
Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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He was just getting his Laurens/names mixed up, Lauren Southern vs. Tomi Lahren, then Tomi Lahren vs. Tommy Robinson
Oh, OK... but I never mentioned that person Tommy Lauren in my posts. Did I?

My bad, I confused her with Tomi Lahren.
He was just getting his Laurens/names mixed up, Lauren Southern vs. Tomi Lahren, then Tomi Lahren vs. Tommy Robinson

Me and Crazy Maxine. Maybe I should run for the Senate.
My bad, I confused her with Tomi Lahren.
OK... you confused Lauren Southern to Tomi Lahren, me thinks. Now let me find out who Tomi Lahren is...
OK... you confused Lauren Southern to Tomi Lahren, me thinks. Now let me find out who Tomi Lahren is...

Appearance is similar. Tomi was fired from the Blaze for being a first class diva / douche.
Their opinion pieces and editorial choices lean left and they are critical of the current administration. As right leaning media was of the last

Filed under: CNN politics. Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large. I thought editors were editors, not talking head opinionators. Their opinions are no more valuable than yours or mine or anybody elses. As far as I am concerned News is no longer news. Most of the time it is not factual reporting, it is opinion reporting, and the same topics over and over again. hour after hour. It's really disgusting.

Collins defintion of News Editor, I don't see the word "opinion" in that job description:

a person who is in charge of the news desk at a newspaper or broadcasting organization and whose job is to oversee the selection and preparation of news items for publication or broadcast

News Analyst (Not editor)

A news analyst examines, analyses and interprets broadcast news received from various sources. Sometimes also called newscasters or news anchor or Broadcast News Analyst. News analysts write commentaries, columns, or scripts. They coordinate and sometimes serve as an anchor on news broadcast programs. They develop perspectives about news subjects through research, interviews, observation, and experience.

Do a word search in your browser, not once is "OPINION" written on the CNN page.
Analysis is. So our news media has been re-arranged to be the majority of opinions- not reporting news. And opinions are analysis. Remove the ysis, and that's where it comes from.

When something is honestly analyzed, it has no preconceived ideas. It is objective. However, these days A "news analyst" is an person whose opinion fits the propaganda being spewed. Sometimes, they are more objective.

As though this subject were being analyzed scientifically, objectively etc. This is what the MSM has gotten to, both sides are reporting more opinions- than news. I watched RT nightly in Asia around the election time, some opinion, just reporting about ALL AROUND THE WORLD! I was really enjoying or disgusted it depending on what was being reported, as I cannot stand being stuck with CNN international twisting things their way. In the past I have liked the BBC a lot of it, not sure now.

The 64 most outrageous lines from Donald Trump's untethered Pennsylvania speech

Today. Under politics. “Analysis”. Does not say opinion anywhere, unless I read it wrong. Analysis and Opinion- two different words, that the news media all of it has propagandized news. News analysis sounds official, like “expert”, they are selling books and getting free airtime to promote themselves.

The author opines” This is Trump talking about Washington. It's a throwaway line, but think about what he is saying here. It's not just that there are people who disagree with him in Washington. It's that these people are bad, they are evil.“

Trump speaks the truth from his perspective, and the author twists it to his narrative that “all people are bad”.

The Swamp is full of paid off politicians on both sides, then govt uniin employees, deadweight, the bloated obese government is disgusting, I have 100% agreement with there is evil and then there are the globalists, both sides. Bush, Clinton, Obama, etc. The reason he says its full of evil, is they are career employees afraid of losing their jobs, leaking information, blabbling against him like that ignorant attention w&$#*e, immediately going on TV Scamarosa whats her name. No dignity at all.

I watch fox, and actually switched to digital cable in order to see it because it was not included in my analog signal and after 2 years of their changes of anti-this and anti-that, I had to get something else. I like Laura and Tucker. Hannity I get tired of his droning on the same thing over and over.

Ok- so here is the headline. If it were about politics and reporting it would not have stripped out everything. So I go to google to get a transcript keyword is "donald trump pennsylvania speech transcript", as I don't want to watch the entire speech- well of course leftist google give me this search result. CNN highlighted at top! not the 3rd one down. Outrageously biased.

So I do a word search for "Evil" to bring this in to context. It's not there!

So now I go to bing. Entire page filled with old speeches. Duckduckgo, same thing cnn at thetop. I am now into this 20 minutes trying to find his speech in writing.

Ok, so I find it:

"It's not easy. That Washington D.C., it got a lot of evil there, but we're getting it out step by step. A lot of evil, a lot of bad people, a lot of bad people, lot of fake media, look at them. A lot of fake media, fake, fake media."

So search above that paragraphs "Wallstreet", his next positive line. NONE. Biased. This is not reporting.

"And not all of my friends on Wall Street loved it. But we love it, because we know what it does. Many plants have just announced over the last few days that they're expanding, opening. Steel is back. It's going to be back to, steel is back, and aluminum is back, gonna be back. And on November 8, Pennsylvania is the state that gave us the 45th President of the United States. And I think we're doing a good job for you. I hope so. We're working hard."

So I went to see about Reuters- and here is the front page headline:

In bow to NRA, Trump throws gun purchase age to states, courts

"Bow to NRA", That's opinion. I give up. I am not going any further.

Tired of all this really. Nothing seems factual except accidents, killings, disasters, plane crashes, and sports- NONE of which I am interested in at all. Entertainment not interested in either as it has been ruined mostly by Hollywood.


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Sheriff Scott Israel still has a job.. Makes me wonder what kind of information he has on politicians in FL
Comrade 45 strangely silent on the poison scandal that is rocking the UK, but he otherwise has the time for mundane tweets.
Imagine what Reagan would have tweeted, or any other past US president for the matter. At the very least, he would have exerted strong pressure on Russia to come clean about its poisons program, and cooperate with the investigation. And he firmly side with the UK, both in words and in deeds.
How will the US react if and when the UK formally charges Russia for the attack committed on its soil. The special relationship is being tested. Stay tuned.
Another shocking case of Muslim grooming gangs in the UK..

'Girls must be saved from going through this hell': Call for public inquiry into Telford sex scandal as it emerges up to 1,000 children as young as 11 were drugged, beaten and raped over 40 years

  • Gang in Telford, Shropshire, has been sexually abusing teen girls since the 1980s
  • Allegations 'have been mishandled by authorities' with attackers left unpunished
  • Telford's Tory MP, Lucy Allan, has called for an urgent Rotherham-style inquiry
  • Lucy Lowe, 16, was murdered alongside her mother and sister after her abuser set fire to their house. She had given birth to his child at just 14

Telford sex scandal: Timeline of abuse
1980s Girls in Telford are targeted by groups of mainly Pakistani men

1996 A resident goes to police with information about a key abuser selling underage girls for sex

Late 1990s Social workers learn of the problem but do little to help

2000 Lucy Lowe, 16, is killed alongside her mother and sister in an arson attack by abuser Azhar Ali Mehmood

2002 - Abuse victim Becky Watson, 13, is killed in a road accident described as a 'prank'

2010-2012 - Police probe Operation Chalice identifies potential 200 abusers but only nine are jailed

2016 MP - Lucy Allan calls for public inquiry but police and council officials in Telford write to Home Secretary Amber Rudd saying this isn't necessary

March - 2018 As many as 1,000 victims are believed to have been abused

UK Authorities didn't do anything because they were afraid of being called "racist". These POS authorities should all be jailed... problem is the bastards won't jail themselves and a very high % of them are Muslims...

Instead, let's lock up some right wing conservatives like
Lauren, Brittany and Martin Sellner, to name just a few, for highlighting these and other problems for years.

This is what's TOP PRIORITY for these MF's... lock and ban Conservatives.
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Why Trump Won #Elventy Eleventy Million

TL;DW - People who didn't vote for Hillary are terrible racist.

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I doubt her husband voted for her.
I'm surprised Comey is still above ground.
Meet The 'Right Wing' Couple Banned From The UK
Comrade 45 strangely silent

I thought our President might be more interested in problems at home. Besides that, the UK politicians are too busy babysitting and creating welfare programs of the recent highly qualified immigrants to be bothered. That and kicking out Austrian and American right wing activists.
I thought our President might be more interested in problems at home. Besides that, the UK politicians are too busy babysitting and creating welfare programs of the recent highly qualified immigrants to be bothered. That and kicking out Austrian and American right wing activists.

I wonder if Kate misses the irony of calling Trump comrade when his predecessor was an actual marxist who opened relations with a brutal communist dictator and received nothing but insults from Cuban Gov, then attacked our diplomats.
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Nothing fails to keep me amused.

The mayor of London enters the US to lecture US companies as though there are some international free speech laws and the need for more censorship. He can’t even control his own Zoo, with the attacks there. I guess he mistakenly believes we are still part of the “colony”.

I am sure glad that independent websites exist, as social media will be done, all left, all biased and propagandized more and more. Censorship is here already, more searching today and google can’t find the Maxine Waters comments, only CNN. Google search is supposed to be “user intent”, now its becoming “google censor intent”.

Then you’d think the Khan he might have some sort of best foot forward approach to the tension, and at least handshake with the President, but instead bypasses diplomacy and does not bother to meet with the president.

So now he gives a public speech? this foreigner nobody is allowed to be involved in American business and politics? How stupid. Meanwhile, the American woman Pettibone is simultaneously kicked out of the UK. I suppose he is “special” I have no idea why, he is an ordinary person like Brittiney, not a registered diplomat just a mayor, (correct me if I am wrong and he has a diplomatic passport) he has no free speech rights since he isnt American, nor has any business telling americans on our soil what we can say and do. KMFA. but of course I suppose he was invited by leftists to speak.
Collins defintion of News Editor, I don't see the word "opinion" in that job description:

a person who is in charge of the news desk at a newspaper or broadcasting organization and whose job is to oversee the selection and preparation of news items for publication or broadcast

News Analyst (Not editor)

A news analyst examines, analyses and interprets broadcast news received from various sources.

Try the words “selection” and “interprets”.

Right and left leaning media both select stories and present interpretations of them that appeal to their audiences.

Tillerson grows a spine and now he’s out. Next up on the chopping block, Pompeo.

In other news, FOIA
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