Americans with Disabilities Act, which oversees laws about service animals. They are stronger and live longer than most service dogs.”

“I’m taking a few days to take care of myself before what is sure to be an eventful term,” the incoming New York congresswoman tweeted.

“For working people, immigrants, & the poor, self-care is political — not because we want it to be, but bc of the inevitable shaming of someone doing a face mask while financially stressed. So I’ve decided to take others along with me on IG as I learn what self-care even means and why it’s important.”

it is very obvious she has read A LOT of books and been coached, Life experience in the matters she speaks about, None, Naughta, she was a very very young child on some of the issues, not even born yet on other issues

same as above ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ talking out her ass about things she has only read through books and been coached on, was an infant-toddler - tween-teen on these issues, wasn't even born yet on many other issues.
same as above ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ talking out her ass about things she has only read through books and been coached on, was an infant-toddler - tween-teen on these issues, wasn't even born yet on many other issues.

What still amazes me is she was elected and enough people believe in this crazy agenda. If you watch her interviews on youtube, unrehearsed ad lib, all seem quite naive and embarrassing. Free isn’t Free, somebody needs to pay. She is talking about free college, I don’t know what happened to affordable local state colleges prices, it seems todays prices have inflated way too much so I get the frustration. There have been too many lies made up about “getting ahead” by going into student debt and too much administrative overhead at Colleges and Universities.

Supposedly she has a degree in Economics. If you listen to Ben Shapiro or other young political people on TV, whether you believe in their ideas or not, at least they express themselves professionally.

The abolish ICE one is offensive. These are law enforcement people, and they are charged with expelling undocumented people, priority is criminals who she is indirectly advocating for “to sleep better”... Begs the question is how many undocumented people are part of her constituency, and how many of them illegally voted for her.
What still amazes me is she was elected and enough people believe in this crazy agenda. If you watch her interviews on youtube, unrehearsed ad lib, all seem quite naive and embarrassing. Free isn’t Free, somebody needs to pay. She is talking about free college, I don’t know what happened to affordable local state colleges prices, it seems todays prices have inflated way too much so I get the frustration. There have been too many lies made up about “getting ahead” by going into student debt and too much administrative overhead at Colleges and Universities.

Supposedly she has a degree in Economics. If you listen to Ben Shapiro or other young political people on TV, whether you believe in their ideas or not, at least they express themselves professionally.

The abolish ICE one is offensive. These are law enforcement people, and they are charged with expelling undocumented people, priority is criminals who she is indirectly advocating for “to sleep better”... Begs the question is how many undocumented people are part of her constituency, and how many of them illegally voted for her.

I can tell by watching her youtube videos, her ideology comes from books, other people and a mix of both that she has made, while some of it sounds just fantastic, none of it is life realities, Her ideology would do well for a socialist county, that if she actually knew how to implement all the smack she talks, which she has no idea how to even start the implementation of her term she was elected for yet. then maybe something that comes out of her mouth would be genuine ideals.
We are f*cked, royally f*cked as a society, unbelievable, becoming a Godless society IMO.
Then I read on the net yesterday I believe it was, that a majority of Americans prefer that Christ not be associated with Chistmas.

All aspiring despots, dictators and cult leaders have to eliminate any competition of ideas to succeed. They always start with the family and religion. Break down the family, and let the govt/cult take up the slack. Eliminate religion and let the govt/cult tell you what's right and wrong. Finally, to eliminate any vestiges of common sense, implement extreme and forced changes in the culture. There are no longer men and women, for example. Or, as Orwell would say, war is peace. This will cause people to deny even what they know to be common sense, and open the doors to the acceptance of even crazier ideas, like genocide. (Though, for that, one has to create a social divide...)

All the boxes are being checked, and I fear the only way the US will come out of this is through massive destruction - the way Japan ended World War 2. But the US will probably take the rest of the world with it.

People who find this to be crazy conjecture are already primed and loaded for their eventual masters.
Miniature horses, monkeys and pigs can legally fly as emotional support animals on at least one Canadian airline but an advocate for travellers says the vast majority of jet-setting comfort animals are far less exotic and are a truly necessary accommodation for people with disabilities.”

Service animals are fine. They’re trained, certified and invaluable to their handlers. They may be seeing eye dogs, seizure or diabetic crisis detection animals, trained to pick things up for someone... I don’t care what species they are as long as they’re genuine, certified service animals.

Emotional support and “comfort” animals not so much. There are no training or certification standards - you can call anything an “emotional support” animal. Usually it’s some pet owner who just wants to bring Fluffy with them, and they’re a public nuisance because they’re not trained. Poop all over, bite people, etc.

Don’t even get me started on fake service animals.

Both do a great disservice to REAL service dogs and the people who rely on them.

That said, AOC is young, naive, being “groomed” - built up and flattered (and personally I think “used”) - by the Bernie camp. I don’t think she’s “stupid”, just ambitious, idealistic, outspoken and VERY inexperienced. Kind of like a college kid - you know, that age when you think you know everything and have yet to get a good reality check on how much you don’t. What comes out of her mouth isn’t filtered or calculated to produce good press, so I guess you could say she’s “politically incorrect”, no?

I don’t agree with most of what she says either. But why the hostility? Let’s give her some time to do her job - ignore the hype. Either she’ll fizzle out and become yesterday’s news or she’ll grow up and grow into it.

New Yorkers aren’t fooled for long, if she doesn’t come through for her constituents she’ll be done.
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In today’s Fake News department...
Ex-Trump adviser Roger Stone admits to spreading lies online in lawsuit settlement

A defamation lawsuit filed by Guo in May said Stone had used the far-right conspiracy theory site InfoWars to accuse Guo of making illegal political donations to Hillary Clinton and financing a presidential run by former Trump strategist Steve Bannon.
All the boxes are being checked, and I fear the only way the US will come out of this is through massive destruction

hahahaha, always death and destruction of the U.S. Hasn't stepped foot in the country in 20 years.

@mr-x - is there some reason you never check him? You said something about Kate being anti-American and this guy literally is. Doesn't matter who's President. It seems you're afraid to disagree with Pro-Trumpers for some reason. Last time you did, Gilsan took a week off.

Left alone, Republicans talked about Hillary, Ocasio, little boys dancing on stage, Judgement Day. Not 1 Trump post.

Flynn in court for sentencing, with 'Good luck' wish from Trump
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Bookmark dump.............

Mick Mulvaney in October 2016: Trump would be disqualified from office in an 'ordinary universe'

Michael Flynn: Trump’s national security adviser lied about his contact with Russian ambassador, Mueller sentencing memo confirms
Flynn's lawyers claimed he had been entrapped

Mueller releases memo summarizing interview with Michael Flynn

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' Loses Another Advertiser As Bowflex Backs Out

Russia used every major social network to aid Trump, Senate report finds

This just popped up:

Trump Foundation agrees to dissolve under court supervision

The lawsuit will continue in court because it also seeks two other outcomes: $2.8 million in restitution, plus penalties, and a ban on Trump and his three eldest children serving on the board of any other New York nonprofit.


Just catching up. I guess Trump is having daily breakdowns:

Biggest outrage yet in the long, winding and highly conflicted Mueller Witch Hunt is the fact that 19,000 demanded Text messages between Peter Strzok and his FBI lover, Lisa Page, were purposely & illegally deleted. Would have explained whole Hoax, which is now under protest!

Good luck today in court to General Michael Flynn. Will be interesting to see what he has to say, despite tremendous pressure being put on him, about Russian Collusion in our great and, obviously, highly successful political campaign. There was no Collusion!

Facebook, Twitter and Google are so biased toward the Dems it is ridiculous! Twitter, in fact, has made it much more difficult for people to join @realDonaldTrump. They have removed many names & greatly slowed the level and speed of increase. They have acknowledged-done NOTHING!

Russia Dossier reporter now doubts dopey Christopher Steele’s claims! “When you get into the details of the Steele Dossier, the specific allegations, we have not seen the evidence to support them. There’s good grounds to think that some of the more sensational allegations.....

...WILL NEVER BE PROVEN AND ARE LIKELY FALSE.” Thank you to Michael Isikoff, Yahoo, for honesty. What this means is that the FISA WARRANTS and the whole Russian Witch Hunt is a Fraud and a Hoax which should be ended immediately. Also, it was paid for by Crooked Hillary & DNC!

Michael Isikoff was the first to report Dossier allegations and now seriously doubts the Dossier claims. The whole Russian Collusion thing was a HOAX, but who is going to restore the good name of so many people whose reputations have been destroyed?
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 4h
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Nun-chucks are now protected by the #2A. That is all.
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