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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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"The notion that simply being born within the geographical limits of the United States automatically confers U.S. citizenship is an absurdity – historically, constitutionally, philosophically and practically.

Constitutional scholar Edward Erler has shown that the entire case for birthright citizenship is based on a deliberate misreading of the 14th Amendment. The purpose of that amendment was to resolve the question of citizenship for newly freed slaves. Following the Civil War, some in the South insisted that states had the right to deny citizenship to freedmen. In support, they cited 1857’s disgraceful Dred Scott v. Sandford decision, which held that no black American could ever be a citizen of the United States.

A constitutional amendment was thus necessary to overturn Dred Scott and to define the precise meaning of American citizenship.

That definition is the amendment’s very first sentence: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.”

The amendment clarified for the first time that federal citizenship precedes and supersedes its state-level counterpart. No state has the power to deny citizenship, hence none may dispossess freed slaves.

Second, it specifies two criteria for American citizenship: Birth or naturalization (i.e., lawful immigration), and being subject to U.S. jurisdiction. We know what the framers of the amendment meant by the latter because they told us. Sen. Lyman Trumbull of Illinois, a principal figure in drafting the amendment, defined "subject to the jurisdiction" as "not owing allegiance to anybody else," that is, to no other country or tribe. Sen. Jacob Howard of Michigan, a sponsor of the clause, further clarified that the amendment explicitly excludes from citizenship "persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, [or] who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers."

Yet for decades, U.S. officials - led by immigration enthusiasts in and out of government - have acted as though "subject to the jurisdiction" simply means "subject to American law." That is true of any tourist who comes here. The framers of the 14th Amendment added the jurisdiction clause precisely to distinguish between people to whom the United States owes citizenship and those to whom it does not. Freed slaves definitely qualified. The children of immigrants who came here illegally clearly don't.

Practically, birthright citizenship is, as Erler put it, "a great magnet for illegal immigration." This magnet attracts not just millions of the world's poor but also increasingly affluent immigrants. "Maternity hotels" for pregnant Chinese tourists advertise openly in Southern California and elsewhere. Fly to the United States to have your baby, and its silly government will give him or her American citizenship!

It is no wonder that citizens of other countries take advantage of our foolishness. Life is still better here than almost anywhere else, including rising China and relatively prosperous Mexico. The wonder is that we Americans continue to allow our laws to be flouted and our citizenship debased.

The problem can be fixed easily. Congress could clarify legislatively that the children of noncitizens are not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, and thus not citizens under the 14th Amendment. But given the open-borders enthusiasm of congressional leaders of both parties, that's unlikely.

It falls, then, to Trump. An executive order could specify to federal agencies that the children of noncitizens are not citizens. Such an order would, of course, immediately be challenged in the courts. But officers in all three branches of government - the president no less than judges - take similar oaths to defend the Constitution. Why shouldn't the president act to defend the clear meaning of the 14th Amendment?

Judges faithful to their oaths will have no choice but to agree with him. Birthright citizenship was a mistake whose time has gone.



In 2011, journalist and writer Vanessa Hua was living in Claremont, California, pregnant with twins, when she heard about a local phenomenon. Throughout southern California, dozens of pregnant Chinese women, bellies heavy with imminent babies, were living together in shared homes.

The women were both boarders and patients in what were called “maternity hotels”– American houses where women from Taiwan and the mainland resided, typically from their sixth month of pregnancy until giving birth. The reason? So that they could deliver their children on United States soil, giving their precious progeny American citizenship.

Why ‘birth tourism’ from China persists, despite US crackdown
The empire-waisted silhouettes and heaving, swollen breasts of these women hardly went unnoticed. “Neighbours were asking why so many expectant Chinese women were coming and going into suburban homes,” Hua recalls from news accounts. “It sounded like a brothel in reverse.”


No one knows how many maternity hotels there are in the US, as most operate covertly. However, according to the BusinessWeek story, the Center for Immigration Studies estimates that in 2012 there could have been as many as 36,000 birth tourists from around the world. At least one maternity hotel has advertised its services for US$30,000 (gold package) to US$60,000 (premium package, which includes the “mother’s visa, the baby’s passport, round-trip airfare, a two-bedroom apartment, a hospital room with a view of the ocean, a nanny and a seminar on buying property in the US”, writes BusinessWeek). And many of the administrators, doctors and medics work with the birth tourists on a cash-only basis, creating a vexing black hole for US agencies such as the Internal Revenue Service. Indeed, Homeland Security officials were investigating the owners of USA Happy Baby for suspected tax evasion, money laundering and tax fraud.
Great in depth article about this problem... thanks!
Ex-Dem Latina @ExDemLatina

Republican HQ office in Volusia, FL Shot up. If this was a Democrat HQ office all the media would be there now blaming Trumps rhetoric & twitter would make #DemocratShooter trend #1 all day.

See Video;

The desperation. I wonder how many other places Republicans will shoot up.

Poll: Gillum leads DeSantis by 6 points in Florida
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Has made it into the NamePros Dollar Domains section yet?
@offthehandle @mr-x any other Kanye fans? This is what happens when you roll with somebody off their meds -

@kanyewest 6h6 hours ago
I introduced Candace to the person who made the logo and they didn’t want their name on it so she used mine. I never wanted any association with Blexit. I have nothing to do with it.

@kanyewest 6h6 hours ago
My eyes are now wide open and now realize I’ve been used to spread messages I don’t believe in. I am distancing myself from politics and completely focusing on being creative !!!

Doesn't that sound like what I posted earlier, being used for a photo op.

@kanyewest 7h7 hours ago
I support those who risk their lives to serve and protect us and I support holding people who misuse their power accountable. I believe in love and compassion for people seeking asylum and parents who are fighting to protect their children from violence and war.

@kanyewest 7h7 hours ago
I support creating jobs and opportunities for people who need them the most, I support prison reform, I support common-sense gun laws that will make our world safer.

Did he get to his senses? Did Kim cut him off? Is he worried about the album dropping soon? This:
"Translation: My target market ain’t buying my stuff anymore and the #MAGA crowd won’t buy it either."
6:06 PM - Oct 30, 2018

What will Candace do now? Looks like she's already unpinning some stuff. I think Kanye is feeling used by her.

Kanye West designs BLE XIT shirts, encouraging blacks to exit the democratic party.

Kanye says this statement is false.
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#BLEXIT is about the beautiful stories of so many black people who have awakened themselves to the possibilities of our future, as Americans. The press is trying to use Kanye’s name to create drama and further divisiveness which is WRONG.


tressaH‏ @tressahommel 5h5 hours ago
Replying to @RealCandaceO
I looked for your tweet where you gushed about Kanye designing the shirts and how he was inspired by a visit to Honduras, or something, ooh, the colors, but.... I couldn’t find it. Did you delete it? You are known for that, after all.

She deleted past tweets, but some people have them, plus she's on video. Lying. Video of her lying found in here:

Shocking that this fraud got busted lying. I told you from the beginning she was a fraud.
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I can't keep up with all the Trump L's today.

"Bombshell: Tape shows Roger Stone claiming he was "in touch" with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange before hacked emails were published:"

Now Bill Mitchell is accusing Wohl of being a Democratic operative. Meanwhile, even the QAnon forums aren't buying it—they're claiming it's a deep-state plot meant to take down Mueller for getting too close to their secrets.
8:49 PM - Oct 30, 2018
Will Sommer @willsommer

Jacob Wohl trying to scam Robert Mueller is like the scene in the first 10 minutes of every Terminator film where a guy punches the robot and breaks his hand
4:14 PM - Oct 30, 2018
Mike Drucker @MikeDrucker


"Yeah, he headed the FBI, but we can totally take him down -- my mom gave her number for the website, bro, we're good."

This is officially the Fyre Festival of covert action.

But Billy MacFarland will still have a nicer prison cell than you assclowns.

8:19 PM - Oct 30, 2018

#Maddow expression while talking about @JacobAWohl is everything I hoped it would be


So much fuckery, the Carnival show.
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This is what happens when you roll with somebody off their meds

Come’on. You need to be politically correct so you stay aligned with your favorite group of the word police. You are labeling someone as a mentally ill person, and stigmatizing this disease. If you don’t be careful you might be labeled yourself as unsympathetic democrat using politically incorrect terminology to describe a “mentally challenged person.” Or whatever proper liberal designed label applies, lol.

Gloat, applaud, celebrate and join your Kardashian friends success in their arm twisting they did to shame him into returning to what Candace calls the democrats plantation. Treat or treat.
Come’on. You need to be politically correct so you stay aligned with your favorite group of the word police. You are labeling someone as a mentally ill person, and stigmatizing this disease. If you don’t be careful you might be labeled yourself as unsympathetic democrat using politically incorrect terminology to describe a “mentally challenged person.” Or whatever proper liberal designed label applies, lol.

Gloat, applaud, celebrate and join your Kardashian friends success in their arm twisting they did to shame him into returning to what Candace calls the democrats plantation. Treat or treat.

So just today alone Wohl exposed, Candace exposed, Kanye doing a 180, Kellyanne's Husband getting at Trump, another story showing more collusion etc. Too much for just 1 day.

To help understand the mom reference above, this dude used his mom's phone number, hahaha:

The greatest grifter story ever told: Krassenstein brother busts Jacob Wohl over Mueller plot

And then Gateway Pundit promoted "exclusive documents" from a company that shares a phone number with...Wohl's mother? It's a lot to take in.

Isn't Gateway Pundit one of the sites you guys like to use?


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Then, Jim Hoft of the Gateway Pundit, a far-right website that peddles absurd conspiracy theories and has a White House credential, published “EXCLUSIVE DOCUMENTS” claiming Mueller had been accused of rape.

FAR RIGHT. Right. Whiney liberal speak.

Nothing absurd about TGP. A bunch of knucklehead lobbyist swampers, Rino’s, idiots must have stepped in their own $hit. Dumb behavior, trying to imitate the democratic playbook.

Mainstream news about one of your CNN heros.

“And President Trump’s approval number from black voters hit 25% on Monday.
This is a huge blow to Democrats who need around 85% of the black vote to win national elections.”

One day I want to come to this thread and see you be less gullible. If you really think Trump has a 40% approval rating from blacks, I don't know what to tell you. Especially since we went over this before:

Didn't even read the poll right.

"And President Trump’s approval number from black voters hit 25% on Monday."

It says 40%, look at it. The 40% is Total Approve, the 25% is Strongly Approve.

No, 40% of blacks do not approve. Go reread the link above, every other poll has him at single digits or barely above it. 40%, be real.

Look at the Total Approve Number, under Black it says 40%.

On top of that, I've lost count how many times we've went over what a joke the Rasmussen polls are, but you still use them.
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@GILSAN have you seen this publication? Just bumped into it.

Also according to Nord Bayern, the authorities are in possession of a threatening letter in Arabic, pledging more attacks and the incident took place near a bridge with Arabic graffiti.

Adult refugee rapes 12-year-old daughter of his French foster family because ‘he was in love
While I am “Far Right field” might as well post this.

“Anchor Baby Population in U.S. Exceeds One Year of American Births

The number of United States-born children who were given birthright citizenship despite at least one of their parents being an illegal alien living in the country now outnumbers one year of all American births.
A new Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report reveals the booming number of U.S.-born children to illegal aliens who are given automatic citizenship, forever anchoring their families in the U.S.”

“These children are commonly known as “anchor babies,” as they are able to eventually bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the U.S. through the process known as “chain migration.” Every two new immigrants to the U.S. brings an estimated seven foreign relatives with them.”


A group of Central American migrants facing deportation set fire to a Mexican immigration facility in an apparent attempt to escape. The alleged arson comes at a time when Mexican authorities reported the use of firearms and Molotov cocktails within the migrant caravans as they make their way through Mexico to the United States.
The fire was reportedly started at a facility dual-purposed as a checkpoint and makeshift detention center for Mexico’s National Migration Institute (INM) in Pijijiapan, Chiapas, when a group of migrants housed there set fire to their mattresses, Televisa Noticiasreported. According to local public safety director Jaime Marroquin, authorities were housing 21 men, five women, and three children which were in the process of being deported. The migrants reportedly set fires to give cover to their escape.
hillary clinton jokes that all blacks look alike :zippermouth: simply disgusting
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JB spends a lot of time monitoring President Trump
"Our state director is Indian-American, BUT he does an amazing job. Our director of all constituent services, she's African-American, BUT she does an even more incredible job than you could ever imagine." - Democratic Indiana Senator Joe Donnelly.

It's OK because they're democrats.

"We have to stop demonizing people and realize the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them." - CNN's Don Lemon.
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Good outline of recent immigration / US policy history.

Youtube immediately marked this video as "violent / dangerous" but later removed the warning. This is what happens when you let partisan groups police free speech.
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Speaking of racist..

Media complex makes a big thing about Pres. Trump saying "You Had Very Fine People, On Both Sides" of a protest in Charlottesville where a woman was murdered by a white supremacist.

Liberals have shortened this to Pres. Trump saying white nationalist were very fine people as part of a larger narrative of Pres. Trump being a racist.

In this video, it's obvious how confrontational the media is with Pres. Trump. But listen to what he actually says. It's clear he's referring to people people on both sides protesting the renaming of a park and removal Gen. Less's statue. Not the rabid fringes on either side.

If Obama or Clinton had said this, the media would explain the "nuance" and context of this statement. But they hate Trump, don't really like Republicans so they ignore the context.

Enjoy your day.
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