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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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They don't provide h/c. They give referrals for everything but abortions. Pretty much proven they sell baby parts. Big part of their bottom line.

Facts don't care about your feeling.

Read the link. Found no selling of baby parts. You mention facts but base everything on some doctored video. I know you didn't read the link the first time, because you replied too quickly.

No services? I think the people that use their services would disagree with you.

"Services provided by PPFA include birth control and long-acting reversible contraception; emergency contraception; clinical breast examinations; cervical cancer screening; pregnancy testing and pregnancy options counseling; testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections; sex education; vasectomies; LGBT services; and abortion."

"Pretty much proven they sell baby parts."

Can you link that up for me?
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Weird how I can't find any liberals or regressives upset about corruption in the WH or DOJ before 2017.
They were too busy kissing Obama's ass at the time.

Now they're too busy kicking Trump's and Russia's ass
1) Yes it is.

2) Everyone has a right to due process, even men. Read the #4A & #5A. The right to a fair trail is not a granted right.. it belongs to use naturally. The constitution is a restraint on Gov. to protect our NATURAL rights. Regardless of #SJW feelings

** edit. That is why immigrants, refugees, visitors and even people her illegally have the same right every American citizen enjoys. They are defined as natural rights, grants by God not a fickle government.

3) PP pretends to be a H/C provider. They provide 50% of all abortions, then sell the mutilated bodies for medical research.

4) When you find a law Trump or his cabinet have broken let me know. I can point you to dozens broken by Obama including illegally sending cash to a terrorist nation.

1) Is not. Neener, neener, neener.
2) I never said they didn't. I said there's a serious problem that needs to be addressed so the disturbing trend of college rapes and assaults reverses itself. I hear a lot of voices from the far right minimizing the problem - that's disturbing.
3) They are a healthcare provider, and an important resource for low income & college age. 3% of their services are abortions and not a cent of federal funding goes to that. They provide low cost contraception. If contraception is affordable and available, fewer abortions.
4) We have people working on that, if the orange one doesn't further pull a Nixon and fire them. Obstruction of justice may be likely, conspiring with a hostile foreign power ... probably money laundering in there too...
4a) We're not talking about Obama. Stop whatabouting and changing the subject.

Current degree of corruption is going to make Watergate look like a parking ticket.
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sexual assault on college campuses has gotten to be a very serious problem that needs to be addressed, not minimized. 20% of women. 1 in 5.
Looks like too much promiscuous behavior from American youth and in particular from the girls. Reduce that and you may reduce sexual assaults down considerably from the 20%.

EXCLUSIVE: Fort Lauderdale is slammed with wild Spring Breakers as explosive brawls break out and drunken students pass out on the sand
  • Fort Lauderdale is bracing for the next seven weeks after it was hit with a storm of college students this week
  • Wild twenty-somethings stormed the Florida beach for drinking, fighting, twerking and partying on Saturday
  • In a span of 20 minutes four explosive fights broke out, leading police to tackle the revelers to the ground
  • Arrest figures show 108 people were arrested on Friday and 113 on Thursday - most for public intoxication
  • Girls shotgunned cans of beer, played raucous games of giant beer pong and had Miller Lite poured on them
  • Drunk partiers stumbled off the beach with help from friends before 3pm and others passed out on the beach
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Hollywood, Fashion industry, TV, MTV, easy access to abortions etc. have had an enormous influence in this behaviour.


In the age of promiscuity, women have more sexual partners than men

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1) Is not. Neener, neener, neener.
2) I never said they didn't. I said there's a serious problem that needs to be addressed so the disturbing trend of college rapes and assaults reverses itself. I hear a lot of voices from the far right minimizing the problem - that's disturbing.

I haven't heard or read anyone minimizing rape. I have heard and read about a lot of fake accusations. Eric Holder treated illegal immigrants who actually committed rape better than men in college who were just accused.

3) They are a healthcare provider, and an important resource for low income & college age. 3% of their services are abortions and not a cent of federal funding goes to that. They provide low cost contraception. If contraception is affordable and available, fewer abortions.

Nope. They provide nothing but birth control and abortions. EVERYTHING else is a referral. The only h/c they provide, ultrasounds, etc. are related to the abortion.
That's your opinion. A blanket statement like that for over 800 instances isn't valid.

It is valid. When you have an actual thought not based in reflective hate for the current Gov, I'll explain it for you.

The words "rule of law" and "trump" in the same sentence is ludicrous, seeing as how he seems bent on circumventing it.

we lived through 8 years of lawless Gov attacking citizens, diverting public funds, outright corruption and obstruction of justice but OMG TRUMP!!! RUSSIA!!!

The left is still shell shocked. They have lost 80% of their political power. BUT RUSSIA!!
The best part about Trump is he has eight years to promote rule-of-law judges, not #sjw.
1) Is not. Neener, neener, neener.
3) They are a healthcare provider, and an important resource for low income & college age. 3% of their services are abortions and not a cent of federal funding goes to that. They provide low cost contraception. If contraception is affordable and available, fewer abortions.

ALL h/c provided by Planned Parenthood is in connection with an abortion.

Low cost contraception isn't H/C and available from many clinics.
ALL h/c provided by Planned Parenthood is in connection with an abortion.

How does a man get an abortion for himself?
1 in Five Women RAPED in College?

Not really. This fake stat is based on an anonymous online survey conducted by two universities.

Looks like too much promiscuous behavior from American youth and in particular from the girls. Reduce that and you may reduce sexual assaults down considerably from the 20%.

So you're comparing ordinary life on a college campus to a sensationalist article on spring break?

So are you suggesting the victims "asked for it?" Consensual sex is fine. But it's not a justification or excuse for sexual assault or rape.

It is valid. When you have an actual thought not based in reflective hate for the current Gov, I'll explain it for you.

My, aren't we feeling condescending today - LOL. Thanx, but I'll take a pass on the mansplaining offer.

When you have an actual thought that isn't preprogrammed alt right propaganda, we'll talk. Youre too busy reading that trash and wallowing in confirmation bias to have a clue what's going on.

ALL h/c provided by Planned Parenthood is in connection with an abortion.
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How the MSM works... Whites having children is bad for the climate. But there's a solution for that.... Bring in the refugees and replace the indigenous population
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GREAT TRUMP: Promised To Cut Two Regulations For Every New One. He's CRUSHING That.
Over first 6 months, the Trump administration has cut 16 old regulations for every new one added.
Trump Wipes Out 800 More Federal Regulations

That's great news. That's one of his most exciting promises, and it's good to see he is at least keeping to that one. Younger people who have grown up in a semi-police state take it for granted. But it's a whole different thing to see so many things people once did freely become illegal one by one. And former social disputes become criminal disputes. And normal business practices require ever more licenses and regulations to be obeyed. The end result being that the average person probably commits a felony a day without realizing it, and the US has a massive prison population.

Sadly, there are still many Americans who believe those laws "keep them safe." And for every discomfort or misfortune they encounter, they want a new law to "protect" them. It won't end will, but I am glad Trump is at least trying to counter the trend in one area. (Meanwhile, he seems happy enough to add new laws elsewhere. But that's to be expected from a big government guy.)
To veto or not to veto?

Almost unanimous sanctions bill - Russia, Iran, N. Korea - sitting in front of him.

He vetoes - it's virtually admitting he's pwnd. And will probably be overridden.
He signs it - Uncle Vlad's going to be very, very unhappy.

What's 2 scoops gonna do?

So laws that protect the quality of our food supply, air and drinking water, and protect consumers from predatory loan practices and the like ...just people whining about "every discomfort or misfortune they encounter?

Backlash to consumer and resource protective regulations is generally corporate interests, doing their own whining about "every discomfort or misfortune" their encounter. You can run a profitable business without screwing over everyone else - if regulations that keep you from doing that create more work, boo boo - hire some people to do it. Voila - jobs!

I'm probably older than you are - calling the USA a "police state" is a steaming pile of bullsh*t. We the people can still hold free elections, have a free press, and can criticize or campaign against our elected officials without ending up in jail, or in a box 6 feet under.

Eritrea, Uzbekistan, Belarus, N Korea, PRC, Russia, Turkey - now those are police states.
However rest assured D2S and friends are working hard to create a nice authoritarian government like his buddies have.
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That's great news. That's one of his most exciting promises, and it's good to see he is at least keeping to that one. Younger people who have grown up in a semi-police state take it for granted. But it's a whole different thing to see so many things people once did freely become illegal one by one. And former social disputes become criminal disputes. And normal business practices require ever more licenses and regulations to be obeyed. The end result being that the average person probably commits a felony a day without realizing it, and the US has a massive prison population.

Sadly, there are still many Americans who believe those laws "keep them safe." And for every discomfort or misfortune they encounter, they want a new law to "protect" them. It won't end will, but I am glad Trump is at least trying to counter the trend in one area. (Meanwhile, he seems happy enough to add new laws elsewhere. But that's to be expected from a big government guy.)

Majority of people don't realize most regulations are made by bureaucrats in committees, not congress.
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My, aren't we feeling condescending today - LOL. Thanx, but I'll take a pass on the mansplaining offer.

Just amazed at the reflex denials that anything good can come from Gov policy changes b/c Trump is president.

When you have an actual thought that isn't preprogrammed alt right propaganda, we'll talk. Youre too busy reading that trash and wallowing in confirmation bias to have a clue what's going on.

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It makes me sad to see so many progressives seem to have turned from the ideals of liberty and free thinking.
I'm probably older than you are - calling the USA a "police state" is a steaming pile of bullsh*t. We the people can still hold free elections, have a free press, and can criticize or campaign against our elected officials without ending up in jail, or in a box 6 feet under.

Eritrea, Uzbekistan, Belarus, N Korea, PRC, Russia, Turkey - now those are police states.
However rest assured D2S and friends are working hard to create a nice authoritarian government like his buddies have.

Radical conservationist at the U.S. Bureau of Land Management wanted to stop an Oregon rancher from passing over BLM land to water his cattle.

They harassed his livestock, flooded his land and made his life as miserable as possible. When BLM lost in federal court and were forced to honor the farmers land and water rights, they cooked up another scheme.

They charged him for starting a fire on federal owned wildland. YEARS earlier he used a backfire to stop a wildfire from destroying his pastor land. Backfires are a common practice to manage wildfires.

It didn't matter the fire he stopped was already burning on federal land. He and his oldest son went to prison for five years. Defanging the federal Gov is a good thing.
WE have a federal Gov whose leaders have abdicated their responsibility and have left bureaucrats in charge of interpreting laws and writing regulations. That doesn't make us North Korea.

Eliminating duplicate, unneeded, outdated rules that can be used by petty, swollen headed bureaucrats is a good thing.
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I'm probably older than you are - calling the USA a "police state" is a steaming pile of bullsh*t. We the people can still hold free elections, have a free press, and can criticize or campaign against our elected officials without ending up in jail, or in a box 6 feet under.

Eritrea, Uzbekistan, Belarus, N Korea, PRC, Russia, Turkey - now those are police states.
The US is a police state as a champion of mass surveillance. Even the Stasi didn't have such broad spying powers over the populace (I am not that old but I am old enough to remember the Stasi and siblings).
You are not really free when you are subject to mass surveillance and have no right to privacy. In America privacy is a dirty word.
Americans have limited freedoms including freedom of choice. In terms of press freedom: the US has been sliding steadily off the charts. Also, I would think that the country that has the highest rate of incarceration in the world must fit the definition of "police state" better than any other country. And the militarization of law enforcement in the US is plain crazy. The country is looking more and more like a battlefield with proliferation of swat teams, tanks and heavy weaponry visible even in small towns (hint: war surplus).

It's true that you still have free and fair elections, even though they are tainted with suspicion (not just Russian hacking but suspicions of fraud, inadequate voter registration etc).
The problem is lack of choice (party duopoly), democracy is diluted, the real decisions are made behind closed doors and your vote is increasingly meaningless. Not just a US problem though. Just because we have free elections doesn't mean freedoms are not being eroded (and lost for good). Democracy is a sham when you don't get a say (and influence) in the stuff that matters. When you vote for people who confiscate your voice and act against your interests, we have a failed democracy.

I guarantee that if you expose some serious government wrongdoing, you will end up in jail or in exile in Russia. On the other hand, the real criminals, those who violated the Constitution, they get a free pass or they are rewarded, even when they commit perjury by lying in front of Congress (Clapper). In a normal country, the president and the incumbent administration would have to stand trial for abuse of power. For example see Macedonia (still a very imperfect democracy). In the US impunity is the norm.
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