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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Is she holding a hot dog or is something wrong with that women's thumb?
I hadn't noticed that. That's really...
Horse + girl laughing.jpg
This is hardly a typical election. Standard predictors like that favor the "typical."

Why are the people who were screaming "family values" 4 years ago in favor of someone who cheated on his pregnant wife, tried to seduce someone else's wife, gives a media personally carte blanche to call his daughter a "piece of ass", incites his followers to violence, mocks the disabled, cheats contractors out of pay, cheats people out of hard earned money with the false hope of a fake "university", uses his "charity" for money laundering to pay his legal bills and buy portraits of himself?
Why are these same people not concerned that women are coming forward, a la Bill Cosby, with stories about him assaulting them?
Why are the people who were screaming about Obama's lack of experience 8 years ago willing to accept someone with even LESS experience? Who has never served in public office?
Why don't people who think he's a safe choice because "he doesn't need money" realize that he doesn't want money, he wants power?
The Russian connections - doesn't bother anyone?
The lack of transparency over his taxes - doesn't bother anyone?
Not to mention the mob-frenzy violence just under the surface of a lot of his followers.
We do that in this country?
American Fascism - anyone register that yet?

You replied to me so I'll answer for myself: I don't think either candidate are qualified to hold office. Any office.

I've been listening to CNBC talk about the who the markets are reacting to all week. It's nuts, there are just too many variable to consider.
Why are these same people not concerned that women are coming forward, a la Bill Cosby, with stories about him assaulting them?

What about it? Why did they wait until now? Gloria Aldred didn't know about them until CNN called her?

Why are the people who were screaming about Obama's lack of experience 8 years ago willing to accept someone with even LESS experience? Who has never served in public office?

Trump has some business experience. At least that the reason I hear when I ask this.

Why don't people who think he's a safe choice because "he doesn't need money" realize that he doesn't want money, he wants power?

Pretty sure he wants both. Just like Hillary.

The Russian connections - doesn't bother anyone?

Hillary's or Donald's? I'm pretty sure they could blackmail either.. difference is Trump would'nt care.

The lack of transparency over his taxes - doesn't bother anyone?

Are you talking about Obam's "most transparent administration eva!"

Not to mention the mob-frenzy violence just under the surface of a lot of his followers.
We do that in this country?
American Fascism - anyone register that yet?

Again.. much of this violence seems have been instigated by the DNC and their union goons. Liberalism has become a horrible mix of Marxism and Fascism.

They are more then happy to tell you what you can and can't say, interfere in your business, take your property, etc..

I live in the Northwest. Farmers and Ranchers here live in fear of the BLM and environmentalist. When a rancher took a BLM bureaucrat and environmentalist to court and won, they retaliated by flooding his property and starving his cattle.

Yeah.. Screw BHO's corrupt Chicago goons. I'll vote for Trump b/c Hillary will just be more of the same.
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What about it? Why did they wait until now?
Fear. Whether of retribution, career damage or whatever.

Most of the women I know have been assaulted at some time in their life. Groped, grabbed, raped, attempted rape ... non consensual. Statistics say 2 out of 3, I think it's higher. People don't speak up because of fear for a job/carreer, embarassment... rampant victim blaming ... In the workplace, if its your word against theirs running to human resources (if there is one) won't help you one bit.
Happens at professional conferences too. Standard bullying.
A kick to the gonads gets your point across, but that takes a lot of confidence and a no f*** given attitude to do that. Women are raised to play nice, so that reaction doesn't come naturally to all of us. Especially not early in life.
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Statistics say 2 out of 3
This stat has been proven false, a lie pushed by feminist and sjw.

speak up because of fear for a job/carreer, embarassment... rampant victim blaming ... In the workplace, if

Yeah, I just didn't find the porn star / hooker Gloria Aldred drug up convincing.

its your word against theirs running to human resources (if there is one) won't help you one bit.
A kick to the gonads gets your point across, but that takes a lot of confidence and a no f*** given attitude to do.

How is this any different then Bill and Hillary Clinton? Hillary attacked the women who spoke out against Bill.

Hillary is on tape laughing about successfully defending a rapist, who kidnapped, raped, then beat a 12 year old girl into a comma, by attacking THE 12 YEAR OLD GIRL.


Yes.. so please explain how you can vote for Hillary if you care about justice for women or children?
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Fear. Whether of retribution, career damage or whatever.

Most of the women I know have been assaulted at some time in their life. Groped, grabbed, raped, attempted rape ... non consensual. Statistics say 2 out of 3, I think it's higher. People don't speak up because of fear for a job/carreer, embarassment... rampant victim blaming ... In the workplace, if its your word against theirs running to human resources (if there is one) won't help you one bit.
Happens at professional conferences too. Standard bullying.
A kick to the gonads gets your point across, but that takes a lot of confidence and a no f*** given attitude to do that. Women are raised to play nice, so that reaction doesn't come naturally to all of us. Especially not early in life.
WOW.... You should move to Madeira. We respect women a lot more than what you are describing. Is that the influence of violent Hollywood?
WOW.... You should move to Madeira. We respect women a lot more than what you are describing. Is that the influence of violent Hollywood?

Yes, the guy who said in the past that a woman is asking for it based on how they're dressed.
Fear. Whether of retribution, career damage or whatever.

Most of the women I know have been assaulted at some time in their life. Groped, grabbed, raped, attempted rape ... non consensual. Statistics say 2 out of 3, I think it's higher. People don't speak up because of fear for a job/carreer, embarassment... rampant victim blaming ... In the workplace, if its your word against theirs running to human resources (if there is one) won't help you one bit.
Happens at professional conferences too. Standard bullying.
A kick to the gonads gets your point across, but that takes a lot of confidence and a no f*** given attitude to do that. Women are raised to play nice, so that reaction doesn't come naturally to all of us. Especially not early in life.

2 out of 3 stat is a strait up lie. It was made up.

One of my proudest moments as a father was the day a six foot + bum walked into our office and demanded money. My 4' 10' tall daughter barley raised her voice putting the fear of God and 9mm into him.

Teach your daughters to stand up for themselves. Teach your son's not to bad people.
Yes, the guy who said in the past that a woman is asking for it based on how they're dressed.

As horrible as that sounds... If you dress like a whore your going to attract bad attention. Not justifying bad behavior.
As horrible as that sounds... If you dress like a whore your going to attract bad attention. Not justifying bad behavior.

He does.
So you do for supporting the Clinton Crime Family

That makes no sense.

Doesn't matter how you dress, you don't touch, grab, assault, rape etc. Across the board. Gilsan disagreed with that in the past.
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That makes no sense.

If you have a problem with lechery, then don't vote for Clinton or Trump. They're a package deal. Hillary has been defending Bill for DECADES.

Write Scott Walker's name down.
Fear. Whether of retribution, career damage or whatever..

I apologize for being so blunt / mean about this. I hate both candidates. I find few redeeming qualities in either of them.

I'm voting for Trump b/c I think he'll be less bad then Hillary.
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If Trump wins, half the MSM journalists who have been working overtime to put Hillary in the White House, will probably commit suicide. The other half may end up in a mental institution.
What I hate most about this election, the media ignored, minimized really good candidates like Scott Walker and promoted Trump.

Roger Ailes is Trump's close friend. Murdock is Hillary's close friend. Emails prove Hillary wanted to compete against Trump.

I don't think it's a coincidence CNN, FOX, MSNB, ABC, CBS, NBC all fawned over Trump in the primary.
What I hate most about this election, the media ignored, minimized really good candidates like Scott Walker and promoted Trump.

Roger Ailes is Trump's close friend. Murdock is Hillary's close friend. Emails prove Hillary wanted to compete against Trump.

I don't think it's a coincidence CNN, FOX, MSNB, ABC, CBS, NBC all fawned over Trump in the primary.
Because Trump came out of the gate with some really controversial stuff like:
The wall,
Mexican and illegal immigration,
Talking about making better deals with other countries,
Islamic Terrorism and stopping Muslim immigration,
Funding his own campaign, while others were totally dependent on others,
Not afraid to bash the Media,
Being Politically Incorrect,
Accepting tons of interviews with every media outlet, while other candidates refused interviews.
Also... the Media wrongly thought that Trump would be the ideal candidate to run against Hillary possibly because he was the weakest in their opinion.

What the Media fails to realize is that they are regarded as untrustworthy and highly biased by a vast majority of the population. They still play a powerful role in electing Democrats, only because half the population has been brainwashed by them and Liberal policies in schools and colleges.

Today's MSM can go to Hell and stay there forever. They bring nothing good to humanity.

All these things are important to a very high % of the population, who, just like me, hate PC politicians or people. Trump may not be a good speaker, but he's good in business, in making deals and being really tough, which is bound to bring back a lot of respect and fear of the USA, especially from Islamic terrorist groups.

Once he's in the Oval Office, the US will regain its respect, just like Reagan on his first day in office got the news that the Americans hostages in Iran were released. They were released because Reagan was talking tough and was NOT gonna take any more sh*t from the Ayatollahs.

Trump... build that Wall and make it really tall
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I hate comparisons to Ronald Raegan.

Trump is a crass, opportunistic, ego manic. Reagan was a top class guy who cared about other people even if they didn't like him.

I don't know if Trump is better then Hillary. I do know Obama has corrupted or ignored corruption in the DOJ, IRS, EPA, and VA. I expect Hillary will continue, possibly even be worse.

I hope Trump will be better.

Liberal hate and intolerance has gotten out of control. Professors are being suspended for have the wrong thoughts, opinions by "diversity panels".. RUN BY OTHER PROFESSORS!

Sorry for the rant. If Trump can put a stake in the heart of PC culture, awesome. I'd never hold him up as an example of how I'd allow my Sons or Grandsons to behave.
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I hate comparisons to Ronald Raegan.

Trump is a crass, opportunistic, ego manic. Reagan was a top class guy who cared about other people even if they didn't like him.

I don't know if Trump is better then Hillary. I do know Obama has corrupted or ignored corruption in the DOJ, IRS, EPA, and VA. I expect Hillary will continue, possibly even be worse.

I hope Trump will be better.

Liberal hate and intolerance has gotten out of control. Professors are being suspended for have the wrong thoughts, opinions by "diversity panels".. RUN BY OTHER PROFESSORS!

Sorry for the rant. If Trump can put a stake in the heart of PC culture, awesome. I'd never hold him up as an example of how I'd allow my Sons or Grandsons to behave.
The only comparison to Reagan is about being tough in order for US to regain respect, especially from Islamic terrorism. Their personalities are totally different.

Reagan's world was vastly different to today's. Many of the issues are new and cannot be compared.

If and once Trump is elected, his posture is bound to change. He, like all US Presidents will be surrounded by advisers and speech writers, to make his job easier. He's already getting better at reading from teleprompters, though not as good as Obama and Hillary.

He will never be as good a Golf player as Obama, because he seems to be a workaholic, unlike Obama, who is cruising through his lazy Presidency without doing much and without being criticized by the MSM.

Look at the amount of rallies and interviews Trump has done in the past 18 months or so. It's really quite staggering the difference with what Hillary has done. I'm even willing to bet he has done a lot more that Obama did. That shows that Trump is a hard worker when compared to the lazy Obama and Hillary.

He has so much spare time that he 's been campaigning for Hillary for the past 2 months or more, which comes to prove that the US government can run perfectly well without Obama, so he really doesn't need to go back to Washington. He'll make no difference there.
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Beware of the George Soros voting machines. From Wiki release #23. Pretty Scary.
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^ Virtually everything I checked that Gilsan posts was false, or promoted a falsehood. Like most hate-fueled propagandist, the absence of truth drives the need to repeat the falsehood until they themselves believe it.
He came to mind while reading this, earlier today:

His most often repeated 'liberal media' lie is a good example. "Mainstream media" is corporate commercial media. Anybody who thinks corporate media is liberal media must be watching with their head up their ass.

Think of the most popular 'Liberal Groups', now count how many have TV programs on commercial media?
Now, put that number against the programs backed by conservative corps like the Koch Bros, DOW, etc.

Get a clue:
Mainstream media is conservative corporate media.
The 'Liberal Media' created the Indie film, TV & books market because mainstream media is conservative...

As far as 'Political Correctness':
I think conservatives have forgotten, the liberal policy & practice of 'political correctness' is a tolerance tool designed to protect those, in a multicultural society, with the most political crimes against other groups.

As it is now, the politically correct thing to do when a racist attacks another group, is to forgive & educate.
Replace that with "stand your ground" at your own peril.
^ Virtually everything I checked that Gilsan posts was false, or promoted a falsehood.

How often do you check the posts you agree with for veracity?
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